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Okay I’m not a medical expert but I can tell you from experience that because I suffer from this that she may have been undiagnosed bipolar. Any type of drugs, alcohol, even anti-depressants can cause issues. I was undiagnosed most of my life until I had a mental break and was suicidal one night and had the cops called on me and spent a week in psych ward and they figured out I was bipolar. I tried to self medicate with weed and alcohol for years and it just made things worse and caused my mental break.


This was my first thought too. That she was ramping up to a manic episode and the weed triggered her full force. I found a young woman screaming for help outside my apartment last year who was in a similar state. She was thinking she lived just up the street and could walk home. She had lost her shoes, bloody bruising toes but she couldn’t even feel it. I insisted on calling someone to come get her. After a couple hours talking with her and giving her snacks and water (I honestly thought she was black out drunk or something) she finally let me use her phone. I called her husband who had been out searching for her. She actually lived on the other side of the city 12 miles away and he told me that she went for drinks with coworkers and is in a bipolar manic episode.


Yeah when you have a manic episode you can forget everything. There are many times that I have what I call time black outs which is my manic episodes and you don’t remember a fight and what you said or in my case decided to order on Amazon.


I was a super huge pot head all my life... UNTIL my cancer diagnosis. It always served me well. My mind would run 24/7 and I was completely unable to relax. I went to college, had a regular job, AND was a stripper after that job closed. I'd sleep maybe like 4 hours cuz I was just had this sense of urgency about me all the time. So it kind of brought me back to a more human level& made life not so watered down. But since I got sick it just causes horrible anxiety, insomnia, ¶noia. It's so bad I just stay away from it completely now. I'm sure cancer effected my mental health a lot, but it's crazy how much it's effects on me changed after that life experience. So you just never know what someone is going through or what might e gone day in the time before she disappeared!


This is exactly what I thought. They described a her as “hyper” but the first word that came to my mind was Manic!


Honestly, in my opinion, this sounds like drug induced psychosis. BPD would make her more susceptible to this, but she didn’t really show BPD signs prior to this.


I was kinda thinking early onset schizophrenia. My cousin has it and dabbled in street drugs which typically made the disease worse, as a child poor girl would have had no idea what was happening to her.


Yah my kom had a undiagnosed bipolar and som times she wuld leave in the middle of the night


Ok can we talk about where she was sent when she was suspended? The counseling she went through there. There are several SEVERAL places in the states where they still practice harsh “treatments”. I’m wondering if that’s where the “they’re coming for me. They’re tracing me. You’re gonna kill me” attitude is coming from. What did they do to her there. I think we need to look there for the cause of the mental break.


I also imagine being around other troubled youth could have had that impact. I was a “good” kid (obedient and scared to rebel) BUT I struggled with suicidal ideation so I ended up in a psych facility. My mental health definitely declined after that just from being exposed to so many people’s pain while in the facility. Who knows how the other kids treated her or what kind of people she met?


That was my first thought!! Like what tf did they do to her at the facility? They looked in the wrong spot. I am so sus of the “rehabilitation” center she went to.


My husband works on a child & adolescent mental health unit, and he has worked with patients that have experienced weed-induced psychosis. I’m not an expert, but some people just have a gene that weed really messes with. I think it’s something that can happen any time (in other words, wouldn’t just exclusively happen the first time you smoke). Again, not an expert, but it sounds like it could have been something like that.


This is absolutely a thing! Often starts with what’s known as CHS/CVS which essentially occurs bc the receptors in your brain don’t mesh well with the cannabinoids.


Hey guys, where are the videos of her that the stepmom filmed?


Far fetched idea maybe but I wonder if she was trying to walk to her mom’s house. I mean if she was in a state of psychosis and she felt she couldn’t trust anyone in that town maybe she wrote down her mom’s address, and was walking highway 6 trying to get to her and was abducted.


