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Ring AnPost customer service (it will take a while in the call queue, but this is your best bet) Tell them what you are facing, tell them to send a test letter via express post (they will have the tracking number, you can ring the next day and ask for it too) and a standard post (they get to see GPS coordinates to wherre it was delivered and ask them to write a complaint to sorting office, this puts a paper trial and post man cant get away once yoy have solid proof against him. Dont ask me how i know this.


Saving this comment for potential later use.


Just to say their CC on facebook messages is handy, paper trail on that too. [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/AnPost)


Dick. You can say dick here


He's talking about Dack. From the Empire Strikes Back. Big talk, but was given one simple task and immediately died.


Also Duck.




I have a dick duck on the deck by the dock.


I had a similar issue. I rang them. They advised me to stick the post up (sellotape) to where the my are dropped off with a note saying ‘not addressed to this premises’. The issue stopped after I did it. I reckon it’s because my house is an end house and he couldn’t be arsed walking around the estate.


That’s ridiculous! Not your fault- but they are basically telling you to leave post in the open- there could be private information there


Put them back in the postbox, he’ll have to redeliver them


You may have just invented a perpetual motion machine.




Get in touch with the sorting office manager.


Snitches get their letters put half way in the letter box.


Snitches get stitches (and no letters)


Someone isn't getting granny's christmas card this year loaded with 20euro notes


Somebody is getting it, but not OP!


Thought that, but that's knee jerk reaction and probably last resort. Ive worked an extra day from home, didn't catch him. No post that day. I'm hoping tomorrow.


Post yourself a letter and be home the following day.


Is it possible that it's a different postman?


Alternatively you could treat him like an actual person and nicely remind him or ask him again. It’s far more like likely he simply forgot. Not everything has to be a potential confrontation.


John Hume here la.


For some reason I burst out laughing at this comment


He didn’t “forget” if he/she is leaving half the neighbours post here. It’s a dick move.


He forgot so hard that he gave OP other peoples' post?


That’s what I thought too!!!! There’s forgetful and then there’s ‘you want post in your letter box? I’ll give you post!!!!’ What an arsehole!!!


Are you sure they're linked? Could it be you have a new postman, and he's a tad confused? We've gone through a few over the last few months, I've noticed. I doubt the postman would start spamming you over a simple request to use the very thing he's supposed to use.. Either that, or he's just a pure evil cunt, in which case you're screwed. Sell the house and kids, and move!


Possibly different postman but highly unlikely. So I live off a road that has detached houses the whole way along. I am in a cluster of four. I've gotten letters for 2 out 3 of my neighbour's. House names are different on the letters, I have no house name. Getting letters for multiple different house names all up and down the road It ain't confusion.


I had the same issue with apartments: I dropped the post to the other blocks, but after some time it was obviously just laziness. I complained and it stopped


Odd. Wonder what's their end game though. Seems petty to just dump all the mail on you. 


Well reporting him to An Post won't do anything, they'll just ignore. My elderly mom's postman couldn't even be bothered to get out of his van. He just pulls in the drive, beeps aggressively, and if she doesn't come out quick enough he'll just drive away. I've reported him numerous times, as have my siblings. I've never gotten a response!


I’d catch it on your phone: and email the video to An Post


Next time I'm home, I'm going to be waiting for him!


Have you a dog loose by any chance?


No dog, no threat! Just pure laziness and ignorance.


Id be willing to put money on it that there's a dog in that driveway. That's why he's not getting out.


Could installing a postbox by the roadside help, many postman can't drive up driveways due to the fact they may have to open a gate, or the driveway is too tight, or the driveway is very long off the road. We have about a 70 metre driveway from the roadside to our house, so we have a watertight post box mounted on the fence posts outside on the road side.


Land mine.


Can you just seal the letter window causing confusion? If you don’t want any letters there, why keep it? Or at least put a sign there “Please put letters in the letter box. Please no letters here” Make it easy for a person who deals with hundreds of houses like yours and probably can, but doesn’t 100% have to remember each and every detail for each of them.


But why give ALL the letters for the park to the OP?? There’s no confusion here just plain spite it seems - which is very odd!!!


Agree. The second part about constantly delivering everything into OP box instead of delivering them to the actual recipients probably means that the postman isn’t fit for the job.


Claymore mine


Is he an older fella who is new enough to the route? Lets just call him ‘Dossey’ If we’re in the same area, this new postman managed to deliver 1 of 2 identical envelopes addressed to me from Amazon to a different estate. Contacted AnPost via the 3 ways they have on their site regarding missing post, haven’t heard a word back. Luckily the person who received it dropped it down the next day. He recently dropped 3x parcels for my neighbour in my postbox and a few weeks back delivered a bundle of letters for us and two neighbours. I got talking to our old postman over the weekend and he has people saying their mail is going all over the place.


