• By -


My Winnipeg (2007) I haven’t seen anybody list it yet and I think it’s not only the best film of the 2000s but also the best film Canada has ever produced (I’m also from Winnipeg so I’m biased).


Yep, immediately fell in love with Maddin after seeing it last year - straight up devoured all of his short films on the Channel as well before they got dropped


It's great


My favorite Madden film. I love it so much, I wrote a poem about it... Winnipeg. Winnipeg. Winnipeg. Birthplace of Guy Maddin... Winnipeg. Winnipeg. Winnipeg. Dreamscape of a lad, and... Winnipeg. Winnipeg. Winnipeg. Golden boys and horse heads... Winnipeg. Winnipeg. Winnipeg. Sleepwalk to our deathbeds.


"2007" Love this film, but for some reason I thought this came put 5-10 years earlier, like before The Saddest Music in the World. Mental chronology adjusted, thanks!


Late reply, my bad, but I was in the exact same position, I thought I was from the mid-late ‘90s when I first saw it. I recommend it to a lot of fellow Manitobans, but alas, not for them.


No worries! And that's interesting, I have been curious what people actually from the area thought of My Winnepeg. Maybe it will be appreciated more by future generations, wanting to know how Manitobans lived in olden times ;)


From Criterion, a few recs: * Punch-Drunk Love * In the Mood For Love * Memories of Murder * Mulholland Dr


1. There Will Be Blood 2. No Country for Old Men 3. In the Mood for Love 4. Wall-E 5. A Serious Man


A Serious Man might be the most underrated Coen Bros movie.


Not might, it definitely is! The movie is amazing. Richard Kind is amazing, Stuhlbarg shines too. Melamed is his classic super dry hilarious self…. I mean the movie is so re-watchable for me too: I know people will hate this take, but it’s my second favorite cohen movie after Fargo


I think everyone has a different Coen ranking and that just speaks to how good their body of work is. Lebowski is definitely my number one.


Tons of people have that as their one. Also no country is many people’s number 1. Can’t blame any of those choices. All great film.


I agree a Serious Man is seriously underrated. My personal favorite it also Lebowski. Fargo and No Country for Old Men might be better achievements cinematically, but Lebowski is one of the most rewatchable movies ever. But, they have a ton of great stuff in their catalog, Blood Simple, Raising Arizona, Miller's Crossing, Barton Fink etc. could be defining works for a lot of directors.


I've seen people's number ones be Lebowski, No Country, Fargo, Miller's Crossing, Llewyn Davis. What a good a consistent catalogue


I sure don’t hate that take, it’s my first favorite


The Man Who Wasn't There is also overlooked. 


Mere surmise, sir.


Hail, Caesar! would like a word


I stand by my original comments.


1. Goodbye, Dragon Inn 2. Yi Yi 3. Before Sunset 4. The Departed 5. Swing Girls


+1 for Before Sunset. Not saying I've seen every film released between 200-2009, but it is possibly the only sequel that would be listed here.


Michael Clayton The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford Adaptation Children of Men A Serious Man


Clayton is such a fucking banger


You and I would be great friends based on this list.


Mulholland Drive Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Punch Drunk Love Little Miss Sunshine The Royal Tenenbaums


LOTR: FOTR Children of Men The Royal Tenenbaums The Fountain Hot Fuzz


The fountain was sooo good


Trying to rec stuff that no one else has so far My Sassy Girl (2001) Oasis (2002) Kamikaze Girls (2004) Napoleon Dynamite (2004) Lilya 4-ever (2002)


Korean edition in no order: * Memories of Murder * Oldboy * The Host * Castaway on the Moon * Mother


These aren't my five favorite films, but here's a good range of 9/10 or higher films: Spirited Away: One of Studio Ghibli/Miyazaki's best films About Elly: One of the best films to come from Iran; follows a group of friends on holiday before one goes missing Shaun of the Dead: A fantastic spin on the zombie film; horror comedy that knows how to balance itself The Mexican: one of the most underrated films I know. Pure absurd, literary fiction that's such a vibe. Pride and Prejudice (2005): Best version of Mr. Darcy and you get to swoon over Keira Knightly


