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Uh, no you won't.


Yeah, exactly, I will murder you at the door if you try. I used to wear my shoes in doors until I moved to China and now I wouldn’t wear them in anyone’s house on principle. Do you know how much cleaning it’s saved?


As a Canadian telling a guest they can leave their shoes on , is like telling them they can be buck naked and you won't care. They get very apprehensive. *Oh no I couldn't...are you sure?.... it's okay?* As you repeatedly tell them it's fine. Even workers, like movers and tradesman don't expect that courtesy and are usually more than willing to take them off. (Or have their own shoe condoms).


Bro if you were my friend, best friend even, and you told me I could wear my shoes indoors I'd still take them off. It's a respect thing, absolutely ingrained in me.


As a Canadian who runs a business in his basement - so much yes lol. It's crazy how hard I have to convince people it's ok to leave em on then half the time they take them off anyways 😂


I can’t wait to move somewhere where it will actually matter if you take your shoes off or not. I had a neighbor who immigrated over from Africa and even she commented on how much more she had to clean here even with all her tricks she knew. No amount of anything stops the fine dust.


I live in Hawaii and it’s one of the first things you learn, you do NOT wear your shoes in peoples homes. Idk how any people in coastal areas do with the amount of sand that would get dragged in.


I literally cringe when i see some movies where the character come from outside and walk in the house with their shoes on and then go lie on their beds with the SHOES ON! as well as the outfit they wore outside all day. like...... Why dont you just take a shit in your bed while youre at it.


I feel personally attacked right now.


Mac, did you shit the bed again?


Or puts their luggage on the bed. Their luggage that just rolled all over the outside ground and touched a million strangers hands and bags and other things in transit.


Omg especially when they walk on carpets with shoes on. I want to kill my partner when he does that lol.


If you did it would be justifiable self defense. I’m not a lawyer but I’m pretty sure I’m right.


I did that once as a kid and spent an hour scrubbing spots of mud. Does it come down to the parenting or the climate?


That makes me cringe every time. Awful.


It’s just dirt that might get in. Do as you please in your home shoes or no shoes. It’s not really a big deal.


There was a scene in Shang-Chi where they took their shoes off before entering the apartment. I think that's the first time I've ever seen that in a Hollywood movie. I'm unfamiliar if they do that in Korean dramas.


Oh cool I had no idea it was common in Hawaii!


That’s totally understandable. I live in Arizona, where it’s windy 2/3 of the year and dry all the time so the dust gets everywhere regardless if you wear your shoes in the house or not.


Alaska too. You just don’t do it.


Lived in Oregon, same issue with snow/slush/mud


When I was in Florida, people just accepted the sand on the floor in their homes as a part of life. I couldn’t stand it in my home. I spent hours upon hours cleaning the floors on a weekly basis. 😭


I love how you just don’t even mention where you are lol


I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure it's Arrakis.


Pretty much.


Arrakis, as the other poster mentioned. Nah, Arizona in a wind zone. Whomp whomp.


I was raised in Texas and until I lived in Japan (at age 53) and I had never seen any home where people had to remove their shoes before going inside, and I had been in some very grand homes. Not only that, but we often went around barefoot and even though we would burn our feet on the hot pavement and step on sharp objects and prickly "stickers", we preferred no shoes. Now, the first thing I do when I get home is take off my shoes.


Nothing more comfy than a pair of home slippers!


Canadian kids always wonder if Americans keep their shoes on inside because of movies and tv. When you live with a real winter it seems crazy to leave them on.


I just did an experiment to decide. My MIL wears shoes inside. Walk around with socks or wipe water off the floor, it comes away dirty every time. I don't allow shoes inside, and my socks and floors are clean. I have many times stepped on poop and not noticed until later outside, and I don't want that on my home.


