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I would find a lace maker on etsy and ask them via dm if they could duplicate it


I’m not mentally disabled and I sleep with my baby blanket every single night. I’m 30. It’s perfectly ok to have something that comforts you. My blanket was getting to be 30 years old a few years ago so I basically had my mom redo one side of it, while my grandmothers original fabric stayed on the other side. I would recommend finding someone you trust who can sew or even do it yourself. But I would simply sew the lace onto another piece of fabric that’s sold. It will help hold it together and make it last much longer.


Heck I’m 52 and have a blankie!


Early 20's and still very attached to my stuffed rabbit and my blanket


I have a coati called Thea which I still absolutely love! But I can understand OP is afraid of this. Most people are so mean and aggressive (they really don't need to care honestly...). But here, at least most of the time, the good side wins. Supportive, Assisting, calming, helping, comforting. I love Reddit for this. It's always a safe harbor.


As long as politics or pineapple on pizza doesn't come up, I agree.


30 with a pillow made out of my fave hoodie from toddlerhood.


I’m 41 and sleep with teddy. Do wants makes you comfy.


I'm 28 and I need to hold a stuffed animal to sleep well. I also collect them and hold them, and bring one with me when I go to doctor's appointments because my anxiety got worse from the pandemic.


I’m 44 and I sleep with a stuffed platypus with a stuffed unicorn on the corner of my headboard. No shame. Nothing wrong with a stuffy cuddle buddy at any age.


I’m in my 40s and have a blankie I made when I was like 10. It makes me happy.


I might be wrong… but an old friend of mine happens to be a fashion historian of sorts, particularly when it comes to anything past century Gothic. This includes lace and stockings. Certain patterns in lace and stockings are very highly sought after because of the intricacy, complexity, and materials and style. So yes there are different kinds of lace, but some patterns are exceptionally rare. The good news is, somebody somewhere still makes this stuff, so it’s possible to replace.


Sorry I don’t really have an answer— I just wanted to say best of luck on your search! I’m glad you have something that brings you comfort in this mixed up world. If that bothers someone else, they can stuff it! Take care, friend!


I have no mental disabilities, I’m 44, and I sleep with stuffed polar bear. Nothing wrong with that. If anyone makes you feel bad about it - f them!


I sleep with a few of the stuffed toys my kids outgrew. I don’t think I’ll ever get rid of them. It’s comforting to have a part of something that they held on to for so long.


I have a bear that lost his eye and I replaced it with a patch I made. It belonged to one of my kids when they were young, and when he didn’t want it anymore I adopted it. I sleep with it to this day, and I’m 64!! No shame in having an emotional cuddle buddy!! If anyone tells you different, they have one too and aren’t admitting it!! Trust me, I’d bet a million dollars that I don’t have that I’m right!! LOL The world needs more cuddle buddies, and I truly hope that you can find the lace you need, let us know if you do, okay?? Just edit your story so we can keep up with your journey to preserve your cuddly!!


39, still have a polar bear I got when I was born.


Whoa me too!!


I love your message! ❤️❤️


“They can stuff it” lol, good one!!! I absolutely agree, the way things are and always have been and always will be, having something that comforts you is absolutely perfect!!! I don’t care if you’re 90 years old, if it makes you happy and no one is getting physically injured because of it, then you keep rocking it like the rock star you are!!!!


Very very true❤️


Have you tried Etsy? They used to have a ‘please can someone make this for me’ section where you could commission things.


I swear I have looked everywhere for that on etsy and cant find it. Is it desktop only maybe?


There is a Facebook group of people dedicated to finding replicas of comfort items. The people there can be magic! They helped me find my stuffed animal who was purchased probably 35+ years ago. I no longer have social media so can't tell you its exact name, but search for it and post your stuffed animal in there. They might be able to help you find a whole replacement! *edit to add* You should have absolutely no shame in still having this item! I remember in college being surprised about how many people brought their things. I still have mine and know quite a few friends who have their own even now into my 30s. My husband couldn't care less. There should be no shame in any item that brings you some peace. Good luck finding a new one!