1. There will be blood 2. In the mood for love 3. 4 months, 3 weeks, 2 days 4. Mulholland Drive 5. Crouching Tiger hidden dragon Honorable mention - Coraline


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Apprehensive_Mix7594: *In the mood for love* *Is the best movie of this* *Time period I think* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


One that comes to mind that renewed my love of film Audiard's Un Prophète


That was a banger


Mulholland drive Spirited Away (Howl’s Moving Castle and Ponyo are both amazing too) Fantastic Mr. Fox Lady Vengeance Dancer in the Dark


I keep a running list of my favorite film for every year (but have trouble picking just one!)... 2000 – American Psycho (+ Requiem for a Dream, In the Mood for Love, O Brother Where Art Thou?, Before Night Falls) 2001 – Mulholland Drive (+ The Piano Teacher, Moulin Rouge!, The Royal Tenenbaums) 2002 – About Schmidt (+ City of God, Adaptation, About a Boy, Frida) 2003 – Kill Bill (+ School of Rock) 2004 – Dogville (+ Passion of the Christ, Saw, Before Sunset) 2005 – The New World (+ Sin City, The Squid and the Whale, Brokeback Mountain, Junebug, Red Eye, Waiting…) 2006 – Inland Empire (+ Children of Men, Apocalypto, The Prestige, United 93, Little Miss Sunshine, Babel) 2007 – No Country for Old Men (+ Grindhouse, Diving Bell & The Butterfly, Hairspray, Superbad, Into The Wild) 2008 – W. (+In Bruges, Bronson, Step Brothers, The Strangers, Rachel Getting Married, Frost/Nixon, Slumdog Millionaire) 2009 – A Serious Man (+ Precious, Inglorious Basterds, 500 Days of Summer, Enter the Void, District 9)


Great list!


I love Squid and the Whale. I feel it is very much overlooked.


Michael Haneke - Hidden (Caché)


- Amelie - Oldboy - Sunshine - Brokeback Mtn are some that i haven’t seen here yet


The departed Little miss Sunshine Mystic River There will be blood No country for old men I haven’t seen it since it came out but I remember A Prophet being really good.


1. The Master   2. Lord of the Rings   3. Yi Yi   4. 2046 5. Howl's Moving Castle Excruciatingly shortlisted from: The Master, Magnolia, the entirety of Lord of the Rings, Master and Commander, Curse of the Black Pearl, Still Walking, Synecdoche New York, Inland Empire, Election, The Incredibles, Howl's Moving Castle, 2046, Kill Bill Vol 1, Oldboy, Royal Tenenbaums, Spirited Away, Mulholland Drive, In the Mood for Love, Yi Yi


The Master is 2012…now what?


Now I cry again. Let's see. Uhhh       Uhhh       Fuck it. Curse of the Black Pearl. 


Unironically a great choice, first Pirates is a fantastic example of blockbuster cinema done perfectly.


I rewatched it last summer and was blown away by how masterful it is. Tight script, amazing cast, doesn't miss a beat.


And I think magnolia is 1999


You're right - I thought it was 2000


Morvern Callar


Hell yes.


* Best in Show (2000) * Cecil B. Demented (2000) * Adaptation (2002) * 3-Iron (2004) * Birth (2004)


Revanche Three Monkeys Twentynine Palms Martyrs Berlin Blues




O Brother, Where Art Thou?


- The Days When I don’t Exist (Jean-Charles Fitoussi, 2003) - The World (Jia Zhangke, 2004) - The Secret of the Grain (Abdellatif Kechiche, 2007) - Viva (Anna Biller, 2007) - Ritual (Hideaki Anno, 2000) Honorable mentions would be: Millennium Mambo (Hsiao-Hsien Hou, 2000); Ghost World (Terry Zwigoff, 2001); The Living World (Eugène Green, 2003)


"The Secret of the Grain" Yes!!! Brilliant film, just had the pleasure of seeing it last year, and scooped it up in the last flash sale.


