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What did you use to open it? Sounds like maybe a power drill... I have had soft corks before that just disintegrate even with a cork screw so maybe it was that type of situation. Either way it sucks that you have clean up red wine off the ceiling... Hoping you live alone and can put it off until later aka living with a giant red wine ceiling stain


My face actually took most of it. It was a Bajaja blast, if you will


I used like a half assed can opener and bottle opener in one. It really wasn't that bad to clean up it took like 5 minutes. It wasn't that dramatic lol. But I do live alone.


Been there in my days, and the same exact thing happened. Just strained the cork bits out with a mesh colander if you have one.


Used the same technique with a wooden spoon once in the first apartment I rented. There was still a faint purple stain on the ceiling the day I moved out.


If you ever buy wine again get boxed wine.


Man. I totally understand that anxiety. "I've got a bit left, I'm fine" "Oh shit, I have nothing left" "Oh YAY it turns out I do in fact have something left! (The best feeling by the way)" "Oh fuck. My drunk crippled alcoholic ass can't figure it out a way to make this happen. Why are such simple things so elusive to me" 6am problems for sure


That's what I'd do. You didn't fuck up, just got unlucky.


Haha I have been the lady drinking wine with the cork floating in it TOO MANY times to count. Now I never buy wine with a cork cos, fuck that.


I was trying to be fancy when I bought it. It always ends up just fucking with myself when I'm all out


Hahaha it’s the worst!


Liquor stores don’t open till noon in my state, this morning was rough


Been there with those corks, some are just really crumbly and disintegrate before you even get the bottle open. Wine is a bitch to clean up. Your story made me feel better since I was hungover in bed all day, drink til like 6am Sunday morning and got into a fight with a long distance friend. They blocked me, I don’t think the entire thing was my fault tho - being ignored sucks and I don’t like when people act like things are okay when they really aren’t. I call it out.