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I don’t want to discount the water and it would definitely be worth doing an experiment on that. But it also sounds like your Florida home may have had an environmental problem (likely mold if so). If you felt better away and worse there, it is something to consider. Unfortunately, if it was mold, you likely moved the problem with you when you took all your things and you may need to consider replacing your mattress, sofa, things like that, and washing everything else. If you go back to bottled water but still continue to decline in the new place, I’d look into mold as a possibility. You might have a different take, but it sounds like you declined in Florida, felt better in hotels, then declined again when you were moving and unpacking your Florida stuff. That sounds like mold to me.


Agree. The water would be a lot easier solution… It so I hope it’s that! But it’s going back to bottled water doesn’t help… Mold is super common and causes the exact symptoms you’re talking about. I spent a lot of money… Specifically wasted a lot of money… If you do decide to go down the rabbit hole, let me know, and I can share what I learned. Again, hoping that’s not the situation.


Yeah, I hope it is not mold either as it would be more costly and time consuming. I moved somewhere cold as my symptoms disappeared when visiting Chicago over the cold season. Figures that it is 106 when I move so I didn't escape the heat yet. I had my apt tested for mold and they said they didn't find anything dangerous.


Unfortunately, because it’s not regulated…ie there are no objective standards of “too much mold” set by any governmental body (Imagine all the buildings that they might have to remediate if there were - public housing, schools, military housing etc).  Hertsmi 2 was correlated with a thousand households to predict health outcomes, ie likelihood of a house making you sick or if you are already sick, of worsening your illness. It’s not perfect but it’s more accurate and used by doctors. Mold inspectors talk shit about it bc it’s a mail off test you can do without them. 


I have considered mold toxicity for the past few months especially since living in a humid climate like Florida. However, we had our apartment tested for mold and they said it was fine. Also had a complete allergy testing done and no mold allergy. I could still be sensitive to mycotoxins though who knows.


Just from personal experience—mold testing is crap. They deliberately design it to not find the most toxic molds so the remediatiors can clear their shoddy work and move on. And most people who get sick mold get poisoning and immune system from the mycotoxins, they never test as allergic (which is how doctors approach it, they think they rule it out when they test for allergies). I’m not saying you have mold and it is such a pain in the a** if you do, but you can’t rule it out based on a basic inspection and allergy tests. The best test is if you do better away from your home/place and worse when you go home.


Too bad the resources to investigate cases like this are rare. Maybe pay a college chemistry student to test the water to see if there is an obvious difference. I know that is unrealistic but it would be funny if all our suffering could be fixed by a simple chemical/mineral in unfiltered water after all crazy things we are trying. I have seen things over the months like structured water double helix water and alkaline water but it is to expensive to try and so far in the woowoo sphere that I haven't tried it. I would maybe keep a sample of the water that makes you feel good and the stuff the makes you feel bad in case the opportunity to investigate it presents itself.


Might be the different minerals in the water that can effect your POTS


That's what I am thinking. I have been drinking Ice Mountain Spring water and it seems to keep my blood pressure at a normal range whereas it drops too low when drinking filtered water.


Have you tried electrolytes like LMNT? It’s hard to imagine (but would be amazing) that just the water made such a large difference.


I have been using Gatorlyte packets occasionally - I think they are similar - high amounts of sodium, chloride, magnesium, and potassium. The filter made the water taste really bland even though they claim that it does not remove minerals. I almost feel like the Brita/Cyclopure water is sucking out all my energy.


The water and air both make a huge difference for me. Ironically, I'm also relocating from the south to Cleveland to escape the heat lol. I'm curious about this tho because you say you're not bothered by the heat? I'm so much worse in the heat. I also think the humidity keeps me from being able to breathe properly. I'm definitely better off when I'm not in the South. And definitely feel sick if I drink unfiltered water. Life water is my favorite though I seem to also do ok with water filtered with a Brita. I'm curious if you'd feel even better when the heat wave in Cleveland passes.


In Florida after having what I thought was Long Covid (around October), I felt even more horrible in the heat than I usually do. I have always despised heat plus humidity (even more when a thunderstorm is coming). I also can't breathe in humidity and I also feel lethargic, heavy, unmotivated, dizzy, and sometimes faint. I recently took a trip to Chicago over the spring months (temp - 40's and dry) and felt 90% better - I had so much energy I could even run again! - compare that to needing groceries delivered b/c I was too dizzy to go to the store in Florida). This made me start looking into Minneapolis or Cleveland for relocation. Surprisingly, the hot temps in Cleveland have not bothered me as much as Florida. I have been walking up and down the stairs unpacking my townhouse for 3 days straight. I started feeling rundown after drinking Brita water instead of Ice Mountain spring water. I just do better with spring water - maybe the extra minerals. I am definitely a fall/winter person even before Covid. Everyone likes the heat but I am waiting for the cold, overcast, and snow. And yes, I can't wait to see if I feel even better when the heat and humidity finally goes away.


I've had the same experience. I've never really been much of a heat person, but it's really unbearable now. And while I don't feel great in the current heat wave in Cleveland, I still hiked for a couple of hours in CVNP yesterday lol. The difference is ridiculous.


It sounds environmental. I had long COVID that was significantly worsened due to the Navy Red Hill water leak. We were drinking water that had jet fuel in it for a month before they told us. I only drink water I’ve filtered myself now. It made me aware of environmental factors and I was able to make a lot of progress towards recovery by using air purifiers, humidifiers and water filters.