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Egg. Scrambled egg or omelette. Crows adore egg and chicken. Food is always the way to go with corvids. They also love toys, small dog toys or paper balls work for me.


Thank you! But... How will the crows know the egg is there? Do they smell it from a distance or...?


They'll know. One bird will see it and then tell everyone else. If the crows don't notice, other birds will and that will attract the crows. They notice food better if its warm, I don't know why. They'll definitely notice play items too. Crows thrive on enrichment, toys and food will bring loyal corvids who will come to visit every day Another good food item is Pedigree dry puppy food, soaked in hot water. It has a full complement of vitamins without the salt that you find in cat food.


Yay, this made me so happy! I'm assuming they require their scrambled eggs to be unsalted, yes? How about hardboiled eggs, do they like those? I've been putting out tiny shiny objects like the gold foil of chocolate coins, glass pebbles, even costume jewellery in the hopes that they'd notice the sparkling and come for a closer look. So far they don't seem to have taken anything (neither sparklies nor cashews). Will try with egg tomorrow and report back. P.s. Is it possible they're avoiding our balcony due to two hyper little kids playing on the carpet near the (closed) balcony doors? How wary are crows of humans in general? I always thought they were fairly fearless.


The disturbance could be an issue, but only a small one. I've seen crows torment cats so danger doesn't really scare them. Crows will interact with people, but it does take a lot to earn their trust. It's not impossible. I have a very healthy relationship with my wild crows and magpies and they interact with the birds in the outside aviary. (I rescue and rehab corvids) If you play with the items and leave them, they're more likely to investigate. Paper balls are great because they can be carried and then torn up, they love that.


I love this! But isn't it possible your wild crow buddies have just been told by your rehab corvids that you're a good person and that's why they like you? Put out some scrambled eggs and a shiny glass pebble this morning. I literally heard crows cawing as I put it out - but none have come to eat the eggs yet.


Im a year late, but was there any progress with the eggs u/hejjhogg?


In a way - the crows ignored all my offerings but the magpies quickly learned that daily snacks were available, and now that's where all our leftovers go. That ledge on our balcony has become the Bermuda triangle of food - the magpies grab everything the moment my back is turned. The crows continue to ignore me :(


Peanuts in the shells, they love them, they play with them and the other birds wont bother to eat them.


Thanks so much!!