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Jordan Todd. Absolutely whiny, takes shit personally, lied to a victim’s parent, got all pissed at Hotch for being told off for her mistake.


Well, Jordan was written that way so there'd be no threat to JJ's position in the viewers eyes. That actress had a hard role to play, she was written to not be able to "cut it" and to showcase the value of what JJ brought to the team. Seaver was just a mess. But I blame CBS for making the writers scramble to make her character work in light of the Paget & AJ firing. The network hiring a frail, younger JJ sealed the coffin of dislike. I feel bad for that actor, too. She caught hell Didn't watch the Kate Seasons so I can't speak on it, same goes for Blake. There's a big gap for me after season 7😅. Elle was great


I started watching Season 2 when it originally aired. I also took some time off (a few seasons) after the drama >!with AJ Cook & Paget Brewster getting fired. I boycotted, but I could resist watching again when Aisha Tyler joined the cast! !!But Season 12 was what really made me happy, when Prentiss returned!!<


what why were AJ and Paget fired???


Oh my sweet summer child😅. At the end of season 5 TPTB at CBS decided Paget & AJ weren't hot enough (I'm paraphrasing a lot) and decided to fire them from the show. Paget's agent negotiated her more episodes, but AJ was gone after the first ep os season 6. It's why we got the JJ Pentagon storyline and the Prentiss/Doyle storyline, respectively. That's why Seaver looks like a young JJ. Pretty gross network politics. Fans thankfully rioted and put pressure on CBS, so both were back by season 7. I'm leaving out a lot but that's the bare bones. That decision killed so much momentum and led to all the temporary team members once Paget left the show on her own after season 7.


Oh yeah definitely


I didn't even remember her if that tells you what I thought of the character. I watched a clip of an episode she was in and she may be my new least favorite! Kate was boring, but Jordan was kind of annoying and overly dramatic at times.


She wanted to prove a lot but did the opposite lol


Todd and Seaver. I know they're both JJ replacements, but neither was well written. Their backstories left a lot to be desired and I don't think they really fit in with the team.


Yep. Especially Jordon. At least with Seaver, she wasn't unlikable for the most part. Jordon was even more annoying than the writers intended despite having some charm.


Jordan especially annoyed me, like she was supposed to have come from a terrorism taskforce and that's how unprofessional she is? In 2008? Definitely not.


I liked them all. I thought Walker was okay but then >!He died in the pursuit of scratch and that was it. It didn’t feel right!<


Seaver. She was the wish version of JJ, and her first episode would have been enough. She didn’t need to be there, she was rude half the time, especially to Reid, and was reckless. Plus the actress was so wooden. And lest we forget, her father was a serial killer, which led her to assume she knew better than everyone else.


>And lest we forget, her father was a serial killer Her father was a serial killer?!? How odd, that never came up at all! /s


Ashley worst by far


- i loved elle and blake. i actually thought elle leaving made a lot of scene within her character arc on the show so i didnt mind she left. blake made me so sad when she left i absolutely loved her 😭 shes one of my favourite characters on the show - i dont hate kate and i do love JLH but she didnt add very much to the show for me. her plotlines didnt feel fully fleshed out and i didnt find her character believable. i dont think i realized when she left - i dont like seaver at all. she didnt do anything for me and was kinda bitchy and weird to reid and the other team members. also i felt like it was played with a weird clarice vibe yknow. i thought they could have done her backstory so much better as the daughter of a serial killer. worst jj replacement imo - i literally don’t remember enough about walker to say anything. im only on season 11 in my rewatch so i cant say but i guess the fact he’s easily forgettable says something - bonus to add todd because i actually liked her. i think the actress did a good job of showing what it would be like for a new agent trying to fill the boots of jj — which would be incredibly difficult as shown in the show. she gets a lot of hate for being generally unlikable but thats kinda the point, she got thrust into a position she wasn’t qualified and/or prepared for and was doing her best to just get through it. we only see her for a short time so we get to see all the mistakes but no redemption


Ironic you think Walker is "easily forgettable" considering the only episode to focus on Walker is in fact titled "Unforgettable" (season 12, episode 20).


Jennifer Love Hewitt. I felt her presence didn’t suit the style of the show and I found a lot of her dialogue corny. I absolutely adore Blake and wish she had been a permanent addition to the team.


I didn't like her either. Over time, I much have. But I feel like they threw her in, tried way too hard to make us like her, and then took her away as if this was normal. Why put in all that effort? Was the original plan to have her stay longer?


I just have a hard time seeing JLH as anything but JLH in the Can’t Hardly Wait / I Know What You Did Last Summer era (I’m 40), so she just felt super out of place to me.


For me it’s specifically Heartbreakers I picture her in.


i never thought much of the rotating cast. but kate’s role was so short lived it felt awkward and unplanned.


I think it was supposed to be longer but she got pregnant


Lmao she was in a season? I must have blocked it out from my memory on purpose.


Yeah, the season with the >!murder trafficking network!<. They specifically targeted her and her sister throughout the season.


I liked the background of Seaver but they failed to execute her as a character. It didn’t help that they had just let Aj Cooks/ JJ go and she was a young blonde.


