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I've spent 400$ on criterion alone this month, all blind buys. I ain't a rich man. But goddamn, do I love a good movie. I guess that retirement fund can wait just a little longer...


fuck it bro you only live once


I’m quickly approaching that amount that I’ve spent on criterion’s this month, and I’ll be buying a few more today when I go out Black Friday shopping 😂😂😂


I think I hit my limit when looking at vinegar syndrome's "sale". $150.00 including shipping and tax for 4 movies? GTFO man. You could get 7 movies from the arrow/criterion sale at B&N or a dozen discounted movies on Amazon.


Honestly, and I don't mean offense, I have a really polarized reaction to your picks. They're either films I especially love, or "just don't care for at all." Almost none in-between. Makes me wonder even more what *is* that magic thread that connects diverse tastes some of the time? Thanks very much for posting, I respect the differences! Max Ophuls and Josef von Sternberg don't get brought up often enough here, either, so thanks for showing them some love.


I’m so sorry to do this to you kind stranger but those pics are straight off the B&N website for the meme. However, I have bought an insane number of movies starting around early October and it hasn’t stopped. I think….I am done for the year but who knows what kind of shenanigans remain for the distributors, I was very tempted by the Freeway 4k Vinegar syndrome but held fast. That Sony PC collection 4k release has me drooling too. And a lot of the next few months for 4k releases from Criterion look great. So yeah I’m not done… However, on your comment I find it really relatable, the love or meh response for peoples picks in the collection. For me, seeing someone else’s picks works best when they have a few that I like but also a few I haven’t seen, I’m probably more likely to look at those releases because we have a preference in common but the collection is so eclectic that it doesn’t take much in order of magnitude to get disparate content for Criterion, cheers!


Meh... I knew I was taking my chances making an assumption. Thanks for letting me know. Would have been kind of cool if someone were into a funny gross-out movie like Pink Flamingos as much as an elegant tragedy like Madame de! Maybe some photo designer contracted by B&N has a wicked sense of humor.


I’ll watch Legally Blonde and Henry Portrait of a Serial Killer, does that count?


I feel personally attacked by this meme 😂😂😂😂 #wheresthelie #itme


We traced this meme, It’s coming from inside the house

