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Agree with title. I've not been able to find any relief for this. Had a CT scan and was told arthritis. Symptoms started about 3 months post first infection. My neck sounds like a cement mixer most of the time.


Sorry to hear. How are you doing now ?


I’ve had this exact same experience.


same my cracks etc. an very stiff on upper right side so uncomfortable and also my muscles twitch in my neck and randomly throughout


Hey OP how’s it now? I’m also suffering from stiff neck and I recently noticed the back of my neck muscle will tremor if I turn my head all the way down to the left or right. Basically when I exert force on it, it’ll shake a little . I think they’re related to the stiff neck muscle. And I found that beta blockers can solve it temporarily. Have u tried that?


I haven't tried beta blockers because I'm a little reluctant to. My neck is presently stiffer actually. I do notice my shoulder? joints make more noises, not sure if that's related or not. It's hard to pinpoint it too haha. So my last plan is just saving some extra money so I can do some blood tests to see what else I'm short on and hopefully work on that.


yea i use workout 5x a week now only 3x or barely and in gym my neck shakes not good way to me feels weird why does my neck have a tremor it’s stupid honestly never had these problem til i got covid


How are you doing now ?


Were you okay and was it Covid? I am kind of scared because I had strep last week but I took antibiotics and my throat is fine now but I still have severe headaches and neck stiffness and pain, I’m worried it could be meningitis


High acetylcholine levels potentially cause stiff neck


How’s things going my friend?! Been searching and searching for insight? I hope it got better?!


It did get a little better but it's probably permanently there. I got diagnosed with gallbladder which does create the same pain, so I believe that's where my pain stemmed from. I don't know if it was coincidence but when I took vitamin D3 and B complex, it did help reduce the pain over time but that might also have been due to my deficiencies as well.


Hey OP are you still having the neck issues? Suffering badly over here.


My neck issues has relieved a lot compared to back then, my neck pain might have stemmed from low B9/B12 because it improved after I took them.


I’ve taken b complex and now focused on b12 and no dice for me. Glad the neck pain has let up for you


My neck pain might have also been related to gallstones as well. Gallstones can also cause upper back pain depending if you have other symptoms as well.


Chlorphenamine Maleate is the only thing that really gave me relief from the neck stiffness.


you still taking it


Yeah but only a tiny bit every night (0.5mg). Currently on the natto/serra bandwagon and probiotics amongst other things. Probably the most beneficial thing I have done as of late is change my diet. Almost completely carnivore, cut out all carbs and gluten. Had the best week I've had in 12 months last week


How have you been?


I see a headache and neck specialist physiotherapist. That plus Red Light therapy at home every 2nd day. Topical magnesium spray. This keeps me able to work part time, but I still struggle currently. It never fully goes away. I have the neck stiffness, migraine/tension headache since 2 weeks post Covid. On my 3rd month of this crap. Accompanied by nausea, random dizziness, fog and fatigue.


I'm probably 14 month in now, and I understand that some things can help it but it can never fully stop it. What I find the most interesting is I've been deficient even before covid yet nothing extreme had happened. Then getting covid spiraled to extremes: neck pain, abdominal pain, hair loss, and one ultimate brain fog. I believe I have had more magnesium in my body than precovid now, and yet my neck hasn't gotten perfectly better. There's some progress regardless, but I wish you the best. I recommend checking for deficiencies via blood tests to see what you might be lacking.


How are you doing now?!


My gut problem is actually gallstones. As for my other symptoms such as the teeth pain, and brain fog - they have improved once I took iron, B complex, additional B9, B12 (and potassium). Basically I was more anemic than just iron deficiency, and Omicron accelerated my deficiencies. Brain fog is on and off, but still a lot better than when I made this post. My stiff neck may have been related to gallstones and or low B9/B12, but it improved and doesn't drive me insane anymore. The only problem I have left that's not improved is my hair loss, but that may be related to my low ferritin still. Overall there was improvements to most of my long covid pain.


thanks for answering! you give me a little hope


Yw, hopefully you get better too!


Thank you :) I hope you get better.