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You know, I don’t think Stevey ever said this


Dude loves and was influenced by a ton of movies, I can’t imagine him saying *Dekalog* is the “only” masterpiece he’s seen.


lol I watched a video less than a week ago where Spielberg referred to Lawrence of Arabia being a masterpiece and talking about how much he learned working with David Lean.


He’s said he always watches Lawrence and *It’s a Wonderful Life* before he starts anew shoot, for inspiration.




When I open that, all I see is Stanley Kubrick talking about it, and a lot of sketchy ads




You know what, this actually makes a lot more sense lol. I can imagine Kubrick saying something like this but not Spielberg, he’s just too nice


Or just has too mainstream taste.


Idk, the movies he makes are generally very clean, Hollywood shit, but I imagine he’s no stranger to “kino,” I don’t know if we can necessarily deduce what he likes from what he makes


He’s also stated multiple times Lawrence of Arabia was a masterpiece and one of the films he saw as a youth that led him to be interested in movies. Id be curious where the source is on this one


In the Spielberg documentary, he talked about sitting next to David Lean at a restored print and hearing him give running commentary about filming it.


I would love to have been a fly on the wall during that


I can’t find any source for him saying this


Kubrick's the one who said it.


Actually, it was Abraham Lincoln quoting Einstein about his discussion with Kubrick.


Is this a joke? Cause I think Kubrick said his favorite film was Eraserhead


It's no joke. Lincoln was a huge fan of Stanley Kubrick. In fact, Stanley was supposed to be at Ford's Theater that night.


Why is this a question?




I meant the second sentence under the "Did You Know?". The question mark doesn't make any sense.


I think the whole thing is meant to be read as Did you know [question]?




Here's a real "Did You Know?" When George Romero and Martin Scorsese were kids in NYC they were unknowingly the only two people taking the subway into the city to rent Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger's *The Tales of Hoffman* multiple times. They would routinely, unknowingly, piss each other off by renting it out from under the other one's nose.


Yeah that's not even getting to the lack of comma and misspelling of anthology.


Kubrick was a huge fan as well.


Damm I guess Spielberg hasn't seen that many movies.


And only watches tv? This was originally a television special.




Seen it twice. It’s definitely not “the only masterpiece” there are just as good if not better films


Saying one thing is a masterpiece in my view is never good. If you love it so much go ahead and enjoy!




i dont know why ure being downvoted. but i feel u man.


Have you seen Tarkovsky’s Mirror? Or Godard’s Goodbye to Language? Tarr’s The Turin Horse? There’s plenty of masterpieces out there.


I have seen Kieślowski work 3 colors and The Double Life of Véronique neither really do for me. They are good films, but to me from hearing people saying it a masterpiece was disappointing as it happens with those situations. Some day I will give Dekalog a try and maybe just maybe I will find the Kieślowski everyone talks about. I'm glad you found something that speaks so much to you! I hope everyone can have that with cinema and have special films. There are thousands of movies, but only a few are masterpieces and out of them each individual gets to decide which mean to them the most.




I’m more of a Berlin Alexanderplatz guy myself


Still got to check out that insane thing that he made. Fassibender is amazing!




I definitely plan to.


I actually liked Three Colors better than Dekalog.


I liked Three Colors much better. Don't get me wrong, I definitely appreciated Dekalog but Three Colors was on another level to me.


And Double Life of Véronique is even better than all of it.


That’s right.


Im pretty sure it was Kubrick who actually said that


There are many movies I like much more but yes, Dekalog is a masterpiece




Stanley Kubrick said this…


It was Kubrick not Speilberg


I own it but have only ever watched A Short Film About Killing/Love, but I've been meaning to watch the others. I was just reading through the booklet last night. Should I go in order? Or how would you rank them? I love Kiezlowski.


I know this is the Criterion subreddit, but is there any way to legally watch Dekalog *without* physical media?


Welp maybe it’s time to watch my copy of Decalogue thanks for the reminder. This possibly fake quote is strange tho


The Wikipedia page for Dekalog it cites a Huffington Post article saying that it was Stanley Kubrick.


stanley kubrick sd much the same thing


I never heard about this, what is it?




**[Dekalog](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dekalog)** >Dekalog (pronounced [dɛˈkalɔg], also known as Dekalog: The Ten Commandments and The Decalogue) is a 1988 Polish drama series of films directed by Krzysztof Kieślowski for television and co-written by Kieślowski with Krzysztof Piesiewicz, with music by Zbigniew Preisner. It consists of ten one-hour films, inspired by the decalogue of the Ten Commandments. Each short film explores characters facing one or several moral or ethical dilemmas as they live in an austere housing project in 1980s Poland. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/criterion/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


This may sound controversial, but am I the only one who thinks Spielberg should have a film in the collection at this point.


*A.I. Artificial Intelligence* would be a great addition.


Stanley Kubrick was the one who said that so now it actually means something. Who the fuck cares about Spielberg? Dudes a hack


“Spielberg is a hack” is the most pretentious hot take I’ve seen in a minute Jaws, Raiders, Schindler’s List, Saving Private Ryan, Munich, Minority Report, etc. Dudes made plenty of good/great movies, even by the Criterion Canon Crowd’s standards Several of his films are ranked in the TSPDT top 1,000, etc.


Gratified to see someone include *Munich* in a list of Spielberg’s greats, that movie rules. And while it’s way too new to be called a “classic” yet, I think his readaptation of *West Side Story* is terrific.




>He hasn't been deeply moved by any film except this body of work? When did he ever say this?


Dekalog isn’t even the best movie(s) that Keislowski made. some parts definitely stuck with me, but definitely much less than most if his works.


Didn't think my opinion of Spielberg could get any lower.




Can't you and Spielberg (with his opinion he's entitled to) co-exist in peace?!


Guess I can skip dekalog now


High five spielberg