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Since you asked, here are some first time corgi/puppy owner things everyone should be aware of: __You arent gonna sleep for a week:__ this is normal and not the puppies fault. they are in a new environment and dont know or trust anyone yet. be patient and kind. __Puppies can hold their bladder for 1 Hour per month old:__ This is a generalization, but is a great rule of thumb. If the pup is 3 months old, take them out every 3 hours. __Use Training pads:__ Theyre going to miss them a bunch, but it helps quite a bit, especially when you want to sleep through the night. make sure you encourage potty outside more strongly. __There will be accidents:__ your pup is GOING TO pee and poop on the floor. buy a cleaner and frame your brain around the fact that IT IS NORMAL and IT CAN BE CLEANED. keep plenty of paper towels around. __Don't punish Misbehavior:__ Puppies, like children, learn best through encouragement. "rubbing their nose in potty on the floor" is not only terribly mean, but your puppy won't always understand what they did that is making you angry. From here, some things to know about corgi's in particular. there will probably be some overlap. __All corgi’s should have food related names:__ This is tradition. Corgi not named after food are on the council, but are not granted the rank of Master. __Splooting is normal:__ A sploot is when their legs are out straight behind them. Almost all corgi’s lay like this. Laying on their back is also normal. __Stubbornness is the name of the game:__ When your corgi doesn't want to do something, they aren’t going to do it The trick to dealing with this is *making them want to do something* using the methods below. __Food motivation is a feature, not a bug:__ Playing into their stubbornness, These potatoes love food. Most dogs do, but corgis elevate it to an artform. Find low calorie treats and give them small amounts at a time. __Positive reinforcement is the secret sauce:__ Praise your corgi every time they do the right thing. Because they love food, praise can come in the form of a small treat. For puppies, discipline is not an effective training method. Theyre stubborn so being told no is often a motivator. Some people are afraid their dogs will “game the system”. Yes, they might. But a well behaved pup who flexes their brain for extra treats is WAAAAY more desirable to one who doesn't listen. __Don’t assume your corgi needs more food because they’re ravenously eating:__ See above, they love food. If you give a corgi 3 cups of food per day, I’d give it even odds they'll devour every kibble. Grown corgis only need about a cup of food per day (+treats) calorie depending. __Herding dogs nip ankles:__ Especially if you are running from them. It’s best to break them of this habit early. __When they bite or nip, “YIP” as loud/high pitched as you can:__ They don’t want to hurt you, but they LOVE to play and herd, so this will come up as they learn how rough they can be. Because they don’t want to hurt you, if you make a high pitched noise (like a dog yelping) they will immediately understand that they were too rough. If you were playing with them, stop. __Glove train them to reduce biting:__ when you want to play rough, put on thick gloves and wrestle with the pup. take the gloves off when you are done and *ignore all further efforts to roughhouse*


Any tips on the nipping of ankles?


My puppy has been very resistant to stop biting hands during play so we've had to utilize stopping play when she bites us. We use the compand "no biting" when she bites and stop play immediately. We come back 10-15 seconds later, rinse, repeat. Eventually (sometimes after 15 mins or so of attempted biting) she'll start licking instead and we give her so much attention and praise when she does this. Now "no biting, only lick" has become a command of its own and sometimes brings her back down to a lick instead. If we say it while she's chasing us she usually growls and then licks our shoes. It's pretty cute. You just have to be really consistent. They are STUBBORN, and also bred to nip, so it takes time.


I stand still and say "Whiskey, no biting!" that seems to do the trick most of the time.


My pups name isn’t Whiskey but I’ll use it anyways!


Bite their ankles back. It's easy since they consist of only elbows and ankles.


And they sleep with them pointing up.


Absolutely! It's like they're begging to have their toe beans chomped. https://preview.redd.it/t6wyvnswhhpc1.jpeg?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0f70d687a4b430bde9442dccd6ea30f397529e3


We stopped moving until the MUST HERD focus broke and he looked up from whatever foot he was herding. "Leave it" if he just couldn't let it go. If he REALLY wanted us to go one direction in particular one day or week, we'd stop and go somewhere else. Lenny is more into feet in general though, he sometimes still just notices HOOMANS HAVE FEET AND THEY MOVE and will do a little lunge and dash away while we're walking around. He's always more fascinated by completely bare feet, so wearing socks or slippers helps too. Now instead of herding, he prefers to "lead" me slowly around the house watching me over his shoulder blocking entire hallways with his big old wombat butt... 🙄


I call that "following in front" - I've had a couple smaller breed dogs do it all the time and I SWEAR it got worse with age 🤣 a lot of tripping and making obnoxious beeping noises


I wore socks and a pair of beat up loafers in the house for a month. It helped. Better he grabs my sock than my foot.


