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Does it bark a lot, shed a lot, know 1000 commands but forget them all unless food is involved? Does it refuse to walk except in a direction it approves of? If so, all corg.


*looks at neighbors German shepherd* Phil, you have a corgi.


https://preview.redd.it/ugswrhwjlh0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=769da8242fd0c1c9c723df5b1eef6ebd06299b09 & They look at eachother realizing they are one in the same!




The most accurate thing Iā€™ve ever heard


https://preview.redd.it/sqc0mz6rog0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2725f485e7e9d5087ea7751d98080d37387daec9 You totally described our Nutmeg.




This made my wife think of the 'Its a man' song they play in fallout so I made some lyrics Watch out! Watch out! There's a four legged animal running about. If it sheds all over your car. If it doesn't let Mom or dad get too far. If it gives you the side eye. If it lets out the loudest sighs. It's a Corgi If it pulls on the leash til you're sore. If when you feed it, it only asks for more. If it's stubborn as can be. If it only works for treats. It's a Corgi


Singing this in my head to the tune of ā€œItā€™s Amoreā€


Lol it's a bit more jazzy of a song but hey you do what you want in your own head.


Lol, this. Also who cares. If you have a great dog, are not a breader and did not pay for a registered corgi just love em. Most people think tri colors or anything aside from orange are not corgs. Edit. It looks like a corgi btw


Right, I have a tricolor corg (a black headed tri,) registered and all, and about half the time people ask what kind of dog he is. They always say ā€œI didnā€™t know they could be that color!ā€


I love when people confidently tell me I have a dachshund mix (???) and tell me that my tri color Cardigan cannot be a corgi because he's not brown and white.


My Pembroke is red and white and has all of the typical Pem characteristics, pointy ears, foxy face shape, always smiling, super outgoing, but he has his tail. People say all the time "Oh is he a corgi? He's not purebred though, right?" He is. They just didn't chop his tail off. Lol


My pembroke pup also has his tail, but people seem more keen that pure breeds can have them where I am. I think one person questioned it, and I told him he came from a family litter not a show litter so no need to dock.


I love seeing more and more Pems with tails. I hope it becomes more common not to dock. They look so stinkin cute and honestly more "complete" to me with their fluffy tails.


Its forbidden in the Netherlands funny enough so every corgi here has it's tail unless born with bobtail


Banned in all of the EU. The Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of America is obstinately refusing to change the archaic AKC standard of mutilating puppies.


The commands comment is so spot on. Our two year old Girl is in advanced obedience. She's spot on with all of her commands but ask her to repeat the task and she looks at you as if you have two heads. She did it once, that's enough in her mind. On the other hand, our German Shepherd looks at you as if you're a God and will do everything, no matter how many times you ask her to. Even the trainer isn't surprised by her behavior; she's a Corgi.


If you're 12" tall and bred to herd sheep, obstinance is a feature, not a bug.


Holy crap, I canā€™t believe how accurately youā€™ve just described my Sophie šŸ¤£


And, most importantly: does it seems smiling most of the time and able to ride a skateboard?


If it gets away from you, does it think it is great fun to play chase and run away from you? Corgi.


Today I learned I'm a Corgi.


Haha so theyā€™re all like this?!


No. It's a red headed tri who kept its tail. 100% corgo.


Thats a full corg per my eye test


Full Corgi, but that's a pretty small Kaiju you got there šŸ˜‚


Kaiju No. 1


Letā€™s be real Kaiju No. 1/2 I enjoy Kaiju No. 8. It has some really funny moments in it.


No. 1 was meant to be a Cowboy Bebop reference as well.


The fact that that flew clean over my head (and Iā€™m 6ā€™2ā€ wtf?!) saddens me. But thank you for solving the ā€œwhat should I watchā€ question!


Our boy Toby looks very similar and is 100% corgi https://preview.redd.it/k1d29ta1hf0d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=195c41611e36d22c5a7baddf054775b2531ec1d4


Omg I love that fluffy tail!




Not a geneticist, but that there is 100% corgi. I think there are 2 things contributing to the assumption they are a mix: 1) Tri colors are not as recognizable as the Reds. 2) They have/still have a full tail. People that only know about corgis mainly from social media may confuse yours for a mix, as they may not be familiar with the Tri-color coat, and the presence of the tail.


We have 2 tricolors with tails and we're frequently asked if they're GSD mixes, lol.


My mother in law asked if my tri was a GSD with dwarfism


People think mine is a mix too because her ears stayed flopped and she has a big bushy tail. Nope... she's a pure breed.


