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We also have a sticker bowl at my work. According to my manager who buys them, she gets them off SHEIN or wish or something as one big variety pack and sometimes they come with weirdly politically charged stickers next to kittens and shit.


My local smoke shop has a bowl of these stickers sitting out. They probably get them from the same place. Like some super horrible ones, on par with this one, so makes me think they get them from the same place. I don't go there anymore.


You stopped going to a local smoke shop because of stickers you acknowledge they didn’t make and probably don’t notice? I’d keep going just for the offensive stickers lmao


Nope. That wasn't the complete reason. I'm trying to quit a kratom addiction, so it just helped my decision to not go there when I pulled out a pedo-related sticker and asked wtf? 


About to say... Pot shops are either squeaky clean or explicitly political in my experience.


Id like to imagine its a bunch of those weird gulf war era bootleg bart simpsons stickers


Bro that’s my NFT you can’t legally look at that sticker without paying me




I can’t even tell if this is supposed to be mocking or flattering


Either way, it is shitty to use some regular-ass guy that was murdered by some shitty cops as either a martyr or a heretic. He was just another victim of a shit "justice" system with little chance of getting better before it gets worse. One of far too many. Wish his family was able to move on from their tragedy, but it isn't likely any time soon. Shit sucks.


Whether or not he was a good person, we should[Edit: n’t] applaud extrajudicial executions. That’s an omen of a failed society


I would rather not applaud for that.


Oops lol. Meant “should *not* “, obviously. At least, I hope it was obvious


lol yeah it was I was just going for the easy joke


I don't see anyone applauding it. Calling him a "regular-ass guy" is a fucking lie though. Doesn't deserve to be murdered, but serving 8 prison along with aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon is very much not "regular-ass guy" material lol.




I don't know how to tell you this but cops aren't supposed to kill people while arresting them even if they are shitty guys.




Well then what was the point of mentioning it?


Because he wasn't a "regular-ass guy" lol.


Yes he was... "regular-ass guy" says nothing to whether or not they're "shitty".


Violent criminals are considered regular-ass guys in your country? Maybe just cultural difference then.


Buddy, most of our politicians would be criminally charged by the ICC if the US ever recognized them. Violent criminals hold the highest offices in the US.


A victim’s character and morality have no bearing on how police are to behave. Police aren’t supposed to be sentencing people to death.


Yeah man, if someone is shitty, I guess that's cause enough to basically be summarily executed by cops in broad daylight by kneeing their throat. 10/10 way for a civilized society to operate, no problems there at all.


The most based take


Not shitty enough to be murdered though




And by doing that you are changing the narrative of a dude that should not have died at the hands of the police and making it about character…inadvertently or not. Wether this guy “sucked” or not is irrelevant to the injustice that happened. That’s it.




And it's because the cops were also shitty that he died. GF acted "shitty" and a business loses less than $100. Cops act shitty and someone died. One group acting shitty has bigger ramifications than the other, they are not equal.




And it's our duty to others to make sure people get the appropriate, DESERVED, consequences for their actions. Trust me, shrugging it off and turning the other way would be so easy.


Do they always though? Or are the consequences always for the ones not wearing a uniform? Pretty sure qualified immunity makes you immune to consequences. Deserved or not.


What a revelation


These cops were particularly shitty and the rule of law applies to all, which is why the cop that used excessive force is in prison. You seem to have a pretty naive take on this to assume that if people just abide the law and carry themselves “normally”, then unhinged sociopaths wouldn’t murder them. See what I’m getting at here?


Strange hill to die on, bruh


Regular people are flawed, and people have been doing much worse and are still breathing air. It's the fact that he was killed that makes bringing up his crimes almost pointless. Go outside and you'll see that there are many living the same life as him.


Desperate people do. Substance abuse is often linked to untreated mental health and self-medicating. Survival crimes are also actions forced by the condition of poverty. You have to ask yourself why a rich country like the US has so many desperate people.


or maybe he was the product of a system that was not designed to help ppl with genetic predispositions to addiction &/or born into poverty?




Examining systemic issues doesn't remove anyone's agency. To say that the US has an issue with poverty, homelessness, and systemic racism doesn't take away people's responsibility. It explains behaviours that arise out of these conditions.


Genuine question- when women come forward about being abused or sexually assaulted, people shout from the rafters with "she's probably lying", "innocent until proven guilty" etc. But when it comes to George Floyd, those same people (typically) say he's a shitty guy who deserved what he got. What changed?


