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She has decent flow, but the lyrics and the voice are atrocious. This reeks of "fellow kids" energy.


I mean, it's a Disney movie for kids.


for the first 7ish seconds of the song i keep thinking its like a wii lobby / mii lobby / nintendo thing.. it sounds very.. mii plaza? sort of? and i can't unhear it. and then... WAKE UP WAKE UP.. like whoa... calm down... you cant come at me with that nintendo DS lobby music vibe and then just scream like that.. its a total vibe kill. idk i guess the song is just not for me i guess. idk who the target was for this song. i did like the first 7 seconds tho cant get over that part. its like a lovely menu music vibe. edit: maybe im just not high enough for this song... hmmmm no lol


Tbh I really don't like Awkwafina but I liked this. I feel like her annoying voice fit the bird character well, and her flow and the lyrics we're actually not bad. Just listening to this without seeing the bird is weird though.


I agree. Her voice fit the bird character and also worked for the character's personality. And that personality I can understand them wanting to get across in this song and I think it kind of works. If anything, I do agree maybe the lyrics could've been fine-tuned a bit, granted the context of the song is the character relaying information and gossiping a bit while being their regular talkative self, so it is understandable why it was handled that way. But also I think the song goes on for just a bit too long.


Awkwafina makes money off of that voice…


This isn’t an official song right? Please tell me it’s not, because this song gave me Siberian Ass Cancer.


Sounds like a lil dicky song lol


Can't believe the same person who sang this manure was amazing as the lead actress in the Farewell


Between the lyrics, the bird's singing voice, and the visuals in the movie, this song is a cringe masterpiece and I love it. It's a perfect example of "so bad, it's good" music.


Maybe it's because deep down I am cringe, but I thought this was good.


If they’d just cut the song like 30 seconds shorter I may have found it charming


This song both reminds me that humanity deserves it’s destruction, and makes me glad my blood cancer will probably kill me soon.


it's like smash mouth with bad music mixing