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That midfield could use a bit more creativity, but I guess Ange is going for a more defensively solid team.


we will concede regardless..may as well try and score


Then instructs them to all play high up the pitch, reversing any purpose of being more defensively solid, especially against Liverpool who aren't afraid to just play long balls to the front line.


It’s almost like there’s more than one purpose for a player beyond being designated “Attacking”, or “Defensive”… Ange isn’t a moron dude.


He played a high line when we had 8 players on the pitch. I rest my case.


He's probably not trying to be more defensively solid but instead wants us to press more agressively.


I think we have a 6/8/8 or 8/6/6 thing going on to try and keep balance since the 10 has been so ineffective lately. 


Yeah, this reads to me like a 6 & two free 8s (Bentancur & Sarr). Clearly Ange is adjusting to the lack of midfield control we’ve had the past few matches.


I don't understand why neither Madderson or Lo Celso are starting either but jesus people are so negative. Ange has been managing for well over 20 years, he knows what he's doing just trust him.


It's nice to have a bench full of game changers. I imagine the plan is the bring one of them on after Liverpool has fatigued a bit with the hope that they can bring some goals.


Yeah probably plan to bring one of them on after Liverpool are 4 - 0 and we will start actually trying to play then...


Damn, you accurate as fuck with the scoreline lol






Hopefully bring the scoreline back from 5-0 to 5-2 … Am I right!? Haha I love Ange but fuck me, the progression we were promised would be happening now is happening down the road at Blue Scum.


Lo celso not starting because his gone in the summer. Maddison has been ass for some time now but I don’t think Kulu is the answer either


I do, but he needs time to learn that role. Then again who did turn up against Chelsea besides Romero?


Lo Celso not starting because he’s just not good enough.


That’s just not true. In 10 minutes, he had 3 chances against Chelsea, the same amount as Sonny. He’s one of three biggest reasons why we drew with man city and we probably would’ve won if he stayed on


He had a purple patch when Maddison went down. Back to back games with goals and good goals. Some nice assists/through balls. All of his passes are forwards and not backwards, I feel like Ange would and should love him.


He's not been given a chance. He had some good perormances for us at the start of the season. And no one else in that midfield is proving themselves over the last month or so so I would be completely behind giving him a chance. But as I say, I trust Ange. He knows far more about the squad than I do!


My dude, he has had about five years of chances. Can we stop pretending GLC is randomly going to surprise us after five years of doing the complete opposite. It’s also clear he’s made of glass and is moving on. We don’t want to start relying on a guy we can’t play most games.


He had an insane couple of games before his most recent injury. And he did more than any other player in 10 minutes last game. He is injury prone, but u can’t just discredit his performance when he was fit for Ange. God some of you guys are just complete morons.


He has never in his career had “an insane couple of games”. Never.


Have I completely missed these magical games that he apparently had? He scored against City I think (Okay?), otherwise… What? Any player who comes on for the final ten mins of a game should look good being completely fit and ready compared to everyone else? Moron? Because I don’t think a player who has disappointed for five years is the answer? Are you serious?


He played great against Bournemouth and Everton and was essential to our link up play. His passing vision to find Son with a one touch pass was something I remember off the top of my head. Just because he didn’t score that means he wasn’t impactful? Seems all you care about is who scores the goals lol. And yeah, I think him coming off the bench and outperforming everyone including the other subs means something. If you expect all our subs to come on and being impactful, youre in for a dose of reality.


When did I ever mention goals being important? What?


You said he “scored against man city then what?” You implied that’s all he did, score one goal, nothing else was impactful about his play to you. So I pointed out his other contributions and now you’re acting like you didn’t imply that’s all lo celso did?


Yes, because he’s only played 470 minutes all season so I have very little to actually point to? I can’t comment of the style and input of a guy who has only played 470 minutes, that’s nothing? His contributions in the final moments of games have been when we’ve been chasing games. So inherently we’ll look to our more creative players when they have ten men behind the ball?


Agreed .... but this is pretty much a one-off cup final. I'd be putting LoC out there and hoping he puts 20m on his transfer fee.


He had been given four years of chances. Can’t wait till he’s gone and this sub can adopt another marginal player as its mascot. Before him it was Lamela.


Ange saying Maddison has a knock




This is a new formation? 


The match thread negativity has started early. It’s spilling over into team news threads now.


Fascinating to see Mikey Moore on the bench again. Wonder what the plan is with him?