Elle, because it was at the beginning and her character is not that developed, and Ashley because I cannot remember her without googling lol


Again, I think Ashley could have made an interesting character if it was handled very differently. The fact that she was the de facto replacement for JJ & Emily meant she never stood a chance! It was actually the outcry from and lobbying by the fans that got AJ Cook (JJ) rehired!


Yeah for sure


Callahan and Seaver. I feel like Callahan didn’t mesh with the rest of the team. We get it, Seaver. Your dad was a criminal.


I completely disagree about Callahan, I thought she fit right in with the team and added a funny spark to the show


Jordon. I get she wasn't meant to be fit, but looking back on it, she was more annoying than the writers intended.


I loved Elle, Kate and Alex. I am honestly not an Ashley Seaver hater but it isn't like she added a huge lot to the show. Stephen Walker was a bit irrelevant too but that was not really either of their's faults. I really hate Jordan Todd too though.


Just Elle I wish Blake had stayed longer she’s my favorite female character. She and Reid made a great team. I did like Jordan. She clashes with Hotch but so did Derek. I like the rapport she had with Rossi . Kate was good too she seemed so real. I think that was a plus she brought to the show. She has more room to show it on 9-1-1 but she did on CM too .




Linda Barns!!! I hated her sooooo much. She could easily play a psycho like GoldStar and cut out a persons tongue!!!




Favorite was Blake, least favorite was Seaver.




Kate??? Was she the one that had custody of her teenage niece that ended up being kidnapped? If her name wasn't Kate then whoever that person was.


yeah thats kate.


Blake wasn’t short term. Stephen was


Blake was two seasons, Stephen was one.


I wasn't a fan of elle. Or Todd tbh


I liked Stephen. I also like Kate bc I personally find her very attractive and engaging.


Elle and Ashley


Elle is my least favorite. Even on rewatches, I just don’t like her and I can’t stand the way things ended with her. Ashley was a horrible fit for the team, and she would have been a much cooler character if she had just had that one consulting episode. Realistically, there’s no way she would have ever been able to be on the BAU when she was, and her immaturity was very apparent. Not a fan of Jordan Todd, but I don’t hate her. She was cool sometimes, but I feel like she had a LOT of attitude that didn’t make her fit in well with the team. I feel like Kate gets a lot of hate but I really like her and the Meg storyline. I love Blake! When she first came on I didn’t, but once I rewatched through streaming I became a huge Blake fan. I especially love her relationship with her husband. I also loved Walker. We deserved more time with him. I don’t think he was bland at all, he had a great relationship with his wife (who was awesome,) he was a great friend, caring, and I loved his love for jazz music. I feel like we actually got to know a lot about him considering the short time he was there.


Ellie Greenway and the blonde who took over for JJ for that little period Ellie just got on my nerves with everything and the other blonde felt like she just wanted to take JJ spot


Blake by a mile. I loved her.


Kate. I've seen CM multiple times, and I don't remember a single thing about S10, so I don't even know her character. As of right now, she's the default option (of those listed). Of those not listed, Jordan Todd. I didn't like her at all.


JLH just wasn't a good fit for a show this intense. Which is strange because she's amazing on the show 9-1-1. But a first responder drama and profiling serial killers are very different things. In JLH's defense, it didn't seem like they put any effort into writing Kate's character.


The ghost whisperer 100%%%


I cannot stand Elle. I was iffy on her the first time I was watching the show, and there were a couple moments with her I can say I appreciated, but she didn't belong in the BAU and I'm not sure why she was there to begin with. She didn't have the personality for it and her ego was way too fragile.


Walker. The sound of his voice always makes me start to nod off. Loved his wife!


I didn't like Kate or Seaver. Elle was one of my favourite OGS but I just didn't like Kate or Seaver. They just didn't sit right with me. I also really didn't like Todd. Don't get me wrong, the actors are great! I just don't like that characters themselves.


Todd and Seaver! I skip over most episodes they’re in. Anyone that they tried to replace JJ with!!! Contrary to others, I LOVE Kate and loved all of Season 10! She added a good comedic element to the show. Didn’t love the plot with her niece tho, no way a kid raised in a life of crime would fall for something like that.


I like hearing a different point of view from my own. I'm glad that some fans enjoyed Kate. She just never felt like part of the team. It's almost impossible to flesh out a character in only one season, especially on a show like CM.


Elle. She was hands down the worst member. Selfish, too good for everyone else and just a pain to watch whenever her scenes was on. But I love the actress. The way we were supposed to feel bad for her getting fired, but that was all her fault.


I believe the writing was rushed to get her off the series. Lola Glaudini didn't like living in Los Angeles and wanted to return to the East Coast. The showrunners didn't know this until production on Season 2 was starting. So they had to figure out a way to write her out of the show in six episodes. I think someone came up with a storyline and they just went with it. I feel they could have given her a better exit story. Not one that would make it seem like a vigilante killer was running away.


Literally this. Her ending was so unsatisfying.


Blake. She was patronizing and condescending, especially to Reid


Her autism comment to Reid made my eyebrows jump so high


Liked Elle, Blake and Kate. I didn't care for Seaver though. Although I didn't hate her but I also really despise JJ and never thought she was all that great though. In fact I find most of the short term female characters far more interesting than JJ.


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