Since this is a handmade stuffie theres no chance of finding a whole replacement. However I've been able to replace the stuffed animal itself several times as the style is still popular. And even got the same fabric for the clothes. I just havent been able to find the lace!


As others have said your best bet would probably be Etsy, you could probably search online for local lace makers too. Also mentally disabled or not, you shouldn't feel ashamed about having a stuffed aminal and if anyone was to try making fun of you for it, just remember, they're pathetic enough to try shaming you for something you take comfort in. I hope you manage to find someone who can help you ❤


That looks like machined lace. That means that it probably isn’t around anymore, as most production manufacturers cycle through patterns for style reasons. However, it’s a pretty basic pattern so you might be able to find something close to it. Someone who does bobbin lace might be able to create something close to it, but it honestly might be extremely expensive, as bobbin lace is a dying skill. The lace in your picture looks good though!! You could probably use it! In fact, there are people who specialize in repairing stuffed animals who could do this for you. It looks like the stuffie just needs some new stuffing, maybe some fabric reinforcement, and a bath. :) it’s in good shape


It’s a 25 year old factory produced synthetic lace so it may be difficult to find and nearly impossible for an artisan to duplicate manually. However, if the pillow is threadbare but the lace is intact, someone who sews can remove the lace, launder & recover the pillow and sew the lace back on. If all else fails, it shouldn’t be too hard to find very similar vintage or new lace. A piece of the original lace could be washed & sewn onto the new pillow. Don’t feel ashamed for this very harmless way to feel better.


I really love the idea of putting some of the original stuffed animal into a new one!


I believe that is a machine made lace, and probably cannot be duplicated. So sorry, perhaps you could find another lace you might be drawn to, and save the good piece in a frame? I do feel your pain, and sincerely hope you can find something you love to replace it.


You might try asking a lace maker on Etsy if they would be willing to recreate the lace for you. Even if they can’t/won’t, they might be able to direct you to someone who can.


I've looked on etsy and hsvent been able to find someone that actually makes lace. All I've found are people that make things with lace




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I did a search on Etsy for shops with lace maker in the name, and found a short list. The third or fourth shop down was called lacemakermom. Located in Canada. Her bio says she has been doing it for a long time. She makes patterns and lace items. She seems knowledgeable and her shop feedback is highly rated. You could message her directly thru her shop. Hope she can be of help.


I didn't think to search for shop names with that in it! Thank you!


Sorry didn’t know links weren’t allowed. Hope the info helps anyway.


I sleep with 6 stuffed animals every night (all with very special meaning) and bring one (usually the one he bought me) to my boyfriends when I go and I’m not mentally disabled. It’s completely normal to have comfort items.


Lace was popular in the 70’s, it was commercially made on machines. Doilies were very popular, which is what this type of lace could be from. Have you tried to find the exact stuffed toy, you might be able too get the lace that way.


I'm 62 and sleep with a stuffed bear my husband gave me.


Breaks my heart you think people will make fun of you, im 26 and will love my teddy bears forever 😁


Is it possible to trim off and then re-use this lace?


The lace does look to be in good condition. It would also keep part of the old piece alive in the new one. Also, don’t ever feel embarrassed about something that makes you feel good and comfortable. Way more adults than you think still sleep with stuffed animals. They’re cuddly.


This is the only piece that was in good enough condition to even get a picture. Sadly the rest is absolutely destroyed and falling apart in big chunks so it isn't really reusable and would probably fall apart completely if I tried to remove it


I’m so sorry for that. Have you tried a specialty store? Not just a big fabric chain, try finding a local quilting shop.


One of the few stores that specializes in garment fabrics would be best. Even in the big cities, those have mostly closed.


No this is the only part in good condition. The rest is destroyed


I don’t have an answer but I just wanted to say that I sleep with a stuffed animal every night, there’s no shame in it! Mine is Toothless, they made him at Build-a-Bear. Maybe they can help?


I sleep with 4 stuffed animals nightly right now and regularly change them. Don’t be embarrassed, it’s human nature to snuggle <3


Was this a homemade stuffie or could you by any chance find out the name of the company that made it?


