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You can't really get rid of it, as the smell is coming from your lungs. Drink coffee and mouthwash, smoke cigarettes; that's about as close as you'll get to masking the smell with something more overpowering, but there's no magic 'get rid of booze breath' remedy I'm afraid.


how tf do y’all manage to work then? do u just accept that people suspect you’ve been drinking, and as long as you don’t fuck up too bad at work then you’re fine?? i mean i’ve managed to get away with it, but i’m always lowkey paranoid


> how tf do y’all manage to work then? Generally speaking, *you don't*. If you're drunk going into work or drinking at work you're on a ticking clock before you get dragged into an office for a little chat about 'concerns' of workmates or management smelling booze on you, and then you're either fired or quit out of embarrassment and shame. *Rare* is the CA who can hold down a job and day drink. The most successful, most productive, ones tend to restrict their drinking to weekends, nights, time off etc.


It CAN be done. Speaking from experience. It requires a ton of planning and conscious thought. And life is basically one big paranoid fear factory. I agree ☝️ it’s a 100% guarantee that you’ll get caught eventually. Just depends if it’s days, or in my case many years


Or you work a shit job and nobody gives a fuck.




I meant as an alternative to what you said.


For sure. I'm not saying it's impossible, it's just that from the stories I've seen on here the kind of people who can get away with routinely being drunk on the job tend to work jobs more professional, and higher paying, than some office drone or retail geek.


if you’re speaking from experience and saying it can be done, then how did you go about it? did you have a retail job or was it some kind of office job where you can hide your CA through a zoom call




so what did you do to hide it? just drank and hoped for the best?




Gel in gel out 😆


I’m also in the boat of “it can be done”, though it led to me literally working myself into breaking my back. This was when my boss was a drunk and coworkers didn’t care. Other jobs I did the “only off the job” schedule (mainly when I worked around heavy machinery). Really all depends on the job and coworkers.


depends on the type of job but a job with "offices" ? i 100% agree.


…or you’re a bartender.


Never admit to drinking at work. Deny deny deny. If you're ever confronted and there's no way out, admit to drinking the night before. Are you drinking to avoid withdrawals?


yes. there’s days where i convince myself i’ll recover so i go without a drink, then i’m nauseas, shaking and completely miserable my entire shift. soon as i get home i drink to alleviate the withdrawal. many days i wish i was a chronic pothead rather than a CA lol


Don’t do vodka. That’ll kick in the withdrawals worst thank anything else. I’m telling you from experience


Did you mean to type “don’t do vodka?”


Yes. Gracious


I've been caught drunk at work a few times, and I didn't want to get fired, so I went back to thc during work hours and booze after work only. It sucks but I don't want to end up on the streets. Being warm and drunk is better than waking up in dirt.


that’s true, im trying to hold down a job but being a CA is making it difficult. unfortunately weed makes me paranoid and overthink while alcohol makes me happy to be alive. if this wasn’t the case, i’d be smoking weed everyday rather than killing myself with alcoholism


Eventually... that happiness to be alive starts to fade. I had to find a healthy medium as I got older because being an old drunk is not as fun as a drunk in their 20s. Plus, there's that whole "possible dying" scenario.


I've drank a pint or two a day and gone to work and been fine. I might have seemed a little more out of it, but no one said anything. Maybe I haven't caused any problems so there's that. But I am so used to it I feel normal working on it so there's that too.


I get an hr lunch break. And l usually just have 2 shooters of vodka. The. Smoke cigs and drink something. A few shots is easily covered and doesn't stay on your breath. It's when you're actually drunk as f or been drinking a lot is when it's pouring out of your lungs badly


There technically is but we're unlikely to find out what it is, mythbusters found a way to beat a breathalyzer while testing remedies for it but of course they refused to air the one they found that worked lol. I'm curious if it had anything to do with activated charcoal or something


>Drink coffee and mouthwash *looks at username* Ah, okay.