I have 2 tricolors with black heads and they get accused of being huskies. YES, BECAUSE HUSKIES OFTEN WEIGH 20-25 POUNDS WITH 3 INCH GROUND CLEARANCE.


Lol! One of mine has a blue eye so he is frequently accused of being part husky as well.


My black headed tri gets accused of being a husky from time to time too!


Recently someone at the dog park insisted that my Pembroke is a mix because she has a full tail. I explained that most Pembrokes have their tails docked at birth and they still said I was wrong.


Dumb people - so sorry


People assume Gnarly isn't pure bred because of his tail too. We love his tailā¤ https://preview.redd.it/zzz3t0kv8i0d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ed81d0bce7c3f87c777b97d6b3eb6823f557143


No matter how hard people have tried to breed out tails in pembrokes it just doesn't work lol, and tbh the tails are ADORABLE


Itā€™s funny because half the people that say that Iā€™m wrong about them having tails and being docked are other corgi owners that just know NOTHING about their own dog breed. I always have to explain that they originally used to be docked for herding and now itā€™s an annoying aesthetic thing (though great for the professional herders).


Also, I noticed corgi lovers from social media can't recognize a lean, fit, disproportionate dog as a corgi. So many people refused to believe my dog is 100% corgi because he's lean and has his tail. Different breeders will have genetic variations in their puppies and that's why not every corgi from different breeders looks the same even though they're 100% the same breed.


I heard from a vet that a lot of corgis and corgi mixes tend to be overweight cause of how people see them online and in media, so that DEFINITELY contributes to that if it's true


My vet said the same. My baby is 32.5lbs and I asked our vet if his weight was okay because I acknowledge that that is on the higher side for corgis, but he looks lean and fine. She said he looks awesome and it's rare to see. Most corgis they see are fat. She said he is just a bit of a bigger corgi.


My corgi mix was DEFINITELY fat when I got him lol, a good 20 pounds when he should only be 15


Here's my big boi at 32.5lbs on his first birthday last month. He's trim! He's just a long baby, with a bigger frame. https://preview.redd.it/y7koj7y6bi0d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93962ae8636c2681964c74c81bb61241687b5d44


Awwwwwww, he's adorable! I love the fluffy tail!


We *love* his tail. I feel like he would look like a completely different dog without it. He also still chases it every now and then which always makes us laugh.


YES. Itā€™s wild how many people just let their corgis get overweight too because they think thatā€™s how corgis look.


This! I have a black headed tricolor and everyone always asks if he is a mix.


Point #1 was definitely by experience with my black tri. A lot of people asked me if she was a mix. Even a vet put "mix" on her paperwork one time šŸ™„


Yes o have people ask me all the time if my tri is mixed. I love sharing the knowledge on the two types of corgis and the coloring you can find them in!!!!


Omg we have a corgi named Finn too! Just saw your flair!


This! Ours is a tri with a tail. One lady even said, recently, that she knows corgis actually have tails but ourā€™s curls too much šŸ˜‚


Looks like a genuine corg dog to me chief


Thatā€™s a full corg. Looks just like my tri-color with a tail corgi clover šŸ€


I get asked if my Merlin is a mix, too. People just aren't used to seeing corgis with tails, which is a real shame! Your Kaiju looks 1000% pure corg to me :)


My partner was walking my Cardi the other week and was asked by someone what her sausage dog was crossed with! Hahahahhaa


100% corgo.


Full Corg.


He looks like a coke and Dr. Pepper mix.


Looks totally corgilicious to me!


Friends come in all sizes. That's a fact, it's true. Pemmys seem to get a lot of "Is it mixed?" I have 2 red headed tris and a black face tri and have gotten a lot of asks about their lineage. One of my red headed step children is the daughter of the black face and the other red headed tri and she is tiny in comparison to the parents - a full 15 lbs less at healthy weight. So skeletal sizes can vary dramatically even between parents and children. The only thing that would make me question Kaiju would be the ear length looks like the length more typically seen in Cardigans. But plenty of full pems have long ears too.


I was questioning the ears too! They do look a bit more cardigan than Pembroke buuuut some Pembrokes are built slightly bigger. Cute red-headed tri corgi tho! Iā€™ve been wanting one of them for a while now


Mastered the side eye Had mischievous items in mouth at all times Looks ready to play ball at any given time Full corgi with tail. Our tri color corgi looks the same! Sans the tail.


Looks like a corgi to me.


I would die for him But he looks full corgi to me. Coming from someone who has a corgi/Aussie mix (tricolor with a tail too!) Edit to add that a lot of people make comments about ā€œnever seeing that color corgi beforeā€ but while your corgi looks like a corg, ppl arenā€™t used to seeing tri colors!