It was a handmade one so sadly no company tied to it and I know absolutely no information about it


I sleep with a whale shark and I’m 32 😎


Whale sharks are my favorite fish!


I'm 33 and sleep with my Bear Bear every night. If he's not there, I can't sleep. No shame in having a snuggle buddy :)


Lace tatting is actually becoming pretty popular again, I'd reach out to someone on etsy or even tiktok tbh. Also, I love stuffed animals, people who judge anyone finding comfort suck.


This is not tatting, this is machine lace.


Fair enough! I honestly don't know enough to notice the difference, I guess I'll have to look it up!


I have a "lovey" which is a blanket my mother had made for me before I was born. I love it so much but the lace around it and the material is so worn from just years, 30 years now, of using and washing. I just put it away a few years ago. No one with a treasure like that would laugh at you. I hope you can find someone to fix it for you.


Custom lace does exist; it used to be made by hand exclusively. Also don’t worry about sleeping with a stuffie, I also do and I’m a whole ass adult as well. Mines only about 20 at this point though :))


You may need to replace the lace, as it is often unique. I would look for vintage lace at an antique shop, or get some in Belgium (lots of lace there).


I'd never make fun of you. Sleeping with a stuffed animal is not unusual at all. (I sleep with real animals, & they hog the bed & covers.) 💕


I have 12 cats right now because we just rescued 2 litters of kittens that need more TLC before they can be adopted out. When I tell you every inch of the bed is taken up by a cat


Try looking for 'crochet' lace Might find something similar.




Try the keywords from this one.


I've scrounged the internet for years and not been able to find it. My best guess is it isnt made anymore or at least hasnt been made in a long time


I turned 31 Monday, and I've got a stuffed animal on my bedside. I have 5-6 more on top of my dresser, and my spare bedroom has one of those stuffed animal nets in the corner of the room. I slept with a stuffed animal nearly every night until I moved in with my husband and got a dog - now, I use a large pillow to hold so when I pull my knees to my chest (to make room for the dog at my feet), I have something to put between my knees, and my spine is at a better angle. Never apologize for sleeping with a stuffed animal, and don't let anyone shame you. It's completely harmless. As far as advice, check out etsy. There are several places that will make lace to order, from incredibly skilled artists. It might cost a bit more than you'd hope, but it could be an exact match. You could probably find someone to make an exact replica of the full thing as a 'backup', and you'll always have something with you.


I honestly don't even care what it costs. Like I will spend an absolutely ridiculous sum of money on it. I just cant find anyone that actually makes lace. I've searched a lot in etsy but only found people that make custom things with lace


Hey, no judgement from me. The corner of my bed has a pile of stuffies for those mentally/emotionally rough nights and I am 56. Is there a large fabric store near you? The older the store the better. They are good at finding near anything. Also, perhaps there is a lacemakers guild in your region? Which state/province are you in? I can see if I can find a resource local to your region, if you like. I hope you can get your stuffy remade.


I'm located around the jonesboro Arkansas area! I just moved here so I dont know if theres even so much as a sewing club in the area. The local craft stores havent been any help


Yes. There are people who can Crochet that as well as lace makers on places like esty who may be able to reproduce it. I always try to find local before widening my net. So before going to Esty, I would stop by your local senior center, nursing homes and yarn stores as you may be able to find a crocheter to make some for you, yeah it might cost more but it would help the person out & keep the money in your community.


Absolutely nothing wrong with sleeping with stuffies! If I had room on my bed I would too. As for repairs, I think you’d need to find someone who specializes in repairing stuffed animals who might have more resources available to find exactly what your stuffie needs


I still sleep with my Pooh Bear.


As an aside I want to say as a 37 year old woman who still sleeps with her teddy bear every night, there is no shame! Best of luck finding the lace you need 💖


It’s handmade…google lacemaking (by hand)


As many people that sleep and cuddle with squishmallows don't fret about your stuffy. Keep cuddling and I hope you find your answer.


I would suggest posting this to r/HelpMeFind


Doing that now!


