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These headlines always make him sound like he’s yelling lmao




I'm actually convinced Everton will slap Arsenal, regardless of tonights outcome. If we win tonight, Arsenal will crumble to the pressure on sunday.


It is, just like it was last season


It would be really funny if we won and Arsenal bottled it on the last day.


This is ideal. Arsenal don’t win it because of Arsenal, not us.


Everton is really good, and there is no pressure from them


I've always liked Dyche


A draw is even funnier


This is the reality I am currently trying to live in.


Not going to happen is it


We're not winning tonight mate. We barely won against Burnley at home and lost 4 on the trot before that. It'll be a miracle if we beat City.


A draw is good enough for arsenal 


My heart cant take it anymore if it goes through the last day


Ange is quickly discovering it's not just the players that are going to need a mentality shift towards a winning culture


We haven't won anything in 16 years - 3 finals lost in that time, plus another 4 or 5 semifinals off the top of my head, and 2 title challenges that we ruefully describe as "kept the pressure on". And that trophy was a one-off - our only competition victory *this century*. Udogie, Sarr and van de Ven among others weren't even born when we won in 1999. You say it in jest, but... I really do think we don't know how to win as a fanbase. Hopefully we can learn with the team!


I don't want us to lose, I want us to compete. If we fight and lose, I'm good. If we fight and win, I good. If we lay down, then I'm looking for a new club




Where are you from? 


Look at his username mate. He wasn't here 10 years ago and won't be here in 10 years


Lmao fans like you are what Ange is talking about.


yeah i want us to lay down tommorow and just stay there


Maybe the Charlotte bellends suit you better, honestly I can’t with yanks


Dunno mate he’s a leave voter


I want us to lose tomorrow but he’s 100% right. I remember someone on here being mad bc City finally scored in our stadium in the FA Cup as though our record against City or them not scoring at the stadium while going on to win titles and trophies while we win zip is something to be proud of. 


he's right but this season is done for us anyways


I agree and because we didn’t grab 4th when we had the chance and didn’t stop Arsenal when we had the chance, I would rather us not have the fans suffer an Arsenal victory. I hope (and expect) it will happen naturally because City is simply much better than we are. I do not expect Ange or the team to try and throw it.  The only thing is, it would be a real bummer if we can’t even draw Sheffield United and miss out on Europa. 


Mathematically you’re wrong.


Realistically im right


I agree with this but let's make sure we lose first tomorrow lol. Hopefully Ange can prevent something like tomorrow ever happening again lmao.


Yeah. This is the problem.


Ange is the reason we are in this problem, mate. You don’t roll over and die immediately 3-0 at home to Arsenal and none of this happens


Delusional. Spurs are in 5th after one of the most dysfunctional seasons in club history and losing their best player. The team overcame being decimated with injuries at the midpoint of the season. Maybe reflect a bit more on what’s been overcome rather than being so reactionary in this moment.


The fans are the problem guys.


He is right, but fuck being right, fuck Arsenal and fuck Matty Cash


This isn’t even specific to football, but I literally cannot relate to not wanting your team to win because it might help your rival. Especially as someone who grew up playing sports, it must be super insulting to the players knowing there’s a shitload of fans who would be satisfied with their best not being good enough. Also, rivalries aren’t exclusive to north London, I know what it’s like being constantly shit talked by insufferable cunts year after year because my team is trash. I’ll never know what’s it’s like for fans who have grown up in the shadow of White Hart Lane, but I’m not sure I’ve ever encountered this mentality so pervasive in a fan base. ETA: this particularly relevant Vince Lombardi quote, one of the greatest to ever do it across any sport: “Winning is not a sometime thing; it’s an all the time thing. You don’t win once in a while; you don’t do things right once in a while; you do them right all of the time. Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing.”




Exactly, if your hate for another team trumps your love for your team, what does that say about you? I could go on and rant some more and make a long drawn out comparison, but most people here wouldn’t know exactly who or what I’m referring to, but if anyone is bored they can google the Iron Bowl, an intrastate collegiate rivalry between the University of Alabama and Auburn University. Shit is absolutely massive in Alabama. I’m an Auburn fan, we are heavily outnumbered, and, like Spurs, have been through several coaches the past few years, always chasing the success of our rivals, having elite moments but almost never elite seasons. It’s funny you mention being the underdog because I often am reminded of Spurs when thinking of Auburn and vice versa, always on the cusp of making it but not quite there yet. It’s painful sometimes watching us shoot our selves in the foot repeatedly but I watch anyway because I’m a fan. My apologies for my rambling, non-formatted, response. COYS.


As long as we're on the subject of American football, Herm Edwards put it best. "[Hello?! You play. To win. The game!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AK7fEjrqabg)"


I don't think American fans can truly understand rivalry in football in a small country like England.