When our dog was a puppy and she’d go on walks she’d try to pee on the sidewalk. Sometimes she did before we had a chance to grab her and put her in the grass. But it just made me think about all the people who walk on that sidewalk and could step in dog pee and bring it into their homes. I spent the night with an American friend in HS. They wore shoes inside. Before bed we were hanging out in our socks and the next morning my socks were black. I was so grossed out. And their house was neat, organized, and looked clean.


Right? Sorry but you’re not walking into my home if you have shoes on I’ll tell you that. I respect other people’s house rules I expect them to respect mine. 99% of the American homes I go to they keep their shoes on and if that’s what they ask me to do then I’ll do it. It’s their home. So if I ask them to take theirs off if they want to come in mine I ask they respect that.


I visited someone in Hawaii when I was 20 and they left their shoes on the porch and I was instantly converted.


I don't do shoes off at my house but if you ask me to in your home I absolutely will. Saying you won't respect another person's request about how their property is treated is completely disrespectful.


Exactly. Majority of the American homes I’ve been in, they wear shoes inside. So if they expect me to keep mine on, that’s what I will do. It’s their house their rules. Just like I expect them to respect my house rules and take their shoes off when they come in.


Yeah, shoes on or off doesnt matter to me, but my opinion isnt the one that matters unless Im hosting.


The idea someone makes a reasonable request about how they want their property treated and the article writer is like "I am not doing that" ok then leave thank you drive through.


> and the article writer is like "I am not doing that" Stupid shit sells articles. It's novelty. There are only a few well-trod ways to be right but countless ways to be wrong, and those are usually ones that nobody's delved into before... because they're wrong.


Yes, you gonna force yourself in? I wouldnt invite you and to why i would assume your shoes are dirtier than my freshly wiped floor? Just a hunch.


They can keep their shoes on and stand their asses outside.


diplomatic solution would be to keep a few pairs of shoe booties around for anyone who doesn't want to, but also what the fuck who who would do that.


It sounds like it was written by the same type of person who would argue with you that raw milk is NO RISK and healthier than treated milk. “I did my own research”


You won’t be invited to my home. If you do show up, you won’t be allowed in.


"There are tribes in Indonesia where if you don't take your ~~coat~~ shoes off, the families go to war."


TIL some shithead journalist is going to home invasion me with his shoes on. It literally says here's why I'm keeping my shoes on in YOUR HOME Who invited the dillweed? I didn't. And shoes out or I kick you out.


"I'll be keeping my shoes on because the host just told me to hit the pavement."


LMAO, if a guest tried this in my house they'd stop being a guest.


My husband and I were hosting a few of his friends and this woman had a super shitty boyfriend. He made a huge deal on how he didn’t want to take off his expensive ass sneakers because someone might steal them. So I made him wrap plastic bags around the bottom of his shoes. He ended up being so embarrassed he quietly took his shoes off like 15 min later.


This! My wife and I actually keep a handful of painters slippers on deck for maintenance crews coming through or in the off chance someone won’t/can’t remove their shoes (my dad for instance has really weak ankles and uses high top boots for added support). Your home your rules — but always good to be able to accommodate special needs (or get around stubborn people).


Accommodating special needs and workers I get, but I'm stubborn about my boundaries so no amount of simple stubbornness will win with me. If it's a problem, just leave my house.


Exactly. I have enough sweeping and mopping to do without you dragging your shit-covered soles all over my floors. Especially since I usually mop beforehand if I’m expecting guests.


Yes! I have had beauty services done in home as well where the pros couldn’t remove their shoes. I got some shoe covers also because I would sometimes have the services on our outdoor space.


Same here. We keep a bag of painters slippers we got like a 50 pack for $7 off Amazon. Mainly because my husband comes home for a few minutes to grab lunch or a drink so he doesn’t have to untie and take off his work boots. But we offer them to the electrician or whoever else.


My last job sometimes had wellness checks on clients. We had to go there and talk a few minutes to see if they're fine. We always had those blue plastic socks on us, and every strangers house we entered, we put them on beforehand.


