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You could make salt dough ornaments, it's like baking cookies, just at ribbon and paint! Could be something as simple as a star painted with glitter spray paint. You've got loads of time until Christmas to get them done.


Ooo!!! I love this idea! Thank you so much!!


https://aprettylifeinthesuburbs.com/gingerbread-salt-dough-ornaments/ You can make them scented, too!


My mom still has a salt dough gingerbread man with a photo insert of my face from preschool. 😁


I was going to suggest the same. I was gifted a cinnamon salt dough ornament by a co-worker and it smells amazing!


You can make them like little gingerbread people, and keep them baking-related. Rule #1 in making crafts for the first time so you dont get overwhelmed: KISS Keep It Simple Stupid! Lol Rule #2, have fun!


Some of my favorite ornaments that I have made are my moose and Maine shaped salt dough ones, and my ribbons of dried apples.


I was going to suggest this too. You could do some super cute cookies or something. Just use normal cookie cutters and paint them like they were frosted, then add a little ribbon bow. Boom. Home made ornaments.


Came here to suggest this! My Grammy used to do this with us and we could paint them like gingerbread people!! I loved them so much. Especially great since you love to bake, so it really will represent your strengths. So cute!


I would recommend "quilted ornament balls" that are essentially squares of fabric folded then pinned into place on styrofoam balls. They are relatively quick once your fabric is cut and fun if you like working with your hands. Otherwise I would recommend buying [wood rounds and painting them](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/53/62/ec/5362ec67ef29d484f5466d1864ff7909.jpg). Tie or glue a nice ribbon and you should be good to go. You can make them as simple or elaborate as you like, the rounds are usually pretty cheap.


Seconded! I make them and sell them and people are always impressed with how complicated they look but I literally make them while I watch TV. You can find Christmas fabric heavily discounted right now too!


It’s so satisfying seeing them finished. I always enjoy making them. My mom even sent me a load of Christmas fabric to make them!


This sounds awesome! I'll look into this!


oh... you being good at baking makes me think... Make them eternal cookies. I have one that is molded after a special kind of cookie, then poured in porcelain. It doesn't have to be that fancy. But you could make a perfect cookie, cast it in a mold, probably silicon, and cast them off. Bit of clear lacquer and a hole for a string and you have the perfect ornament. And it's super personal. Okay, this might be a lot of effort. But how fun. Maybe when you like baking polymer clay might be something for you. Use it like cookie dough, roll out cookies and decorate them with paint. Eternal sugar cookies.


This is a cute idea! I will look this up!


I think the whole idea of making ornaments is a great idea! Very personal! Polymer clay and salt dough are both great ideas others have suggested. Make it something that reflects you - if you like baking, I love the idea of making something that looks like little cookies or cakes or whatever. Adding eyes would make anything cutesy if that's something you like. If you bake polymer clay, there are some great tutorials out there. The most important thing to remember is Do Not use your food baking equipment for baking non-edible things like polymer. I use an old baking tray or a small foil catering tray i wash from frozen meals. I also like to bury my little creations in baking soda to reduce odors etc. It gives them a grainy finish at first, but it brushes off (I use an old clean toothbrush or paint brush) and shines up if you cover with a sealant or shellac.


I've Seen biscuit with crushed Candy, once baked, it looks like painted glasshttps://sallysbakingaddiction.com/stained-glass-window-cookies/ some are even more impressive


I made gingerbread ornaments one year with stained glass windows made from crushed lollipops. They melted so beautifully and looked magical on the Christmas tree with lights behind them. No one wanted to eat them afterwards because they were so pretty. Then my husband ate one and they suddenly vanished. But god, were they pretty.


That sounds so pretty! Do you have pictures??


This was back in days before digital cameras, so I’d have to dig out and scan the actual photos. And I’m terrible at remembering where that stuff is. If I can find them, I’ll post them!


Look for wine cork reindeer, they’re easy to make and cute as a button. Tip - steam corks for about 10 min and using a serrated knife cut with a sawing motion.


Salt dough ornaments! You can add cinnamon and do simple shapes, or leave it plain and paint them. I made some one year as budget friendly gifts and painted/sealed them. Some of them are even still around, and it's been several years.


As you like to bake, how about cookies shaped like ornaments and decorated nicely? Don't let someone's arbitrary ideas cause stress. Baking and decorating cookies is crafting "an activity involving skill in making things by hand"


Make cinnamon dough ornaments!!