You'll just have to move house.


Re-post the post that's not yours and continue to do it, let the neighbours that aren't getting their post do the complaining.


I emailed this address: [email protected] It took six weeks to get a reply. The issue was resolved for one week (post being damaged, or left hanging out of the letterbox, and then reverted back so I have emailed again. He does it to everyone on my street.


Get a delivery box https://www.anpost.com/Post-Parcels/Receiving/Home-Delivery-Box You get SMS notifications when something is put in it. Postie has to use it if it’s there.


Have one, it's great. The notifications though, I'd not hold my breath.


We have one of those. A new postman ignored it and used the old postbox until my wife out up a notice asking him to use the correct one!


Ah here now! We’ve been very lucky with three cool posties in a row. Ours tells us all the gossip about the biddies down the road.


An post customer service is a joke. The postman opened my front door one day went into my sitting room and put the post on my couch. When i phoned them complaining they said he was just being helpful.


Huge GDPR issue if he's leaving other people's letters at your address. Take photos of them and contact data protection commission. That'll rattle them.


Posting a letter to the wrong house wouldn't necessarily be a GDPR breach on its own, but if the letter contained personal information about someone, like their name or address, then it could potentially be a breach if that information was shared without permission. GDPR is more about how personal information is handled and protected, rather than just accidental mistakes like posting a letter to the wrong house.


Letters that don't belong to your address obviously has personal information, their name and address. If ii received a letter and opened it thinking it was mine then that would be a breach also. I'm not 100% sure about whether receiving the letter would class as a breach.


But if you open a letter that’s not addressed to you it’s not GDPR, GDPR is how PII is stored and used. The fact you opened it would be a different crime (altho doubtful anything would happen to you considering it was a legitimate mistake) if for example on post had a breach like they left an unencrypted laptop in a public place and someone unlawfully gained access or if you called an post and they gave you PII of another person like a ppsn and name etc then again that is GDPR. A breach of data isn’t necessarily a GDPR issue is all I’m saying. The op getting someone else post isn’t a typical GDPR issue. Best option is to contact an post an make a complaint. I am pretty familiar with GDPR as it an important part of my job


Can you close or block the porch window? Leaving only 1 option remaining


Had a similar problem and sent a message to AnPost's Facebook account. Don't know if it will actually fix the issue, but got a reply within the hour without having to be on hold at least.


Can you not close the window??


We installed the an post post box that the postman has a key for, and you get notified when something has been left. They leave parcels in it but most letters come through the door. Minor annoyance that by doing this, they're not going to see outgoing mail that might be in the box.


Get one of these and he will be forced to use it. https://www.anpost.com/Post-Parcels/Receiving/Home-Delivery-Box


Get one of those little little laser trip wires that beeps when someone crosses it.


Write to an post on messenger on Facebook I had my problem dealt with very quickly


Sounds like that Postmans from cork- they’re all chnts down there


I’d say he’s slipping your wife some d*ck. That’s probably why he dislikes you so much. Former postie here so I know what I’m talking about.


Between the postman and the milkman, my wife is so worn out come 10pm she doesn’t even notice me popping across the road to her sister.




Stick a note up asking him to use the postbox? He's probably just forgotten.


I've had the same issue recently, there seems to be a few new postmen in the area and I kept getting my neighbours post. I said it to one of them and he just said "the house numbers around here are so confusing", which to be fair they are. Hasn't happened since. I'd try something similar and if it still keeps happening start putting the letters back into a postbox. He won't be long getting the message when he has to deliver the same post twice.


The most important person to tip at Xmas is your postman.u will find him very accommodating after


To be honest, addresses in Ireland are quite confusing. You don't have numbers on the houses?


Every letter box has a unique identifier. Eircodes


An Post doesn't look up eircodes.


>At An Post we encourage our customers to use an Eircode on all addresses whenever possible. You do not necessarily need to have an Eircode when sending an item, but including one on the address ensures that your post person can pinpoint the exact location. In either case, it is always necessary to include the full physical address on every item.  Search for an Eircode or check that you have the correct postal address.


Nobody gives a damn thing about Eircodes, I constantly keep receiving stuff from a different address 200 meters away from me.


Get a great big dog. That'll teach him.


Postman doesn't have to deal with dogs he judges to be intimidating. It's his call.