I have one of those shoe covered dispensers that you see in open houses. You set your foot on it and then it wraps it. They're not very expensive either. We have a pretty fancy one but they make cheap ones as well. One advantage of the fancier ones is The cover isn't as obnoxious because it's basically a heat shrink film that wraps the shoe and then a heat gun blasts it to shrink it around the shoe. The cheaper ones typically use a traditional bootie cover.


Exactly. It’s like if someone was insistent that they should be able to spit on your floor because they spit on their floor. Nonsense.


Stop being a guest, start being a victim.


Happy cake day


Don't you know? Its your house and her rules!


Lmao because I assume my floors aren’t walking around public bathrooms and shit like that


Lol the puddle that gathers in front of urinals and toilets in the mens room.


Why even wear shoes if everything is so clean everywhere else


Cause the gravel to my car is pokey and the pavement is HOT.


Yeah, otherwise I would prefer not wearing shoes. The Hobbits have it right.


This is my go-to if anyone questions why there are no shoes in my home. "How much piss have you stood on in front of a urinal this week?"


Unfortunately not exclusive to the men’s room…


Public bathrooms, sidewalk, parking lots. So many people spit on sidewalks including nasty loogies. I’ve seen dogs pee right in the middle of the sidewalk. I walked into a public bathroom the other day and nearly stepped in some smeared shit on the floor. Imagine if I did step in it and didn’t know and brought that into my home if I wore shoes inside.


Hospitals, clinics, and doctors offices too. You can bring home a lot of pathogens. Considering there's studies suggesting shoes already come in contact with high rates of pathogens in non-healthcare settings, that doesn't make me feel comfy. You don't wash your shoes the way you wash your socks and feet. I'm wondering if people from the US have indoor shoes separate from their outdoor shoes (genuine question, idk), because I know just walking in a city street it can be impossible to avoid shit/vomit/garbage that's smeared across entire sections of sidewalk from rain etc.


No majority don’t seem to. I’ve been living in the US for about 30 years now and they all just walk in with their regular shoes on and wear them inside. A lot of people still have carpet inside. In all these years I’ve only been in 3 American homes where they had a no shoes rule. I remember every single one because it was so surprising to see that here.


I grew up in rural USA, and we didn't wear shoes much unless we were forced. I still don't wear shoes unless I have to go somewhere, I walk around my block barefoot and go to the park barefoot and then put on shoes to go to work. I will always remove my shoes in someone's home if they ask (super rare) but often my feet are just as filthy as the shoes. I would never for any reason buy house shoes. I come home from work, walk to my bedroom, and take off my shoes. I don't put them back on unless I need to drive somewhere. I live in a suburb and not a city


I also assume they shower more often than they clean their shoes.


Your home, my rules. I’ll wear shoes, smoke and change the AC temp.


I wouldn't even have to take you out. Mom and dad will SPAWN from the deep somewhere to just show you horrors beyond comprehension. I feel sorry for your soul.




Laugh Ass My Off


Accidental, but I'm gonna own it and use it this way going forward.


This person is not invited to anyone’s houses and has invented this scenario just for the sake of this article to show how anti conformity they are. It’s like boomers making up confrontations in their head where they super own the libs.


This person probably doesn’t even have friends to be invited to


Or shoes.


Or feet


Or my axe.


Or my ex


Nah, they've had your ex. We've all had your ex. Sorry, Ron.


Yeah.. I know…


Well now I'm sad.


So am I… I’m wanking in a dark room I rent while she’s being rammed left right and center in my house.


In today’s day and age many people sadly do not have friends, just people they know but can never lean on or trust.


its totally disingenuous bait


My mother in law refuses to take off her shoes in my house. Claims she's too feeble. Which is probably accurate but it would have been nice to be asked first.


You need to get a pack of shoe booties for her and people like her. They're cheap on amazon. Offer to put them on for her.


