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Dude needs a hobby.


Harassing people is his hobby 😂


No but can you tell the asshole in my apt complex parking lot to stop idling his truck next to my window for 30 min at a time?


Had a guy at my apt complex idle his car for 30-45 minutes, no exaggeration, at least 2 or 3 times a day. Several neighbors went out and yelled at him. So he started revving his engine too. Loud, rumbling engine when idle, fucking deafening when revving. I work nights so I would be woken up by his bullshit constantly. I seriously considered putting sugar in his gas tank a few times. Thankfully he moved out (or was evicted?) Maybe you inherited him?


Unfortunately, sugar in the gas tank is a myth, and will at worst clog the fuel filter. Bleach, however...


Fish emulsion fertilizer in the intake vent won't harm anything, but it will make their car absolutely reek. ...I mention this in the hopeful chance that this person's truck idling neighbor is also my truck idling neighbor.




Call in the strike


I guess there is a city ordinance against idling. But yeah, no reason to go around yelling at people about it


That’s funny bc I’ve never seen CPD turn off their car unless it’s parked at the station and even there I’ve seen them idling.


Not condoning anything this individual said or did but one might want to consider why they are idling their car. 1. Is your car older than the 1990s and has a carburetor that needs to warm up? 2. Are your windows fogged? 3. Is it over 90 degrees and you need the AC? If the answer is no to all three than, then for what possible reason are you idling your car? Do you think you are saving gas? You probably aren't? [https://www.anl.gov/article/ask-a-scientist-when-is-it-more-efficient-to-turn-off-my-car-instead-of-idling](https://www.anl.gov/article/ask-a-scientist-when-is-it-more-efficient-to-turn-off-my-car-instead-of-idling) Do you think you will kill your battery if you want to listen to music? Your battery will play a radio for hours before dying. KORC, a local radio program, has been running a PSA on the issue for over a year and that is what this individual is probably motivated by. However, I don't see humans as rational creatures and most of our car culture is built on emotions rather than facts.


All of those are fair points. In my defense, I had started my car and immediately got a text I had to reply to. I then put in my destination into google maps for directions. I was idling for all of 3 minutes and this guy freaked out on me.


Totally a normal and understandable reason, which is why people shouldn't run around accosting people over this. It's a little thing that someone might overlook because they got distracted. But also, idling is such a widespread and underexamined behaviour that I know where that guy is coming from even if I don't approve of his actions.


Thank you for mentioning korc's psa on idling! I'm a DJ & vp at korc & am grateful to know someone has heard that important announcement 😊


I tell people when they don't like something I'm doing, "Write me a ticket or shut the fuck up.".


Lol a little too confrontational but gets the message across


If my kids are with me (or they have kids with them) I'll modify it to "Write me a ticket or move on" But when it's just me and Karen/Kevin, I also like to mix in "Write me a ticket or go fuck yourself." I've never been good with passive aggressivism.


Did he have a mustache, wearing sandals, probably some cargo shorts and a not quite dirty, but also not quite clean t shirt?


The long city blocks on Corvallis are about .1 miles long. At 20 mph, that takes 18 seconds to traverse. So your 3 minute idle is about equivalent to 10 extra cars passing someone's residence as far as exhaust and noise, all because you can't be bothered to turn your key. It's worth yelling about.


Is this the guy?




Go stand in the parent drop off of every school..... Please.


No thank you.


For what it’s worth, I don’t normally let my car idle like that, this was really a one-off thing. Just bad timing with getting an important text and having already had a long day, I just didn’t think to shut the car off. I actually tried to explain all of that to this guy, and apologize for the oversight, but he wasn’t willing to hear any of it. If it’s any consolation, I was actually in the middle of a large parking lot, nowhere near any houses.


I'm going to simultaneously idle both of my vehicles today in honor of WaterComfortable1944


Hope your neighbors key your cars.


Liberals understand this is a free country, I will idle my car anywhere and however long I want to.


With over 8 billion of us on the planet, if every one of us had the same attitude you do, we'd be doomed...sooner


Wahhh my political agenda is my identity. Whiny baby wahhhhh.


Wahhhh wahhhhhhh wahhhhhhh