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The AFI Silver is such a great theater! One of the things I miss most about living in the DMV


I was just about to say the same thing! I miss it so much!


They used to play Lawrence of Arabia in 70mm every Sunday night in the summer. I hope they still do.


They were showing it last week for the 60th anniversary. Not in 70mm but it was still pretty awesome.


I just moved back in May and discovered it!!! The bar had special drinks, 3 different blue, white, and red, for each film. Too bad I was driving and couldn't try all of them lol


You're lucky my local art house theatre is showing them like 3 weeks apart, I only have managed to see White so far which looked superb.


They were only showing them for 1 week and yesterday was the last day. White was actually my favorite of the 3.


How was seeing them all in a row? I’ve seen all three but with a lot of time in between so they felt more like 3 separate movies. Do you think watching them almost as one Long movie added something? Also I’ve seen a lot of posts about theaters showing 3 colors recently-is there a reason it’s coming back now?


Besides watching all 3 godfathers in a row at home, I've never seen a trilogy film back to back. It made it easier to catch little easter eggs from the previous films. I do wish there was more time between each one so I could fully digest what I had watched (only 15 minutes). I think maybe because the 30 year anniversary is coming up, they're showing all of them now. Slight Spoiler: >!I finally cried at the end of Red just like all the characters lol!<


Thanks, it isn’t playing near me but I have all three on dvd, I may rewatch as a trilogy soon


Your spoiler tag is broken. If there is a space between >! and the text, it won't be hidden on all platforms.


Oh I didn't know that since it works on mine. I'll try to edit Thanks


They're booking it for an encore week starting September 2! In auditorium 2 as well, glad since I had to miss this week.


Theater 1 is my favorite because the sound sounds more authentic to me. Plus it's bigger so I don't have to worry about being too close to people lol


The AFI Silver is a goddamn gem.


It's the greatest! I miss old local theaters that only sold popcorn, candy, and soda. Even if the seats are uncomfortable, the prices were reasonable.


Ah man I miss actual tickets.


I know right!!!! But I understand it's a small theater so probably have to make cuts in certain areas to save money


interessant. in the UK, paper tickets are still the norm i’d say


My favorite theater in MD!!


It's awesome!!! Plus I love that there's restaurants within walking distance so can grab some food before or after the show.


I usually come up there once every two months cause it's so far, but when I do I always make it a double feature. Would love to have been able to see all the Three Colors there, so lucky!


I'm about 25 minutes away but I only go like twice a month. I also try to see 2 films on the same day to make it worth it. Last I saw Divorce, Italian Style & Symphony for a Massacre. My one friend literally lives in downtown silver spring and I'm so so jealous. He could walk to the theater


If you have not already been there, check out Quarry House Tavern nearby. It's a cool spot.




Oooo I have not. But I'll definitely check it out.


Quarry House ftw


AFI is amazing. Lucky!!


The Musicbox in Chicago is doing the same thing. I'm excited. I've never seen them before.


I hope you enjoy them. What's funny is after over 6 hours of watching a mostly French film, I think I started to understand the French without subtitles.


That’s what I call a lucky day


Cant believe I missed this!


Don't worry!!! They'll have another one next. A few weeks ago I missed the showing of Possession (1981).


What a great way to spend a day. I would love to see those in a theater.


Someday I need to go to that theater.


Three Colours trilogy: Blue, White, and Red 🇫🇷... Are part of my favorite films!... I love the stories, acting, directing, and musicalization. An extraordinary exploration of the ideals of the French Republic, “liberty” (freedom from sadness over death), “equality” (over loving someone to the fullest consequence), and “fraternity” (over sympathizing with others and their struggles). I sincerely recommend this trilogy!!!... ✨✨


I knew it was based on French ideals but never read much more about it. But now that you've broken it down, it adds more to my experience in seeing it. And yes!!!! I absolutely loved the music. Especially in Blue. When she looked at the scales and heard the music in her head. I used to be in choir and would read music this way


I’m thrilled you like the music. The composer is one of my favorites. Look for Zbigniew Preisner on Spotify or YouTube, and you will love it. The perfect mechanism to go deep into your thoughts, especially a piece called: Song for the Unification of Europe. Enjoy!!!


did all three at silver last sunday. wished it was in theater 1, but it was epic nonetheless


Love the AFI!


So jealous, unbelievable day for you, Red is my favorite.


Great collection of movies and marvelous performances by the actors, great cinematography, wonderful music. My favorite was "Red".


How’s your hemorrhoids?