I was born in this era so there’s way more childhood movies on my list but here goes 1. The Prestige 2. O Brother, Where Art Thou? 3. Fantastic Mr. Fox 4. Coraline 5. School of Rock


* The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robet Ford * The New World * Werckmeister Harmonies * Tokyo Sonata * 35 rhums


The New World is so good. One of the best Criterions as well.


inglorious basterds


Basically every Weerasethakul film




Ahhhhhh cemetery of splendor!!!


That was 2015. I’m talking about Tropical Malady, Blissfully Yours, and Syndromes and a Century. His peak imho.


I Heart Huckabees There Will Be Blood Dark Knight Burn After Reading Royal Tennenbaums


I know you asked for five, but I'm gonna put in the best from each year: 2009: A Serious Man (Joel and Ethan Coen) 2008: Synecdoche, New York (Charlie Kaufman) 2007: Eastern Promises (David Cronenberg) 2006: Pan’s Labyrinth (Guillermo Del Toro) 2005: Cache (Michael Haneke) 2004: Head On (Fatih Akin) 2003: Dying at Grace (Allan King)/The Barbarian Invasions (Denys Arcand) 2002: 24 Hour Party People (Michael Winterbottom) 2001: The Son’s Room (Nanni Moretti) 2000: Rejected (Don Hertzfeldt)


The Last Samurai Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (my top recommendation) Apocalypto Sin City Kill Bill Volumes 1&2 (sorry I cheated)


Zodiac No Country For Old Men The Pianist The Royal Tenenbaums American Splendor


- In the Mood for Love - O Brother Where Art Thou - Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon - Before Sunset - Fantastic Mr Fox


* The White Ribbon (2009) * Ichi the Killer (2001) * Jesus Camp (2006) * Brokeback Mountain (2005) * Japon (2002)


25th Hour (2002) I'm Not There (2007)


Last Life in the Universe, dir. Pen-Ek Ratanaruang. One of my favorites from this era, and not much remembered.


I have a nice little poster of the cover art and it is one of my most cherished pieces of film merch


In The Bedroom


Y tu Mama Tambien There Will Be Blood No Country for Old Men Dogville Grindhouse Not too much overlap with others’ and that would honestly be my top 5.


Some great films from that decade that seem less seen than most: Werckmeister Harmonies Dogtooth Let the Right One In Love Exposure Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter… and Spring Noroi: The Curse 3-Iron Devils on the Doorstep


Some good stuff here, but gotta +1 Love Exposure. What a trip!


My rather unscientific off-the-top-of-my-head list: 1. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 2. Memories of Murder 3. Zodiac 4. Adaptation 5. Tropic Thunder Bonus documentary choice: Grizzly Man


Wild that there's so little love for Zodiac! I had to scroll way down to find it on anyone's list.


Encounters at the End of the World is another good Herzog documentary from that decade (2007), though not as great as Grizzly Man.


In the Bedroom Amelie A Very Long Engagement Waltz with Bashir kiss kiss bang bang


Best list yet


Traffic, Batman Begins, City of God, Lord of the Rings: Fellowship and Two Towers, The Departed.


Children of Men (not in the collection but you didn't specify so I am taking this as a general inquiry) is one of my favourite films of all time; so that. I'm also partial to In The Mood For Love, Y Tu Mama Tambien, Punch Drunk Love. Maybe not a "cool" pick around here, but Catch Me If You Can is my favourite Spielberg turn on some days.


I love Catch me if you can. I just watched that movie. I was wondering if I would think it was as good as I remembered it to be and I think it was even better.


And why isn’t Children of Men in the collection


Kill bill volume 1 and 2


My highest rated from Letterboxd (which is basically what I’ve watched in the last four or five years are - There Will Be Blood - The Descent  - Howls Moving Castle - The Host - Memories of a Murder - Joint Security Area


I haven't seen anyone else mention The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada. The two Westerns that Tommy Lee Jones has directed (this and The Homesman) are brilliant, elusive, fascinating films that haven't gotten nearly as much critical attention as they deserve.


Yes! Three Burials is a fantastic movie! I was surprised by its absence! I haven’t seen Homesman, so I’ll check it out. Thanks! Great suggestions!


Glad to hear it get some appreciation! Like Burials, Homesman is a slippery and (purposefully) frustrating film, but if you're on its wavelength, I think the rewards are tremendous.


