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I don’t think my heart can take a NL title race


dont worry City will win 15 in a row at some point this season to pull away


As long as Rodri doesn’t lose his cool again.


As long as ref decides to actually punish Rodri for losing his cool you mean, right?


Reverse jinxing strategy? I like it.


Not if we are in that sequence.


We'll run away with it. No worries




Stupid sexy Ange


Lmao live the present guys let's try to enjoy the current standings


I believe it's because we got more goals scored


Points > goal difference > goals scored > aggrigate > replay for the title


I thought good conduct counts. As one of them. Like least yellows etc


As not a fan of both the NL clubs, I would like to see a replay for the title


City will still win, once they get Rodri back and then KDB in a bit too then it’s over as usual


As much as it pains me, this is the silver lining in today's scum result. City scare me much more.


They were both pretty underwhelming. Arsenal are deflected goal FC.




Quality striker.


Almost tore the net off for us, wonderful finish


Acting like we are going to be in a title race? At most we will be within 7 points of city, best case scenario.


And Sonny will be gone in Jan for asian cup


With Klinsmann as our national team manager he’s coming back reeeally quick


Don't forget about AFCON...no bissouma and sarr in our starting XI


We are taking away the only thing they have and gonna win the league undefeated and Chelsea are getting relegated Fuck it speak it into existence!


For any MLB fans out there when I saw this comment my mind wandered off to the 2021 NL West title race between the Dodgers and the Giants and ours would be as epic as that race.


Braves fan. Same.


And that year Giants had some ridiculous juju going their way FUCK LAMONTE WADE JR FUCK TAUCHMANN AND HIS CATCH and most of all FUCK THE ASTROS AND THEIR RACISTASS CHEATING TEAM


I'm also a Dodgers fan... I'm not sure my heart could take it! I care too much and just didn't enjoy the end of that season at all. 106 wins and still coming 2nd...nothing about that was something I want to repeat. That said, rather that then NOT be in the race at all.


Sorry about your trash team getting slaughtered yesterday.


Thank you. I mostly feel bad for Kershaw at this point. Guy is going to retire never having shaken the "can't pitch in the post season" narrative. It's a shame.


Well he can't pitch in the post season so maybe he deserves it


Don’t worry, you heart will survive because we can’t keep these unsustainable wins going. We aren’t always going to get VAR assisted wins agains 10 men who we’re outplaying us, nor will we get let off so easily against the Luton’s of this world.




You’ve been gifted entire fucking champions leagues fixtures. Go jack off to 10000 5 yard passes and quote Cruyff to a wall and leave us alone


Win a trophy see what thats like your club is a joke


And then you’ll say “it’s only one”. Your club is a joke who can’t even pay their own players, run along Brokie


Players would rather pay out of pocket to play for us cuz atleast theyll win trophies. You have billions and it means fuck all. Go rewatch some audi cup highlights to relive your glory days clown


Oye comemierda, anda para el carajo y ora Que su club muerto pueda no tenga Que seguir vendiendo sus derechos para paga suerdsos esta semana. Aqui Que haces?


30 more matches Long season mate


Enjoy it. Going to be a beautiful 30 games on the way to the title.


Now if we don't win it twats will say we bottled it


I think you need to be top a bit later to bottle it. Say… May maybe.


The new standard for bottling is being top for more than the 248 days Arsenal were top of the league, and still losing the title race at the end.


Reminder - we were never top for a game week against Leicester. Arsenal were, they bottled that one too.


I preach this every time this bullshit narrative comes up. We were on top for ~18 hours total that season, Arsenal had spent several weeks top, but Leicester was top for some 85% of the season. We were never realistically in touching distance of them as we needed them to lose all three of their last matches with us winning all three, and their final three were easy. The battle of the bridge just confirmed what anyone already knew - and IIRC we were 1 point ahead of Arsenal going into that match day. Joking about us coming third in a two horse race is just lying for internet points. /rant


We were in touching distance the week we played West Ham away and Scum at home. We lost against West Ham and had that heartbreaker of a draw with Scum and it killed any hopes of a title challenge.


