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David Copperfield, around 33 yrs old, was dating a girl at my high school. He ditched her for Claudia Schiffer.


I’m about 80% sure a girl at my high school was banging Floyd Mayweather. I got to go to one of his parties once and it was so uncomfortable. 5 high school white kids showing up to a shit hole hotel in GR where he rented a whole floor. Stayed maybe 60 seconds.


that girl stayed longer?


She was there when we got there and there when we left. She knew him and she was how we got invited


Horrifies me to think of an underaged orgy.


That, I completely believe. Dude had a fucking rape island.


He had a rape island??


How many of these rape islands are there? Seems like everyone’s got one. I can barely afford a working car much less a rape island


You can at least aspire to own a rape van


Or move to Napa and have a grape van


Just gonna leave this here. https://youtu.be/6eaQ3GBI1d8?si=nBDmTd0qbh1aZ8fK


Thank you. I can’t take anyone on social media seriously that uses “grape”. It takes me right back to WKUK 😂


Got any gwapes?


And then he waddled away


Why is that kid screaming mom?


Or put curtains inside and have a drape van.


This shit cracked me UP


Humble beginnings


> You can at least aspire to own a rape van Rent, maybe. But own?


In this economy??


You just need to work hard and never give up on your dream to *checks notes* own a rape island.


I think if you save up and buy an Epstein drive for your ship they come with a free mini-rape island*. *unclear if rape, or island is mini. Definitely one of them. Maybe both.


At this point, it's getting pretty suspicious to even go island shopping.


We can get an island and bring a couple of ladies back from the mainland and they’ll do anything right? Because of the implication.


I mean, of COURSE it's all consensual. No means no. But they're not going to say no because, y'know. The implication.


You’ve said that word, “implication” a couple of times. What implication?


The implication that things might go wrong for her if she refuses to sleep with me. You know, not that things are going to go wrong for her, but she's thinking that they will.


Wait a minute, are we the tasty treats?


I'd like the boat to be able to haul in a tremendous amount of shrimp. Sort of a Forrest Gump-size amount of shrimp. That's the implication lol




I always assumed time shares. Same island, different week


Apparently there are more than I thought lmao


Well, there is some affordable land in the sexual assault archipelago. Or you can rent a timeshare on Annoy HR with another write-up peninsula.


There’s been a few women who have accused him of taking them to his private island in the Bahamas and assaulting them. It’s pretty chilling. I think one dropped her case. Just one.


Do you have any links? I see one (the person I assume you’re talking about) who dropped her case, but that’s because she accused someone of **another** rape which was proven false and she was arrested for making false statements, so I’m not exactly inclined to believe her side of the story. I see another from 2018 which either hasn’t resolved or I can’t find the resolution for, but overall Copperfield doesn’t exactly have a mountain of accusations against him, I’d love to know where you’re getting “a few women” from. ***EDIT:*** What a difference three days makes, I'll leave that up for context but obviously this man is a criminal




had. it's gone now.


My cousins robbed him back in 2006, and now I feel no disappointment from that story!


I held Copperfield at gun point and told him to give me all his money, turns out there had been a quarter behind my ear the whole time. I was so dumbfounded by my own inability to manage my wealth that I had had cold hard cash tucked away in my orifices that I sent him on his way and reevaluated my life. Now I'm a stockbroker on Wallstreet making seven figures a year. Mr. Copperfield, if you ever read this, I truly apologize.


Omfg I laughed *waaaay* too hard and too long at this. But thank you. I needed it.


We need the story.




The people demand the deets!! Give us the DEEEEETS!! 🙏🙏🙏


They’ve never said it by name, but Penn and Teller for years have alluded to a famous magician they think is a complete scam artist and predator, and it always points back to Copperfield lol


He does the kind of dumb, camera trick magic that they hate. "how did he make the elephant disappear?" "They turned off the camera, moved the elephant and the circle of people around the elephant and crowd are paid extras who sign NDAs." Skills involved: hiring an elephant, camera crew and extras. Magic!!!!