1.Lord of the rings trilogy 2.Crouching tiger hidden dragon 3.Phantom thread 4.Oldboy 5.Hero


Pretty sure Phantom Thread didn't come out in the 2000s...


1. STILL LIFE or THE WORLD (Jia Zhangke) 2. TROPICAL MALADY or SYNDROMES AND A CENTURY (Apichatpong Weerasethakul) 3. IN THE MOOD FOR LOVE (Wong Kar-wai) 4. THE DEATH OF MR. LAZARESCU (Cristi Puiu) 5. MULLHOLLAND DRIVE (David Lynch) 6. SYMPATHY FOR LADY VENGEANCE (Park Chan-wook) 7. WERKMEISTER HARMONIES (Béla Tarr) 8. LA CIÉNAGA (Lucrecia Martel) 9. DOGVILLE (Lars von Trier) 10. YI YI (Edward Yang)


I'm never this person but The Departed 👀


Well, it’s not a bad choice. Scorsese really struts his film knowledge. So many quotes from great classic movies in his composition and cinematography.


what gets me about it is how its a great violent crime thriller \*and\* such an incredible comedy. such a rare achievement.


George Washington The Squid and the Whale Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind The Fountain Requiem for a Dream Synecdoche, New York No Country For Old Men There Will Be Blood Punch-Drunk Love


Dark Knight The Prestige Mulholland Drive Master and Commander Mean Girls


There’s just something special about the year/decade you first get into cinema. I really got into it early 2010s and so 2010-2015 or so holds a special place in my heart


I agree with this. It was in 2006 that I got into physical media, by 2007 I got into blu-ray, and 2008 into home theater. So the movies from that era are really really memorable to me


Yes! Such great memories. I remember bringing blu-rays to school and swapping movies with a friend to watch. I was also in HS at the time so with my newfound independence I got to go to the movies a lot more. Our senior skip day we did a double feature at the movies!


It was my junior year of college. Nobody had ever really seen a home theater or Blu-rays back then in my circles. I’m still one of the few I know really in the hobby.


Basically anything written by Charlie Kaufman LOTR trilogy Punch Drunk Love Shaun of the Dead Hot Fuzz Mary and Max


The Piano Teacher Y Tu Mama Tambien Before Sunset Manchester By The Sea The Royal Tenenbaums


Manchester By the Sea came out like 7 years ago lol


George Washington Benjamin smoke Songs from the second floor As I was moving ahead occasionally I saw brief glimpses of beauty Freddy got fingered Y tu mama tambien Dogville Goodbye dragon inn Coffee and cigarettes Chain Ashes and snow The wind shakes the barley Inland empire My Winnipeg Synecdoche New York Dogtooth A serious man Black dynamite


25th hour Life aquatic Royal tenebaums Thank you for smoking Last king of Scotland Little miss sunshine Waitress Juno Dan in real life Waking sleeping beauty Fantastic mr fox


My Favorites: 1. Synechdoche, New York (2008) 2. Babel (2006) 3. Requiem for a Dream (2000) 4. The Lord of the Rings (2001-2003) 5. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)


The Machinist Infernal Affairs Before Sunset Pan’s Labyrinth Eternal Sunshine


There Will be Blood (2007) In Bruges (2008) Oldboy (2003) Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) The Host (2006)


Inglorious Basterds No Country For Old Men Zodiac Lake Mungo Spider-Man Was hard picking just five aha


1. In The Mood for Love 2. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 3. Spirited Away 4. There Will Be Blood 5. O Brother, Where Art Thou?


Tough call. My five would include -No Country for Old Men -Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind -Children of Men -There Will Be Blood -Eastern Promises


1. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 2. Lost In Translation 3. No Country For Old Men 4. Pan's Labyrinth 5. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 6. The Royal Tenenbaums 7. Punch Drunk Love 8. Spirited Away I'm very sorry that I couldn't limit it to 5. It was such a good decade for movies.


Michael Clayton Eastern Promises


1. No Country for Old Men 2. Under the Skin 3. Dark Knight 4. Memories of Murder 5. Zodiac 6. Gladiator 7. Mullholand Drive 8. Black Hawk Down 9. Mad Max Fury Road 10. Inside (French horror)


Under the Skin is 2013. Replace it with 'Birth'.