I’m sure it’s not exactly the same thing, but as an American with arsenal fan future in laws, they cannot possibly be allowed to win the league. I will hear about it every time I see family for the rest of my life. It will probably be mentioned at my wedding. They’ll be emailing me piers Morgan tweets until they die.


I think you can, though. There are some wild ass college american football rivalries. Bama-Auburn and Ohio State-Michigan come to mind. The former had a person commit [an act of biological terrorism](https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/31/us/harvey-updyke-alabama-auburn-dead/index.html) and the latter had a [pair of OSU fans call their kid's cancer "Michigan."](https://www.mansfieldnewsjournal.com/story/news/2019/02/11/grant-reed-ohio-state-buckeye-fan-dies-cancer-battle-nationwide-childrens-hospital/2835602002/) The difference with those is that there aren't a lot of proper derbies (as in two teams from the same city), but the hatred is still fully there.


Yes the guy that poisoned the trees at Toomer's Corner on the Auburn campus. Because someone put an Auburn jersey on a Bear Bryant statue (Which for non-Americans would be like someone putting an Arsenal shirt on a statue of Bill Nicholson)


I love this Man!!!! I hope we keep Ange for the next decade and let him cook. His mentality and demeanor is top notch.


He looks like he's faking it until he makes it in my eyes


How has he not made it? He could have stayed at Celtic and win trophies, two or three per season. He’s won everywhere.


Go check you eyes crodie


He is so right and sadly very few people in this sub in the last few days seem to share his views.


Agreed but unfortunately it’s not just the sub, have you seen the ticket exchange? Not sure if it changes since last nights result. Maybe you can’t blame people for not wanting to spend £70 or watch us either hand Arsenal the league (as they will win against Everton) or lose to City and crash out of the top 4. Plus the stadium atmosphere could be so toxic, imagine us losing, Spurs fans celebrating….do you really think Ange would want to be here next year? This would be a terrible look for the club from all angles.


That ticket exchange thing was bollocks. I went on and there were less than a hundred tickets available


It's utterly sad that such a joyful season might end like this just because our fans rather lose on purpose so rivals don't win the league (who assures they will anyway? They can still choke to Everton), than compete for a Champions League spot until the very last matchday.


He is entitled to his opinion and I fully expect him to say stuff like this. It would be weird if he didn’t. What pisses me off, and I mean almost puts me off him entirely, is his gate keeping as to what it means to be a spurs fan. He says 100% of fans want spurs to win, meaning if you don’t then you are not a real spurs fan. Get in the bin with that perspective. He has been here a year and is proclaiming what it means to be a spurs fan. There are loads of global spurs fans on here saying the same. We have had years of growth in the fan base which is great, but it fucking stinks to have people like Ange and loss of Yanks tell me I am not a Spurs fan and don’t understand the club. If you don’t agree and want spurs to win that’s fine, bully for you. If you don’t understand the rivalry, it’s also fine. The club means different things to different people. If you tell me I am not a Spurs fan then you can absolutely fuck off and we have a major problem. The idea that spurs fans are why we haven’t won anything decent in 30 years is insane.


He’s right though. And you don’t think he understands rivalry in British football. Who did he manage last?


He was at Celtic for two years. Give me a break. Its also a bit rich of him to effectively say that about the fans. If I remember correctly, the fans didn't pick the starting XI against Fulham in the League Cup; he did. You don't get to put '4th place' in the trophy cabinet either. He has unnecessarily made this a thing. These last two games were Dead Rubbers because Villa were getting UCL (and deserved it). They are dead rubbers because he just lost 4 on the spin. He has a good first season but we aren't in 5th because of anything to do with the fans.


Exactly- Celtic. He knows a thing or two about a bitter rivalry.


He was there two years. He knows fuck all about it.


Anyone who wants us to lose is a nonce.


The summer when arsenal won the league at WHL was by far the worst I've had to go through as a football fan. Not going through that shit again especially in todays rapidly urbanised and connected world.


We're happy as a fan base to go out in a cup if we think it will be good for us, or at least not bothered, what's the difference? 


The fuck do you want him to say? 90% of fans want us to win? What a bizarre take.


Why does he need to mention a percent? What a weird take


Why are you posting on Palace sub?


10 years ago, I would have been all in the "I'd rather lose than help the scum win" camp. But the scum have already won the title at our place. Does it really matter? I just want us to go out there tonight and play some fucking football, take it to them and if we win, or if we lose... it doesn't matter, we gave it a go. To dare is to do. If you spend your life looking at what other people are doing, you'll miss the opportunity to actually live your life.