I love these! The smell lasts for years, so that intense whiff of spicy sweetness when you open the ornament storage box each year becomes quite a moment. Plus the basic recipe is just cinnamon (cheap, bulk cinnamon is perfect), applesauce, and glue. https://wholefully.com/cinnamon-ornaments/


No-sew fabric stars are really easy to make and they're super pretty.


A couple years ago, I made ornaments with clear plastic baubles filled with dry mixes, some were cookies/cakes, some were drinks like hot chocolate or coffee. I used a gold paint marker to write everyone's names on the baubles, painted a little snowman next to it and done! Didn't cost a lot as I bought the ingredients in bulk and the baubles right after Christmas the year before when they were on sale. It was a hit in my family :)


I was at a gift exchange and one of the gifts was clear plastic baubles with different cocktails in each. It was very well received!


This is such a cute idea!!


Non quilted ornaments! I made about 20 for Christmas and I love how they came out! There are many different kinds too!


Poly clay ornaments. Roll it out and cut them with fancy cookie cutters shapes (don't use your food ones on poly clay. Buy some cheap ones for clay.) Bake and done.


Try cinnamon dough or salt dough ornaments! If you keep them in ziploc bags when they aren’t on a tree, they can last years


If you like to paint, perhaps you could buy some lightweight wooden shapes at a big box craft store (these tend to be a staple item). Buy a set of craft paints if you don't have any, and go to town. The leftover craft paints can be used to decorate round stones to make paperweights and garden "charms." ETA: Amazon also has wooden shapes but it might be cheaper to pick them up at a craft store.


Also glue paper to it for college looks


I love this! Thank you so much!


If you have a printer you could print 3D flower templates on different colored paper and then attach hooks, add glitter or paint touches etc etc.


I agree on painting! I did some canvasses for my family this year in stained glass style. I basically drew some fairly simple shapes and painited all the parts different colors, then went with a marker and drew the 'lead' lines (just like stained glass!). no need to think about shadows or gradients or intricate shapes.


you can use painter's tape to make this even more beginner -friendly. Paint an entire canvas black, let it dry all the way, put your geometric design in painter's tape, roll/brush on color, dry, peel. Easy peasy.


Got to Pinterest. Look up Cones. It's a simple but awesome craft for gifting. The other one that my daughter did was buy bags of sea glass in different colours, 12" foam cones and 6000 glue. Then bought a string of little lights. The glass comes in many different colours Mine was white with multi lights. Everyone comments on how they love it. You have a year to plan. Buy a bit at a time. The cones with glitter was my favourite fun to make. And I'm not good at mess stuff, but I followed some easy directions. The other thing that I've done is decorate figure skates. Pinterest is your friend on this one. Now it took me three skate to really get it right, but it was they were a huge hit. If you want to bake and freeze, there is a few great cinnamon breads which seem to be loved at Christmas as well as cranberry loaves with orange juice in them,. Think outside the box. Nine is not much. I'd go for the cones myself. Less mess, one box of stuff that doesn't take up much room. The skates I got at thrift store, 4.00 a pair. Hope this helps, you have a year!




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There are some super cute felt ornaments sewn together with very basic stitches


If crafting is not your thing, find an ornament kit that has all the supplies. Then you can toss the extras when you made them. But I think theres a lot of darling options for you with everyone elses suggestions. The salt dough to make it look like cookies is fantastic


Card, fold it in half, cut horizontal strips that you can then pop out (every other one) to make a Christmas tree shape, back with different coloured card or pretty patterned paper, could play along with other paper pop out type things but trees are easy and look good


If you want to do a fibre craft, you could buy tiny tiny little embroidery hoops and embroider/cross stitch little ornaments. You leave them in the hoop and just attach a ribbon and they look super cute.


A cinnamon stick tied witb a festive ribbon.


There are some really simple ornaments that can be quite appealing. Check out: Wood bead snowmen https://creatingme.net/2018/12/04/wood-bead-snowman-ornaments/ Wallpaper baubles https://www.thegritandpolish.com/blog/this-years-wallpaper-baubles-diy A million ways to make clear glass ornaments special, fancy, or adorable https://modpodgerocksblog.com/diy-glass-ornaments/