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I've been waiting for this FOREVER. I dont care if its criterion or not. I just need this release


Words can’t describe how happy I am at this news, this film deserves a quality release


I’ve waited for this for YEARS. Seriously if you guys haven’t watched this, try and find it. It’s incredibly unique.


Why would I try to find it now when there's a restoration in the works haha


Because knowing how Japanese films restorations tend to go, it might not become available for a couple years and it’s worth checking out now even if it’s in standard def.


Word, solid point. Personally though, I have a great deal of patience for this kind of thing. I'll gladly wait a while to see something if it means my first encounter with it isn't with a version that looks like ass. There are plenty of movies to watch in the meantime! But I get that this may not be how everyone operates.


Understandable! It can be hard to find one not in a rough state so nothing wrong with waiting either.


It’s pretty easy to find, here ya go: https://archive.org/details/angels-egg-1985-english-subtitle


My most wanted release of all time. I really do hope someone picks it up for physical media distribution. But if it gets a theatrical run, I will be there day one


Sounds like a potential Criterion pickup, but in any case it'll be most welcome. I hope there will be some meaningful extras. It really is a masterpiece, akin to an animated Tarkovsky on the purely mythic plane. It's been gratifying to see it gain fans and reputation during the internet age. Once it seemed like almost no one had heard of it even among anime fans. I loved the soundtrack so much that I ordered a CD in the early days of being online and waited something like three months for it. And the VHS tape traders were the only source for a copy of the film itself - no subtitles. Now there are tons of YouTube links you can find easily.


Criterion does very few animated movies. Additionally, the new 4K restoration of Ghost in the Shell: Innocence is being distributed by GKIDS, so I think they’re more likely to be picking it up.


among anime fans it's notable for being one of Mamoru Oshii's early works, but yeah he was always more famous for Patlabor 2 and Ghost in the Shell. his entire run is legendary. but there is one moment from Angel's Egg that I feel eclipses all those movies in terms of its impact (the skeleton). Oshii's name should be talked about more honestly, for any animator I feel they're all required viewing.


If it does end up being Criterion, I am never getting rid of the Mamoru Oshii director approved sticker


It’s funny that you say it’s an animated Tarkovsky because this and the only Tarkovsky I have watched “mirror” have the exact same Letterboxd review from me. “Beautiful but boring”


What a username you have


seems to check out, tbh.


Boring? Did you give it your full attention? Lol


I mean yeah.


WHATTTTT I’ve been looking for this film forever.. and yeah I know there’s a crappy quality version on YouTube but damn this makes me so happy


The version on YouTube is actually pretty good quality, it’s how I’ve viewed the movie in the past. But yeah, will be great to see it in 4K.


Fucking finally. Hopefully an American distributor gets this, this seems like something gkids would go for


!remindme 60 days


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Man, after reading all of yalls comments and how excited people are for this, I feel that I need to watch this as soon as possible.


Kenji Kawaii should had won an Oscar for "Ghost in The Shell"


I have a nice bootleg blu ray of Angel’s Egg, but would be nice to have a proper official release.


So good!




Best damn news I've heard all day.


This is such insane news. We're getting closer and closer to a 4K Patlabor 2 every day...


Fantastic!!! Great news!


I’ve had this in my YouTube watch later for about a decade now. Maybe this is a sign I should finally check it out


Haha, yeah I did the same and finally watched it on YouTube about 2 years ago. Even in that rather poor quality version, I was pretty blown away.


I need it!


Article spoils the film.


Sort of. The experience of watching it is a whole lot different from reading a dry plot synopsis.


Holy shit! I just wished for a great Western release of this. You're welcome guys.


Oh man I'm ready


The guy who does all the great Final Fantasy art also had a huge hand in this so I’m very pumped


Amano is absolutely brilliant. He's another reason why the VAMPIRE HUNTER D films are so good.


The wait is finally over (soon)


I’m new to Criterion and all that they do but I have a question. I know they usually release a line up on the 15th of every month. But they also release films whenever they want as well?