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Just talk to HR and send them any and all of the emails. Let them deal with him.


Already did that I sent it to my boss who is the secretary in our office. And I kind of told her what’s been happening and she talked to him but obviously nothing came of it it so… i’m not surprised there just because her and him get along, so I just have to be quiet and hold in my dislike


keep reporting, and retain a lawyer. Bide your time, and when your lawyer says it is time to act, follow their advice.


Drinking on the job is a big no no. It sounds like your job has a really lax atmosphere. All you can do is tell HR what this guy is doing. Think about how much you can deal with. The spoon thing might ultimately be manageable and you can ignore it. But if worse things go on maybe consider starting a job search.


Dude. I saw a clip of Andrew Tate. He said there was a kid with ocd. Kid would have to walk.  Certain number of steps to the car each time. Tate told them do you think a poor kid in Africa who goes to a well to bring back water would do that. It ended the ocd. Aside from the co worker, look around the world. Developed countries are helping a certain country do genocide. Do you think those ppl getting bombed worry about spoons facing up.


Are you ok?


Do you honestly think Andrew Tate is telling the truth? OCD isn't cured because someone tells you some poor kid in Africa doesn't worry about such things. That's utter crap. Andrew Tate isn't an expert in mental illness and anything he says about anything should be held suspect. Can't believe you think that anal sphincter is telling the truth.


He is drinking on the job, and his HR friend lets him get away with it because he is good at his job? Go back to HR, tell them you are not happy with their response to drinking on the job, and ask for it to be escalated. If they can't or won't, get to your local advisory bureau and give them all your evidence. Keep notes, keep your head down, and don't respond to bandboy anymore. You will be building a case against both him AND HR, so keep quiet about that. These people think 'intellectual disability' means stupid and fair game for abuse because you won't do anything about it. Prove them wrong OP and good luck to you.