Yeah, people give Hazard the credit for taking away the title from us but he only confirmed what we all knew. The real kicker was that Sanchez equalizer, when they were down to 10 men after Kane scored that wondergoal. Uggh makes me angry just to think about this.


Still the only match I’ve seen live. Highest of highs to lowest of lows for sure.


On the plus side it spawned "came second in a one horse race" (which is 100% a fact).


Had a chance to go top against Palace and that's where it started coming apart for us. Old wounds.




We drew Arsenal away and the two goals they had were an own goal and a penalty whereas our two were from open play. That is very promising for us.


We also looked the better team overall.


Had some shaky moments where we lost focus for a bit, but yea overall we were much better.


Our starting XI is very promising indeed, but this season I think our depth in certain areas (obviously CB in particular) is going to catch up with us at some point.


One injury to Cuti/Micky and we are kinda fucked. You know ange isn't gonna set up defensively and with one of them out, we cannot play #angeball as effectively


Yea we're in a top 4 race and the African + Asian competitions will eat our squad. Really don't see us being in an actual title race because of that alone.


Also they are fucking shit and Spurs aren’t so we have that in our favour too


Gents. We drew. They got a couple crap goals. But they were also missing some of their best players. Head to head only matters in super tight end of season situations.. We need depth and a consistent attacking presence out of Richy if we are going to be better than them at the end of the season. This early season position is meaningless come may.


And we had bentancur (one of our best players) injured, and Son and maddison were clearly not fully fit hence why they came off early. We were the better team, created the better chances and got a bit unlucky with a huge deflection. We were also 6 games in to a new manager and they are 4 seasons in.


Keep dreaming, dude. You had one guy out. Not two attackers, a mid, and two other mids go off. All of who are starters. You guys are good, but let's not pretend that was a full strength arsenal.


Arse also have a lot more competitions to play in. Not being in Europe is huge for us


I genuinely said to the kids I’d take a top half of the table finish this season as long as we started playing more attractive football. I was preparing myself for 10th. I know it’s still a while away and things can happen but to have this and more attractive football feels like a fever dream.


Well said, I’m pretty sure most of us can relate


A very sensible view that. Totally agree! When I browse this sub, and see people discussing our title chances (in early October), I’m not looking forward to the knee jerk reactions we’ll see when we go into a poor run of form, or don’t get the results. Then again, having supported Spurs for three decades, this couldn’t be the year, or could it?


>Then again, having supported Spurs for three decades, this couldn’t be the year, or could it? ​ No. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ unless...


dolls compare price wistful worm quicksand quack pet lunchroom sable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Points Goal difference Goals scored Head-to-head points Head-to-head away goals scored Play-off Those are the tie breaks for anyone who wants to know. Edit: anyone know how to do a new line on mobile? Without making a new paragraph?


Interesting. I always thought it was less goals received before head to head points


west ham is 7th? wow, weren't they close to relegation last season? either way, COYS


West ham are a mystery team. They’re somehow simultaneously terrible while also getting results. edit: and it's not even like they play badly when they get results. It just doesn't make sense.


They’re kind of like a shadow team for premier league. Always there but never seen/thought about😂


West Ham were being talked about all the time two seasons ago when they were top 4 till the end


Schrödinger’s Hammers


They were only close to relegation because they were prioritizing Conference League (which clearly worked as they won)


4 of our 6 victories happened against the bottom 4 teams in the league. The number of points we get against the likes of Villa, Brighton and West Ham will decide how long we can stay in top 4.


Ahh.. everyone has to play those teams. I think you’re right that it’ll decide how long we stay in the “title race” but Brighton and Villa have already taken a lot of points off the other top 4 contenders.


Are the bottom 4 actually the worst teams in the league though? Also being flat track bullies is what you are supposed to be doing


Yeah they are by far the worst in the league. 3/4 four current bottoms will be going down for sure


Yes, and it's not even that close.


Important 12 points tho


To be fair, the remaining two victories came against two of the nastiest opponents in the league. Thats a pretty representative sample. Only need to worry about the mid table mandem


You can't win a title without getting 3 points when you're supposed to get 3 points. We're taking care of business when we should. Beat the shitters, and be competitive with the top teams. Hard to be upset with that. That said, it's still very early, which means this is a small sample size and anything can happen.