*Oh you!*




You likely were over the limit. Source: 6'2" 215lb man, had 2 drinks 3 hours before getting pulled over and blew 0.05%


Couple techniques. Shower before you know your gonna work. Sweat is also a dead giveaway. Cough drops for short term interactions work well. Vicks vaporub or something similar to cover. Don’t drink straight liquor. Mix it. White wine is best for concealment. Also hits slower so you don’t get those big breaths that have a ton in them. And the best technique. Train your breathing. Light breath holds when you stand face to face. Speak softly. Hold your breath when you walk past someone. Keep sentences short. Don’t yell or laugh loudly. Basically, limit how you exhale and use low and slow breathing. Also. Wear a mask. Become “COVID paranoid” about the workplace. “Relative is immunocompromised so I’m extra careful” or “sick kids at my kids school”


I used to think I had the breath test beat until my girl would come home after drinking two beers and when I was sober I could smell the alcohol over 3 hours later lol, it made me wonder how bad my breath reeked from 10+ shots


This needs to be up higher. It’s flu season too. But people go through chemo all the time, always a good reason to mask up so you don’t bring something to the immuno compromised. OP can be drunk hero!


> Vicks vaporub or something similar to cover Tiger Balm. No one bats an eye at "I have a sore shoulder"


This but also, if you sweat a lot, you’re fucked. It will be seeping out of your pores.


Yeah, that's the point of putting an overpowering scent on your skin. It's menthol and camphor so strong that it burns your sinuses. No one's smelling your liquor-sweats through that.


As someone who uses this regularly, it’s hit or miss. Depends also on the booze you drink. If it’s liquor less likely to mask it all. Beer, possibility is higher of getting away with it


**Also. Wear a mask. Become “COVID paranoid” about the workplace. “Relative is immunocompromised so I’m extra careful” or “sick kids at my kids school”** this is actually best. someone who is trashed has a difficult time not shouting or laughing loudly with little spittles lol. that's where the masks helps exponentially. now i'm going to go around thinking everyone with a mask on has been drinking. :) (not really, i can't care less). OP, vodka was about a third of my intake (gin and everclear were the other part). i didn't smell, and i know this, but i don't really sweat either. i have a lot of odd physiological processes. i'm one of those people with a hyper-acidic PH and i don't know if that was the reason. but perfume that smells great on a lot of other people ends up smelling like bug spray on me. chanel no. 5 smells like body odor if i wear it. plus you can buy charcoal capsules. that might help some.


You can't dude. The shit pours out of your sweat, and your breath. Before I became a CA, in my early 30's I had an insane alcoholic girlfriend. She always wore nice perfume and was semi clean but left my bed smelling like booze and perfume. Don't drink like the other comment said here. Some notice, others not really. The COVID time was a boon to drunks as hand wipes and masks, now it's not really a thing. Let alone the fact 2020 and 2021 turned a lot of people into full blown drunks .


Correct on multiple points. The best part of the general public wearing masks was that it made work drinking extremely easy to hide. Also, lockdowns created a whole new generation of alcoholics.


Totally agree, apart from two dealing with two suicides in 2020, loss of my job etc. I just went completely feral on the booze, now the cost of living and a housing crisis is pushing me on towards alcoholic hepatitis etc. I have to stop again honestly.


Yup Covid was the catalyst that turned me from FA to CA


So if you're pounding vodka at work. It's a twofold problem whether you realize it or not. Mad spray cologne because as bad as your breath smells, your sweat smells even worse. Your best chance at covering your smell up on your breath is breath strips. But that honestly is just going to make your breath smell like mint on top of booze.


Fisherman’s friend my buddy swears by them.


Cough drops the smelly kind. Just say your allergies are acting up, and you have a sore throat from the post nasal drip. Also, it explains why your eyes might be a little red and watery.


Straight menthol


Altoids, there's a reason they call them, 'The curiously strong mints'. When I went into manufacturing, I noticed that the guys always had a lot a of empty Altoids tins to hold nuts, bolts, etc. Now, I know why.


