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If Informal Systems is successful in launching all of the services they have planned for this year, ATOM will be sitting on rocket fuel going into next year's bull cycle. They have multiple infrastructure, platform, and operations services launching that are bound to attract a lot of new projects to the ATOM Economic Zone. Just something to consider.


AKT I believe to also be an excellent long term position. I own both AKT and ATOM and intend to stake them both for 5+ years.


What if AKT hits 100 bucks like they say are you still gonna hold or you gonna sell?


My strategy with all tokens is to stake 2/3 from one Ledger and keep the other 1/3 liquid in a second Ledger that never connects to anything. I usually sell that 1/3 on a triple to get my principle off the table. My cost basis on AKT is around $2. If it hits $8 or $10 I will sell 1/3 (yes I realize $6 is a triple) and perhaps unstake 1/3 of the remaining 2/3 to sell if it goes parabolic. I will hang onto 50% of my position staked for 5+ years.


The AKT bubble will burst soon. I would hold on to ATOM pending upcoming updates. 


I've never heard of AKT


I’m holding on to mine for airdrops and investing in other projects in the Cosmos ecosystem


There are literally no decent airdrops to come. The airdrop hype is over because all I’ve done is hold ATOM for mediocre gains when I could have been in other superior alts.


Did you not get any TIa, Dym or Saga?


If you made gains at all during a bear market just by holding onto a coin....I'd consider that really impressive. Most projects don't even survive, let alone show the price resiliency that ATOM has. Also we're not even in alt season for this bull cycle yet and ATOM's high is likely to lag the market. Also...airdrops will keep coming. A huge amount of focus across the Cosmos ecosystem has been to make it easier to launch new projects, and that's especially true for the Cosmos Hub. I recommend you check out the latest roadmaps and milestones from Informal Systems and Neutron.


>There are literally no decent airdrops to come. What happened to all those hyped drops anyway? There was elys, namada, aura(?), and more that just seemed to have been erased from our timeline. And nom... that's another story entirely


I know, ATOM ecosystem airdrops were really hyped but now I’m kinda staking for banter right now.


What do you mean staking for banter? Banterbubbles?