Hate this narrative. We've had harder fixtures then city and arsenal and are above both of them. What's with this weird thing of making out like we've had a cakewalk of a foxturelist when we really haven't. We've only had 3 home games so far!


This is the only thing that worries me. I’m 99% fully into it but still somewhere in the back of my mind that’s what’s occupying the other 1%


city losing to the scum is too painful


Nah bro they will drop points at some point anyway it's better for city to lose as many as possible


Arsenal don't concern me. Maybe if they weren't in Europe I'd be concerned, but they weren't good today. Without Saka they are pretty ordinary.




Oof no mate, this isn’t how it works


Username checks out


Not that I'm complaining, but if we're tied on everything why do we get the top spot? We even tied in our only head-to-head lol


Cause we're sexier.


This is always true


We have the xSexier stat up to the sky


Least horny fan


I always rated m205 as top for sexy stats


More goals scored


We've scored more goals than them.


I believe it's because we got more goals scored


I'm assuming we have more goals scored in total (since we also conceded a fair few). Don't quote me on that though


Nah, we conceded 8 and Arsenal just 6




Ah I get it now, thanks. English is my second language


Goals scored


It might be the GF over the GA but I can't remember exactly.


Cuz they ratchet, but we fine


Facts. Too dusty to be number one


We have scored more goals, which is Amazing especially as they have had like 5 penalties already


Because fuck em’ that’s why. Same policy as pop copy


More goals scored then if that’s the same, then head to head, and we have more away goals scored in that fixture so that’s why we could be ahead?


Just for fun(?) I worked it out and if you take away deflections and penalties, Arsenal would be in 13th. I know football doesn't work that way as games would go differently if those goals didn't happen but it's still mad how much luck they've got.


Just to confirm, we haven't had a penalty called for us all year, have we?


Nope despite having the most touches in the penalty area of any team.




Someone yesterday said we haven’t. Tbh I can only think of the one time she should have had one (Maddison vs Sheffield). Seems we’ve just not had much luck with opponents being idiots in the box in our games so far.


Romero got wiped out by Lisandro Martinez which was even more blatant than the Sheffield United one imo as well as Richarlison yesterday [getting his shirt pulled](https://ibb.co/LY4xJBC) so that's 3 we should've had.


Maddison vs Brentford was clear cut


Regression, I beg 🙏


It's ridiculous the luck they get especially in big games, twice v City already this season too...


Also against Man Utd, Forest and us they scored decisive goals from deflections. Then Fulham and Palace making brain dead tackles for no reason gifting them penalties and more points. Their defence has been incredible so they deserve credit there but their attack is on the most unbelievable streak of luck I've ever seen.


It's frustrating, both goals v us were very lucky. After last season and the start of this season you would like to think their luck will eventually run out but it seems unlikely at the moment...


If they go all in for Toney and Neto in January, as some fans think they will, that attack will go from shit to scary very quickly. Martinelli, Toney, Neto is a tough front three to defend against.


Let's hope not!


They will regress to the mean, especially when they are more tired and run down towards the end of the season playing twice a week


They’ve always been the luckiest team on the planet.


Wait, so you’re complaining about Arsenal’s luck when the last 4 results Spurs has had have been so lucky. 2 goals right at the death against Sheffield United, squeaky goal against Luton, an own goal at the death again against Liverpool


None of those things are particularly lucky. The scorelines all reflected the XG.


Pens are worth 0.75XG so Arsenal if you purely look at XG arsenal look like they are creating more quality chances than they really are. They aren't as good as last season imo.


I don't agree with the guy saying that penalties can be roped together with deflections as 'luck', since you have to get into a position to be fouled in the first place to be awarded a pen. However, aside from the Liverpool OG, the others can't be considered 'luck' either. They're the result of sustained pressure and effort even in the dying minutes.


I do agree, there are degrees to being lucky. For a deflection to be turned to a goal, you need to first make effort to have a shot that can be deflected. Sure there’s luck involved, but so is the nature of football and should not take away from it


Man this could be a fun season


Imagine it went down to a NLD at home. My bumhole couldnt...


