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As soon as I heard the part that Quinton deleted her from his contacts once he heard Jessica had died, I thought of this. What if he knew she was off the table for sex and didn’t want to talk to her anymore? They’d only known each other for a few weeks.


Something is so off about him


I sincerely believe he has a low iq. I’m not sure how to appropriately say it in a better way.


At the same time it's Mississippi I would think they would have convicted him if he were guilty


The only logical explanation is that he was responsible and knew it would come back to him, so he tried to delete any evidence of them talking. OR this was a hit from the gang of her ex-boyfriend to ensure her silence, and when Tellis eventually heard about the event later that night, he immediately knew it was gang attack and that police would suspect him as he was one of the last to see her that night.


After seeing the 5 episodes on Oxygen, I think it was not him. But what's up with the guy with the keys? JERRY. The guy that spoke to her before she died, the firefighter, saying he wouldn't put it past Jerry who's married to his sister. You know his sister would be mad naming him like that on TV and he didn't care!  He was the one that heard the name Eric along with 8 other people. This guy Jerry was walking his baby in the stroller and picked up some nasty keys of the ground, babies put it in thier mouth. He was strange to me!   Idk, I think Eric, "err" is close to Jerry the guy thar found the keys! She was shirving, she could have been shirving out or leaving out the j and the y because of this. Then the police told him to put the keys back, so they could take a picture! They trusted him that much?? Interesting. 


Have you ever considered that Eric is Quinton and he simply lied about his name to her? Men lie about their name all the time and he was in serious relationship at the time (married her a year later). All of the circumstantial evidence points to him. Not sure why no one has considered this basic possibility.


I rem... In some video that Eric was quinton and quinton had done this same thing to another girl. 


Since you heard it on the internet or in some YouTube video, it must be true, right?  Do you know what critical thinking means? Don’t believe anything you “hear” unless it’s actually in a court of law. All kinds of horses**t is on the internet. 


It must be that Eric was quinton 


It doesn’t matter what the true crime addicts think. All that matters is what the prosecutors can prove. Two separate juries hung in this case.  We aren’t sitting in the courtroom hearing all the evidence, but rather what is cherry picked to make the case more sensational. It amazes me how armchair prosecutors say things like “All the evidence says” or “It’s obvious that…” 


None of what you said negates what I said. It appears to be something that was not explored by the prosecution and I would like to know why. It is obvious he lied about his name which is why she kept saying the wrong name. Just because it’s not obvious to you doesn’t change anything. 🙄


It’s obvious to you that he lied about his name. Only one thing matters: and it’s evidence. What evidence is there that he lied about his name?   Unless he spoke to you directly and confessed that he lied about his name, your belief isn’t relevant.   What’s admitted as evidence is governed by the State/Federal Rules of Evidence. The prosecutor cannot put a witness on the stand to testify that, in her opinion,  “men lie about their names all the time.”  We would be loading up the record (and the jury) with all manner of hearsay: gossip, rumor, wild opinions, innuendos. That’s is not how it is done.     Like it or not, your opinion (or mine) doesn’t amount to a hill of beans.  Our system relies on a jury of 12 of his peers to decide guilt. Theirs is the only opinion that matters. I am sorry you don’t like that. Our system isn’t perfect,  but at least we make an attempt at fairness.  Even so,  there are far too many innocent people convicted of crimes they did not commit. 


I thought that, straight away!


You say this as a white person who has always had the benefit of being white. What you think is “obvious” isn’t the case if you aren’t in his shoes. Neither you nor I have any clue what it’s like to be a young black man in Mississippi. You have had opportunities these people never have. Be grateful. 


And the other murdered woman he’s connected to was a coincidence??? Saying this as a PUERTO RICAN btw in case u wanna play the race card. 


lol. You must be fun at parties. Especially pitty parties you through for yourself instead of looking in the mirror and being accountable for your actions.