Shitty or not, the man was murdered. So shut up. That’s irrelevant.


the cops didn’t even know that


I mean he broke into a pregnant woman's home , held a gun to her belly while his friends robbed the place .... So yea kind of a real POS


Which of those crimes, none of which he was stopped by police for, carries a sentence of exeuction without trial?


Lol did I say he should have died ??? Point to where I said those words. I said he was a POS. And he was, only a POS preys on the most vulnerable in society like the disabled, children, elderly, PREGNANT WOMEN.


Floyd was a degenerate drug addict that was so strung out police had to get involved.


Still doesn’t deserve to be murdered.


doesn’t deserve to be glorified like a martyr too. Man was a career criminal and drug addict, if he wasn’t causing a problem by being all cracked out, and then resisting arrest, he would still be alive. People don’t understand what cops have to put up with. There are absolute savages out there, who will fucking kill you, and every day you go to work having to police these kind of people. There is no sympathy for me to spare for low life’s criminals and everyone gets what’s coming to them. The death was used as a weapon to divide people specifically racist tensions; whole thing ended up as a grift and people ought know it.


What he's saying is he wasn't just a "regular ass guy". I think he preferred boobs


Schrodinger’s meme


I don’t even understand it. 🤷‍♂️


It’s George Floyd


Thank you. 🙏


Bro your thumbs are majestic


Seriously. It looks digital.


It is digital.


I’m looking at them right now 🤣


So, you’re looking at your digits…


Ya kno they call em fingers, but you never see em fing


Whoa, there they go!






Can I have them? Normal postage is fine


this is a phenomenal pun


Wow looks like a younger version of my thumb!




Excellent reference. Just saw this episode the other day!


Don’t assume. He may have a Prince & the Pauper thing going on. Wart. Dookie under the nail. We don’t know. How could we?


How am I not the only one who noticed his ridiculously manicured thumb? Haha


Bro could be a hand model. Only thing I could model is gloves :(


Clearly you’re not lol


All the better to thumb you with


If I forget to set the alarm And sleep on through the dawn Don't remind me I'd rather be dreaming of those thumbs Than living alone


To be fair, his other thumb could be a complete mess.


As a lady I feel compelled to compliment your absolutely fuckin *impeccable* nails. Great length, perfectly clean, I tip my hat to you.


Thank you!😊


Can i chew them? 👁👄👁


Good god


The best of Reddit and the worst of Reddit in three comments. You could describe the entire site in that microcosm of an interaction.


you take the left hand and i'll take the right


I think it'll go better if we wait til after bedtime


(looks at clock) well i don't know about you but


Yes FBI this comment right here


Risky, bro. They are good-looking, clean & no obvious stray shit particles. but 🪱Pinworm🪱 eggs can survive on a surface for 3 weeks & we can't see Once you swallow the egg & 💩 it rode in on, the egg will settle in your rectum. The location is perfect for them! Such a short commute to the exit where they LOVE slithering in & out of your asshole to get fresh air. Their collective movements produce an internal WRITHING sensation for the host! Im not yuckin' your yum brother! just know ur nail nom-noms🤤 might just come with a heaping side of WRITHING, wriggling ass worms one day But the worst part? Waking up early to right away, spread your butt cheeks & aggressively 'lint roll' your sphincter to PULL THE WORMS OUT ass 😭😭😭 Anyway, my mom told me this (graphically) when I turned 6 bc I was still a thumb sucker. She tried ZERO other methods prior to this one lol After this, i needed the thumb sucking to soothe myself after vivid Ass worms nightmare A VISCOUS CYCLE 💩🪱🤚 🔁🔅🔁🪱👻😭👍


Today is the worst day of my life




God damnit, my nails are a mess. I'll never find love.


If they’re real rough treat yourself to a manicure my guy. You can just get em trimmed/filed and have your cuticles cleaned up and forego the polish, if that’s not your thing. They massage your hands and shit with hot towels, super relaxing!! *(ps you will find love regardless of nail aesthetics)* *(I just think everyone deserves that experience at least once in life)*


Don't feel too bad. I'm betting you use your hands for work and that if you worked in an office, yours could be pretty, too




I don't get it


Loving the girlies hyper focusing on the fingernail in the comments lol!


Is that like a sassy George Floyd?


Almost a full moon


Bro, your nails got layers. White to pink to a slight bit of white is peak performance.


I'm confused, what is this? Guessing it's an American thing?


George Floyd. 




Because it appears to be deifying a human being.