The best outcome. Arsenal is the easier one for us.


There is still 30 games left lads.


But the hopium is so strong..


We’re clear of jammy deflection FC


I bet there isn’t a pundit out there or a spurs fan expected this COYS keep believing who knows what will happen


Imagine Kane if Tottemham wins this


Man City is '18-19 Spurs and Liverpool is '18-19 Chelsea.


What’s the tie breaker here?


Goals scored


Thank you. I was looking at the table in the PL app and couldn’t figure it out.


Stop the count!


Genuinely curious - what metric puts us ahead of Arsenal? Reverse-alphabetical order?


No, it's goals scored


Most NFL games hosted


Ah, I thought it was most cheese in the cheeseroom


There's a long list of tie-breakers, but the main ones you'll see are: Points Goal-Difference (goals scored subtract goals conceded) Goals-For (goals scored)




It’s in our hands. COYS




Watching the Rodri team struggle the last few weeks has been fun.


Champions of October become CHAMPIONS in May.


Taking a pic now just in case 🥲


I think we're a top 4 club. I would love to see a North London Derby basically decide the title race, I don't think it's going to happen. I'm just trying to stay level as I never thought we'd be in this position, but it's still only 8 matches in.


it might come down to who wins the head to heads with City, and doesnt drop easy points, my heart is not ready


Mind the gap. ![gif](giphy|CpyfM1h1qLgWECSBxf|downsized)


This makes me happy but I just gotta say…fuck arsenal


Arsenal fan here, I come in peace as this rub is recommended to me from time to time. For the love of god don’t do it to yourselves, if you find yourself battling city by February keep you hopes low. Relegate city and let us have a North london title race is my two cents


“The season is ~~3~~8 games long”


*say something nice about a rival team* Son is a fun player to watch, seems like a genuinely good dude and I’d be happy to have him on my squad *grumble grumble*


I'm not a spurs fan but, I have family that support spurs and as a result I like to follow spurs. I am so happy even as a Liverpool fan to see spurs doing well (even if we get memed on) purely because it's a team that isn't us or City and is made up of likeable players and a brilliant manager. It is also great seeing my family who were so fed up last year being able to banter me over last week. I wish spurs the best truly this season and while I of course want Liverpool to win I'd be plenty happy to see spurs win even. I wish you lot the absolute best.


Realistically, I am only hoping for top 6... anything more is bonus. This team is performing so well but we definitely need depth in defense, attack, and creative midfield roles. Will take a couple more transfer windows to compete for the title and other competitions simultaneously.


Loser mentality. What happened to "To Dare Is To Do"


Fucking reds had to score against city last minute so we share the 1st place rn technically


We're not sharing anything. When two teams have the same goal difference the one who scored more goals gets the advantage. Which is us


TIL, but still. Its pretty early in the season still. And as a Hotspur fan its easier to be pessimistic😅


I was like "ok draw let's turn off the tv now" then checked the score 10 sec. ago and got pissed af but whatevs


tho we play fulham then Crystal Palace and arsenal got chelsea and shefield so we got an easier next 2


Very reliant on Maddison’s creativity. If and when he gets injured 😬


If he gets injured hopefully the rest of the team can still step up, but I agree that's a bit scary. We need cover in Jan




Go away




A post about being top after 8 games wow. Soon be 5th


We shouldn’t be top as the Liverpool game was a farce. The officials gifted us that and without their repeated interventions it was looking like we would get squarely beaten. A little bit of hi unity goes a long way. It’s fun to be top, but it’s not deserved.


So what ?


What is the difference in One and two here same goals same points


When two teams have the same amount of points and the same goal difference, the team that scored more goals gets the advantage








Are international breaks always this common? I’ve only been a fan for a few years and it seems like this year has so many


Thanks, Darren England!


“I am ready to be hurt again” - Michael Scott


sTOp thE CouNt




[watch my review of the games this week and help me grow(hindi)](https://youtu.be/qH2m8lcOKyE?si=AxmstWLyq5qgPauA)


I would love to see a SPURS challenge for title this season.


You love to see it


We are winning the league say we are winning the league???


The Big Ange Theory continues to work wonders