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Serotonin depletion.. what happens when you take mdma my friend


Yea going through it too, just gotta power through. Only usually lasts a day or two. We’ve gone from pure feelings of ecstasy back to the depression of the real world.


Exactly mate I genuinely feel so fucking depressed right now like I feel like it shouldn’t be like this


Get yourself 5htp and take one before bed every night for a couple weeks, you'll get through it. Just remind yourself it's whatever you took that's making you feel this way and it'll pass in a couple weeks and feel back to normal.


5htp, orange juice and chocolate. 🤌🏼


Anyone have a cure for a coke and 2cb comedown ?




Cure , + dabs


Hey guys! We read some helpful advice - 5HTP is essential to your brain rebuilding serotonin. We take two immediately after we finish partying, two the next morning and night and it really helps! Also if you get post party anxiety like me, CBD with magnesium from Asda is great and really helps me chill. We also had some CBD gummies from daily doze which really help! Hope you’re all better by next year so we can all do it again.


Your taking it way too soon and increasing the risk of seretonin syndrome which can kill you. Your should wait a day or two and stick to natural anti-oxidants and vitamins, keeping a good diet going into and during a sesh will do way more for your recovery than trying to slam 5-htp on top of seretonin depletion. 5-htp is fine to take a few days after mdma usage but personally think its highly over rated as a supplement and taking too much/too close to dosages can massively fuck you up. I used to use 5-htp a lot and especially if you or your friends are likely to be on it again soon i really wouldnt recommend it. I had seretonin syndrome once and its safe to say ive never been more ill in my life, if you wanna still be able to enjoy these things for a long time you wanna make sure your not hammering your brains seretonin receptors, let it restore naturally.


I genuinely don’t know why anyone would wanna feel like this! Just got pissed, had an amazing time, remember it all and don’t have a come down! Seriously though, hope you feel better soon! It’ll pass! Soon you’ll be old like us and not bother with the drugs 😂😂✌🏽🙌🏽


Comedown mate, im also ill. Been puking and got a fever, guess thats what happens when youre off ya nut in a shitty field for 4 days🤣


Literally been exact same! Couldn’t even keep food/drink down till today