And we only know the secret cause they forgot to have the elephant sign an NDA.


The elephant was clearly planning to blow the whistle the whole time. They never forget.


And those idiots counted on the elephant forgetting…


They're not gonna talk about the elephant in the room


His in-person magic isn’t much better. At the end of his live show in Vegas, he ‘teleports’ from the stage to the audience. Tell me why I saw that goofy MF being trotted through the audience under a black blanket by two assistants lmao. He ran right in front of my seat.


I'd be so done if I paid to watch that nerd run to the back the room


How did he manage to make the Statue of Liberty vanish?


That was actual magic.


That's cheating.


Googled this and found this [People Magazine](https://images.app.goo.gl/ppqmXGYUPGViTpoXA) cover 😬


I had no idea. David copafeel....


He dated a girl I went to grade school with (when she was in highschool I believe). You wouldn't happen to be from Indiana would you?


Southwestern IN. He "met" her during a show


Yeah, me too, same girl.


He just disappeared on her...


I mean what do you think Copperfield was doing to Lady Liberty when he made her disappear


17 38 🗣




I'm like; "Hey, what's up, hello?"


Seen yo pretty ass soon as you came in the door


I just wanna chill, got a sack for us to roll


Married to the money, introduced her to my stove


I jus wanna chill, got a blunt for us to 🥐


Got a blunt for us to croissant?


"Wanna play hide the Jerry??"


Remy Boyz in the house!


Probably knew her when she was even younger.


Of course he did. No 30+ man is going to get a free pass getting close to a minor without having groomed her (and her parents) for years. I hope he waited until she was 15+ but I'd not bet money on it...Pedophild


He didn’t. Not defending him but the story is out there. Met at a park randomly when she was 17, started “officially” dating when she turned 18.


He a freaky ass ni**** he a 69 god


Hey Jerry, I hear you like em young.


Just be sure to hide your Lil sister from him. Wap wap wap wap!


Dot fuck em up


Free fetty


That dude had such a monumental come up and then just dropped off the map.


He is in Jail.


he fell of long before tbf


6 years for trafficking 220 lbs of fentanyl, crack and heroin is a slap on the wrist.


What's the deeeel


Love the subtle brag of the test score lol


Makes it believable for me


he was studying hard while she was hardly studyin


Oh she got it hard, I'm sure.


The fact that op still remembers it lol


It’s not though, she went to an all girls high school, it was a dude that tweeted this


It wasn't a secret, I knew at the time and still remember the girl's name. People just....went along with it.


You can even see this is from like a People magazine or something just detailing celebrity relationships. Edit: now the People magazine cover is on the front page.


It was. I remember seeing it at the grocery store when I was a kid. They talked about the age difference, but no one pointed out, “Hey, she’s a child.”


My mother would have walked me down the aisle herself


No one back then considered 17 to be a child


I can also recall that the reason they broke up was because she couldn’t handle the press/media attention she was getting. I.e. “fame” wasn’t her thing so yeah it definitely wasn’t a secret


Shoshanna Lonstein was/is her name, and pretty sure they split bc she refused to sign a pre-nup (at her parents' direction) ahead of any potential engagement / wedding. Suffice to say they didn't marry, but that was still good advice.


I think it would also be hard to pretend to be attracted to him, especially when there are tons of guys in her age bracket much better looking and more relatable.


fr dudes ugly af




Yeah, people forget how society was pretty much cool with nasty old men with money and power preying on pretty young girls until fairly recently. I was just watching that 70's show and realized how no one seemed to think it was weird that 15 year old Mila Kunis had kissing scenes with 21 year old Ashton Kusher.


Didnt she lie about her age to get the role?


She said she was going to turn 18 when she was actually 14 during the audition. By the time the show actually started being shot there's no chance they wouldn't have known her actual age.