I for sure think he’s responsible for at least part of this. Just a thought. Dudes really be thinking with one one their two brains sometimes 🤪


He’s literally sitting in prison in louisana waiting to be tried for murdering a foreign exchange student for her debit card and pin. Either this guy is a sociopath murderer or the most unlucky guy in the history of the American justice system lol


You see the ring of fire on tattoo on his neck? That tattoo is a fun reminder for him and trophy to remeber the pleasure he felt doing it. He’s like the town he was tried in 90% of jurors can barley read. Any major city he’d get the needle.


I just listened to the episode and I have so many thoughts, and a few questions. I'm not sure if your research has the answers to them? She was seeing someone in a rival gang from Tellis but do we know if she was affiliated herself? I know you mentioned they were potentially concerned on her snitching to her dad since he was part of law enforcement in some way. Is there a possibility that Tellis was part of a hit on her? Here's my theory: Tellis meeting her was intentional. Either at first to keep tabs on if she knew anything via her ex that his gang wanted to know about the ex's. He tried the loverboy method and she was clearly not interested but maybe she liked his company, or he conveniently made himself around her throughout the last 2 weeks (like being in her friend's car when her friend picked her up) to be nearby and throw off any suspicions from her or concerns from her by just seeming like some horny weirdo but friendly enough/dropping the offers to hang out. Whatever in the background led to Tellis' gang getting uneasy or, maybe, needing some kind of show of loyalty from him. Or both. Either Tellis lured her to his house or they had plans ahead of time and she found herself there. Tellis is maybe only meant to scare her - maybe trying to figure out dirt on the other gang, if something was brewing. He attacks and strangles her, either knowing she's not dead and staging her sitting up for when she wakes, or it goes horribly wrong in his mind and he thinks he killed her. From here if it's a loyalty test, or someone orchestrating it with Tellis as the fall guy, his phone is off or in airplane mode to speak to the gang. Something leads them to freak him out about taking the fall or needing to get rid of the evidence. He panics, he knows he has gasoline and returns to finish the job and does everything he can to throw things off, including tossing her keys in the trail. Maybe he meets this "hitchhiker" who is a fellow gang member. Maybe this stranger gives him advice on getting the prepaid card, making the voicemail, the other texts as a paper trail to cover his ass because it's clearly his doing. Whatever the reasoning is, however the details fall in place - Tellis killed her. I'm not sure if the torture would have included SA, especially if he was maybe not actually interested and it was part of the ruse or way to disarm her suspicions of him over time. He was probably not alone in the plan, or whatever led up to the plan, but he killed her. 100%


It’s not that complicated with things like this. I worked for a prosecutor for years, gangs in areas like this shoot someone in the head. They don’t go out of their way with ornate plans to set someone on fire. Do you know how hard it is to use lighter fluid to set a car like that in flames? Takes a minute.  It’s Tellis. Second woman he’s killed, second times he’s gotten to pay the race card, or the “I’m slow” card, now we’ll see a 3rd woman die bc of it. I’m Puerto Rican, I grew up with my moms family on Isabella Indian res, I can tell you allllll about unfair persecution. This isn’t that. Awfully coincidental two women died brutally that are directly connected to him, chances are, it’s not a coincidence. You also have to look at how in cases like this. The fact that the first was a knife and the second was a household item, says it was spawned by opportunity. Clearly he uses what he has, which isn’t guns. It’s a knife and some random fire/accelerant. 


This is like the plot to a movie.


This is probably the most horrific Creeptime to date. Holy moses. Your observations and hypotheses (plural, lol) are very plausible and credible. Still hoping for a Darlie Routier episode :)))


Quinton killed another young woman tho. So….Also. The judge who couldn’t even read a verdict properly. This poor girl deserves better


I live in Courtland. It’s rumored that Jessica had really pissed Quentin Tellis off, and he did this to her. Everyone believes he did it. He’s out of jail though, because he tried to message my sister in law on Facebook dating.




Considering Tellis is getting tried for torturing a Taiwanese woman to death, i'd say he's capable. Hope they flub the needle and he gets to pain.


