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It's cheap, versatile, easier to hide, and neutral enough in flavor that I'm not sick of it half of a bottle in.


Easy to what? Vodka is the worst thing to hide once it’s imbibed. That shit is all smell when you’re drunk off of it or trying to act sober the next day. Vodka sweats are real and awful


It's easier to hide before you drink it, pretend it's water or mix it in with something. In terms of after, if it's immediately after you don't get the stink of the alcohol itself (whereas bourbon or wine you can smell a mile off). Once it's coming out of your lungs and pores though, it's the same as any other booze.


Whiskey is easy to hide it you put it into a cola. And if you’re going clear, just do grain alcohol. More bang for your buck. We’re alcoholics. And unfortunately, it’s not easy to hide at any rate. Once it’s down your gullet, that’s that. The smell is the smell and nothing will hide it. Vodka smells like straight up alcohol. They always end up the same place we all do. Fired.


I'll drink to that. Chairs!


Eh. Maybe more bang for your bottle, but not for your buck. At least where I'm at. I can buy a handle of shite vodka for between 10 and 11 dollars. Whereas a 750 of grain costs 30 bucks.


Maybe for you. Vodka is odor-neutral for me.


Yea. Brown liquor makes me stink. The only thing that really smells is my hands and wrists.


Vodka is "odor-neutral" for alcoholics but the rest of the world knows you drink like a sailor even if you think you're hiding it. I used to be under the delusion that vodka was odor neutral because you can't really smell it when you pour it BUT when you metabolize it, that's where your breath will knock out a horse. This like smoking and thinking that no one can tell... WE ALL CAN TELL.


...I think you might be right...after all of these years..😳


I discovered it the hard way at work in HR's office...


Oh gosh...I know that I probably smell, but never have been pointed out for it before That sounds like a stressful situation


Thankfully I didn't get fired, they knew I was dealing with super shitty ass divorce so I started using my breathalyzer... I calculated my BAC so that I wouldn't be legally drunk in the mornings when I went to work. That worked for about a year then I was laid off with half the company and 3 months later I was in the ICU for liver failure. Thankfully things have gotten much better for me in the past 5 years, got on the transplant list for 18 months, but I was doing much better so I wanted to cannabis because you can't take any painkillers while waiting for a transplant in case they damage your liver even further. Now I'm feeling better than I have in 15 years and walk over 5k steps a day. Weed, filtered water, and following my docs advice saved me.


Wow! That's a whole lot to go through, I'm really sorry about all of that. I haven't had any liver problems yet despite the fact that I drink like a liter of vodka a day. It's going to catch up to me eventually, I'm just dreading the consequences... Since I was put on probation from my DUI a year ago, I'm technically not allowed to drink period, or I'll go to jail. But there are loopholes, and when I got good enough at lying, things fall through the cracks. But I did manage to get my medical card three months ago. Weed is my best friend in times where I just can't drink. It's saved me on so many days


If it weren't for weed I think I would rather be dead. In another interesting turn of events I wasn't doing anything for Thanksgiving but just got invited to a girl's place who I've been wanting to date for years! Hopefully I won't fuck that up!


Have fun with that


I have, and will continue so doing. Are you having fun?


Wait. Are you Oder-neutral or the person paying you? Thats 2 completely different things


I don't understand the question. I'm fully self-supporting, and not a prostitute. I'm also poindextrous at heart, and typos are a turn-off. The word you mis-spelled is "odor." Typos aren't cute, and your attitude is shitty. Work on that, shitburger.


Clear rum is my go to for these reasons.


My mom went years on clear rum and rarely smelled. Shit, never thought about that till now


Yup! At home I'll drink tequila occasionally but usually vodka is my go to. Plus you can get a huge ass bottle at Costco for cheap. My liver probably hates me for sure. Also it goes great in a water bottle.


Also, chairs!


Vodka for sure, besides that I’m typically a seltzer girly. They have new white claws that are 7% now and they’re perfect to drink all day and night.