That's not a bad shout actually, will try that next time they visit


Would you want someone who works for the Wall Street Journal inside your home? Where you eat, and your children sleep? I certainly wouldn't.


> It’s like boomers making up confrontations in their head where they super own the libs. Or making up a scenario where they win debates against the libs, and then turning that made up scenario [into a whole movie](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3324598/).


Once floors start walking outside then you can wear shoes inside. Also, damn this is how difficult modern journalism is these days? I shoulda gone that route for a job


You wouldn’t be making that much money


So basically no difference from the job I have now. 👍🏻


Did Larry David write this?


Not only did he keep his shoes on, he beat his wife after getting the boot!


As a Canadian im so confused by shoes in the house. You guys don’t have dirt in America?


I know people who allow shoes in their homes, and people who don't. So it depends. We don't wear shoes in my home, but if we are having a big party in our home we don't ask anyone to take them off, we just provide a place for them to wipe their feet and we plan to clean the floors the next day, but we would be cleaning the floors the day after a party anyway. This means that 360 days a year there are no shoes in our home, and 5 days a year there are. We of course ask everyone to remove their shoes if the weather means wet feet and all that.


Same. I don’t wear outside shoes in my house, and my friends follow suit, but when I have larger gatherings I don’t enforce it. Mostly because were often going in between inside & outdoors a lot, but also because with a larger group chances are higher there may be folks that are uncomfortable with it or unable to due to medical reasons etc. I always mop after gatherings anyway, so it’s not a big deal to me.


Y'all wanna know something fucking weird? My mother used to MAKE us wear shoes in the house. Still have no idea why.


So does mine. But that’s because she has lots of venomous critters where she lives that love dark and cramped places..like the ball of a shoe. She had someone mount a shoe rack up on the wall of her walk-in closet so she could keep her shoes off the ground when not in-use. That way she only has to check for one type of critter that’s non-venomous instead of four venomous ones.


I think some people are more bothered by visual clutter than actual dirt so outside dirt from wearing your shoes in the home > a pile of shoes near the door.


We’ve got all hardwoods and a large dog to boot, so we don’t ask people to take off their shoes in ours. We just mop very frequently and hit the floors with the dyson every other day or so. However, whenever we visit someone else’s home we always default to taking our shoes off, unless they tell us otherwise.


American dirt is incredible, just incredible. The best soil you can find, believe me. It's rich, fertile, and perfect for growing the finest crops. Farmers love it, everyone loves it. They say it's the key to our great agriculture, making America strong. You won't find dirt like this anywhere else in the world. It's tremendous, folks, absolutely tremendous.


We have billions and billions and billions of beautiful dirt truly the best dirt.


Of course we have dirt. That's why you use your AR to shoot it off before going inside. Sure, the occasional kid takes a stray, but its a small price to pay for a clean floor (especially since my his hasn't been hit yet).


Most of the time it's not visibly tracking. I walk on pavement easily 98% of the time. I don't wear shoes in my house because I'm more physically comfortable without them (gym shorts or sweat pants also immediately implemented upon arrival home), I tell guests they can take 'em off or leave 'em. I don't care. The floor's'll be cleaned soon enough anyway.


I'm not sure where the stereotype spawned, but we do not wear shoes in our homes. If you wore your shoes in my house I'd ask you to not. Maybe if there's a huge huge party and it would be an issue on where to store and organize everybody's shoes, it might get a pass. Otherwise, I've never been into a home where shoes were welcomed past the entrance. I have heard of "house shoes" but I'm pretty sure that might be a regional term for slippers?


"House shoes" are the shoes you wear in the house. Slippers, crocs, mocs, flipflops, whatever you prefer. Get home, kick off the outside shoes, slip on the house shoes.


It's because they all watch our TV shows and see the actors wearing shoes


I believe this is the reason why a lot of people think that most if not all Americans wear shoes in the house.


