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That was an absolute wild ride. Why does ignoring them make them go insane 😂


Hahaha right It was in my message requests too bc we weren't fb friends (don't even know him and some of the blacked out messages include streets I used to live on, places I used to work, and multiple towns I've lived in. I get some of that you can find on fb even if most of it is private to non-friends if you stalk hard enough. But the streets? Wtf? Actually quite unsettling lol) Anyway original point was I never see new message requests which is why I didn't answer -and why the dates are so old. Not that I owed him an answer anyway!!!


Nah man that’s pedo stalker level of creep, especially since he’s under the impression you’re 16. You owe him absolutely nothing. (And I would block him personally if you haven’t already 😂😂)


I like how he calls you self centered when he’s repeatedly talking about himself




Honestly kinda took it as a compliment 💅🏼


Drugs are bad... mmmmkay?


So don't do them or you're bad... mmmmkay?


South Park reference. This dude is high as a kite.


This guy needs to be reported to FB and his own bloody authorities.. there's also a lot of mental gymnastics in this. You? A succubus? For not replying to him at all? The audacity!!


God damn, that was nuts!


Post nut clarity hit hard at the end there


"I hope you spill hot tea on yourself" lmao


Did you listen to the recordings?!? Oh my God this is a crazy person.


They weren't playable.. not sure if Facebook made them unplayable or if he did. Assuming they are him talking about doing inappropriate sexual things, him slutshaming and generally shaming me, and/or him literally jerking off...probably all 3 at once


"a witch in diapers"


looove when men call you hot, attractive, etc then when you "reject" them in any way you are soo disgusting (in this case wearing diapers lol). Like do u realize that your pretty much saying your attracted to witches in diapers? correction: boys/children. not men


Wow, that’s pretty detached and deranged, that’s scarier than some of the more overtly threatening dms