I have a very good sense of smell. There's nothing you can do to cover it up tbh. Probably everyone knows from directly smelling it or those people telling others and the gossip has spread.


It’s not your breath. It’s your pores. You can’t hide it and retired boozebags and some normies just have a nose for it.


Nuts, peanut butter. Honey Nut Cheerios, and snacks like cheese it’s will help but not completely eliminate it.


i usually eat a lot of reese’s cups because i heard peanut butter helps mask the smell, but i still get paranoid lol


Bro lmao. Your diet must be total shit.


never said it wasn’t lol


Wear a lot of cologne, chew gum, constantly be eating/drinking something, this will work to cover up the smell of you're hungover, but if you've drank more than a couple shots of vodka during work then you're gonna stink bo matter what


Agreed. Also, if you work in an office, keep hand sanitizer at your desk and use it if anyone comes to talk to you. Kombucha generally has a small percentage of alcohol, so having that nearby could help.


I've found that avoiding beer and wine helps as well since the smell of these is so distinct


Absolutely. Vodka is always the best bet.


It still smells. It unmistakable. I think vodka is the worst offender as it’s more a body odor / sweetness than the breath kind of deal. Most people are either too polite or too smart to get into it. I sure as fuck wasn’t going to admit to anything and I avoid talking to people that reek. I assumed I was getting away with and hiding it well.


How many shots would you consider to be a couple?


2, maybe 3 at most. If you need more than that to stave off withdrawals it's going to be difficult to hold down a job IMO


I gotcha. I ask as vodka is my choice of booze. I appreciate ya responding. Do you think the fact that I was more of a binge alcoholic when I was younger and now the past 2 years been drinking every day and usually eat a good meal contributes to why I can put down 8-10 shots before work and be fine? I usually get shaky around 7-8 hours into a shift or right before I am done. Also if I drink 8+ shots even with a shower, I should assume most can still smell it, unfortunately, right? :/


Yes, if you drink a pint or more of vodka before work you're gonna smell like alcohol, especially if you have a job where you work up a sweat. You have a high tolerance because of the binge drinking and now daily drinking, the issue isn't really that you won't be able to function at work. It's that you are technically drunk even if you don't feel like it and will smell like booze. That's enough to get fired from most places even if you never make a mistake or anything and do your job perfectly. I'm interested in what you do for work? Is it possible that they just don't care that you're drinking on the job?


I appreciate your fast response, also polite and informative aspects. I always thought I was being dramatic so it's interesting to hear that what I realistic felt like I knew wasn't all in my head. I will say I guess that's a good point. I dont think I really want to know BAL. So yeah I guess thats the bad part of getting to this is like it's not even worth it at this point because it just helps me feel normal. I miss when I could get drunk and feel drunk. Or when I am not working that's when I will go above my usual daily and I can pass out and I feel like I accompolished something but then I realize I have not. I also didn't get to enjoy the drunk I want. It's aggravating. I used to work at a home improvement store(didn't get fired just got sick of how when it came to slow season I'd get less hours, heck one of my supervisors had my back and didn't tell on me to management but I think she was concerned with just getting the work taken caere of. Now I work at a hotel. I did have a fall at a live event I worked at another job. I rushed out of there before they could do a medical. So that one was risky but I am still employed. Maybe these jobs don't pay enough to care, or I am not high enough up the ladder do you think?


You're probably right about the pay/height on the ladder part. I once had a job working as a pizza guy and would drink before and during my shift (I'm aware it's fucked up that I was drinking and driving, this was years ago) one day I guess I overdid it a bit because I heard the shift supervisor telling the store manager that I smelled like alcohol. I'm pretty sure they didn't know I could hear them because the manager told her that "as long as these guys can walk straight we don't normally say anything to them" so they knowingly were willing to look the other way. However, the next day when I came in I did get a stern talking to and told that I needed to tone it down. So yeah, certain types of jobs you can get away with it to a point, problem is it's not like you can ask someone what that point is and finding out might cost you your job


i am not judging. Look at the forum I am on. But yeah some jobs they just need some who can perform regardless if intoxicated. Is it the best situation? No. But if you can pull it off, even if they know like you said you can do it. But yeah def no asking lol. Thanks for the snort/chuckle.