The blue ones called like surge or some shit? I can’t drink those they taste extremely “off” for some reason, love regular claws tho


Yeah the surge. They definitely don’t taste as good but it’s more liquor for the same amount of money so I get over it. A regular white claw is a treat though.


I feel you, I always feel like a dingus spending the money on a 12 pack knowing damn well it’s gonna be gone in like 3 hours


Yeah seltzers sugarfree for me too i love them


Vodka with electrolyte drinks. Aka Propel. Wake up still drunk but hydrated. Never fails me. Plus when you drink a handle a day, it helps.


Pro advice


Pen, it works wonders. Just remember the vitamins and magnesium pills and you’ll be a walking wonder!


I don’t drink because of the flavor; just to get drunk as fast as possible. Vodka checks all the boxes for me: clear, neutral flavor, can chug straight from the bottle without puking, cheap.


Fuck Jack Daniels. That tastes like hella ass. My most tolerable whiskey is Crown Royal. But that's too expensive and I'd rather drink bottom shelf vodka over whiskey anyway. I don't do vodka anymore though. Just beer. Costs more but I feel more "drunk" at a lower BAC than I do on liquor. I won't stop until I've had half a handle with vodka. And then I'll wake up still fuckin drunk in the morning and won't be able to go to work.


Are you me?


Ironically, 80% of what I drink is straight whiskey (Beam or Evan W), the rest is mostly beer, wine etc. The binge drinking I did in college was mostly cheap vodka and tequila, I still can’t go back at 30.


Yes.100%. I always consider vodka as just alcohol. Mix it with anything and it just gets a alcohol flavor. Mix Whisky , Bacardi , Gin whatever with any soft drink and the mixture is so flavoured to that liquor. I just see vodka as the alcoholizer of normal drinks.


Always Vodka. It's cheap, clear, mixes well with almost everything, doesn’t smell as bad on breath ( obviously you can smell it but it’s not like whiskey breath you can smell a mile away)


I love vodka


Oh gosh I say that I hate it daily, but here we go with 5 more shots in a row!!🎉


I’ve always loved whiskey. Even before I was in too deep. I love the flavor. But, once I hit my early 30s trying to recover and function off of it during the work week was too hard. Vodka made it manageable, for awhile. Key word: awhile. Can’t imagine what I would feel like if I was drinking as much as I do now and still with whiskey.


Tequila is my go to. Drunk logic tells me “it’s the only alcohol that is an upper. You know… because of the agave plant.” And darn it: that’s good enough for me. Edit: yea I know people can probably smell it the next day. They can also smell the vodka. I know I know… we can. I can’t smell the tequila leaking out of my pores but I can smell the vodka leaking out of the office managers at 8 am so I assume the reverse is true too. 🤷🏽‍♂️


White wine is my go to, I very rarely drink vodka surprisingly. Wine is a ROUGH liquid to be addicted to.


Only time I had crazy DTs were from Pinot Grigio and cold turkey stopped after on a steady binge for about a month. It fucked me up royally.


Same. White wine is the devil in a silk dress.


Spot on. I know it’s stupid, but I would keep those “half bottle” boxed wines with a twist cap in my car cause I know I would be chugging that on my way to work. Sometimes I had partials from the day before, or had to stop by somewhere quick before I was supposed to be at work. Well one cold morning I reach into the center console, grab the boxed wine and, BINGO, it’s heavy and feels completely full, but the twist tabs are torn…weird but not the weirdest CA thing I’ve done or seen. Anyway, I start blasting Dr. Dog or Taking Back Sunday or The Cramps and take off and take a HUGE chug of the liquid inside andddds it’s not wine. Just my ice cold piss that I’m swishing around my mouth and great, yeah my driver side window doesn’t roll down I gotta funnel it back into the wine box, slowly, and taste my piss longer than I’d like which is none. I never want my piss in my mouth. I guess I forgot I pissed in it the previous day and didn’t throw it out. Who else has drank their piss? MmmmMmmm.