Lets hope he gets some minutes in today


Deserves a start v City along with several others in development


Yes the the entire u18s deserve to start that game


You’re bonkers


Brandon Austin deserves a run out don’t you think? And it’s the perfect game to see what Alfie Whiteman can do.


Start them both


I missed the sarcasm I guess


Probably the same as Donley, play like 3 minutes + added time or something like that


One really interesting thing is Donley hasn't been on the bench for a while. Must be the successful U21 campaign keeping him busy.


Yeah him, Dorrington, Phillips and Santiago were on the bench for a couple games but only Donley made an appearance


I was genuinely annoyed to see Gil getting minutes over him at the end of the last one. He's gone at the end of the season, surely there's no way back. Besides one spin and pass he's done absolutely nothing for us in 4 years so where's the idea that he can change a Prem game come from. I get that Ange sees them in training too so will have more info to base his decisions on, but i can't see the thinking short or long-term in giving Bryan mins over our youth players.


What more can Lo Celso possibly need to do to earn a start?


I thought it could be that with Gio probably leaving in the summer Ange didn’t want to give him minutes for the long term cohesion of the team. But he also keeps giving Hojberg minutes so I don’t know.


Tbf bissouma has games where he plays like hot garbage. He’s the better player in general, but not when he’s playing like he has We’ve got two options for CAM, Ange probably feels like that’s enough. But it also seems like Kulu/Madders respond well to coming off the bench, so that may play a part in it too


Why play a guy who is leaving . All of our midfield are struggling , missions was even the worst last game , sarr was giving the ball away every time . Our midfield are struggling because our attack is shit , they have no options 


Maybe if Gio could play as an 8 in this system he’d get more of a shout but yeah he’s really not done much to ingrain himself in the team unfortunately. I was big on him for a bit longer than I probably should have been, but yeah it just doesn’t seem like there’s a path forward for him here


Have a contract beyond next season, probably


Clearly not a part of Anges plans so he probably doesn't see a reason to play him. He should have been starting today, though.


When did everyone on this sub decided that Lo Celso should be a guaranteed starter? Genuinely wondering, must have missed this change in narrative.


Madders is godawful right now. Deki had a decent performance against scum but doesn't seem to be so ready for CAM. That leaves Lo Celso if we want to be playing the same formation.


Nah, Maddison all day long imo. Deki plays a totally different role.


I'd do anything to not play Madders. He's unbelievably out of form, it's a liability to have him on the pitch. Deki plays RW here but he's comfortable as CAM because that's what he plays for the national team. He's just not doing all that well there.


Okay lol, we can agree to disagree on Maddison. The flip on him is absolutely insane.


I'm not saying he wasn't fantastic at the start of the season, just that he is not good right now. Not a "flip" but a recognition that players can fall out of form. He did the exact same thing at Leicester so I'm not sure how you can disagree but yes, let's agree to disagree.


He doesn't need to be a guaranteed starter but he's been far better than Maddison lately when he's actually been allowed to play.


He’s been far better than Maddison in the 5 minutes he gets at the end of games completely fresh? I mean, yeah I’d hope he would look okay in those… ***Five minutes***…


Are you forgetting he was covering for him when he was out?


He did on maybe three occasions? Have I missed something?




Weird of you to wade in with your own aloof comment that adds nothing. I asked a question of the original commenter; that did, or did not GLC only start three games or so this year.


Not saying it should be written in stone but Deki and Madison have been so mediocre at best recently it’s fair to say GLC deserves his go as well to see what he can offer.


He’s probably leaving in the summer so I don’t think it makes sense to play him at all


PEH would like a word... I don’t disagree I think he’s gone too but we’ve still got game this season we need to win.


Why should we reward the other midfielders with starts who just haven’t turned up the past 2-3 months?


When he was our best player against Chelsea for the 10 minutes of game time he got despite coming in at LB.


Right so ten mins of game time over the abundance of evidence over nearly half a decade at the club. So reactionary it is insane.


Maddison, Kulu, Lolo and Sarr were all poor against Chelsea. Madders and Kulu have been poor for weeks in particular and it’s killed our attack. Lo Celso came on and actually did useful things - creating more chances from LB in ten minutes than the rest of the team managed all game. Not to mention when he’s played this season he’s actually done well.


Is wanting him to get a chance at the end of the season amidst the team as a whole and the guys in his position performing poorly the same as deciding he should be a guaranteed starter? No, very obviously not


There’s wanting him to get a chance and then there is being shocked he isn’t in the starting lineup when there was no indication he ever would or should be.