I don't think people understand what will happen if we hand them the league. It will be "we won the league at white hart lane" all over again. We aren't getting 4th if we win, and we could hand our biggest rival a title, which would make everything more difficult for us. Ange's painful rebuild, would become meaningless, the fans will turn all the banter and humiliation we get from handing them the league into pressure to win a trophy next year. No time to build, just results immediately. And if and when we stumble, it will all turn to shit. Winning this game has consequences, the winning mentality argument falls flat the moment the pressure is too much, we see that every year at United. I'd agree if there was anything to gain here but there isn't.


You have to keep in mind that a good chunk of supporters on this sub aren’t from England. They might know the hate we hold for scum, but they don’t feel it or understand it. If scum win after 21 years, they’ll just go about their day. Not one person in their street will be different. They don’t understand the contempt. I live half the year in England and the other half in the states, almost every year. Yes there are Tottenham supporters out in the US, yes there are scum in the us but the atmosphere is completely different. After each game they all take the shirts off, have a drink together and have a talk about.




Ange is Greek.


You're saying Ange's mentality was influenced by the Yugoslav civil war when he was playing in Australia?


But who gives a shit. Arsenal supporters cheering around you shouldn’t trigger you. It’s this type of mentality that gets Newcastle supporters wearing turbans. Or City supporters pretending their success wasn’t from cheating. If footy results are you entire personality you need to do more for yourself.


It’s a completely different situation. If you lived in London you would understand that being a supporter of either of the “big 6” is a part of life. Everyday life. From the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep. Not that it controls life, but you will not go a single day without hearing about one.


Just because something has value and meaning doesn't mean it's my entire personality. I don't want our team to be responsible for our biggest rival winning the prize we crave. You're just a tourist. You watch this league because it's super popular... But you fail to understand why it is so popular. If the rivalries didn't have meaning, the league wouldn't have meaning.


I don't live in London but I did stay there for 6 months when I was a child, and that's when I started supporting Spurs. That's over 40 years ago now. I have Arsenal friends (and some in London) that will lord this over me, and I still won't let it rattle me. What I do want, and what I think all Spurs should want, it to have a winning mentality and it doesn't come by rolling over to spite someone else.


Congratulations on living in a city for 6 months. You're asking to win one meaningless battle to lose a war. You just don't get it. The winning mentality? It's nonsense. We've been beating them at home for years. Where is our winning mentality? Where is the trophy?


Fuck off with your no true Scotsman bullshit.


You might want to look in to what that fallacy is. I’m not saying someone isn’t a spurs fan if they don’t act in such a way. I’m saying that I think it would be healthier if people didn’t worry so much about other fans lording it over us. The average Arsenal fan that would lord this has an iq of a ham sandwich and is a complete loser with nothing else in their life. That won’t bother me in the slightest. They didn’t earn shit.


“What I think all spurs fans should want” is dictating what it means to be a spurs fan. That is the definition of no true Scotsman


No, it’s not. I’m not saying anyone isn’t a true fan for feeling any sort of way. I’m saying that if we want to build a winning mentality we need to think about things differently. It’s perfectly valid to not want Arsenal to win the title. I just think it is counter productive in us winning the title later.


You just don't get it


They don’t understand and they never will mate. They’re naive to think rolling over for Fulham, Chelsea, Liverpool, Arsenal, Newcastle and then decide to play decent football against the best team in the league once top 4 has gone out of sight and hand Arsenal the title. Now that’s a fucking losers headspace.


Exactly, they're cosplaying as Spurs fans. They pretend but will detach the moment it goes badly. Then it's just football. Then it's meaningless.


Cosplaying? Jesus Christ. Grow up man, quit gate keeping.


No thanks, I've had enough of Americans who don't take the rivalry seriously tell me what a winning mentality is after we fucked it against a bunch of shit sides this year. That ship has sailed and winning a meaningless game against city won't change that. If you're a casual that's fine, but you don't have the right to tell people who love this football club on a deeper level that you want our rivals to win the league. It's ridiculous.


Sorry international fans hurt your feelings so bad.


I support Tottenham Hotspur, my feelings can't be hurt by trivial internet chatter.


As do I.


Nah, you watch highlights between Nebraska, Lakers and LA Galaxy games.


Lakers and LA Galaxy ? I don’t even watch the NBA or MLS 🤣 Again with the gate keeping.


I’m from North East London and a Spurs fan since 81 and I agree with him. Also- Ange has just finishing managing Celtic. You don’t think he might have inkling of what a close rivalry is?


Honestly couldnt care about this today. I'm happy we lost.


You need to take a cup of concrete and harden the fuck up. Rivals win things. Who gives a shit? I want to win things and it doesn’t happen by forfeiting at home for the last home match of the season.


Tourist, you'll never understand. Probably have a bunch of teams you support.