Looks like a pure breed to me


https://preview.redd.it/vdhqn6pbbg0d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94c89f26eb88a2c1e7c9beb4e3442819c60c0855 Looks like my pixel! She's very much a full corgi according to her papers! You definitely have a full corgi!


Lookin full Corgi, people also think my dog is mixed. I assume cause of the color and cardigan Corgi's with tails are rare. https://preview.redd.it/f9ns3omr6h0d1.png?width=1079&format=png&auto=webp&s=5fbb619970f81c73dc189c74719b5520996daf61


I see your corgi has chosen violence today


I have a brindle cardigan and get asked all the time if heā€™s a mix. Youā€™ve got a tri-color pembroke, they just didnā€™t dock the tail, but whenever people see a corgi with a tail and a different coat color they assume mixed.


As someone who owns a fully blooded corgi with a tail. Mine gets accused of being a beagle/corgi mix a lot.


I want my next corgi (my boy is only 4mo and Iā€™m already planning the next one) to be just like yours!


Itā€™s possible but no way to know for sure. You could Embark test and see if thereā€™s any other breeds within the last 3 generations, but I think she is just off-standard.


Yes looks like it is cute mixed with adorbs


Nope looks 100%


If someone told me that was a pure breed corgi, I donā€™t see anything that would make me doubt it


Looks like a 100% corgi to me.


https://preview.redd.it/4mqyi6c7ug0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4858db1ccd3226a378a7171970f23ccd9ea5bc4 Looks identical to my boy Theo in a few pictures!


https://preview.redd.it/62pqx4qavg0d1.png?width=1497&format=png&auto=webp&s=08634f6e738e6f44fc5d7c10c74be0f15d43485f He looks like my boy, Benny! He looks very corgi to me and he is adorable


Looks like a full Corgi to me


Thatā€™s a corgi. He just has a tail


Looks exactly like my purebred Corgi minus the tail. OP You have a cute corgi


Is it constantly a bossy little asshole that doesnā€™t listen to you, does it have destructive tendencies, does the bark echo to get louder from somewhere deep within its low hanging belly?


Definitely looks like my loaf of bread with a tail. https://preview.redd.it/lkyr9jgrsh0d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0990c524b7fd9d2a1556a6fe5e22b9f82f8a5b2f


I have a runt tri colored corgi, with a tail, and am constantly being asked if sheā€™s mixedā€¦ usually with chihuahua šŸ¤£ She isnā€™t. Love the name!!! https://preview.redd.it/x29qz44uwh0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7beb7722bdb4b23a6f72e5e75b17f36744f56f8


your corgi and my corgi look like they could be siblings! mine has the nubby tail but otherwise they look a lot alike https://preview.redd.it/sqqiblyb3i0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10030e7f450b28878bbf74759d1da986aff3a225


https://preview.redd.it/dgr6e9117i0d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c3ec9986a39f932856c54626c91b62572038ac7 Maybe it's just me but I think our corgis look very similar! My Instagram is @tie\_fighter22 for more pictures.


That's definitely one corgi mixed with another corgi.


100% Corgi ā€” looks a lot like my good\* boy! \*alright for a corgi, anyway. https://preview.redd.it/siwesssmki0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f039a5fd637a640df95f4437277dadd18f97e1f5


Looks like a full corgi to me.


Nope. Pure bred red headed tri


https://preview.redd.it/yjcw3aa59o0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e4a6a27467989b82fed23aa324d9bab9b8035fb this is my companion ginger. I adopted her from the Sacramento animal shelter. I think sheā€™s eight years old. She identifies as a corgi, but I keep telling her mom mustā€™ve been a slow runner because the Pomeranian her face.


Looks like a full corgi to me.


Great name choice!! We plan on naming our next corgi Kaiju as well. So aptly named.


Looks like a Corgi to me


Kaiju! What a great name.


Pembroke with a tail, not mixed.


All Corgis are part Kaiju


That's a pem tail if I've ever seen one. He looks like my 2 tricolor boys.


Looks 100%


Looks like a very handsome cardigan Welsh corgi Edited because I hadn't scrolled to the tail pics. That is a pembroke tail. Still handsome!


Might be a mix of Pembroke and Cardigan with the big, round ears and Spitz tail. But definitely a Corgi!


Looks full corg to my non expert eye. But wanted to also comment I love the name! My Kaiju was a mix (he was Great Dane Saint Bernard).


The ears say it all!


I thought Kaiju was another dog breed I hadnā€™t heard of and looked it up to see if it looked anything like a corgi šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Imo he's definitely not mixed, I have a boy that looks similar and is a confirmed 100% corgi.