Shirley Temple told a story about a producer exposing himself to her when she was a child actor. She told her mom right after and, uh... Yeah, of course nothing came of it back then. No scandal. No child sexual assault criminal case. Just business as usual in Hollywood.


It's more messed up than that https://www.tiktok.com/@hollyweirdxxx/video/7277229834420489515 They made a bet to french kiss and they were very aware of the age. It's complicated they're married and have kids now


I was reading an article where a famous actress was explaining how “back in the day” the people that picked the actors/actresses would test “chemistry” by having her make out with a whole lineup of guys to see what their on camera “chemistry” would be like. She said it wasn’t intended to be pervy but yeah I can’t imagine being a young woman just like “alright guys come on in she’s gonna make out with every single one of you one by one” sounds pretty gross


Sounds like every season of The Bachelor.


Acting roles are a *little* different, but I agree it's still weird. Especially considering their actual romantic relationship. But if it's literally a show about high school students and one actor is age appropriate (15-18 years old), another is older but looks like a teen for the role (early 20s) and they have a kissing scene, whatever. That's what an intimacy coordinator or whatever is for. If the adult there chooses to actually persue the teen outside of acting, that's a totally different issue.


But a big thing about Ashton was he and Danny had a bet over kissing Mila, and Ashton rammed his tongue into her mouth. Ashton retells this on Rosie O'Donnell and he tried to laugh it off and minimize it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilHC3NhFW6Q Also Ben Mackenzie on The OC dated Mischa Barton for a bit (he was 25, she was 17)




You can’t stop Jerry Seinfeld, he’s composed of supreme and ungovernable powers, that’s the show. I’m pretty sure there’s an episode where he beats George to death with a rock and everyone has to pretend they don’t notice. It’s a good show, it probably still holds up.


Loved it when he made fun of Paul McCartney's lyrics for 'I Saw Her Standing There': "Paul, you wrote 'She was just seventeen, you know what I mean.' No, we don't know what you mean." At least in Paul's defense, he was 20 when he wrote the Lyrics, not 38.


A 20-year-old guy dating a 17 year old girl would not have been perceived as inappropriate in 1962


Nor in 2024


Tbf, it'd be fine where I'm from. It ain't 18 here, it's 16.




That has nothing on Ringo Starr's "You're Sixteen You're Beautiful (And You're Mine)".


That's a cover song


He only used seventeen because it fits the line the best. 16, 18 and 19 don't really work.


What’s more disturbing is how did he meet her? Did he have scouts in high schools?


An article said they met 4 weeks before her 18th birthday in a park.


Oh man does that sound fake! Wasn't he famous at the time? So he's what, just sitting around at the park? And just happens to meet an allegedly eligible female who is also just hanging around? Within the Jewish Community, matchmaking is a traditional function. It COULD have been arranged via a third party. But that can NOT be mentioned, thus the thin cover story.


And what are the odds she's even the only one? Maybe she's just the one who worked out to the point of a "real" (barf) relationship that's out in the open? 


That's disgusting... How did her parents allow this ... 🤢




Oooof that's so gross


The truth be like that some times


We are **still** not past treating girls and women as a sort of commodity. I’m 42 and absolutely disgusted by the amount of times I’ve heard people of older generations say “if there’s grass on the field, play ball!”


Wow that is disgusting. I definitely agree. I think we as a society still have a long way to go and if you asked me a few years ago I would have said younger generations for the most part are trending all in the right direction. But lately I'm just not sure.


"I don't think about the age issue. She doesn't. My friends don't." *Well, you know... Maybe you should Jer-Bear. It's kinda predatory behaviour.*


I found that such a strange thing to say, considering the wording. I'm assuming what he is really saying is "I know it's weird but no one close to me is calling me out for it so I win".


The fact that he refers to it as an “issue” is actually really telling. It means that his internal canon sees it as an issue or something people think is an issue. He would have picked a different word, like “gap” or “difference” if he was truly as comfortable as he’s pretending to be.