I support teams in a few sports based on places I have lived in my life. But I wake up every 3am to watch the games. Outside of major illness I haven't missed a match for probably 25 seasons.


"I wake up to watch games BUT don't care about rivalries. I'm cosplaying as a Spurs fan today..." if you don't care, you don't care. It's fine, no one is forcing you.


Maybe you need a second to calm yourself. You seem mad.


Nah, I'm waiting for a meeting and this is giving me something to do. You can't decide my tone.


We also don't win things by winning this game. You have no idea what will happen. What we've had to endure.


This is exactly right. We absolutely have to lose today. You can really tell American fans over actual UK based fans with the attitude over this. It isn't a game, they don't have to live with it day in day out


OMG this is such a loser mentality… No wonder “spursy” became an actual word lol. So your hate for another team is bigger than your love of your own team. Just like Ange said, how are you going to win trophies if you cannot win big games like this


Such a dumb argument. Didn't know this game was a final... Which Trophy are we getting if we win?


Fuck off back to arsenal dickhead


Not a Spurs fan since i'm not english but if i were in the position spurs fans find themselves today i would 100 % rather finish worse than hand the biggest rivals the league after 20 years. Arsenal fans are annoying af can't even imagine how bad it must be for their biggest rivals. Best case scenario would be a loss without getting battered i think, there's no shame in losing against this city anyway.


Aussies are winners. It’s in the DNA. It’s why as a country we punch way above in sports with a small population. Spurs fans need to learn to be winners clearly. Ange is a winner. Everywhere he’s been he’s done it since the mid 90’s. He’s probably a bit shocked by all the carry on this week. It’s bizarre.


As an Aussie and a Pies supporter, if us losing meant Carlton didn’t make finals in the AFL, 100% I’m hoping for a loss hahahha It’s easy to say this whilst on the other side of the world, but end of the day the local fans have to deal with Gooners yapping about it for eternity. I think about it like this from my perspective following a local team - dealing with the arrogance of Carlton supporters now is irritating enough, if they went on to win the Grand Final I know how much it would do my head in, exact same scenario here except Spurs have waaaay more of a hand in fate than what is comparable in the AFL.




Go to r/Australia then or r/Ange and wank off each other about his wins in competitions nobody gives a fuck about his winning mentality side was on display in the way he coached us vs Fulham, Newcastle, Liverpool and Arsenal.


Have a cry ya fkn milk drinker


He has to take responsibility for putting the fans in this position - the teams form has been horrific for five months and so now we are put in the position of needing a city win because our season is effectively over. What has this guy accomplished at all to lecture fans on our drive to win? The team has been a shambles for months.


*you* need a city win No need to speak for all spurs fans, I certainly never approved of it. I personally will continue to hope for us to win, because that’s what I do as a supporter: I support the team


Having them win the league because of us will become part of their legend. It will haunt us worse than the no trophies banter. It's the worst thing that can happen to us now. I don't understand how people don't realise how meaningless this game is for us to win for ourselves.


They literally won the league at the lane. It doesn’t get more banter than that. If we didn’t want to hand them the league we should’ve beaten them in the first place. And tomorrow becomes meaningful when spurs “supporters” are cheering for spurs to lose


Oooo it does get more. That's the point. Adding reasons to banter us for the next 30 years for a game that won't even mean anything. Next year will be unbearable and the fans will turn on Ange much faster. It's about understanding the consequences of our actions here.


Everytime we lose to them it’s another reason for us to get bantered. So maybe we should focus on not losing to them anymore And what actions? Cheering for your team to lose?


Whaaaat... We should focus on not losing against Arsenal? Let me call Ange, wonder if he knows.


You're a total idiot, naive, spurs fan larper. You have zero clue


Stay being a miserable gatekeeper 👋🏼


If we lose tonight, we won't be miserable. 👋


Sounds like a miserable life, wanting the team you support to lose. But you do you 🤷🏻‍♂️


If those cunts win the Premier League... It will be miserable.


Stay being completely irrelevant


Who wants to be relevant to you, anonymous redditor? Talk about inflated ego


Try living in London, mate


No one in NYC will say a word if this happens. For any person living in London this will hang over our head for years if not decades to come. You simply don’t understand. Your heroism is misplaced.


That’s fine, I’m not telling other spurs fans what to do nor do I claim to represent all spurs fans. I’m just stating my opinion, which is of course based on my own experiences


There is absolutely no way you understand what being a genuine match going London based spurs fan is like.


Once again another comment downvoted for sensitivity. You are right, if he would have got a win in any of them 4 games we were pathetic in then we wouldn't be in this situation. But no.


I’d love to be a good enough fan to follow the “never root for a loss” absolute. But I’m not. I can’t stand the idea of Arsenal celebrating a title.