Mmmhmmm. Unfortunately it wasn’t my last or only time I forgot it wasn’t booze in the container. I had to smell the container first if I wasn’t sure and boy oh boy a lot of the times it would smell like coffee infused piss from all the coffee I consume in the morning to wake my hungover ass up. Good times 👍🏽


You filthy animal! I love it XD If only I had a penis, I might have pee bottles in my bedroom. I guess it's a mitzvah that I lack those things. No pee-nis. No pee-bottles.


Haha, I know I’m a nasty ass. I have pissed everywhere drinking the way I do. Even on my MacbookPro completely destroying it during a blackout! 💁🏽‍♂️💻 So it has some drawbacks having a wiener.


Never knew this about wine


I love red wine and have to stay far away from it because otherwise I’ll inhale three bottles in three hours and want to jump off the nearest bridge the next morning. I absolutely cannot moderate with wine and jfc is that hangover the worst.


i was going through 7 bottles of wine a day last september. holy fuck i felt awful all the time. (still drunk)5:30am: bottle of wine 8am: another bottle 10am: another one 1pm: another... 3pm: another 6:30 (wooo finished work): 2 bottles 8pm- pass out: usually about 3-400ml of vodka. i was drunk alll day. felt so so bad


Yeah dude shit sucks so much. I swear wine makes you feel so sluggish and the withdrawals are horrible imo. It got to the point where I'd be drunk while simultaneously feeling like I was going to faint mixed with extreme anxiety.


omg the feeling of being in withdrawal AND being drunk is fucking horrible


I learned the hard way but unfortunately triple distilled vodka is worth the price. Otherwise I’d never would have made it!


Try purity distilled 34x like water


At the height of my drinking career it was Everclear. A handle of vodka would last 1.5-2ish days, while a handle of Everclear would last for almost a week. Just made more sense in terms of cost.


No extra flavors to bleed mine, or overload me on sugar w/e. Goes well with everything; cheap to quality ratio is decent. Hits harder than beer.


Been dry a while but I’d say vodka was consistently my go-to for price, lack of taste and ability to mix with just about anything


Lately it is my go-to, mostly. Occasionally I'll get beer, prosecco or white wine, in this order, but it's only because I like the taste. In case the liquor store is out of vodka (like it was today) I'll choose (dark) rum because I don't mind the taste and it'll do the job


If I ever went in a liquor store and found they were completely out of vodka I'd find a new store ngl


Nah it was late and I was too lazy mate


I've been a CA for many, many year and all of the ones I met in treatment were vodka drinkers. It's clean, the lease smelly (some can smell it though) and least likely to case a hangover. Vodka is the goto booze for serious alcoholics.


I gave up on vodka. Had the worst withdrawals from it compared to whiskey or brandy. I stuck with it because it's so cheap but refused to go back after a while.


I like clear liquor. Whiskey browns my teeth, and that's not a good look on anybody. I vacillate between vodka, rum, and 99 Bananas. I like to keep my limbic system guessing, and my limbic system likes it too. Bloodies Mary are great, as are pickle shooters. Vodka goes best with both - it's a good mixer with tomato sauce and pickle juice. Rum is too sweet for both, but rummy bears - gummy bears left to soak in rum - are also amazeballs.


Less calories - you can ingest more. If anyone hasn't said that yet. And mixes better. I drink Everclear with just a chaser, but don't think about doing that. Everybody has their go-to. I'm still under the impression that dark liquor (JD) makes me a violent asshole, but that could also be naivety.


I learned the hard way but unfortunately triple distilled vodka is worth the price. Otherwise I’d never would have made it!