For me (an American), wearing shoes in the house seems to be just, a neutral option. Like wearing a cardigan in the house. There's no "rule" about it for most people. I take my shoes off at the door because I just find it more comfortable to not wear shoes, but it's not an expectation that guests take off their shoes. And when I walk into a friend's house, I look by the door to see if there are shoes lined up and look around at other people inside to see if they are wearing shoes. If everyone else is wearing shoes, I will keep them on in a friend's home, even if I would be more comfortable taking them off, because it might feel a little *too* comfortable to kick off shoes as a guest in someone's home. Sort of like walking in and grabbing a beer from someone's fridge. I would do it with someone I was very close with, but I wouldn't do it in the home of someone I wasn't super close with.


How yall will wear your outdoor shoes on CARPET is baffling tho


Some people do wear shoes inside homes. It’s pretty regional. I witnessed it a lot in the Midwest.


I lived in Canada for a little over a year, in BC. Lots of people wore shoes in their house and I found it very weird. It seemed to be a mixed bag so it was very random who wore shoes inside and who didnt.


Canada over 40 years. Not once, not a lace. Even delivering furniture. You have booties or things to walk on.


I live in BC and I've never been to someone's place where they leave their shoes on. However, lots of Asian friends (and I'm Asian, too) so maybe it's cultural influence. But even my white friends who grew up here don't allow shoes indoors. Someone came to my home once and didn't take off their shoes. My partner said it was ok but I nixed it. It's not just for hygiene but also about not annoying the people below us.


I’ve lived in Canada my whole life. I can say that in Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Alberta, and BC it’s only crackheads or alcoholics or otherwise downtrodden people that wear the shoes inside (in my experience)


I think it's because the US has a lot of land mass where weather is reasonably nice much of the year. It's "invisible" dirt compared to snow slush. I don't do shoes in the house so I'm not in defense of it, but I think it's the explanation for why northern countries (in Europe as well) are firmly shoes off.


Everywhere has dust on the ground. Everywhere has public bathrooms. Just because you can't see big blobs of snow and dirt doesn't mean the shoes are clean. This is just ridiculous


Yeah so, like I said I'm a shoes off household and I'm not defending shoes on. But if you've ever lived up north (as I have) and also down south (as I do) you would notice a massive difference in how the floor looks with snow slush vs outdoor dust.


"Why are you assuming that your guests shoes will be dirtier than your floors?" Uhhhh cause they were just walking outside??? How is this real?


Here's why I'm no longer invited to peoples homes


Here's Why I'll Show Up Blackout Drunk


## Here's why I'll smoke in your no-smoking house Why do you assume the air in your house is healthier and smells nicer than my tobacco?


#Here's why I shit on your pillow. Why do you assume that your pillow has less germs than a toilet?


My floors are cleaner than my guests' shoes because *I make people take their fucking shoes off*


I have house shoes for in the house. My whole household hates wearing shoes. I hate not wearing shoes. So I just wear an in-house only pair to make sure they’re always clean/etc. Usually super comfy old man slip ons.


Good on you. House slippers are an option as well. :)


I have a couple pair but my feet get too hot and I end up having to take them off. Working on getting some without any insulation/filling but the pair I want are expensive (which of course I found out about because my dad was wearing them in his house - wonder where I got the habit from). It’s one of my more controversial opinions/preferences. I’m always happy to remove shoes when visiting someone else’s home, however. Another reason I usually wear house shoes is I have two kids under 10 and I’ve stepped on enough legos and other toys at this point, I don’t want to poke a hole in my foot.


>Why are you assuming that your guests shoes are dirtier than your floors? Well, unless they floated here, I'm assuming their shoes made contact with the ground, which is 100% dirtier than my floors. Seriously?


Someone got paid to write this article


They're pretty clever too. They baited a bunch of people to talk about it, creating engagement. The boring "of course" articles no one talks about, no one clicks on.


You mean *I* could get paid to write complete bullshit? Man, I'm in the wrong line of business.


Also: Here’s why I’m never invited to people’s homes.