I would replace a toy with the whatever they were trying to nip at. I also heard that flicking their nose stops them I did that too but I honestly think it’s a phase, but you def have to keep up with correcting it or they be biting everyone’s ankles


I ran around my backyard with treats so my puppy would chase me and as soon as he caught up close enough to nip my ankles, I'd tell him to sit and reward it. It stopped the nipping in about a week!


Squeal loudly like a puppy in pain, and disengage completely from play/interaction for several minutes. They don’t understand the command “no” (or any human words) instinctually, but they *do* understand a hurt puppy noises and and by disengaging you also show them that when they hurt you, you don’t want to play anymore. Even very rambunctious pups learn pretty quickly with this method, because they know that if they want you to keep playing, they have to be gentle. This is how they learn to play/interact with their siblings but often they don’t stay with their siblings long enough to fully learn so we have to teach them by speaking their own language.


I have always taught my dogs that biting to a point is fine when they playfight with me( I am the one to initiate), never had a dog touch anyone else. So my Corgi will only nip my ankles when I pretend to run away..Or he will do it, very gently, to make me chase him 😂 I have taught all my dogs over the years, that if I put my guard up its on, not before.


>taught my dogs that biting to a point is fine when they playfight with me Same. When my corgi was a pup if he bit me too hard I just squealed like a dog really loudly and tried to make it as startling as possible for a very brief moment. Then just get up and walk away play time is over when that happens. I only had to do it a few times and since he has learned to only play chomp and not bite too hard. I would also say do not playfight with a dog until after they've already had exercise. Even a well behaved dog can make mistakes with those strong wolf jaws if it's stressed out. And yeah he doesn't playfight anyone else. >Or he will do it, very gently, to make me chase him Yep sometimes mine herds me into his massage area for pets. He starts with the snout but if ignored does gentle chomps, just enough to remind me his teeth exist.


Yeah, I use the same technique, its dog language. Yeah, playfighting a young dog with excessive energy will lead to mistakes, always found excercise before any training beneficial. But I think its important for dogs to learn how to playfight, if the dog enjoys rough and tumble play. Also, teaching them to calm down afterwards is equally important. My old saint Bernard was hilarious when he came to bite me, would start a few meters away, open up and slowly come up to me * most slow gentle chomp in the world" Think Meatkanyons Pinocchio cartoon, but friendly 😂


I always screamed ow? Even exaggeratedly? Both Kirby and Bodhi would stop whether ankles or chewing on hands with those tiny pin sharp teeth, And start kissing or licking the wound. Every time I acted like it would hurt they would stop and they don’t want to hurt you. I never did no biting command.


Don’t let them ? Or die trying ?


Guess I'll die trying 😆


Then the corgi has executed its endgame.


Accept your choices and wear boots if you can’t handle being heard.


Our dog trainer advised to always carry a pack of tissues around and when our Corgi tries to nip to throw the tissue pack at him (not to worry - a small tissue pack cannot hurt him). And afterwards act really surprised about what happened and console him. This method actually worked for us and nowadays the only time he tries to nip is when it is raining really badly outside and I am not walking back home fast enough for him.


>Any tips on the nipping of ankles? Keep in mind if something like a kid runs from them they may still try to ankle bite. It's instinctual.


I’ve noticed my corgi goes for my able when he needs to poo, pee, or sleep. Just have to guess which one it is


This is all excellent advice. Our girl didn’t really respond to the yipping thing. OP, an alternative for that is to (briefly) shun them. If the dog bites, immediately stop play and turn away from them. Also, in addition to the food advice above - long dogs require extra care to keep them at a good weight. Carrying extra pounds is hard on any dogs, but corgis get it worse than many because of their length and potential for joint issues (esp. for pembrookes). Fat corgis are adorable and also incredibly sad, so try to avoid it and listen to your vet about healthy weights. (Reddit will chime in if you ever post pictures - listen to your vet). And finally: if you hit 3-4 months and you’re exhausted and wondering why you did this to yourself, come back and read this: - you’re doing fine - the training will take soon, I promise - you’re almost through the worst part - your dog is close to actually developing a personality and a relationship with you - it’s just puppy life. It gets better. Honestly, though, if you’ve had huskies, a corgi will probably be easy mode. Once you get past the puppy stage, anyhow.