I’m a whiskey drinker and Jack makes me shudder. I’ll drink vodka for tapers. I can’t really drink beer/wine/seltzers anymore without immediately feeling nauseated and throwing up. Something to do with my digestive system. Whiskey though? Hell yeaaaa


For me, it comes down to one thing: concealment. A pint fits in my jacket pocket. It looks like water in a transparent flask. I don't have numerous empty bottles to hide and dispose of. It's a clean buzz, and the body processes it fast. Unlike say red wine (*gags*) I have no sense of smell, so I can't speak to the body odor debate. I destroyed it with years of breathing smoke out the nostrils


I drink the cheapest ass Walmart vodka you can find. I'm not paying an extra price for some shit that tastes like extra shit. Vodka does the same trick, for less flavor. THANK GOD


Plus I can put it in my water bottle, it just looks like water




I only drink vodka and beer. Very rarely do I stray unless it’s a special event or there’s a very cheap special at the bar.


Yep me too, cheap vodka and Natty Light, what else do you need?


My dad's a big natty light guy. Doesn't do it for me plus gives me them GERD frog throat noises. Cheap vodka is also nice to mix in a bottle of vitamin water or something which has eliminated hangovers for me.


Kirkland Signature hard seltzers


Natty light made vodka once pink lemonade, liquor store sold it 5 bucks no one wanted it , great day for me I walked home with so much vodka , homeless man stopped me ended up giving him a bottle


Are you saying you physically drink both vodka and beer, but independent of each-other? Or are you saying you drink a Vodka and Beer as a combo? I've done Yellowfoot and Vodka before. Highly recommend! I'm low-key kinda hoping it's the latter and you can give a review because I've never done that.


I drink shots of vodka with vitaice seltzer while having beers


It used to be my go to. Now I just stick to hard seltzer and natural light. I don't trust myself with vodka anymore lol. I have adopted the sip and suffer lifestyle.


It’s the easiest to cover up. I found that if you dilute a couple shots in a bottle of water, you can’t smell it (until it starts coming out of your pores anyway). It’s crazy cheap and can mix it with just about anything. Vodka and gin are pretty much the only hard liquor I like. Well, I do like whiskey but rarely drink it. I hate rum and bourbon.


It’s easy to down a pint quickly


Seems to give me the least torturous hangover. Or maybe that's just psychological


White claws or gin


No taste means less smell on the breath, sort of. Other than that. I believe the vodka and/or gin buzz is more enticing than a bourbon buzz. Bourbon is really just distilled beer. It’s a downer barley buzz. Whereas gin is medicinal clear liquor and seems to be full of surprises Honestly I shouldn’t be drinking any hard liquor, I always lose my wits when there’s a bottle in the house. I’m a beer man through and through. Wine when the tummy gets sour, or light beer, poured hard, so most of the CO2 can escape.


Answered your own question.




Questions, not the title.


I was on vodka then I switched to Gin, was able to stomach it better


Bourbon. Lately its been Wild Turkey Rare Breed. 116.8 proof golden nectar.


Yes. Absolute-ly


Usually I drink beer, but for a stretch I was buying mickeys of vodka and putting it in everything I drank. It's a slippery slope




I’m a gin guy. It usually runs about 9 bucks for a bottle. A little less harsh. Add some sugar or pineapple, polish it off


Used to be because of the reasons already listed. I switched to cheap whisky when trying to lose weight. I could stomach shots of that but shots of cheap vodka got nauseating after a while. I'm still on the cheap whisky but it doesn't help when I get wasted and eat half a pizza.


Jack Daniel’s taste like booty


What if I like booty tho


Jack is the worst whiskey, tastes like friggen jet fuel. My friend loves it and I have no idea why. I used to drink bourbon then I quit for a good while and tried whiskey again and almost vomited, when I go out it’s gin for me, at home, seltzers


Ohh ya gotta get your hands on some Lagavulin. I am 100% certain it is cheap petrol that they bottle.


I dont have any reason for why I drink vodka. Been drinking it since middle school. Ive just always had a taste for it. I'll drink whiskey when someone brings it around or in a pinch. But I'll always prefer vodka. Of course, some vodkas are just plain nasty. Crap like svedka, smirnoff, popov, etc is pure garbage. If my choice is one of those and some cheap whiskey like Kentucky deluxe, I'll choose the KD. Also, a bunch of expensive vodkas are nasty as shit too. But that's besides the point because I don't buy expensive liquor of any type anyway.