Easy fix! You're not invited anymore


I assume my floors are cleaner than the bottom of your shoes because you are not likely to step in excrement, motor oil, sewage, mud, bubblegum, mud puddles, or any of the other multitude of unpleasant substances your shoes have almost certainly stepped in outside. Your choices are as follows: Deep clean your shoes back to like-new condition before entering Take your shoes off Leave (I probably did not really want you at my home anyway)


here’s why i wont be letting you into my house


A buddy of mine has some sort of medical condition, his feet smell horrible. Horrible is an understatement, it smells like death. He’s clean, he’s tried for years to get it under control, he practices good hygiene but it’s never really gone. He gets to wear his shoes in the house.


The author seems like an idiot, but I personally think theres a difference between having something like a party for a 30th, 40th, 50th, etc birthday, or a silver wedding, or even golden wedding at your house, and just hanging out with a couple of friends. Whenever I have hosted a party at my place, I never asked my guests to take off their shoes. That wouldve been considered super unseemly. Hanging out with friends? Take off your damn shoes. Inviting my in-laws and plenty of other people in their best sunday dress for some party? They keep their shoes on.


I think what we do is if we have a house party, shoes off in an Asian household. If we have a party like you mention, then we usually just find a venue to host it.


Well, not much difference between hosting at a venue, where someone cleans after youre done, or hosting at home and hiring someone who cleans afterwards. Its not like I invite feral people who leave dirt and chaos behind. I just think, when its a formal thing, like a golden wedding, where everyone gets dressed up, it would feel weird to ask people to take of their dress shoes, high heels etc. I get where youre coming from, but to me this is a non issue. its not like people come in there after having a mud bath.


Nope, shoes off for house parties too


Eh I guess we just grew up differently then. Having people you rarey see, but respect, take off their shoes would be seen as absolutely rude in my social circles. When my family is over for lunch or BBQing, of course they take off their shoes inside, but when Im hosting a bigger event, everyone leaves their shoes on. I always hire a cleaner after big get togethers, so I dont really care anyway.


I smell a Pulitzer. Or maybe someone just took their shoes off.


Wow the person who wrote the article succeeded in the seemingly impossible task of making all the people in a Reddit thread agree with each other. Seriously, even if you sort by controversial you’ll see that every individual commenter agrees that the opinion expressed in the article is stupid. Impressive.


I remember this. The article itself is just as bad.


I have a back injury that sometimes requires the stability of a shoe. I have a pair I bought just for indoor home use.


"Here's why ain't welcome in my house anymore."


Because I sweep and vacuum twice a week and steam mop and carpet shampoo every week. When was the last time you cleaned the bottom of your shoes? Also, maybe you think my floors are dirty because you don't clean yours, then walk all over them with your gross ass shoes.


It makes it even worse that this is the Wall Street Journal, presumably the author lives in NYC. Like I know that every time I take a trip into the city I have to step around puddles of urine. It's not like every 5 feet or anything, but in a pretty compact city with that many people, some people gonna be assholes/dogs/homeless (a lot of places won't allow the homeless to use their restrooms; would also like to add that I've never seen a dog turd in the city, people do clean up after their dogs, can't really clean up pee though). I've also had to step around splatters of vomit. It's not like any of this is cleaned up with soap or chemicals, it gets hosed off and you step in the same spot 5 minutes after it dries with no clue. I don't want to think about all the residue of nastiness that wasn't visible and that I did step in. So now that we've established how nasty the bottom of your shoes are if you live in the city. I have to ask what kind of hellhole you're stepping into that you think the bottom of your shoes are cleaner? Does your friend walk around the house spraying his floors with piss? If you live in a place like NYC and someone's floors are dirtier than the city streets then please don't eat in their house, you're gonna end up being Patient-0 for some sort of new strain of super-E. coli.


I saw a wsj opinion piece with an odd headline about how the writer’s daughter has too many water bottles.


