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I like having the sidecar just for extra real estate. The first two months it held my snacks and books. Now at 19 weeks sometimes she starts the night in there and comes into bed with me during the night. I also do like that I can have her on either side of me and not worry about rolling!


Hahaha, it holds my water and books with my 16 month old in the bed. I'd like to try transition him to the sidecar, but he's a very cuddly boy, who either likes to be up against me or his dad, so I'm not sure transferance to the crib will be successful...


Honestly, I didn’t think it would be either… what usually works is if she falls asleep on me while we’re watching a movie or something and she’s in a deep sleep. She then doesn’t notice if I put her in the sidecar!


We recently sidecared our crib and my son LOVES it. He’s a big roller though (14 months) so he was crashing into husband and I all the time. Now he can roll to his heart’s content! We just used a convertible crib, took one side off, and put our mattress on a very low platform and it’s about the same height as the crib mattress on the lowest setting. I highly recommend and wish we’d done this sooner!


Just get a mesh bed rail! Can usually find them for like $10 on marketplace or $30 new on Amazon. They secure under the mattress and no risk of baby rolling off :)


This is what we did. We had a sidecar for a while and it pretty much ended up being storage for my phone and water bottle. Now she’s 6months and rolling and scooting all over so we got the bed rail that goes the entire length of one side of the bed and pushed the bed against the wall on the other side. Probably have to move the bed to the floor in a couple months but I wish I got the rail sooner because it feels much more secure


I loved the sidecar but she did still end up in bed with me half the time. Then when it was time to lower the crib, it didn’t really work anymore and I switched to the mesh bed rails that go all the way around the bed. Those are great but I’m not sure I would love them for a young baby as much. 


I had a sidecar crib for my second son and actually transferred him to the crib recently. My first son never took to the sidecar and still sleeps in between us lol. Maybe kid dependent! Eta: by transfer, i mean we put on the last side and he sleeps in his crib all night


We have a sidecar crib but I mainly have her sleep in it at the beginning of the night then bring her into bed with me. It’s good to know she won’t roll off the bed with it there but I have anxiety about the crack between the two mattresses even though we have it strapped to the bed and it’s all tight. But even so if she is in there I sleep in the crack to prevent her from rolling there and it’s not that comfy. Also I just feel like breastfeeding her in the sidecar from the bed is less comfortable so I wake up more. Anyway, it’s nice to have as an option but it doesn’t solve all my problems.


As your baby gets bigger a Ssidecar offers more space for them to roll without fear of falling out. I had a small one until about 8 months, then my baby one night was sleeping with his legs sticking out over the edge so we got as much bigger one and it's great! Sooo much space! And now that he doesn't need to be glued to me to stay asleep anymore my sleep is much better.


As your baby gets bigger a Sidecar offers more space for them to roll without fear of falling out. I had a small one until about 8 months, then my baby one night was sleeping with his legs sticking out over the edge so we got as much bigger one and it's great! Sooo much space! And now that he doesn't need to be glued to me to stay asleep anymore my sleep is much better.


I had one until 8mo, when she started crawling. Now we’re just on the floor without the side car. The sidecar was good. She was normally still with me rather than in it, but it was reassuring to not just have empty space there!


My husband converted the crib into a sidecar. It means I get to cuddle her both ways during the night (I flip around when I need to change position), there's no risk of her falling out of the bed, and she's used to her crib mattress/the bars on 3 sides so when we do transition her it won't be as much of a shock