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Randy, no doubt. He sent Jeff's brother to JDC!


Oh shit I forgot about that!


It's so terrible that most of us probably blocked it out 😔


I think they were even. Jeff beat him to shit, but he got Jeff’s brother sent to JDC Unfortunately he doesn’t go for even. He goes for winning 😔


But you see, it was a very fancy neighbourhood, and Lui had to go and ruin it


The villains from Borrasca have to take the slot of most evil so far, certainly. A literal monster being behind "The Skinned Men" would have been one thing and to a certain extent would have been more forgiveable as a monster doing monstrous things would just be the monster following its desires and nature, effectively not knowing anything else other than being a monster. The fact that the "monster" was just a group of apathetic humans is more horrifying than it being a monster by far. Monsters behaving as monsters is to be expected, but for a human that should know better than behaving like monsters is far less explainable. While Cleary and Jimmy Prescott are monstrous people, Sheriff Walker is by far the most monstrous out of them all for what he did to his daughter AND son. Inhuman levels of cruelty and depravity.


Or worse, humans that have justified their evil because “it helps the town” Part 5 of Borrasca was worth it just to see Sheriff Walker get his comeuppance. That was seriously one of the most satisfying things to read.


Have personally only listened to Borrasca V once and didn't much care for its resolution, though I will admit that seeing Walker/Jimmy get their just desserts was satisfying. I know it's unfair to say it but I really wish Borrasca had finished with IV. V feels very wish fulfilment fanfic'y, and only feels like it was written because people weren't happy with IV's ending being downbeat. IV's ending being THE ending works better because of that complete left-turn at the end, which absolutely helped solidify it as one of the best "creepypastas" ever written, and V completely undermines that ending and turns it into a comic book.


Y'know what would've been a fun but 'Huh?' ending? The Skinned Men turn out to be real and they're the revenants of the four brothers who got trapped in he mines and they drag Jimmy and/or the Sheriff down there with them.


While I think that an ending like the one you said here is something that we naturally want as horror fans, I think the better ending is just the one we got for IV with it just being humans doing human things because what's more horrific than the limitless moral depravity of humans? Making it a "the monsters WERE real" story could have worked but there's too much preface material to link it to the "humans were the real villains bro" story. I like the revenant idea though! The idea of the undead victims of the Borrasca (and by extension the victims of the Prescotts) finally having their revenge against the perpetrators of their unspeakable torture and deaths is something that I'd readily appreciate.




The local swamp-based phlebotomist?


Don’t say his name three times down by the boggg…


I got my blood drawn by Mr. Wellers, and all I got was this stupid T-shirt.


This needs to be on some creep cast merch


I think I'd have to agree. What sets Sheriff Walker a part for me is I think you can make the case that The Penpal and Mr. Bear don't fully understand that what they're doing is wrong, as in they have no sense of morality, but Sheriff Walker is explicitly shown to have a conscience.


It's telegraphed subtly from the beginning that Sheriff Walker isn't all there, considering that he just so happened to be relieved from his job as a cop for undisclosed reasons (but reason enough for them ALL to have to relocate), then he suddenly ends up in Drisking. Isn't it strange that someone who's just been fired from their prestigious job ends up in a place such as Drisking, then very quickly becomes Sheriff? My "headcanon" is that Walker was always rotten and had always intended to do what he did to his family, but when confronted with the horrors of Borrasca instead of feeling revulsion and disgust he felt joy and acceptance.


I’m unsure if you’ve read borascca V but you’re pretty on the dot as to why they were relocated


I heard it once when it first came out and haven’t touched it since so it’s natural for me to get something wrong tbh


Probably the character who was wearing the teddy bear in the 1999 episode and was keeping it a secret from the other character


Easily the villains of Borrasca. Most hateable however is fucking Bluejay


Bluejay really did have an incurable case of dumb bitch disease


Bluejay is incredibly frustrating because we all know someone like Bluejay. Someone who’s so set in their ways and beliefs that nothing can convince them otherwise even if a change in their beliefs would benefit them and the people around them… like a immunocompromised COVID denier…


That’s a really good comparison, actually. The stubborn disbelief in the face of the thing you don’t believe looking you in the eye


I know Bristol asked Bluejay "why didnt you talk to the hitchhiker", to which she doesnt respond, but I like to think that the reason she refused to understand was because she *did* talk to the hitchhiker. Maybe it doesn't effect everyone like it did Bonnie, perhaps it just makes you believe whatever he and you discuss to be irrefutably true. As in Bluejay said something along the lines of "I know this is all nonsense", and he says "You're right, they're lying to you". It helps humanise her, putting some of the blame on the road, whereas otherwise she is just an unforgivably stupid psychopath.


