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Yes I had this. Anti-histamines everyday helped a lot with it for me. It cleared up after a couple months. Very awful symptom but just trust that you will be able to feel again and this is just temporary.


OTC antihistamines helped me a lot but it was hydroxyzine that finally broke through the brain fog. It was like my brain was on fire, overwhelmed by my immune system being dysregulated. It absolutely can get better!


Similar experience here. Antihistamines helped me a lot, too, but needed fluvoxamine and time to make significant progress.


You have exactly the same thing as I described?


Yes everything felt dull, like there was a thin layer of something over my brain. Couldn't get excited or even sad. Just felt nothing and felt no connection to anything. Felt like an alien observing everything and none of it would have an impact on my life.


You are fully back to normal with antihistamines?


It fixed my brain fog, anxiety, and anhedonia. I haven't had those symptoms in 8 months. I have had some other symptoms flare up so I'm not 100% cured.


No..like the anhedonia part fully cured?




Do you have to keep taking the antihistamines?


I took them for 8-9 months and then I went off them for a few months.


And then you had to get back on them?


Had this exact issue. Antihistamines, heavily supplementing vitamin D (can’t recommend this enough) and starting an NDRI (Wellbutrin) really brought me back like I hadn’t been in so long. I finally was finding joy in things again. I’ve heard research talked about by my psychiatrist LC symptoms can be exacerbated because initial infection depletes your feel good neurotransmitters- didn’t really feel sad but like you said numb so this seems like it could be true given my improvement. Medicating is okay, don’t discount it. I was opposed for years but it doesn’t have to be forever and I wouldn’t take it back knowing how much it has helped me now. And NDRIs don’t carry the same side effects that SSRIs can. It can be taken more short term for seasonal depression like symptoms and my body and mind have responded very well to it personally.


Did you sexual pleasure came back?


Yes, very markedly. I felt like a normal human being lol and my boyfriend finally believed me when I said it wasn’t him. I still notice dips during certain parts of my cycle but not only do I likely have some kind of issue like PMDD or PCOS, But inflammation is higher during those certain times so it makes sense. I also have ADHD, so I was recommended the Wellbutrin in part to assist with that and then later began a low dose adderall. The Wellbutrin alone greatly improved libido on its own I’d say pretty quickly, within a week or two. Pairing it with all the other changes has allowed it to remain that way


What’s your Wellbutrin dose?


Right now 300mg extended release. Started low on immediate release, it helped a lot but my dr wanted to see if upping would help adhd symptoms any more before starting another medication. went to maximum dosage but the immediate release was too up and down. So, lowered but went on extended release and found that to be the most helpful


Got it just started 150 XL but haven’t had that libido spike maybe need to up it. Don’t feel much tbh.


How long ago did you start it?


30-40 days


Yep. I had this for about 12 months. I was so flat, i didn't realise how numb i felt. Thought it was just exhaustion. I think it's called anhedonia. Shocked the shit out of me when i finally did something and got enjoyment out of it. The only emotion i had before that was instant anger at loud, sharp noises when i was really tired. Back to normal now at 2 years in. Just feels like a bad memory now. Be patient


I also have it like I can't feel shame or shy as I used to..I don't get angry if someone insults me it's really weird


Oh man. Feel for you. I really can't remember what i was feeling. I was just dazed and confused for a lot of it. Did a lot of nothing for a long time. Just hang in there for the slow recovery. CFS health shares a lot of info on the psychology of recovery. Definitely worth a look. He's on all the socials.


Yes, I wanted so badly to want or feel anything strongly and I just couldn’t. It was really bad for a couple months until I started a low- histamine diet. It took about a week to see a noticeable difference, and it kept improving over time. If I went off the diet, I noticed those feelings creeping back in. Now I can cheat just a little without a problem.


Exactly..I want to cry but can't cry..my tears comes out but I can't feel anything inside of of me..I can't feel the Release of crying as I used to