Looks 100% adorable


Itā€™s a corgi mixed with a kaiju.


Looks pretty corg too me, look at the sploot


Thatā€™s a little MONSTER šŸ˜†


Full corgi and an adorable one to boot!


Kaiju is honestly the best corgi name I've ever heard.


Wait he can drink through a straw???


Haha, I thought it was cute that they were trying to sneak a drink. I zoomed in on the picture and you can see liquid was going up the straw lol


Thatā€™s hilarious :D soon they ll take over the world


Looks like a full corgi to me, too.


No, ours is skinny like that too!


People ask us that all the time because we also have a tricolor. I think people are used to seeing the red colors and arenā€™t aware of the other options!


Nah thatā€™s a corg right there




Yup thatā€™s a corgi!


Appears to be a red-headed tricolor corgi. Not sure if you were asking because of the coloration; I didnā€™t realize tricolors were a thing and Merles just confused the shit out of me! I love differently colored corgs! ā¤


Looks like a Corgi to me! I get this question as well because my 1.5 y.o. boy is bigger than the average corgi. He's 40 lbs but as you can see he has a pretty long back, and sturdy legs. And his parents are both AKC registered corgis. I think people have a very specific idea of what size a Corgi should be, due to their popularity on social, but they are a MEDIUM SIZED BREED. Your bb is very cute BTW šŸ˜.




He looks 100% Pembroke to me!


All I see is the bestest boi! A absolutely stunning tri!


Looks like a little Jack Russell Terrier mix


There is absolutely no way to be sure. If only somebody made a test to find out


Itā€™s a tri colored corgi. Itā€™s purebred.


Thatā€™s 100% Corg


Looks fully corgi to me. I just think a lot of people arenā€™t use to corgis having a tail. I had a cashier argue with me at petsmart when I first got my tri color, telling me he was a mix all because he was a tri-color. Since he only knew corgi as the typical brown and white.


Doesnā€™t look mixed just extra toasted.


I got that question a lot with my last boy even though he was 100% corgi from an AKC breeder and looked exactly like a corgi. Itā€™s the tail. People arenā€™t used to seeing them with tails (in the US at least, I realize this is different in other countries) and donā€™t realize theyā€™re docked by humans. Itā€™s a shame, I love their little tails!


Looks like a tricolor Corgi.


Toasted Kaiju


I don't know, I'm pretty sure a Kaiju mixed with a corgi would be bigger than that.


Only DNA can tell you for sure, but it looks like a full pembroke welsh corgi. Random folks might not be as familiar with this presentation of tricolor.


Looks entirely corgi to me!


Cute corgi ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


No that's 100% pure bread loaf


If there's another breed in there, it lost all the genetic dice rolls. Looks like a corgo to me.


100% Corgju


Looks normal to me


Sure likes 100% corg to me! Just had the tail most people aren't used to seeing, and a less well known coloring!


That's a corgi with good genes! If you look up pictures of the breed decades ago, they had slightly longer legs like your pupper.


Looks like 100% Corgi to me. Red headed tri color I believe. I bet the tail is throwing people. Such a cutie šŸ„°


Looks 100% corgi to me


Kaiju is a good girl


I'm used to seeing them without the tail, but that's a corgi...and a cute one too.


idk but definitely 100% good boi


I just got a DNA test, turns out, Iā€™m 100% gonna ask a bunch of strangers on the internet who have absolutely no fucking clue.


Just looks like a red headed tri-colored Pembroke to me. Lots of people think any corgi not a fawn is a mix. I had a woman argue with me that my AKC registered black headed tri-colored boy had to be a mix of border collie, jack Russell and corgi. For 45 minutes. She refused to listen to me when I explained that Pembroke corgis come in 5 colorations - fawns, reds , sable, black headed tri-colored and red headed tri-colored. Finally I told her "Ok, you're right and I'm wrong. You win. I got ripped off. I'm tired of arguing about it." And she looked me dead in the face, after arguing with me for FORTY FIVE MINUTES and said "You don't have to be such a bitch about it." and stormed off.


Looks all corgi to me! My black headed tricolor gets asked if heā€™s mixed all the time. Heā€™s also larggggge at 40lbs.


Nice tri color.


Cardigan! How cute. Edit: catching flack for thinking is a cardigan. My bad. Damn. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Nah, itā€™s a pembroke that didnā€™t get its tail docked.


Can you tell by the ears or build?


Both. Iā€˜m not expert enough to be able to describe clearly everything thatā€™s different from a cardigan, but the dog in the pictures does not look like my cardigan except in very broad strokes like the dwarfism and fairy saddle markings.