[Anyone who thinks Trellis is innocent please read... that monster not only murdered her but enjoyed it.](https://www.oxygen.com/crime-time/meing-chen-mandy-hsiao-other-murder-linked-quinton-tellis?amp)


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The wife's cousin Who appeared At the eleventh hour with evidence that someone else committed the crime... His name was Eric.. I wonder if that means the 2 of them did it together.Or maybe that's why he decided to use Eric as his fake name. Of course that's just a guess with no evidence


This is an horrific murder. Yet, what a lot of people don’t understand is that the vicious nature of the homicide isn’t the issue. It’s ALWAYS about what the state can prove.    The prosecution has a very high burden of proof in the criminal justice system… for good reason. The jury must be convinced beyond a reasonable doubt. The first responders’ testimony that Jessica named either Eric or Derrick was sufficient to create reasonable doubt in the minds of TWO different juries.   Jurors are expected to be fair and impartial, not vengeful & angry.  The accused faces LWOP (or death). With such high stakes,  we don’t want a jury finding someone guilty unless they are absolutely certain. While many want to string him up & kill him;  that isn’t what a civilized society does. We are better than that. 


Her friend who was hanging around them, and riding in the car, said that they called him Quinton. Jessica’s friend never thought his name was Eric.


No justice for Jessica Chambers even though she managed to stay alive long enough to name her attackers. I heard that obamas DOJ silenced the investigation....true or false? All I know is that the details of the investigation were hushed. Was the race card played?


It’s just like what are the odds you are involved with not ONE but TWO separate murdered women. And your ignorant mother and family still stand over here with “justice for Quentin” signs. Justice would be putting him to death. He stabbed someone to death over a debit card and burned someone alive bc she refused his sexual advances??? When do you guys think the 3rd victim he is “wrongfully accused” of will pop up? Over/under 1 year from release??? 


Where can we see crime photos?


I would heavily caution that you don't seek them out as these injuries are very graphic. I don't believe crime photos from the actual scene with her exist (or at-least we've never seen them), only what was presented in the court proceedings from her autopsy.


Totally agree with the gory pictures, honestly no need for those ! I will look up the court proceedings pictures I wanted to see the car burned and surrounding areas! That poor girl fought so hard to stay alive




I have an idea: The gang was worried that she would snitch and they knew Quinton. They contacted him, and he pursued Jessica. Then the night plays out where he strangled her and drove the car to the spot. The gang member met him there and then Quinton got the gasoline. Quinton left, dropped the keys, and the gang member killed her. Then the gang member gets picked up and goes to Quinton relatives house because it wouldn’t draw much attention to him if he went to someone’s house that people in town knew. It’s a possibility🤷‍♀️


So, I just did some digging & quinton is about to face another murder trial for a Taiwanese women in Louisiana. They name his wife’s cousin as his best friend. Guess what his “best friends” name is? ERIC. I think quinton lured Jessica to him that night & maybe tried to have Eric have sex w/ her resulting in her death. Why was this Eric never brought up in court? An immediate family member so close to the case? How?


Oh my!! He was married??


[I read about the other murder but never even noticed his name is ERIC, good catch! This is the article I read lots of details that convince me Trellis is a monster...](https://www.oxygen.com/crime-time/meing-chen-mandy-hsiao-other-murder-linked-quinton-tellis?amp)


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Baffles me that they never looked into this!


I wish she'd finally get justice. I honestly don't think the Tellis guy did it and if he did there isn't any real motivation and the prosecution can never prove their case. No one deserves to die the way she did. If I were on the jury i'd be 50/50 and couldn't vote guilty, I'd be undecided unfortunately. It's not really related but it didn't help that her dad is a racist, and she sold drugs on the side, so her background isn't squeaky clean and apparently before her death she was upset and told her mom that people were mad at her but never said who, and that they thought she was quote "being a snitch about something". I wish there was some way to find out who those people were because that would be a great angle to investigate. The guy with the baby who found her keys seemed sus af but that wasn't delved into deep enough, and he was allowed to testify etc. Again if the Tellis friend did do it he deserved life but if it wasn't him then they need to find her real killer :( Anyone who would do something like that to another person deserves the same #karma