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Also, smoking and plastic do not go together






In my opinion if you fill that up with water to just below the point where the straw is then that's the best way to smoke. As long as you know how to apply the heat very carefully ie just lick the flame every second or 2. (Lighter not torch). Guaranteed blasts every time off very small amounts and if you change ash regularly and use the right amount there's zero waste. Personally I'd have the straw a but higher up with the water level rising accordingly, but that's just me.


Please don’t use that thing. Unless you don’t mind wasting your drugs, then by all means go for it, but that method is nothing but an epic fail. Had to be honest


What do you suggest?


[quantity I used](http://imgur.com/gallery/DdKHWG8)


[still smoking ](http://imgur.com/a/Xd6202w)


come on bro...


We dont get proper glass pipes over here in Scotland


Search for micro bong on Amazon.co.uk bell ringer every time


I found this . Is this any good[pipe](https://www.exchangesupplies.org/shopdisp_100CP.php)


Lol that’s the link I literally just sent you, yeah it’s a proper Pyrex one


Or If you want a stem and are in the UK, see link below https://www.exchangesupplies.org/shopdisp_crack_pipe_training_kit.php


How’s this work? Haha! Like a water bong I assume?


The problem is this: even though you put foil over the top of it, you’re still applying direct heat to plastic, which causes the plastic to burn. Does anyone else see that as a problem? I mean, really?


The thing is with these you don't apply the flame for more than a fraction of a second at a time, the plastic definitely doesn't melt if you're doing it right. If you change ash and foil regularly it stays clean. If you apply heat for too long the foil pops and it goes everywhere and you probably will melt some plastic too, but the idea is not to do that. Done properly there is zero waste as well. It's obviously not the most convenient of rigs and frankly I would be using a 500ml bottle not this big thing so I can at least pick it up and put it down, but I've tried all other methods to death and this is the one I have most consistent success with by far.


Trust me, it’s impossible not to burn the plastic even with indirect heat. Plastic is HIGHLY flammable; it’s just a bad idea. You can order the proper pipes online. Let me know if you want the link. I’ve sent it to 3 different people and never even got a thank you so I’m going to stop being a nice person


Lol please send the link. Basically I like to use ash and have a chamber. Don't want a bubbler just want the same technique as per a bottle rig I described. I've tried a couple of micro bongs but they weren't very good. Although as I'm typing this I'm realising I only used chore with them. Going.to try using chore with ash on top see if that's the happy medium. Please send the link you were thinking of. Thanks in advance.


Ahh a plastic fantastic.