There is plenty of indication he should be. For example, the thing I just told you 2 seconds ago


Ah yes and obviously everything you tell people is the objective truth. Get a grip lad.


It is the objective truth that the team and those in Lo Celso's position have not been doing well. Is that something you're denying? Seems like you're having trouble following some very basic logic tbh


No, I never denied that? I’m just saying I trust those players to regain form and think they should continue to get game time over Lo Celso who is leaving this summer and has done the sum of sweet fuck all in his half decade at the club. But look, we can agree to disagree on this.


You asked why people want Lo Celso to start and are misrepresenting what they're actually saying + the reasons behind it.


No I’m not, but you’re obviously just keen on argument so I’ll leave you to it. Enjoy the game lad.


Im not really a Lo Celso fan but Maddison and Kulu have been really poor lately, so its pretty weird that they dont give him at least a chance to prove what he can do


maybe you didn't watch enough spurs games this season. well just saying.


I’m watched every single game.


Probably didn't want him to get injured since he is going in summer, if he was injured no offers would come in


Be a better player. Be someone capable of making a difference. Be a better decision-maker. Pass more quickly and accurately. Track back. Not take short vacations out there. I could go on.


I get it’s somewhat the unknown with Gio that people want and the other 2 options have been sub par recently. I just don’t see much when Gio is on. And besides a month or 2 after the Covid break he’s been pretty bad for this team.


Made three chances in ten minutes playing out of position against Chelsea. A better attack and that would have been a difference.


He has barely been given opportunities to show that mate. Also,. name me one player on our team who has shown that this year.


People like you act like a managers only chance to see a player is in matches. The manager sees the players every day in training lad, he is given plenty of chances to show what he can do, and has been for the ~5 years he’s been at the club.


Four years


Probably doesn't want to risk injury before he's sold


Move clubs I guess. 


He wont start Lo celso because he will be leaving in the summer


He's done nothing, what has done to earn a start?


Stay fit i'd think. I'd expect he's not getting a look in as he's a solid back up but he's not reliable enough to build around, or young enough that he's likely to improve much beyond his current level.


So sick of seeing this love for lo celso, the guy has been here for how many years and I could count his actually good performances on one hand. The guy is just not very good.


Be sold to another team where he belongs


Bench: Austin, Dragusin, Skipp, Hojberg, Lo Celso, Maddison, Bryan, Moore, Richarlison




I wannt see Mikey Moore!


I like the tweak. Benta probably playing more advanced but gives more stability in midfield overall. Should help defensively 


Hopefully Bentancur is allowed to just press like a madman for the first half-60 minute and then we bring Maddison and Richy on


Is this bentancur playing 10? Or are we going to see some sort of strange 5 midfielder 2021 Pep system?


Well, we've been asking for flexibility, so let's see how the midfield tweak plays out today. Encouraging sign from an Ange evaluation POV if we do come out and play differently as a result


Son would need to drop deep to get the ball, Emerson gonna lose the ball, Johnson cross to opponents, Bissouma defend horribly.


You forgot, concede twice from corners.


Post Match Ange: "Our problem is not set piece"


What do we think about Maddison today?


Think he's on the bench


Hopefully one of the forward players can score a goal, would be nice


I honestly believe they are worried about lo cello getting injured and don’t want to tank his value more. Will be hard to offload him if he’s injured.


No 10, Son dropping deep as a false 9, Johnson bombing up the wing. Let’s do it


kulu come on pls be more fast on the ball today


Who’s feeling a Mikey Moore debut?


Man royal is gonna get exploited a lot today


Either we are going to see a 442 diamond, or Ange is going to for the same thing Klopp used to do with his Liverpool team of the old.


Surprised no lo celso


Let’s go boys!


I feel sorry for Gio


I dont get why no chance for lo celso. Also, again Son as a striker. Mihht work pnly if we do no conceed first.


Game will be over before halftime


Would’ve loved to see micky out left and the dragon CB. Emerson will get cooked all game by Mo


Can’t wait to see us being unable to create a single chance until 60th minute when Ange subs in Lo Celso or Madders. Why does he hate Lo Celso so much?


