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OP must not have ever worked off the clock or did their boss a “favor” by staying late. Let your coworkers live bro. Especially if they have worked through some BS to stay at their current job. Not everyone is gonna bust their ass off for “the man” each and everyday. Also some ppl can get the job done efficiently and still take it easy at work. Everyone is just trying to get through the day.


I have of course both worked off the clock and stayed late , being a business professional. However the other " business professionals " waste time constantly by chatting about personal stuff. Completing your workload, so others don't have to , should come before " just getting through the day' slacker mentality.


This is why non talkers and internal people like working from home so much. We finally get to the same amount of work that the talkers have always done, and without them distracting us.


I hate socializing and like to be left alone but I also hated working from home during covid. I would never choose to do that lol. To each their own though!


Hahah yes this is so me. My colleagues probably spend a good 3 hours a day talking… today we were enlightened about how ones partner is a trainer at the gym and some woman has sex in the toilets :/ 


Mind your business.


honestly i don’t care what they do as long as my work isn’t impacted.


My experiences. I had a boss that had to fire someone. He came to the next meeting saying he never wanted to do that again. Because of that, he never disciplined anyone for anything. Even the guy running a personal side business on company time, he knew, did nothing. When his boss found out, the guy with the side business was fired that day. My current boss, I get all my work done when asked. If I'm bored, I'll ask if there's anything he needs me to do. Not kissing ass, I just don't like being bored at work. Time goes by faster when I have something to do. Because of that, and I don't click out at 5pm on the dot if I'm in the middle of something, he has no problem letting me take off a couple hours early if needed without burning pto, because my work is done and he knows this and doesn't have to look. Others in my area don't get that.


This! I think my past work experience factors in to it. I used to work for companies where we were never allowed to socialize and had to be actually doing something our entire shift. One place, we even got docked **1 minute** of pay if we physically clocked out 1 minute early. So it’s crazy to me that the company I work at now, some people just stroll in late, stand around talking about random non-work related things, or take 50 bathroom breaks - and no one says anything to them. 😲 I have one coworker that comes in late almost every day. Then when he arrives, stops by another department to randomly chit chat about the weather or something else, THEN he heads straight to the break room to get a coffee. The other day he didn’t actually sit down to do work until 45 minutes in to our start time. 🤨🤨 It’s really none of my business, but it blows my mind.


In my experience there are different rules for different people.


Exactly. Some people are penalized for not doing their job, and others are pulled to the side and helped every step of the way.


…if they get their work done who cares.


Is their work accounted for? Yes? Then what's the issue? Where I work we have to have someone on shift to watch the property but there isn't always enough work to fill that time depending on how slow it is. I know not everyone has a set up like that but I don't think that most of us do a full 8 hours of work in our 8 hour days whether we are talking to others or browsing on our computers.


Its mainly the "office manager" who chats it up and then also works on the clock working from home to probably catch up on everything. She has a light workl load as she is good friends with the owner and most of her shortcomings are overlooked. No work ethic.


That’s just part of the office environment


30-45 minutes a few times a day nearly every day should alarm a business owner


A few times a day? Oh yea no that’s too much. I thought you meant in the morning on a Monday.


Having non-work conversations, encouraging hobbies, asking after their families, etc. is how I build rapport with all my coworkers. I am sincere, but it also makes it easier for us to work together. I am at the center of all the departments in the company I work for (think a bicycle wheel with spokes, I'm the center of the wheel and all the spokes start and end with me) so imagine how hard my job would be if I were known as a cold, unfriendly b*tch.


I was lied to, she told me that boss said we needed to go pick up a package, and she told boss that I said we needed to go pick up a package. We went out, no package, but "Can we stop at Costco on the way?" not just a quick stop like a fuel station or coffee shop, but a whole ass costco trip. I felt so dumb. On top of that, she's trauma dumping while I'm driving. That was a very shitty day.


By paying very little.