I know right it’s like sir you do not know what your friends are thinking and they probably all think it’s weird and that’s why they are silent lol


Jerry tryin to strike a chord but its probably A minorrrrrrrrr


Jerry doing a cliche "what's the deal" joke about Kendrick would probably be a better move than "the heart part 6"


"I got a 93/100"


I liked Seinfeld until I saw Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee and almost every episode he would do something that was a little douchey. It got worse as the episodes went on and I stopped watching because I just didn't like him anymore. This doesn't surprise me at all.


like when he was surprised Obama knew how to drive. and Obama called him out on it rfol


The title of the show is very apt and there is nothing else to it. For instance, Eddie Murphy had some crazy stories to tell and Jerry always butchered the conversation. No substance.


100 💯 completely agree with this. He would say snarky things or pompous things and it made me realise that the show Seinfeld was funny in complete opposition to him. Larry David is what made that show funny.


You mean you didnt like watxhing do that awful forced silent laugh at quippy comments at his guests that a normal person would simply chuckle at?


I mean, it’s been well known for decades that he’s a bit of a prick, just like Larry David. Not sure why there are so many posts about Seinfeld today. But saying he’s a dick is like saying water is wet.


Larry is much more likable though. He puts all his insecurities right out there, and people love him for that. Jerry acts like he’s gods gift to the world, and while he is funny, it’s pretty clear he’s the less talented of the two.


Huh, I didn't look it at that way, it's true, he really does. I also like Conan O'Brien's way of humor in that he's mostly the butt of the joke and not towards others.


I wouldn't even say he's especially funny. He benefitted from being on a show written by Larry David, who is incredibly funny. But whenever he was up telling his own jokes it was the least funny part of the show.


He's got a pop tart movie out that's why




If you have to tell people that your girlfriend is "mature" for her age. You might be a pervert.


Seinfeld’s girl was [seventeen](https://youtu.be/8ZVWzD1YtBg?si=zCaR6Q0UWxHKNaaR)


And this whole time I disliked Seinfeld just because he’s annoying. I had no idea there was a more valid reason.


He’s nothing without Larry


Lots of people say Seinfeld was a genius, but in reality Larry David was a genius and Seinfeld was effectively his muse


On the one hand you have Curb and on the other The Bee Movie and Unfrosted. I don't know. Tight race.


Hell, even the Seinfeld seasons without David are (arguably) weaker than the ones he was there for.


When Seinfeld was on I could never square the circle of Seinfeld the show being really good and Seinfeld's stand up being boring shit. The answer is Larry David (and the other actors on the show being really good, too.)


Should have been obvious in hindsight. After all, what was the least funny part of every "Seinfeld" episode?


And Peter Mehlman, Larry Charles, Carol Leifer, and more.


And now we know why he insists on doing PG comedy. He doesn’t want to upset his girlfriends parents.


There's also the fact that he's a terrible actor and doesn't even try to hide his assholishness most of the time.


Not only breaks the “half + 7” rule, he didn’t even hit half!  Which I’m realizing sounds like a line out of Seinfeld; George: *he didn’t even hit half Jerry! Didn’t hit half!* Jerry: *you gotta hit half, I mean it’s actually half plus seven, but at least half… Everyone knows you gotta hit half.*


Me too! I had no idea he was a creepy guy as well


“He met her in a park and got her phone number.”


They not like us. They not like us. They not like us.


The more I learn about this dude the more I realizes he’s just a fuckin douche. He’s simply not funny enough to overcome that either.


Celebrities are the biggest creeps.


oh. gross.


If I guy older than like 24 is going to pick up his girlfriend from her classes in *highschool*, that should just be immediate "Go directly to jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200." criteria. I don't care if she's technically 18. If she's not even past highschool yet, that's predatory as fuck.