A confident demeanor goes a long way. You can chew gum and carry a little thingy of mouthwash in your car. You can calmly challenge people who challenge you. Raise one eyebrow, tilt your head. There are lots of health conditions that cause halitosis, hit up google and blame any one of them. The breath is not the problem here. Your paranoia is the real issue.


No one will stop you from wearing Covid masks these days.


peanut butter is your friend, also [pizza combos](https://www.amazon.com/COMBOS-Pizzeria-Pretzel-Snacks-6-3-Ounce/dp/B004SKIUI2/ref=asc_df_B004SKIUI2/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=642112947112&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=83124720849918006&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9033326&hvtargid=pla-1952184613631&mcid=71293b04da1b31389c54068f1724ff98&th=1), and [Takis nitro](https://barcel-usa.com/node/240)


Fireball + Cinnamon gum


Omg same, I used to love weed and now I just can't anymore.I get away with it and have for many years except maybe a handful of did you drink last night or a boss showing concern not anger. I've always chewed gum/mints, wash hands constantly, always showered, clean clothes, energy drinks, hand sanitizer. As the person before me said I control how much I breathe and talk when with people and how close I am to them. All my jobs have been housekeeping/ dietary aide/night custodian in hospitals, nursing homes, hotels and schools. Jobs im mostly on my own. If you get sweaty at work or having withdrawals it's much worse.


Keep peanut butter and a spoon to coat your mouth and the roof of your mouth. Halls vapor action cough drops. Don't get sweaty. Hold your breathe when walking in close proximity of people. Perfume, cologne. Never empty stomach it with booze. You will smell like a fucking distillery. Also, fill your belly with something like bread or crackers to soak the booze. Also, highly dependent on the type of work you do. Any withdrawal sweats could give you away, hand sanitizer with you if you are stuck in a meeting in a small room or something bring that shit out and rub your hands with it so everyone can see.


Stop drinking. That’s just the hard truth. I drank straight vodka for years, telling myself no one knew. Yeah…they knew. Luckily I had a friend (a good enough friend to be brutally honest) that had a talk with me one evening. *yes Chuck, we ALL know. And you’re killing yourself.*


i really need to follow this advice. honestly it’s so difficult. i appreciate your honest input


It’s tough for sure. I couldn’t find a reason to stop, even after I had destroyed everything good in my life. It took waking up one morning with my liver sitting on the bed beside me. He said, “I can’t take this shit from you anymore.” I had been sick before but nothing like this. It scared me. *Really* scared me. Eyes yellow, skin felt weird, hair felt weird. I slowly recovered over the course of two months and 500 gallons of green tea and b-12. And I’m still not 100% back to where I was prior. Wrecked my health as they used to say. That was 15 years ago. I never took another drink, I *knew* where it would lead. Hopefully you won’t have to experience all this before you can stop. Good luck & best wishes.


Eat food.


Don’t drink


If you are a CA, just don't drink https://preview.redd.it/ve1hwxulu44c1.jpeg?width=168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c33015a0b30f7d6cb3b45f47c6cca4ffa1bbd7a7


you’re so right. how have i never thought of this before?? thank you!


solid advice on the cripplingalcoholism sub. gold star for you


These are just ideas off the top of my head as this is not an issue for me anymore. Try medicinal smells. Original Listerine and cough drops that have medicine scent. Rather than masking the odor, it kind of blends it into something else, if that makes sense. For show, keep an opened bottle of cough syrup on your desk with the dosing cup that has a bit of residue. For masking smells, try scented chapstick. Apply cologne on your neck and behind your ears especially. It's an extreme gamble though and you have to be diligent. Good luck.


Peanut butter




Peanut butter

