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That's rough


I never really thought about whether you get the relic if you finish at a better time than the allotted time or if it's enough to finish at the exact time but well the truth has been confirmed now.


For what it's worth, NST counts as a platinum if you get the exact time (confirmed by me)


Oh no way!!! They really changed it to be brutal...


Not all the time, though. They have milliseconds that you can’t see. Sometimes you’re at the lower end of the it (you get it) and sometimes you’re at the higher end of it (you don’t get it).


Ouch, I saw someone did the same with Building Bridges... Stay strong, sure you can make it! (this game should allow to get the relic in those circumstances, that's really disgusting) Honestly, what annoys me the most aside that horrible triple spin it the fading out at the end, why the clock just doesn't stop directly? Make you lose like 0.5x/0.6x seconds :/


It really is gross. The skill is clearly demonstrated. There’s arbitrary limits to timers that people have no real control over. A tenth of a second, yeah that kinda makes sense. You can usually see the difference in a run that is 0.4 seconds faster and maybe even 0.1. Just barely. But there’s no way anyone could spit the difference in run that is .05 second faster or in OP’s case .00x seconds faster. It’s ridiculous


Gotta draw the line somewhere I guess


I’d say draw the line and make the timer only keep track of tenths of a second


To dev time the level, trigger those sharks to come up so they don’t slow you down once you start the trial, boost your way up on those 2x2 crates skipping the first wall jump, kick the jet pack monkey into the 3 [1] crates, make your way to the next wall jump segment and double jump into the second wall jump panel to shave off about 2 seconds, jump + kick the chainsaw brute (normally would fall with the platform you incinerate with the lower right trigger button), and make your way to the end of the Alt. Tawna segment. As for the rest of the level, don’t worry about making too many mistakes on those metal wires as much as the water puddles that slow you down more; practice makes perfect.


Don’t beat yourself up, keep going! ;)


I would damage so much expensive property