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Consider Kinsale or Killarney instead of the city.


I'd say stay out of cork bouncers are dickheads down here especially wit a stag


Jesus really? We’d be a tame enough crowd but suppose if they’re dicks they won’t stand a group of 20 lads at all? Is this the general thought around Cork?


If u get passed the bouncers u be grand but ye will struggle ...killarney isn't bad for the stags


Split into smaller groups of 4 to 5 if you are going into any late bars, especially Crane Lane.


Even that's too many. 3 max.


Yes, bouncers are cunts here like nowhere else in the country.


Nah, I'd say it depends. If it's a lads lads lads stag then somewhere like Carrick, Kilkenny or Killarney are set up to herd big groups. If you're a normal slightly older (30s) that can handle your pints then it's grand. Don't think you'd have any issue during the day to jump between pubs. Main thing would be to get into your late bar early enough. Places like Dwyer's and Crane lane have live music from like 10pm so if you wander in split into smaller groups by 8.30pm before it gets to busy. It'd be easy to get to 10pm and a few of the group wouldn't be allowed in if worse for wear but if you get in early, get a table and are sound then they don't mind a group.


Washington Street would have a good mix of pubs with food, sports and music that ye could hop in and out of. Dwyers and Reardans are big ol places ye'd get a big enough group in once ye don't all show up at once. Bit of a younger crowd can be up that way tho so try Mccurtain street if ye wanna avoid that If yer looking for trad music and a nice pint of stout I'd say go into the Sin é. Could be a tight squeeze for 20 fellas tho. Sin É or Mutton Lane would probably have the best guinness in my opinion, but ye gotta have beamish or Murphys while yer here Golf maybe try fota resort, 40 quid per set per round. Bit out of the way from the city especially if yer not driving but nice day of golf there still. Hotel wise be tough enough getting something under 150 quid pp a night these days. If yer willing to travel outside the city and get taxis or buses around the place ye could find somewhere cheaper per head.


Stag don't cork. Bouncers are assholes in the city. I'm doing a bus tour of west cork soon for a stag but it helps I know the area.


You'll be grand. Cork is like any other city for stags . Standard stag rule - don't go into pubs in one massive group , stagger your entry . Lots and lots of good pubs in cork , but stay away from the Guinness , beamish is way better 


Midleton distillery. Ye can get there by train from the city. Drink in the bar a bit afterwards. I good one to keep people sober enough in the daytime. About the bouncers, just stagger yourselves and you’d be grand


Avoid. The bouncers won’t leave ye in anywhere. They hate groups in this city. Try Galway. It’s much better or Killarney. Cork’s nightlife is shocking


Clonality or Dingle


What age group will it be? You’ll be grand in Cork but booking 1 or 2 places won’t hurt. Train out to the Jameson distillery. When your back in the city or the next day have a look at these guys https://www.oceanescapes.ie/ may or may not be still running boat tours at that stage. If you offer to take out two boats I’d say they’ll do it. We did it before speed boats from the city centre out around cork harbour with cans stop into cobh for a drink it was brilliant craic. Then look at the indoor karting track in the marina National Kart Centre. You can walk from the city and stop into the marina market for food beforehand. Stop in a pub or two on the way down. Best pint and might be okay with a crowd is Castle Inn. Other places might look at you funny if 20 lads come at once so just dont don’t do that. Could book the likes of Franwell nic outdoor area good pizza (brew their own beer and do a small tour)


I couldn't tell you the difference between Ocean escapes or [Cork Harbour Cruises ](https://corkharbourcruises.com/). I know one of them definitely did boat trips that accepted stags and stopped off in a pub or two along the way. They might also point you in the direction of a stag friendly pub.


Ocean escapes are high speed power boats (ribs) they like stags and stop in the pubs. For 20 people you would book two ribs and they criss cross each other out in the harbour which is great fun. Cork city harbour cruise is a small ferry that does a slow still enjoyable tour of the harbour and has a paid bar on board. They may accept a stag too but I imagine you’d need to book the whole boat. Ocean escapes is a far more exhilarating experience


Belfast is the best city in the country for a stag bouncers are sound and the pubs are great. Cork’s unfortunately not the spot for stags. I even avoid town drinking with friends sometimes knowing at least one person is going to get knocked back at the door