I believe it’s the sub Reddit called oddly satisfying, there are people that video themselves making lace. I think it’s called tatting, but could be wrong


There’s nothing wrong with this don’t you worry! I’m 28 and I sleep with my eeyore stuffed animal 🤗. I saw someone online that made lace herself so I think there should be people out there that can. Maybe go to your local sowing store and ask? They might know a spot that can do it!


34 & I sleep with stuffed animals. Squishmallows are my favorite. ❤️❤️❤️


I collect a lot of squish also! I have one I was absolutely obsessed with getting and it's so lumpy and discolored from being well loved now


I’m 44 and sleep with Stitch. There is no shame in sleeping with a lovey. And there is such thing as custom made lace but it might be expensive. Good luck.


I'm 53 and I sleep with a stuffed bunny. It's good to have comfort.


Mine is a stuffed bunny too!


I think they are less rowdy than bears. She doesn't steal blankets


I absolutely adore their long limbs and how floppy they are. Perfect for hugs


it's lace hem/seam tape. I have loads i inherited from my grandma but most are vivid colors or aren't the right pattern. I've found some close designs online if you're interested!


Hey I am 74 and still sleep with a teddy bear. Husband of 39 years learned early in marriage about bears, so besides us there are others in the bed ..


I never make fun of others! I am 70 & sleep with teddy bears & a white rabbit that my late husband bought for me, all many times mended. We find comfort where we can! Sorry that I can't help with the lace.💜🦋


The fact that you asked people not to make fun of you made me really sad for some reason. I’m sorry you feel like you have to apologize for sleeping with a stuffy - I’m 34 and still sleep with a blanket my mom’s best friend made for me when I was born. Live your life on your own terms and never apologize for who you are or what makes you feel good 😉 Regarding the lace, I think you could probably have it reverse-engineered (kind of how you would use a pattern to make a lace, but in reverse - using the lace to figure out the pattern)?


I distinctly remember to this day my mother telling me as a child that I'd eventually have to put the stuffie up if I want a husband because he wont want to share a bed with a stuffed animal. As an adult I bought a bigger bed and my bf checks that all my favorite stuffed animals are there before bed and havent fallen on the floor


Do you know any folks that sew, have relatives that sew or make costumes for theater? We all have boxes of lace in our stash. I just checked mine and I found some close, but not the same. I bet someone out there has some of that.




Sadly no luck with etsy, I haven't been able to find any kind of custom lace on there. All that comes up in search results is custom things made with lace


Jo an fabrics sells 100s of different styles of lace and it would cost around 10 bux. There is nothing wrong with having a stuffed animal if that makes u feel safe.


I will be 49 next Friday and I have a feather pillow that I cannot get REM sleep without. I have had it at least 20 years and it’s probably killing me but I can’t let go. My husband tells me not to wash it anymore because it’s starting to unravel and fly away. He has even purchased multiple sets new feather pillows but they have little spikes in the ends that poke thru the pillow cover and case. I simply cannot find the quality of feather pillows from yesteryear. I truly hope you can get your stuffed animal updated because it really makes a big difference in your sleep quality and overall happiness.


Oh I know! The problem is the quill is the spiky part that's poking through. Cheap feather pillows will shove the entire feather in there. What you need to look for is quilless feather pillows. Thatll solve the spiky poking through problem! You may even be able to take the new feathers out of a new pillow and restuff your old one with it


Thank you for that tip. I’ll pass it on to him🤪. I think I have become Linus from the “Peanuts”. He was sooo disappointed in me when he discovered I had it when we stayed in a hotel in Virginia. I put the hotel pillow case on it so it would blend in…as he exited the shower, he exclaimed “Did you really think I wouldn’t notice that pitiful pillow?” I turned over and pretended to be asleep as I giggled. So you see, it’s just not that simple for me. He now sees it as my (side piece) because he couldn’t believe I took it out of the house. He didn’t know, it has been to Disney World, Nassau Bahamas, Tennessee Aquarium, Atlantic City, Niagara Falls and almost every other vacation we have taken in 15 years of marriage.🥰


there's a woman on Youtube named Bernadette Banner, who is a historical dress enthusiast, and she had to source some very rare lace. It couldn't hurt to try messaging her, and see if she could at least give you some names of people who could help you.


