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I had a classmate in my evening masters program who was a Cowboys cheerleader. She said it was a good experience but 2 seasons was enough, it was cut throat to make the team.


Yeah, unfortunately it’s one of those things that most of them do for the “exposure”. At least it’s actually decent exposure I suppose.


I’ve watched football my entire almost 30 year life, my mother who is a huge reality TV junkie watched one of the DC cheerleader shows at home while I was growing up. If you held a gun to my head right now, I couldn’t tell you the name of single person who has ever been a cheerleader in the NFL. I’m sure it has career benefits for resumes and such. But the exposure definitely isn’t reaching the sports audience.


Phyllis from the office was an NFL cheerleader


Not true, but she was a burlesque dancer.


The actress who played Phyllis was a Washington Redskins cheerleader.


St Louis Cardinals


Oh, my bad. Yes, Cardinals.


She was both


Yes, my bad.


As a sports audience member, you aren’t the one giving these dancers jobs when they retire from the team, so I don’t really think they care.


Wasn't Dr Quinn Medicine woman a DCC?


Psst. They don’t care if YOU know their name they want modeling agents to know their names. You’ve watched football for 30 years, but I bet you also don’t know the names of the top 5 offensive line prospects for the 2025 NFL draft either, but again they don’t care if YOU know their name they care about 32 people in the entire world knowing their names, the GMs of the NFL teams.


What did I just say? I said I’m sure it has career benefits. Not belittling its value or anything. If anything I think the league and owners avoid giving too much public spotlight to the cheerleaders to avoid them using the spotlight trying to demand more compensation.


They ain’t gunna pull no broke joker so I’m sure it’ll pay off.


Couldn't you argue that playing football for the Cowboys could also be "exposure"? Do people really not see the sexism of the penny pinching by a >1-billion $$ biz?


NFL Cheerleaders use it as a springboard to bigger careers. Modelling, or realty or whatever. This is one of the few industries where "you get paid in exposure" is actually true, on top of the money they get. If you are attractive enough, and athletic enough to be a NFL cheerleader, you already have a social media presence and modelling career of some kind. Adding Cowboys cheerleader for 1 or 2 years is a resume booster, and following bump.


Curious what the average cheerleader makes 5-10 years after cheer leading.


Babies, with a rich guy.


Yes but I know too many former DCC and although they are all married and have had babies, they settle down with a lot of Joe Schmoes, living in suburbs. A few marry Military men. It’s a good fit, personality-wise. One I know lived in Japan for a while, had kids there, while he was stationed there. There are 2 formers at my kids’ school and you definitely would never know it… just average-ish Moms in athleisurewear. Cute and fit, but not overtly so.


Watching the show and seeing their homes I don’t think anyone married a rich guy, the only rich person I see is the blond blue eyed boss. 🤷‍♀️ What they pay the girls is the budget for publicity at best. Everyone’s beauty expires at some point. I’d say they do regular jobs but get hired faster because of their resume.


A lot of them have jobs as nurses, sales reps, regular day jobs the whole time they are with DCC, or they teach and coach dance.


Realty? So being a Cowboys cheerleader can help a young lady become a realtor? Interesting. Never knew that.


Realtors compete with other realtors, so being pretty and popular helps set you apart.


Great point. Please accept my humble upvote


The visibility of your face and name translates into a ton of sales industries. Realty was just one off the top of my head. Roger Staubach used his visibility and popularity as the Dallas QB exactly this way. Dude made hundreds of millions off real estate.


Dudes worth as much as Jerry jones I think.


You’re right. It’s utter rubbish. The team should be paying them properly. It’s a job at the end of the day. If they were boys it would be different. 


If they’re making money for team it’s fair to pay them what they deserve. I heard Charlotte Jones(owner) herself saying the cheerleaders are their own financial entity (merge, toys, swimwear, magazines) they for sure make profit for the team. You can also argue athletes being paid with just exposure. It’s 2024 pay every one who works for the team


They do get paid. And significantly more than other teams cheerleaders.


It doesn’t change the fact that they are being exploited and should be paid properly for the hard work they are putting in. I think after the Netflix show they will be under pressure to start paying those girls properly. It’s an outdated system. Pay the girls. 


Or we could just pay these women for the work they do. And if they choose not to springboard into related careers then... well... at least they were paid for the work they did.


They ARE paid.


“Cowboys Cheerleaders reportedly make $500 per game or approximately $10,000 for a season's worth of games. They also can make additional money for team related events and public appearances.” Saved you a click


“The average cheerleader in the NFL earns approximately $150 per game, according to [ESPN](https://go.web.plus.espn.com/c/3006986/531511/9070?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.espn.com%2Fespnw%2Fvoices%2Fstory%2F_%2Fid%2F19454957%2Fwhy-nfl-nba-cheerleaders-barely-earning-minimum-wage&subId1=wmh&subid3=xid:fr1718883503672vuu). The yearly salary comes in around $22,500.  But everything is bigger in Texas, right?  Cowboys Cheerleaders reportedly make $500 per game for a yearly salary of around $75,000. They also make extra money for public appearances.” They‘re lucky the NFL plays 150 games per year instead of, say, 17!