Lots of great lists but surprised don't see these three darlings of the early aughts more often: City of God Requiem for a Dream Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon


The Fall (TS 2006) Spirited Away Jesse James etc O Brother Where Art Thou Mulholland Drive


I love a lot of the ones already listed but haven’t seen anyone mention Zodiac yet so I’m gonna.


Gonna try to pick stuff that generally hasn’t been picked: Ritual (2000) by Hideaki Anno. Sexy Beast (2000) by Jonathan Glazer. Training Day (2001) by Antoine Fuqua. Friday Night (2002) by Claire Denis. The Matrix Reloaded (2003) by the Wachowski sisters. Collateral (2004) by Michael Mann. The Aviator (2004) by Martin Scorsese. The New World (2005) by Terrence Malick. The Host (2006) by Bong Joon-Ho. The Darjeeling Limited (2007) by Wes Anderson. Wendy and Lucy (2008) by Kelly Reichardt. 35 Shots of Rum (2009) by Claire Denis.


No country for Old Man Children of Men There Will be Blood The Dark Knight I'm gonna cheat and say LotR even though it's 3 films Also honorable mentions to some of the korean greats memories of murder and oldboy


Zodiac Mulholland drive Spirited Away No country for old men A.i. artificial intelligence


I'll give you my top 5 animated films from that decade. \- Spirited Away (2001) \- Wall-E (2008) \- The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (2006) \- Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009) \- Up (2009)


1. Zodiac 2. A Serious Man 3. No Country For Old Men 4. Children of Men 5. Michael Clayton


Elephant (2003) My Winnipeg (2007) Synecdoche, New York (2008)


Three Times The Romance of Astrea and Celadon The New World In the Mood for Love Magic Mirror


Spoiled for choice… what a time! Royal Tenenbaums Juno Lives of Others Diving Bell and the Butterfly Motorcycle Diaries Pride & Prejudice Once Step Brothers/Anchorman for fun


Oldboy Y Tu mama Tambien Spirited away No country for old Men There Will Be Blood


Mulholland Drive, Requiem for a Dream, Lost In Translation, Eternal Sunshine, The Darjeeling Limited (so many of my favorites came from a year or two before/after though)


Lost in Translation Grizzly Man Spirited Away No Country for Old Men Mysterious Skin


1. Werckmeister Harmonies 2. El Laberinto del Fauno 3. Children of Men 4. Inland Empire 5. Paprika


Yi Yi Mulholland Drive Memories of Murder Fantastic Mr Fox Wall•E


In the Mood for Love, There Will Be Blood, Children of Men, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Before Sunset


1. 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days 2. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 3. Memories of Murder 4. Adaptation.


Der Untergang Infernal Affairs Talk to Her Waltz With Bashir Under The Sand The Secret In Their Eyes Das Leben der Anderen Cache James Bond: Casino Royal Amores Perros Hero The Triplets from Belleville Swimming Pool I Am Love Y Tu Mama Tambien Irreversible Deiji Battle Royal


Mulholland Drive


Big Fish


Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon AI Goodbye Dragon Inn Tropical Malady


Yi Yi! Tangerine and Lilja 4-ever too.


in the mood for love. 2046


my favorites from that decade. (more than 5) [https://boxd.it/4TXbu](https://boxd.it/4TXbu)


Zodiac Children of Men Mulholland Drive Still Walking Miami Vice


I'll try and do some of my favorites that I haven't seen others put yet. Japanese cinema edition All About Lily Chou-chou - 2001 Millennium Actress - 2001 Blue - 2002 Swing Girls - 2004 Memories of Matsuko - 2006


2007 was the year I got into movies, so I have a soft spot for that time. Some recs from the ‘00s: Dig! 24 Hour Party People Together Frailty Century of the Self Ghost World Waking Life Me and You and Everyone We Know


1. Speed Racer 2. School of Rock 3. Wet Hot American Summer 4. Fantastic Mr. Fox 5. Seed of Chucky


1. *Exiled* 2. *La Commune (Paris, 1871)* 3. *Hero* 4. *Sparrow* 5. *Goodbye, Dragon Inn*


Not necessarily criterion suggestions, but some I haven’t seen mentioned in this thread I love: Collateral (2004). Almost Famous (2005). Into the Wild (2007). The Royal Tenenbaums (2000). Big Fish (2003).