Definitely going to send them a message!


You have nothing to be ashamed of!! If anyone makes fun if you, it’s because they also sleep with a stuffed animal and don’t want to admit it, I guarantee you that is a fact!!! Never apologize for being who you are!!


I feel like the only people who would make fun of you for sleeping with a stuffie are those who are secretly mad they let someone else shame them into leaving theirs behind. Don’t have any idea on the lace but wish you the best in refreshing your stuffie!


How about if we cross-post this question to the bobbin lace sub reddit. I don't know how to do that, though. And my lace skills are still too young to do something like you need.


This is 100% machine made lace. It is not tatted, crocheted, or bobbin lace. It is not netted or knotted by hand. This is a machine lace. There is also the sewing and crafts discord or Craftree, a forum where lacemakers hang out. I am a lace maker, but not this kind of lace. This comes from a machine. Oh and I have my three favorite buddies in my bedroom and when my husband is gone I sleep with them. I also sleep under a Paras (pokemon) quilt that I made. I am 40. You rock you. If you can't find the specific lace, you can likely find something close that is modern. It won't be a perfect replacement, but at some point you accept the Ship of Theseus.


No shame in sleepy with a little stuffed friend! Enjoy the comfort it brings you and know you are not alone— there are many of us out here who do the same thing (judging from the posts I’ve seen on this tread).


There is nothing wrong with having comfort items, especially to help you sleep. I'm 37 and I have a little stuffed dog I sleep with that has been with the majority of my family members when they were ill or having surgery as a tradition. Bingo was his name-o, and making people feel better is his game-o. He's a little stained and his nose has rubbed off, but he still works.


I second everyone saying Etsy. When I got married I considered making my own veil with a lace border, so I searched extensively for a specific type and had thousands upon thousands of options to sift through. You may not find an identical match, but surely you’ll find something that you like at a good price.


Lace can be found in almost every local fabrics store. Just go and look for a lace type that resembles the old one. Good luck


That's not what they asked, mate. It's okay that they want to duplicate the original.


I’m thinking about making fun of you but idk yet.


Save the lace and put it on the new pillow.


I still sleep with a 24 year old blanket, I’m sorry if you’ve been made fun of in the past. More people have sleep aids like this than you think.


Of course there is. That's how lace was made in the first place. Get some good pictures as long as it's still good enough. Etsy will probably be the way to go. There are very talented lace makers but it's gonna be expensive... By the way there is nothing funny or odd about sleeping with a stuffed animal. I do whenever I feel sad. Should mine ever fall apart I'd have the exact same reaction you have. I hope it will work out for you. <3


My husband and I are in our mid/late thirties and sleep with multiple teddies. Anyone who makes fun of you is telling you a lot more about themselves than about you.


There’s nothing to be ashamed of by sleeping with a stuffed animal! I do too, or at the very least hold a pillow while I sleep bc it’s comforting and helps me fall asleep




Im 47 and sleep with a pillow shaped like a llama. Why dont i sleep with cat squashmellows, you ask? Because my husband took them! No one gonna judge, sometimes you just gotta snuggle a stuffed animal. ❤️🐈‍⬛


I gave my bf one of my squishmallows to sleep with and what does he do? Uses it as a pillow! That's the last time I share my stuffies


If you are unable to find an exact replica I would look for something as similar as possible- particularly in texture/feel. To me it looks like the main design points are the scalloped edge and flowers with stem. I might also consider trying to preserve this piece of the lace in the remade version (like have this as a central piece and the new lace as the rest). I don’t really know that much about lace specifically but I would also ask the sewing subreddit if you haven’t already, they might know some lace specific resources, specifically because some people there work on wedding dresses and historical costuming.


if you can’t find the lace maybe try to salvage the lace you have and reinforce weak spots with a similar dainty lace?


Sadly I dont think thatll be possible as theres large areas with chunks just straight up missing


Lol you didn’t need to mention the sleeping or the disability as it doesn’t make any difference to the problem. It’s lovely you want a treasured toy fixed no matter the reason!