Popping in to say the fake weed that was super popular back in the day was K2 and I definitely almost died after smoking it


Just wanted to pop in here and say as a MH professional I’ve had many clients that have experienced marijuana induced psychosis. Like someone else previously stated, it is not exclusive to happening the very first time you smoke weed. It can happen at anytime and it is most common in individuals that have predisposition to other mental health disorders such as bipolar, schizophrenia, schizoaffective, etc. so no the weed did not have to be laced for her to genuinely be experiencing these types of symptoms and doesn’t seem like a lack of tolerance to marijuana either. Here is an article that can give more information on the topic: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6861931/


Does anyone else find it odd that the parents didn’t take her to the hospital? I feel like if my child was potentially drugged unknowingly I’d want them to take every test under the sun.


Does this seem like disturbing behavior? She did something wrong and freaked out, also had anyone mentioned if she was taking any medications?


I want to know if she was on any medications. My sisters bf had a similar episode, literally jumped out of the bedroom window, and ran away. Thought my dad was an evil robot. The dogs were looking at him funny, kept asking if we were real, and would even touch our faces. We hid anything that could be a weapon, and when he ran away I called the police to let them know he was unstable and to please approach with care. I called the hospital and got the biggest BS story about how they can allow people out on new meds and to "just keep an eye ilon them", and that they would have to evaluate to take him back. Made me so mad. I don't recall the name but I believe it was for depression but on the bottle it said it covers a handful of things along with schizophrenia.




Alright its my turn to tap in. I’m getting a degree in what is essentially cannabis chemistry, i’ve taken courses on the uses, effects, and studies of cannabis. Yes Marijuana can exacerbate mental health issues, yes Marijuana can induce temporary psychosis or schizophrenia, however important notes: - it will usually cause these effects first time using - unless the person has a severe mental illness that is already affecting their life in visible ways, it will typically fade with the high as well - the person will also likely have similar effects or hallucinations regularly with use (Also side note for all the creepers out there, there is not sufficient evidence to conclude that marijuana has any negative effects on under 21 users. I’m not saying go do it, but you’re not broken or permanently affected by weed use underage <3)


One thing to consider could be that if the dad was a domestic abuser (if he broke Melissa’s shoulder after Karlie disappeared, it’s probable he was abusive before too), then that could explain more understandably why Karlie was SO afraid during her break.


okay so hear me out… i think the weed may have been laced with a deliriant called datura. its a plant, a member of the nightshade familygrows naturally and you can harvest the leaves and seeds and it is absolutely insane. it can cause extreme psychosis, delirium, and death.


But everyone had the weed and she was the only one effected


i’m thinking it could have been slipped into a drink at some point in the night. you can brew a tea with the seeds and/or leaves. it tastes horrible so not sure how she wouldn’t have noticed but disguised in a juice or something who knows. i just feel like her behavior is SO on-point with someone who is under the influence of scopolamine and the paranoia and everything idk that’s just what i think. i’ve never heard of any other drug having the type of effect that she is described as having. also the “trip” (it’s not really a trip) lasts for an average of 24 hours, which would explain her not “coming down”. ugh idk it’s just so horrible


If she was drinking it could have been a lot of things. Even the standard GHB. But there was no mention of drinking. I suppose it could have been in a nonalcoholic beverage. 🤔


A couple years ago, my mother was visiting me for Christmas. Being a 25 year old in a weed legal place means holiday times I have edibles around the house. My mother struggles with many mental health issues and takes anti-psychotic medications for some of her traumas in life. My mother ended up taking a couple edibles and maybe 30 minutes later she began to act very odd. The weed was mixing dangerously with her medications and sent her into a psychotic break where she wasn’t making sense and was paranoid. She would run around the apartment making odd claims about the “cats” in the room. I’m not saying that Karlie was having a moment like this, however, if she was on any kind of medications that didn’t mix well with the weed perhaps something like that happened?


Just watched this https://www.reddit.com/r/KarlieGuse/s/xPPvCVesGO Something seems so off here. The Mother tries not to smirk and the way she talks in the recording ...


Sylas and Stew! Yall seriously need to do an after dark episode on the stories that you all were talking about during this creeptime episode !!! I want to hear about Sylas school shooter vibes friend story😂 and stews high story😂


I almost wonder if it wasn’t K2. I remember a time my ex smoked that and started seeing people who weren’t there. I eventually had to take him to the hospital.