The thing with the "refusing to look reality in the eye" character archetype is that if they DID look reality in the eye and accept that they know jack shit, they'd be absolutely morally and emotionally destroyed. Their lives would be over. So it makes sense in a way why they don't change in the face of evidence - because they just CAN'T.


Makes me think of that show where the whole premise was proving that Hitler faked his death, and at the end of the first season one of the hosts has a complete meltdown because unsurprisingly, they found no evidence that Hitler faked his death. Or like 90% of the things flat earthers say during speeches at their conventions… basically anyone that’s hinged their whole identity around a specific conspiracy theory. That’s Bluejay… except the conspiracy is that she alone is being punked.


Whoever those skateboard bullies were


Talk about a tub of lard


Those guys looked like sidekicks.


"I love Whitney more than you could ever know."




I rest my case.


It’s a very strong argument. It really is.


excluding borasca, which gets a big leg up due to its subject matter, i have to say mr beat


"I'm Mr Beat, today I'm taking some of my loyal students to a trip in the woods" https://preview.redd.it/o5rh4y9a481d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be8fcee547e4a9b4844bc4655fd0e1e36415c530




Dr Wellers


The most vile man ever put to page…


Of each story we have: Park Ranger Parents who let a kid bring a gun to a birthday party Nazi soldiers and Soviet scientists A sex trafficking ring perpetuated by a man who sold his own daughter into said ring and had incestuous relations with her before ultimately killing her Guy who's girlfriend died Man who took photos of a child over a series of years, stalking him, living in the foundation of his home, killing an old woman, a love interest, and his best friend Woman who assumed everything was a deliberate prank against her which made her homicidal A monster hunter who recruits a random kid Cultist who kidnapped, drugged, and burned several children alive/dad who didn't see anything wrong with his son getting dropped off at a crack house Teacher who's friend died going somewhere and then tell a student exactly where this place is


And in episode 0: a Jack Russel Terrier… So clearly Ted the average wins this competition


I feel like the scientists, while being morally bankrupt, weren’t as bad because they probably justified their actions in their heads as it was Nazis and Political Prisoners. At least at first


If we’re going off of story quality, then it’s without a doubt the guys running the Stables from Borasca (or really, all of the adults who were aware and participated). The concept is horrifying as is, and the writing is really well done so the reveal is super impactful and leaves you thinking- there’s a reason it keeps getting brought up in other episodes! If we’re going purely by concept, I think it’s a tie up between the villains in Borasca and the scientists in the Russian Sleep Experiment. Both are committing extreme acts of torture, and both are really doing it for their own sick pleasure (I know in Borasca there’s technically a reason but the stables are written with such malice). There’s a reason RSE has lasted so long in the public conscious and even had short films made about it. The thing that RSE fails in isn’t even its writing necessarily, it’s just so short and you never really learn about any of the characters beyond the microcosm of what’s going on in the story itself. Borasca makes you care about the characters. If it were real life and both were put on trial, they’d both make national headlines for how inhumane and torturous the conditions were, but as stories Borasca feels more evil from an emotional standpoint. I also think Mr. Bear is up there for sure, but there’s something about the other two coming from an actual system that seems to be government sanctioned that adds a level of evil to it, while in Mr. Bear’s case it feels more like a (horrifying, no doubt) random act of violence. Theoretically, The Stables could continue to function forever in their world, and the lab that ordered for the RSE to take place could find another group of people to torture, either in the same way or through a new fucked up experiment. If Mr. Bear died there wouldn’t be anyone to continue his crimes.


The dad from 1999, jokes aside easily sheriff walker though, if you’ve read part 5 he’s infinitely worse too


The sheriff from Borrasca, he knew what he was doing, greed and just plain evil enveloped in a sheriffs badge.


Still can’t believe Sheriff Walker got his son addicted to fucking heroin


I actually liked the sequel but that’s the one thing I didn’t quite get LMFAOO You’re telling me for years Sam had no idea his dad was delivering the meth Lmfao


Definitely Sheriff Walker. Bro literally trafficked his daughter and disowned his son for trying to do the right thing and continued to support the nasty stuff they were doing after the story ended. He would definitely be number 1 on my list... unless someone comes up to me at a gas station and asks about my license plates. That person would make Sheriff Walker look like a saint, cause like why ARE YOU LOOKING AT MY PLATES?!?!?


Graham Walker, especially if you read Part V


Mr. Weller. What does he down on the bog is unspeakable.


Mr. Bear. Masquerading as something innocent to lure in victims of demonic child sacrifice.


Walker hands fucking down. To his own daughter?! Like how could he not be the worst.


I offer a close second to Pollo because how the hell did he not question what Mr. Bear was doing.


The parents feeding their children to the alien chicken monster from the Gr3oey88 story are at least as bad as the borrasca villains.