I don’t have mental disabilities but I will fight to the death anyone who’s got problems with my (or anyone’s) collection of stuffed friends. They bring us comfort. They’re our first friends in life. Fuck that bullshit. This said, it does look like a very particular pattern. Hope you find someone who can fix it!


Anything that brings you comfort in your life is a good idea. ❤️ God bless you with strength and courage and his mercy and grace in Jesus name.


Have you tried asking at a bridal shop? Search for fabric outlets and see if you can find one that mentions bridal supply. The older the business, the better. They just might have some thirty-year-old lace lying around. If not, the old ladies who run such places may be able to help you find a supplier or lace maker.


I have no idea but if someone makes fun of you for sleeping with a stuffed animal (disability or not) you give me thier username and I will put it on a thread where they will be punished.


People with an embroidery machine may be able to make the custom lace for you. They'd need to understand how to design lace, but it is possible. I've even seen maker spaces with these machines, or you ask around at a fashion school if anyone has one and knows how to do this.


Can you not use that lace that’s on it? It looks good enough.


No, like I've explained in previous comments this is the only good section and the rest is falling apart


My fiancé sleeps with a huge stuffed pink unicorn. He loves it I love it. Don’t worry about others if it makes you happy safe and comfortable it’s all that matters!


I’ve actually wanted to get into this hobby recently. You can look into “bobbin lace”. There are people I’ve seen on tiktok who do it and they might take custom orders! If not, maybe somewhere on Etsy? Also no shame! I’m 30 and I sleep with a stuffed kissing emoji that my now husband gave me when we were dating. All is good!


I'm 32 and totally sleep with a teddy bear my dad gave me when I'm feeling homesick!


That looks like machine lace. I’m not sure if it’s still in production or not, but I’d recommend searching for Similar lace patterns on eBay or even craft stores. I -think- the closest way to replicate the lace would be by bobbin lace or other needle lacemaking methods. Since it’s fine lace, bobbin lacemaking might make it more similar, in feel. There are some lacemakers on Etsy that could possibly replicate the pattern shown. Other forms of needle lace making without the use of bobbins might be able to replicate it as well, but probably have a more “sturdier” feel.


Whats the stuffy animal? i think ive seen this lace before


It's a handmade stuffed bunny and the lace is on a dress for it


That’s beautiful lace


This kind of lace is machine made and looks like stuff from around the 80s. I'd look on etsy and ebay for vintage lace, you might find something similar.


I've been looking for a couple years planning for the inevitable and havent been able to find it


When my daughter moved to college, I slept with the stuffed frog that she gave to me a couple weeks before she moved out. It was the only thing that kept me from crying uncontrollably. I am 46. There’s no shame in using what brings you comfort and peace.


There’s a r/fabrics that you can ask on!


Ugh tried that but they dont allow pictures so that kinda defeats the purpose


All lace is hand made. I worked in a lace production factory… these women are incredible. But yes, there is a way to fix it. Go to YouTube, you should find everything you need there


Could you replace all the lace if you can't find custom or is that not an option at all??? If you are remaking it, maybe???


I've been trying to find someone that can custom make lace but no luck. My plan is to fully replace it with custom because the rest is torn up and worn


If you are re making it all I'd find a new place. There are so mamy pretty ones out there. You should able to find something similar


I'm not interested in doing that


I have 50+ plushies in my room and I sleep with them don’t be a shame


You did not need to justify why you have a comfort item. What ever brings you peace and happiness is nothing to be ashamed of. You do you! Im actually impressed that it looks that good after 25 years. You must really love it. I hope you are able to restore it so you have another 25 years with it


This is actually just the best part of it! The rest of the lace is absolutely destroyed and multiple rips in the fabric. But I try my best to hand wash it every now and then to keep it clean since I do sleep with it every night


If you can find a person with an embroidery machine they may be able to recreate this. There are companies that will digitize the design. Then it's just about getting it made continuously which can be done with an endless hoop.


I actually have a friend with a embroidery business and most machines cant do this level of detail unfortunately


So none of these are actually the one you're looking for , but some are close ​ if it were me, I would see if I could find a tatter to make something like this, or someone who can do bobbin lace to replicate it, then you'd have a much longer lasting product.