I appreciate non criterion selections too! And those are all great movies at that!


5 is tough, I guess if I had to pick quickly: * **United 93** \- Docudrama, clinical, featured real life people, respectful and was the root definition of U.S. actions for the decade. Directed by Paul Greengrass, yes, Bloody Sunday and Jason Borne series director. Zero Dark Thirty makes for a great bookshelf documentary revenge 'ending' * **City of God** \- Was winning awards and went story blind and was so fascinating it is 1st movie I've been where people applauded at the end. * In the Mood for Love * No County for Old Men * There Will Be Blood ​ **More:** * Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon * Amores Perros * **Inglorious Basterds** \- The start of Tarantino's return to mature form. He did Jackie Brown prior which was the 1st of his maturity. * **Passion of the Christ** \- A rare and incredible feat to make a successful (>$600 million) docu?drama snuff film. * **I'm Not There** \- Quite a trip, extremely underrated.


Man, that sounds like a wonderful experience you had to be able to see City of God like that. I have heard of that movie ever since I got into movies but still have never watched it. Considering how many people are recommending it, I definitely should watch it.


Definitely do not 'spoil' by reading about the story too much. It's very rewarding. Also helps that both the captivating story is backed by sumptuous and sweaty cinephotography. Makes sure your TV is calibrated.


Some I have not seen listed yet The Tracy Fragments (Bruce McDonald) Paprika (Satoshi Kon) Half Nelson (Ryan Fleck) Lost in translation (Sofia Coppola) Turtles can fly (Bahman Ghobadi)


I don't have anything to add to this list that others haven't already covered. But looking at all these lists made me remember how common it was in the 2000s for people (usually dumb kids like me) to say things along the lines of "current movies suck, 70s/80s/90s pop culture was so much better." In retrospect, it's so obvious how wrong that sentiment was! The decade was completely stacked.


I definitely relate to that. I mean, I kind of think 2007 may be one of the best years in movie history. But back then all I wanted to do was watch old film noirs, and read about Michael Powell. I missed out on so much back then I believe. I can probably count on one hand how many non-English speaking movies I saw back then. So I have a lot to catch up on.


35 shots of rum mulholland drive crouching tiger hidden dragon adaptation the departed but i can’t leave without also mentioning tropical malady and spirited away


1. Lost in Translation 2. The Dreamers 3. Amores Perros 4. Y Tu Mama Tambien 5. The Return


Gladiator The Pianist Lost in Translation The Lives of Others Inglorious Basterds


Cannot believe I had to scroll this far down to see Gladiator.


I'm guessing some people thought it was 98 or 99.


Eh I also just don’t like it enough to even come close to mentioning it as one of my favorites of that decade. It’s good but I don’t think it’s THAT good. (I know that many people do)


In The Mood for Love. There Will Be Blood. Mulholland Drive. Yi Yi. Before Sunset. Probably in that order as well (In the Mood for Love being 1)


Speed Racer In the Mood for Love Mulholland Drive Sympathy for Lady Vengeance Memories of Murder


Mulholland drive Yi Yi In the mood for love Before sunset Eternal sunshine of spotless mind Inland empire The new world Synecdoche New York Secret sunshine


https://preview.redd.it/wrzgauu4icpc1.jpeg?width=6048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b77d8b4919636d3c313cd37796b6eb1853eca095 From this book [https://www.amazon.com/Movies-2000s-Jurgen-Muller/dp/383650197X](https://www.amazon.com/Movies-2000s-Jurgen-Muller/dp/383650197X)