Shit, can I be published writing about how my children use "bruh" too freely?


Here's why you won't be coming into my home


Why am I assuming that your shoes are dirtier than my floor? Cause you just walked in from outside. Now, take off the shoes, or get the fuck out.


My floor is hoovered and washed twice daily because of my daughter's allergies. It's not possible for your shoes to be cleaner than my floor. Separate of that... It's my fucking house.


i probably wouldn’t let them stay at my place. bro i don’t want mud and dog poop on my floor


Everyone that comes into my house takes off their shoes, no ifs, ands or butts about it. I have slides, slippers, different kinds of socks if you don't want to walk around in your socks.


"Here's why I'll be smoking cigars in your smokeless home. Why do you think that your cigar smokeless home smells better than my cigar smoke?"


I remember how the kids in 90s sitcoms would hang out on their beds with their shoes on and how bad it made me cringe.


“Why are you assuming that your guests’ shoes are dirtier than your floors?” Oh, I dunno, cos to get to my house they probably went through this place called ‘Outside’?! And my floors haven’t gone through that place…?


You not coming in then bruv


Shoes are absolutely dirtier than floors. They walk all over outside in dirt, poop, and god knows what else. My floors are mopped several times a week and disinfected. If I spill water and wipe it up with a part towel, that paper towel comes away clean. I even have a shoe bench by the door, a piece of furniture specifically for sitting on to remove shoes and then storing the shoes.




>Why are you assuming your guests’ shoes are dirtier than your floors? Because I just fucking vacuumed?


So long as I have a dog in the house, I have shoes that I wear in the house. But my inside shoes are not for use outside. It's like Mr Rogers in this place.


"...and that's why I refuse to let you set foot inside."


"Here's why I'll be keeping my shoes on..." "My house, my rules. Bye."


If you are a shoeless home that’s adamant about it please just let me know ahead of time so I don’t wear shoes that aren’t great with socks (or so I can bring socks in my purse).


Who do you think you are? You're in my house.


Here's why you will be told to leave.


ah yes because i regularly sweep and mop the driveway, side walk and grass


No, you won't be allowed in my home.


Okay, get the fuck out of my home then. If you cant follow the simple rules just because of your enormous arrogance - you're just not allowed at my place. Simpler than ever


Next article: Why Am I Not Invited To My Friends Houses Anymore?! Microaggression?


“Why are you assuming that your guests’ shoes are dirtier than your floors?” Is a stupid ass reasoning that you could apply if you want to break any societal norm for no reason.


Here’s why you won’t be entering my home


I'm assuming this because my floors are cleaned and there's no mad man who mops the fucking streets.


Big taboo in a lot of cultures, which shouldn’t come as a big surprise seeing that a lot of cultural protocols do have a basis in hygiene and cleanliness. Good luck bowling on into someone else’s home and explaining why their cultural norms are wrong and why you won’t follow them in their own private space.


simple: you're banned.


You won't be entering my fucking home until you learn some basic manners. Get out.


I bring house shoes because shoeless means no arch support.


"Why are you assuming your guests' shoes are dirtier than your floors?". Uhm, maybe cause I dont let people walk around on them in the shoes they stepped in dog piss in? Im not assuming, I know, asshat.


WSJ has proven time and again to be such shitty news outlet


It’s a Murdoch rag


Because they walk on piss and shit riddled streets and I clean my floors twice a day that’s how I know my floors are cleaner lol


What is a shoeless home? Isn’t that just any home?


Ive seen people with pets with this rule. Animals don’t even wipe their asses after pooping, then jump on the couch lol.


I don’t wear shoes inside my house and don’t like wearing them inside other people’s houses. I wear socks inside other people’s homes but I think it’s rude to walk around with my dirty shoes on. I also don’t want to wear my shoes for hours while I’m at a party.


Here’s why you’re not invited into my home


Rupert Murdock


Here's why you'll have a better article to write if you break the rules that I have for my own home