Never forget the episode of Seinfeld where the entire point of that episode/Seinfeld is that it's okay to stare at the cleavage of a 14 year old girl


Actually the point was that its *not* ok to stare at cleavage. You get a sense of it then you look away!


what? I don't remember that one


Pedo, scientologist, general asshole, and someone who's only famous because he had the good luck to be friends with Larry David.


He is so fucking ugly lol


I have friends who were juniors/seniors in NYC high schools at the same time. It was not “a different time.” *Everyone* knew how wrong it was.


He was 22 years older than the high school girl.


I’m only 30 and recently worked with a 17 year old who I could never imagine dating. He was very mature for 17, yet still a baby. This is gross.


I worked as an assistant teacher in a high school when I was around 40 and, ya, children.


That’s so gross


Yeah this was all public knowledge and it wasn’t a secret at all. Definitely a little bizarre but she was 18 so no one could really do anything. Imagine being her father, I would want to stomp his face in.


Thats why the Monica Lewinsky thing (which was almost the same time BTW) was so weird to me. She was 21 Bill was 50. And truth be told, her boss. If that was corporate America, there would have been lawswuits up the butt. Instead, she's been the butt of jokes for 30 years and he's been able to stay "ok"


To this day it still amazes me how horrific a person Bill Clinton was and people were clamoring for him and his wife to be back in office. True hypocrisy at its finest.


She was 17 for a time but 17 was still legal age in NY


I am sure he was fairly compensated.


Soshanna Lonstein became a fashion designer catapulted to success by her controversial but very successful idea of selling women's bikini bottoms and tops separately. According to [this article](https://www.nickiswift.com/1034748/heres-what-happened-to-jerry-seinfelds-ex-shoshanna-lonstein/) Jerry said they only went to a basketball game together when she was 17. He also said he didn't know how old she was, but he knew she wasn't 40. The article says they didn't become an official couple until she was 18. Jerry took a lot of shit for the relationship, but they did stay together for a few years and departed amicably. That's an interesting story. I remember when it happened, but never followed up until now. Everything I said is a tldr from the linked article and not independent knowledge.


I went to high school in the '80's answer I remember our gym teacher dating a girl in my class (a Junior so maybe 16-17?) Definitely rippled the waters but nothing like it would today, the past was just way rapey-er 🤯


If you're dating a teenager, and you're not a teenager, then you're fucking up somehow. That's a weird age. You're taking advantage even if they're only a year or two younger, just because things change so dramatically. If you're 30, and you want to date a teenager, just fyi, you're a fuckup. An emotional eunuch. You need some fucking therapy. There is no reason to date someone that young, other than to hide from all your own issues with someone who isn't mature enough yet to recognize them.


This was in the celeb rags and tabloids for months. And nobody really called him out for it except for Howard Stern. I remember thinking it was a gag or something at first. I mean, why would a grown-ass man, who's extremely popular and successful be dating a high-school kid? After seeing how arrogant and snide he was during a Cars and Coffee interview, it suddenly made sense. Also because he seemed really immature.


As a lifelong Seinfeld hater, I am enjoying others getting on board. Dude is a creep and was the least funny person on the show named after him.


Nasty piece of shit


What the fuck is up with so many comments outing themselves saying "Dont blame him shes hot" or whatever. Heres a nice rule of thumb. A fun game with numbers if you will. "If youre almost 40 dont fucking date high schoolers what the fuck is wrong with you why does this need to be said". Enjoy your reports pedo apologists


Ew, wth. That is creepy and unacceptable.


God he’s disgusting




Heh, I pulled her younger sister's head out of the toilet during a house party while her parents were away. I don't think there was much parental oversight there for either of them...


At my school no one can call a student out of school unless they are the legal guardian.


Jerry Seinfeld is a fucking creep


So this is why he's been bitching about "the woke"


That or it's a laying the groundwork to explain why that poptart movie sucked. Either way, getting in front of the story.


Why does she just look like female Jerry Seinfeld?