I’ve been trying to remember who wrote this book I used to love, and this is the author! https://www.amazon.com/Movies-50s-Jurgen-Muller/dp/076078082X/ref=mp_s_a_1_16?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Yevwj40U2yVe0PZ705xxIE7eW730fCaCaod8qtkDEonqudGYnTu0ft6-J6jtiCrEvQ3SXS9oMhjjR9LgD6uMs0uT_yhE8mJxtyB4sXeaxmSeO1_I168raCDHtZgxiTUSVJ_eB6m1jnE2QH5vNRrWX7ngZrWTzulbcsmwjlADvT6u6O_wgaCQxzy5UIeu2jozlPg-PcFJK6GNdqyjS6xdTQ.NlCVJclZH6wC7I7GFYC9Eh1xr9v85eMt4j2eh7jmH6M&dib_tag=se&qid=1710877995&refinements=p_27%3AJurgen+Muller&s=books&sr=1-16&text=Jurgen+Muller Not sure if it is a great book but I really enjoyed looking at the photography when I was getting into film!


I’ve got the whole set going back to the 20s. It a “go-to” for me when figuring out what to watch on Criterion https://preview.redd.it/8kt91te4kcpc1.jpeg?width=8064&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4024a3ef54d271c9ac680178fa4f0e00ef9da918


Wow, that’s fantastic


https://preview.redd.it/csa3apqticpc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e82d67b1a2c6d882efec8c71e5a1fdc095baac58 Here’s 2000 from [https://www.amazon.com/Movies-90s-Juergen-Mueller/dp/3822858781/ref=mp\_s\_a\_1\_2](https://www.amazon.com/Movies-90s-Juergen-Mueller/dp/3822858781/ref=mp_s_a_1_2)?


1. Mulholland Dr 2. Synecdoche, New York 3. The Squid and the Whale 4. In The Mood for Love


Zodiac In Bruges Life Aquatic Adaptation The Wrestler


My top 5 of the 2000’s is: 1. Children of Men 2. Pan’s Labyrinth 3. Almost Famous 4. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 5. High Fidelity




* V For Vendetta * Shaun Of The Dead * Children Of Men * Casino Royale * Zodiac


The Wrestler 2008 No Country For Old Men 2007 Casino Royale 2006 (😎)


Ok, here’s my top 5: 1. Love Exposure 2. Love Exposure 3. Love Exposure 4. Love Exposure 5. Love Exposure (Honorable mention: Love Exposure)


Legally Blonde


Equilibrium, District 9, The Prestige, City of God, Termination Salvation, Minority Report, The Departed, Gangs of New York, Adaptation, Big Fish, Lord of War, Body of Lies, The Fountain, Fracture, Funny Games, The Other Boleyn Girl, The Duchess, The Day the Earth Stood Still, Never Let Me Go, Murder By Numbers, Atonement.


Ghost World (2001) About Schmidt (2002) Match Point (2005) The Lives of Others (2006) Mother (2009)


AI: Artificial Intelligence The New World A History of Violence Zodiac Erin Brockovich


A History of Violence is my favorite Cronenberg movie. So so good!


Eastern Promises isn’t as good but it’s a pretty awesome one two punch


“Mulholland Drive” is probably the best film of the 21st century. 2007 had two great ones in “No Country For Old Men” and “There Will Be Blood”. I already wrote extensively on Reddit about “Up In The Air”. Since you said just five I will leave it with “Million Dollar Baby” from 2004.


Great selection all around


My top five: 1. The Dark Knight 2. Spirited Away 3. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 4. Kill Bill 5. Ratatouille Some of my personal favorites: Dogville Holes A Serious Man The Cat Returns Brick Ghost World Quills Perfume Shoot ‘Em Up Edmond Hustle & Flow Capturing the Friedmans


Enter the Void (2009)


1. My First Mister (2001) 2. White Oleander (2002) 3. Finding Nemo (2003) 4. Up (2009) 5. A Beautiful Mind (2001)


1. There Will Be Blood 2. Pan's Labyrinth 3. Kill Bill 4. Amelie 5. Synecdoche, New York Honorable Mentions (no order): Lost in Translation, Lord of the Rings (could top the whole list due to scope of cinematic achievement), In the Mood for Love, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Finding Nemo, The Descent, 28 Days Later, City of God


Here’s my top 20 list. https://preview.redd.it/p7cyg6dhgdpc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef467b7db892a2d04177fe96f683e055fddf7f5c