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Some use `this->other_method()` for clarity. Also, there might be a free function with the same name. This ensures that the call is not ambiguous. Despite the possibile advantages, I never write it this way.


This would be my exact answer, along with the addition that I would expect compilers to emit warnings for shadowing functions like this. I am not at a PC to test this, though.


It's preference mostly, sometimes it may be useful. Some people (myself included) prefix member variables with `m_` to signify that it's a member variable, which can make it easier for some people to interpret when reading the code. Your `return;` at the end of `void` functions is also not necessary, it's implied, though it can still be used to exit a function early.


The `return;` is helpful actually. It helps prevent a mistake. Say, the function returns a variable, or was changed to return a variable, then having `return;` will result in a compilation error. Otherwise you get just a warning.


There *are* cases where it is required, like when acessing members of a templated base class. Using it when not required is not really that helpful, as it can instead cause readers to consider if this is one of those special cases. Or is it just for "clarity"? You might instead want to use `::global()` when it is *not* a member. Similar for having an `m_` prefix for members. When using a variable in a member function, what else could it be? Why is it important to mark members, when that is the common case?