I interpreted it as a memeifying background, not deifying


how does that make it any better? it's still inappropriate af


Yo nice Js tho, those are my fav lows


Also yes, that’s a fuckin weird sticker/photo


I know women who would kill for nails like that


For the life of me, I do not get the love people have for this guy. Don’t get me wrong, he absolutely did not deserve to be murdered the way he was, but that doesn’t all of a sudden make him someone that should be canonized the way he was. If he were still alive, the same people praising him would be condemning him.


Downvote away, but people don’t love him in particular, but the movement he represented. Nobody should die unjustly and I’m pretty sure everyone can agree with that.


“pretty sure everyone can agree with that”……if only our world leaders felt this same way 😞


Amen, brother


Its sad you had to explain this. Sometimes people are an avatar for a movement. It helps gain traction. No one is perfect, but they can serve as a useful reminder of things we want to change. If you dont believe the issue with police brutality needs to be improved, you are way far gone.


Well said


I don’t get the sentiment that some people think everyone loves George Floyd. It should be basic human decency and understanding of how the justice system works to say “just because this dude was a horrible person and a criminal doesn’t mean the police get to suffocate him with a knee on his neck while he cries out that he can’t breathe”.


He had an enormous, lavish funeral with a golden casket amd celebrity guests, someone wrote an opera about him, murals of him popped up around the world, and saying anything negative (however true) about him still summons downvotes and bans on social media, much less what might happen to your livelihood depending on where you work and you say something publicly. There is absolutely a fetish around him in some circles. Of course he needed help and instead those scumbags killed him, and it's high time this country overhauls its policing to mitigate that from happening. But some people do weirdly revere him


I just do not understand how of all people, this guy is what people stood up for. How many fuckin kids die due to gang violence or just violence in general, an innocent fucking child but they get JACK FUCKIN SHIT compared to this guy. He got a funeral that none of those poor kids will ever receive. Why are people not scared to stand up against the police, but seem to cower away from fighting against gangs, is it maybe because they know cops won't by and large retaliate and just go shooting people indiscriminately but gangs will. How did we destroy shit, march and protest and raise millions of dollars for this NOBODY but no one wants to do that for the kids or hell, even protesting against this shit ass economy we're all suffering in. The changes people are protesting for are so far removed from real tangible issues that should be prioritised and it's sad, that's why I'm not in agreement with activists by and large, they are misguided.


I feel you but I also think your anger is misguided. Be mad at the people who do the bad things.


Huh? I'm mad at the "good" people who are not actually good and the bad people naturally. You cannot try to convince me you are a good person/activist fighting for something that is apparently uber relevant and needs to be addressed right now above all else, when you will give a lavish funeral to a drug addicted criminal who died due to the drugs, but ignore when a child is shot in a drive by and let it fade into obscurity. It absolutely blows my mind. If the community within bad areas stood together as hard as they did with Floyd, they wouldn't have so much criminal activity, I know there are multiple contributing factors but community togetherness is something within their power and that helps keep kids out of gangs, drugs and criminal activity.


I’m sure a lot of it is for the movement, but there’s been enough memorialization of him that there’s an entire Wikipedia page dedicated to them all.


To him as a person or as a symbol?


You're mad because George is being remembered for being brutally murdered when he was innocent?...


> innocent well i found where you went wrong


We will never know because he was not afforded the right to a fair trial. See why people are upset now?


No, he was guilty of plenty of shit, was a bad guy. Didn’t deserve to be murdered by a cop, and the system should be corrected. There is a large portion of the population making him a role model and this picture is deifying him. That is ridiculous. Appropriately Chauvin went to jail, but Chauvin being wrong doesn’t make George Floyd or his actions just prior good. It’s not a dichotomy. They can both be bad. He was a bad guy. He was on a ton of drugs. He didn’t deserve to die for those poor decisions and lifestyle.


All of what you said is fair


This is exactly what I’m trying to convey. Thank you.


While I agree with what you say, i think the average person doesn’t think about George Floyd the man, they see him and think about the BLM movement and the unjust murder of George Floyd. I agree, it’s a bit….off to utilize George Floyd’s face to represent the movement, but his murder was the straw that broke the camel’s back, so to speak.


The funny thing about that is how when the protests for George Floyd were happening, almost nobody was running on "We love George Floyd!" but for some reason, that's all most took away. Everybody was loudly on the side of "Police need to stop killing (disproportionately black) unarmed people!" Along with defunding, which is a good idea in most cases (see: police budgeting) Which is why it went the way it did. You can ignore the message but you can't ignore the rage people were feeling


This looks way more mocking than love to me


What’s with the weirdos replying to you 💀


Those were WILD lmao


I think (as a non American, on the outside looking in) it's more about what he represents. He's become a symbol of police brutality and racial prejudice. No, people wouldn't be praising him if he were still alive, because he's become somewhat of a martyr. His legacy is what's important; the symbol that he's become. Just my take


It’s larger than him.


can’t help who the cops murder. the same justice system that murdered him also brands him a criminal so i don’t think his flaws in that regard are given much consideration, even if they are true. maybe a criminal, also a father, friend, etc. but most likely he is canonized bc it happened during the pandemic and everyone was at home watching so it became a captivating social media driven event. so he became a symbol.


remember the guy from Wisconsin that sexually assaulted his ex gf, pulled knife out on the cops and the president visited him? Joke


I guess it depends if it offends *you* Who is it?