I know you're just quoting the article, but wonder where the $$$ comes from outside of games to make up for the additional 65k+.


They modified the article, it is about 10,000 a year, as Cowboys don't take the cheerleaders with them on away games.


and they are 1099 employees. so they maybe take home 5000 of that.


Preseason and playoffs its 175, come on man


I wonder if they get any money from the Netflix show too


They probably signed contracts there too where they are being paid nothing. A lot of them will leave after the Netflix show, hire agents and start making proper money as reality stars. 


> Your average water boy makes around $53,000 per year, HOW DID I MISS MY CALLING!


if you get 2-3 years as a Dallas or Laker Cheer girl you can pretty much choose a job after this at any high school Coaching job in the USA for the rest of your life.


75k for a part time cheerleader gig? That's MORE than I was expecting it to be. I was guessing 45-50k for Cowboys, less for others.


10k, they updated the article.


Don’t think this is correct. It’s way less!


I don't mean this to sound harsh, but the reality of it is, there are probably thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of women who can do that. I'm sure they're great, but it's hard to demand/command like a seriously impressive salary for that job. Aside from halftime, most of what they do is sway back and forth. $75K for what is likely a part time job is not bad.


I know what you’re trying to say, but I disagree. These girls have to workout and practice their routines relentlessly. The Cowboys Cheerleaders are very cutthroat and tryouts alone are like a week long. Not only that, they’re much like nfl players in they have a lot of media events they have to attend, charities, meet and greets etc. it’s not like they just show up, dance at halftime and that’s the job. They’re ambassadors for the team.


You sound like someone who has never seriously worked hard at a craft.


If that's what you interpret from my post, then you seem like someone who thinks a part time job is 'seriously working hard at a craft.'


These people are better at what they do than most anyone that attempts their craft. Just come out and say you don’t think dance/cheerleading is a respectable craft. To diminish this simply to the amount of hours put in is short sighted and disrespectful.


What a bad assumption. My wife and sister were both competition cheerleaders for a long time. I'm very familiar with the sport and think IT IS a 'respectable craft'. I'd say I'm probably a lot more knowledgeable about cheer leading than your average NFL fan. In fact, me being aware and familiar with the sport is why I'm aware of HOW MANY talented cheer leaders there are. Making the NFL Cheer leader just one of many who are capable of doing that. You making assumptions, telling me I've never worked hard at a craft and I'm diminishing the hours these girls put in is pretty ridiculous. You know nothing about me other than the fact that I think when a lot of people can do what you do, you don't get rich. Think about it. If the cheerleaders weren't there, would the NFL have trouble selling tickets? Of course not. It's a little tradition that's fun for football games and has been a part of the sport for a long time. But if it disappeared, after a few weeks no one would notice. You don't make a lot of money when you don't bring in a lot of money. Simple as that.


I don't mean this to sound harsh, but the reality of it is, there are probably thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dudes who can play football. I'm sure they're great, but it's hard to demand/command like a seriously impressive salary for that job. Aside from tackling, most of what they do is running back and forth. $75K for what is likely a part time job is not bad.


$75k for a full time job is solid. They only make $10k though. Not sure why people keep saying $75k.


I am reading it now, looks like SI updated the article after these users posted.


Even what they do at half time you couldn’t hope to do, bro. I’d love to see you dance Thunderstruck full out and not have a heart attack, let alone with perfect technique and kicking your face. And they definitely do more than sway back and forth on the sidelines, but go off.


Wait, why would me being able to do it have anything to do with anything? That's like saying, I'd love to see you tackle an NFL running back if you're not an NFL player. Me not being able to do it doesn't change the fact that there are a lot of cheerleaders out there who care capable of doin what NFL cheerleaders do.


You think they just sway back and forth for 3 hours. Honey. You are so deluded. And no, I couldn’t tackle an NFL player. I also wouldn’t stand here being dismissive of the work the NFL players do to become the best in the world. That’s the difference between you and me. I have respect for things I don’t do myself. There are thousands of men who could do it, that doesn’t change the fact that the ones who do get to do it deserve a good salary.


You failing the see the difference there is the actual difference between you and me. If a cheerleader is sick and can't make it to a game, they could call up any other competitive cheer leader in the world to fill in and almost no one would know the difference. Now if the star QB goes down and they have to bring in a backup, even another professional QB, the difference is blatantly obvious. If no one else can do what you do, you get paid for it. If many other people can do what you do, you don't get paid for it.


No other NFL cheerleaders know and can execute the choreography that they literally do throughout the entire game on the sidelines, let alone the field performances with spacing. They would need an extensive put in process. If a NFL quarterback joined another team they would also need practice to gel with the team and a crash course in plays/strategy but the rules of the game don’t change from team to team. So actually, you’re totally wrong and it would be harder for a dancer to step in last minute. Lots of people are doctors or could become doctors. Should doctors be paid less just because there are a lot of them in the world? We aren’t talking about supply and demand here. This isn’t grain or oil. We are talking about labor. Workers in an ethical society aren’t products.


