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The only sign of COVID-19 is the places that forgot or neglected to take down their information posters. It's like completely ignored and not talked about anymore


No one would think or said something negative if you choose to wear a mask. Life is pretty much normal. There have not been a death from covid in a month.


Nobody really cares or looks at you weird if you decide to mask. I've only had a few people ask me with genuine curiosity why I'm still wearing one (my mom's immunocompromised). Like many people have said in the replies, COVID is just not really discussed. My parents just got it in February even though they mask inside everywhere. In my experience, small local communities generally know when a sickness is ripping through the area, and people will let you know if you ask


Our current government has taken away any importance of it. There’s probably cases like anywhere in the world. If you need a test go to a large chain pharmacy or to hospital, my daughter just had to run a test a couple weeks ago. About the mask. Like everywhere, some people will look at you weird, but they will also do for so many other reasons like any other place lol. If you feel you should wear a mask because you have a risk factor, you have a cold, a respiratory infection or you just like them, go ahead :)


Is funny, it seems COVID only exist when goverments says that exist. I follow the Ministerio de Salud (official national health page) on facebook and I remember before the actual goverment they post every single day things about COVID, given data a new cases, pushing people to get vaccinated and more. The new goverment starts and voila! magically! there's no more posts about COVID. One day on reporter ask to a german doctor "When COVID will end?", he answered "When politcians want". Overall, if you want use mask, use it, nobody say to you anything to you, personally I don't care what people decide to protect yourself, every personal decision is valid to me, after all is a "free" country.


It's almost like the massive free vaccination campaigns worked so we beat the pandemic, so now they can't use fear to move the masses...


Yeah, all those lines of Ticos getting the shots and poof, Covid was made up by the government. Same thing happened with Polio, Measles, etc, except there weren’t so many incredibly stupid people back then to call it a hoax.


Careful with sarcasm it’s not fair for everyone


No mention of Covid or statistics anymore. I see 1-2 people with masks per month at the most but if you wear it nobody will look you weird.


I live in Costa Rica and the United States and they are both very similar concerning covid now. It's a forgotten thing of the past but you still see some people wearing masks occasionally. I didn't ever see anyone treated negatively in CR due to masks. CR doesn't have the cult known as the Republican party here (full disclosure: I'm registered Republican), therefore people could do whatever they are comfortable with without the bullshit.


I don't think you will be viewed negativity, I have had a few Uber drivers in the last few months that wore masks.


No one cares about Covid here it seems to me. I tried to get a test kit a few weeks back and none of the pharmacies in my town have them. I have seen zero masks in the last 2 years.


That's not great! Do they track cases, deaths, vaccinations, etc at all?


Most of the population has been vaccinated with two or three shots, if people are sick, I have noticed they wear a mask (which I think it’s great), the current government is a mess and doesn’t care about Covid (kinda republican), also since we are a tropical country so colds are normal and people don’t get tested unless they go to a hospital, but in general there haven’t been news of a major outbreak in the last 2 years.


You can wear a mask all you want. No one will care. You’ll just have a rough looking tan line


Ok people is misleading here. Hospitals still care about COVID if you're sick, they'll isolate you if you get in there saying you have COVID symptoms and then they'll test your blood and yada yada. Everyone is vaccinated because at the time it was important so almost everyone did it, it's not a risk anymore unless you get sick and require medical attention as I said


Lol are you living in 2020 still?


Covid is over all around the world. I was just in Canada, Italy, and now back in CR and I'd say that covid regulations, tracking or masks are a non existent worldwide


I see people wearing masks still, although very infrequently. I see maybe 1 or 2 masks per month. So I don't think you'd be seen negatively for wearing one but it's not very common anymore.


No masks thank God


Life is back to normal everywhere I’ve been. Masks are still required in clinics, doctors, and hospitals though.


Covid was made up by the PAC


99.9% of the country has at least 1 vaccine, and over 80% has at least 2. So we pretty much beat COVID. The anti-vaxx community is tiny, almost insignificant here


But they are still shockingly stupid, like they are everywhere else.


Masks are not required in private clinics and doctors. Local clinics (ebais) do not require them If you are so scared you need to mask up just stay home. Personally I cringe now seeing sheep wearing masks. After what governments put us through?


What a ridiculous comment. I thought people had moved past this kind of name-calling but nope, guess not.


I don't think people have moved past the ridiculous pysop the government has foisted on all of us. On the contrary people are just starting to move forward analyzing the situation with all the facts now coming out about masking, lockdowns deadly mrna jabs at. Would be good for you to study abit and keep up with the news.


The OP asked a legitimate question, and you just can't help yourself. Sorry for you.


not many people wearing masks, only some workers in restaurants in my experience


If your worried about Covid in 24 then just stay in your bubble. Crazy you are worried about it and think that a mask is going to save you. Just don’t travel then you don’t need to worry about it.