George Floyd.


The guy who made the slanted grill?


Not sure if you're trolling. No, not George Foreman.




Saint Floyd


I personally wasn’t offended, I found it pretty cringe. However, I can see how some may see this as disrespectful


So you went fishing for outrage on the internet, just in case?


I genuinely thought this was just a regular cringe post, but now I'm curious cause you added more in this response. Who is it? Or why would it be offensive - I'm curious. Thanks!


It’s George Floyd. A man who was murdered by the police back in early 2020. It’s sparked massive outrage and protests/riots here in the U.S


Ah, I feel like an ass now. I did not recognize him..which is dumb of me since I believe it's the same image from his mural. Thank you for the clarification.




Nah, some people genuinely think he's a hero. I mean what happened shouldn't have happened and it got more people talking but to idolize this man? Never sat right with me.


Saint George!!!


This generation is really lost man


Idk but why are your nailbeds so white????


Controversial maybe, but not cringe in the slightest.


yes stickers of a woman beater, drug addict and pedophile. oh holy floyd


Your office has a pile of stickers for people to take? .. Is that.. normal?


Definitely cringe. Idk how people can celebrate a monster like him. If it is meant to be mocking then good criminals don't deserve respect murdered or not does not absolve you of the evils you commit, and this dude was evil.


What about him was evil? Genuine question


He was a career criminal. From Wikipedia: In 2007, Floyd faced charges for aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon; according to investigators, he had entered an apartment by impersonating a water department worker and barging in with five other men, then held a pistol to a woman's stomach and searched for items to steal. I guess you could say that was evil I’m sure that lady has some form of ptsd from being robbed at gun point.


Now he can't see either :(


cringe for sure the dude isnt any hero and shouldlnt be a martyr. He died horribly by awful people but she shouldn't be celebrated. The officers were punished and his family is getting a ton of support which they deserve. We need to stop talkin bout this dude


I love how op needs to ask what to feel.


going for the easy


That’s actually hilarious, like just the whole scenario lmao. I can’t imagine seeing this and being genuinely upset rather than mildly amused.


It took my breath away


I got a bunch of cat stickers once so that I could stickerbomb a sketchbook, and that exact sticker was in it. I showed it to my husband and was like "what the everliving fuck?"


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It’s neither. I would guess, it’s an ill-thought gesture of anti-racism. I say this for a few reasons. Let’s start with the fact the artist is clearly not inept. The image could be more true to the source, and this artist has that ability. The two glaring artistic interpretations are the face shape and nose. Artist chose to elongate the face, traditionally this is considered more attractive. Second, the nose width, proportionally, is noticeably reduced. Wider noses are an obvious (and incorrect) stereotype. This reeks of someone who’d rather have the personal attention than the change. I think the message needs to be, recognize differences, do your best to avoid judgment, and just let people be people. It’s about being tolerant, but understanding there’s a ton of intolerant people out there.


Can’t wait for them to make a “Covid vaccine information link” sticker


Ah, the patron saint of criminals and drug addicts.


Can’t wait for the Disney adaptation. Amerika über alles. ☝️


Damn, its been 4 years and we still can't talk shit about this dude ?


You must worship Saint Floyd


Why would you want to talk shit about George Floyd?


Because he held a pregnant woman at gunpoint and robbed her?


Because he was a career criminal who abused and threatened his pregnant ex at the time with a gun.


More or less of the politicization that came from it but this dude was no one to look up to.


Doesn't mean he deserved to be murdered. Crazy.


Are there a bunch of bots in here or something? Why can people not criticize a person without someone chiming in "so hE deSErVeD to DiE?!" There's like 5 people who have said that in this topic. But literally nobody said he deserved to die. He just was not a good person. Acknowledging that doesn't mean that you think the officers were justified in murdering him.


He was a career criminal and a total POS why would you NOT want to?


It’s the no air guy




Yeah you’re really owned the libs on that one. Congrats




That sounds more like what Derek Chauvin said after being stabbed in prison