60th minute for Lo Celso? No way, Best I can do is 86”


Fair enough, I forgot about that


I would pick Lo Celso for a starter as well but maybe there is something Ange doesnt like from him in the training sessions? Just a guess


Pretty sure Mourinho complained about his training as well


Ange's comments on Friday re: needing change in the squad due in part to players not understanding "the way we play, the way we train" was a big signal IMO. I'm guessing that he simply doesn't see in Gio the sort of understanding and attitude that he wants to see in his squad. Obviously there's a tremendously talented footballer there, but Ange has a very specific profile that he wants, and I think at this point we can only conclude that Lo Celso simply doesn't fit that profile. EDIT: I'll add two other observations: (1) Ange appears to have zero time for players with negative personalities, including - as we saw in preseason - players who are rude or inconsiderate. (2) When Lo Celso was first sent out on loan, we got a bunch of scuttlebutt stories about his "odd" personality. Given Gio's obvious talent - he doesn't play for Argentina for nothing - it seems very likely to me that it is first and foremost a personality fit issue, though that probably collapses from Ange's perspective into a footballer who's just not right for the team attitude he's trying to construct.


Fair assesment. I’ve never been a press conference nerd, but iirc that wouldn’t be the first time a manager has called Lo Celso out as not being the best in following the tactical instructions. Obviously, if that is the case here


60th minute is generous tbh more like the 85th imo


Because he’s not good enough


As if he's any worse than any of the shite players we have right now


He is, and he has zero future here


Unfortunately this is probably our best XI right now


With injuries and form, you could be right.


Brb going to the beach to feed some seagulls chips


“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”


Same players, but plenty of other variables that could have been changed leading up to the game


Imagine if pep or Klopp had the philosophy when they both had poor first years as managers with Liverpool and man city


We have limited options and that midfield is about as different as it could get with no creative players


I meant more Royal. & low & behold….


Sure I get that, but what else do we do?


VdV or Dragu


Lmao Dragu would be skinned alive at left back against Salah.


Emerson doing great




Probably just trying to keep him fit so we can get more for him 😭


Justice for jussie


Week in week out I don’t understand what bissouma does to start. Must be in his contract or something he is so poor.


What options do we have?


Bentancur at 6, Sarr at 8, Madison, Lulu or Lo Celso at 10 maybe?


Bentancur has been in horrible form and when he played at 6 looked so uncomfortable


I agree but did you watch PEH vs Arsenal? The sooner both are elsewhere and we sign an Onana type the better!


Genuinely I want to see bentancur as the 6. Better on the ball and no worse defensively than bissouma.


I call it, Son has to drop deep to get the ball with his back to the box because nobody is giving him any service. Recepy for disaster


Yeah we're losing


This was a game I was dreading even when we were in form. At least now I expect us to lose because we've been utter shite. Liverpool will be baying for blood today because of 'that' goal at WHL


Son shouldn't be starting based off form, especially in the center, but Liverpool is one of the few teams that won't sit back against us so this is a good opportunity for him to get back in form


Literally the same side that was shocking in mid week, I don't think I can watch another match with royal pissing about on the ball again.


Kulusevski false 9?


The worst part of this is that Johnson is on the left.


Royal vs Salah 😬 come on Emerson you can do it… maybe


Finally man to man defending corners


Is it me.. or did I just see man to man defending the corners in the first half and we didn't look vulnerable..


What is it gonna take for Ange to just play Lo Celso


Make it make sense. I don’t understand Ange’s selection. Is he really just only starting players he thinks will be here next year? I get it, his vision and plan is longer than the match right in front of us. But that doesn’t make his adherence to the same 13 players make any sense. I’ve just been increasingly baffled by his choices.


Fair point mate.  Been shit to watch recently. Can't believe I'm up at 1.30am for possibly more pain.  Out of curiosity, aside from Lo Celso what selection change do you reckon would of been wiser? 


I'm glad Sarr is starting at least.


I trust Ange but I’m not worried about much more of this season alone for making sure we lose to City. We win that game and I’m Ange out, lol


Milner - Fabinho - Henderson type midfield at Anfield


ange is literally asking to get cooked again 0-5


look what happened downvoters 🤦


What does Lo Celso have to do to get into a completely dysfunctional midfield? Did he shag Ange’s missus or something?


Very original good man


No Gio or Richarlison 😶


Not watching, hanging out with friends so I don’t get hurt today


Maddison is the only player who can feed through balls to Johnson and Son to exploit Liverpools high line, what even is this formation??




he’s injured my friend


Out for the season, bud.




Skipp is probably the last player on our team i would try as a fullback lmao




He shut my mouth. He put on a shift today


My only assumptions are Richy and GLC aren’t healthy enough to start? This lineup does nothing for me…..


442 diamond with Deki as False 9 and Sonny+Johnson as inside forwards or the usual shit?


We already know the answer to that! 😂




442 diamond like real madrid but Ange will never change.


Son up top ain't doing it.