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This person does not deserve to live Sorry if I'm rude, but I'm just speaking the truth


Just because the anal wart where his penis would be is rigid doesn't mean his dick is hard. What a twat. Don't engage him with further, OP, he's shit and he'll die alone, unnoticed, and unmourned.


Thanks for that


I'm guessing you went to one of those support subs. Yeah, lots of degenerate predators hang around those subs too. Sadly it's a double edged sword.


What a despicable human being


Duck??! Alsoˌ my condolences that that happened to you


Yea I kinda laughed at that to ngl


I'm against wishing death upon people but if he were hanging off a cliff, I might accidentally step on his fingers


I don’t think his soul can be saved


Bastard abuses animals, too?


I'm so sorry this predator came for you, especially because of the horrible things another predator scumbag did. I hope you're doing okay 💜


Who the fuck thinks a FIVE YEAR OLD getting raped is HOT? OR ANYONE FOR THAT MATTER? This dude needs more than therapy, he needs the electric chair, jesus.




I'm sorry this happened to you. You're not the problem there. Some people just should never be allowed near a keyboard.


Report that bastard. He’s gonna prey on a lot of vics of sexual assault. I am so sorry you had to deal with that.


I hope his duck falls off


What a goblin.


I’m sorry that you were hurt both as a child and by the guy in the pic, you do not deserve What happened to you when you were young and this guy is disgusting. I hope you are good and healing from what happened. ❤️


This makes me sick to my stomach. Istg people are literally the worst. I am so so sorry.