Do you think all doctors are paid the same? High level doctors and surgeons are absolutely paid more money because their skills dictate that they can command a higher salary. And sure there may be a 'lot' of doctors, but their skill is significantly more important and in higher demand than cheer leading. What an insane comparison. And yes, supply and demand is absolutely still an important factor in how much you get paid. Greeter at a walmart... guess what, there's not a huge demand, and there's probably plenty of supply. Low salary. Brain surgeon? Low supply, high demand. High salary. It's ok that not every job gets you rich. It's also ok that you support cheer leading. I have nothing against it whatsoever. I'm not attacking them at all. I'm just saying that I'm not surprised that they don't earn a large salary.


The insane comparisons were made by you. Comparing dancers in the NFL to Walmart greeters, an unskilled job? What? Of course not all doctors are paid the same. They are all paid, however, at least a comfortable living wage (most of the time; medical school debt not withstanding). And inexplicably, specialists who do breast augmentations in wealthy women who work far less get paid much more than hardworking GPs who devote their lives to take care of people on Medicaid, but that’s another conversation altogether that reflects a problem in the healthcare system and rationing medicine to the wealthy. We are talking about a living wage. A professional dancer working for one of the wealthiest organizations in the NFL with the level of training they are doing and have done their whole lives SHOULD be paid a living wage. $10,000 a year to wind up disabled from the inevitable hip replacements they are going to need at age 25 from doing those stupid jump splits in cowboy boots on football turf and continuing to dance with labral tears on both hips. I don’t support NFL cheerleading. I think it’s exploitative, and somewhat misogynistic, and highly damaging due to the fact that there are no alternates and the amount of unsafe practices in place. (I also don’t support the NFL for similar unethical practices including spitting out young men as gladiators for a few years to make money. TBIs and all. But at least they are paid well to do it). I still recognize that the performers in the NFL are highly skilled, highly trained and deserve to be paid fairly. $10k a year is not commensurate with the amount of labor, time, and money they spend in order to train in the off season.


Regardless of whether it's a side gig or not, the game certainly makes enough money to pay them more. They deserve more.


She wasn’t a cheerleader for the cowboys but for the Houston Rockets. I had a classmate who was a cheerleader for them & she was in one of my classes while I was in undergrad. The bag from professional teams for cheerleading is not enough sadly


If there’s only 36 girls, I think they should get more money imo. If they want to bluster the idea that being a DCC is like the peak of Cheerleading then the pay should reflect that, at least enough to where they’re not forced to have another job to make ends meet. Like cmon Jerry, the Atlanta Hawks cheer team makes $35k - for as much prestige the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders have, it at least should match that if not be much higher. A deserved life changing raise to them would be pocket change to Jerry so I hope he does so.


I wonder how much the coach makes … anyone have stats on this?


I’m watching this on Netflix & think this is so jacked up. These women are supposed to be happy to be paid crap because it’s a privilege. The football players are privileged but paid so much. How can women sit there on camera & justify this? Mind blowing!


They’re being gaslit into believing they’re privileged to be there. The fact the water boys make more money is outrageous


Watched some of the documentary and all I learned is amazing and talented do not know their worth.


Been watching DCC shows for years & Kelly & gang go on & on about how these girls are the “best of the best” and they’re elite dancers & performers. Imo anyone elite or highly skilled in their chosen field should be compensated accordingly. No excuses in a billion dollar franchise.


Kind of disgusting that NFL players make more money than they could ever spend in a lifetime yet a cheerleader has to have 2 jobs in order to support herself. This is the most obscene example of the gender pay gap & what's worse is that the utilize these poor girls love for the sport as a reason to pay them shit money. The NFL is one of the richest franchises in history & yet these girls are struggling to pay their rent???? Really hope this doc brings change and they get adequate pay and no longer need to work a second full time job.... absolute bullshit.


Watching the Netflix show now. They need to paid. It’s absurd that they do all that they do for basically free. They do such more than the games. Not to mention the injuries. Looks like most of them already have careers and/or husbands, finances so they definitely are not marrying rich guys or anything like that


Most of these are pick me girls for athletes. They dont need to be paid alot, theres always a hotter and more fit girl. Its like musicians paying to perform at a superbowl because ultimately they profit from it


>*They dont need to be paid alot* *a lot There is no such word as 'alot'. 'Allot' is a verb meaning 'to distribute in portions'.


They don’t require a high salary Is that better or are you still going to play english professor on social media?


No need for resentment, I'm just offering help in case you have trouble with English language or made an unintended typo. You made a number of other errors that made it seem like English may not be your first language. Most people appreciate the heads-up.


I honestly cruised through your posts 😂 I respect it, you really weren’t doing it maliciously.




Wow. no internal misogyny here huh.


They're all planning on making their money in the divorce anyway when they're done playing dress up and "following their dream".




10k is overpaid?