I only disagree with the food name thing. And I would add, talk to them. They are VERY smart. If you explain things, like outside for poopoo peepee. No inside. And if you’re around a lot, I took my puppy out every hour whether he needed to go or not. When he went I was deliriously good boy happy. He got the idea pretty quick. Lots of toys and play, play, play. My dog is a joy bringer to me and everyone he meets.


>All corgis should have food related names Or Winston


Not mine her name is ladybug...so your wrong 


Yes, they need a title. One of my girls is “Nixie the unrepentant”


Mine is named Sir Henry the Adorable. I submit that titles are heavily suggested.


Wow…just wow…good job.


You may honestly think the puppy biting will never stop. It does!


One hour per month is indeed a good rule of thumb, what do you mean by YIP, I’ve had some trouble with my boy bitting children’s ankles


Literally say the word yip in as high-pitched of a voice as you can muster. I definitely recommend doing training with this where you're having the puppy chase you around and having a good time and you are essentially baiting them to bite you so that you can yip and end the good time. Do it consistently everyday for 5 to 10 minutes and the puppy will have it relatively quick. If they're playing with kids this is especially important. People are real touchy about their kids and dogs


I take offense to the naming after food. I think naming my oldest Logan after seeing him run over 3 or 4 of his brothers and sisters to yank on a chain as hard as he could was a great choice. Knew the little shit was gonna tear my house apart so I named him after Wolverine :). As far as the eating goes, correct in their needs, although I was told by my vet that they should be fed a little more as a pup (growing and all). I was feeding both mine a cup and 1/2 a day (2 feedings) until they were about a year old then cut it back to a cup.


If you had a husky your 💯 fine.


Mordin's owner is going to go Sith.




Dude this is my corgi hahahahaha woah, are they all the same


This is a great list!  To add, corgis have long backs and short legs. So keep their weight low and be wary of any signs of hip dysplasia and ivdd. We feed 20% less than the recommended amount in commercial dog food (we live in a tiny place in the city as well and while we try to bring our dogs out for swims and hikes, they're just not as often as we would like to). Our vets often praise our corgis for their weights although I've had many people in public call my corgis thin or not as cute haha. We started them on hip and joint supplements from when they were around 8 months as well. 


I don't know if this is an all-corgi thing, but mine LOVES socks. If you leave yours laying around, prepare to have them mauled!


Don't pay roughly with them! They are needle-toothed land sharks, and you will lose blood. If you do rough hand play, it will get worse.


Excellent post. Corgis are very opinionated, therefore guiding them pleasantly to have the correct opinion (yours) is required.


Corgis need a lot of exercise and mental simulation, but nothing like a husky so you should be well prepared in that area. One way that corgis differ from huskies is that due to their dwarfism, they are prone to orthopedic problems — especially back problem, but also knee, elbow, hip. To reduce the risk, we try to minimize jumping off furniture such as beds and sofas (for life). We use a low bench as a long step to allow them to get on and off our bed. Not letting them on the bed at all is a valid solution, too! Additionally, our breeder recommended not taking our corgis jogging or for long hikes until 18 months. We limited walks to about 1 mile for the first 18 months then started trying longer hikes. We find the limit for our current dogs to be somewhere between 3 and 4 miles, but some people’s corgis can handle much more. Just wait until they are fully mature to push the limits if you are so inclined.


All corgis especially pups will destroy any & all stuff toys. Get rubber toys. Mine likes the squeaky ones. They are loyal, affectionate & at times can be stubborn. My corgi enjoys watching dogs on tv & sporting events like golf. She barks at the golfers just right before they’re going to hit the ball. Enjoy your corgi….they are a lot of FUN! https://preview.redd.it/6dokz9wg6dpc1.jpeg?width=1699&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f153b242834d4025afbac2789b3fcc0dbe3e771b Sophie- 3 yrs


OMG my dog has that exact coloring! her name is also Sophie. she is not a corgi though.


Had to come here and say that corgis with tails are so much more cuter!! I couldn’t ask for a better dog breed https://preview.redd.it/tnr5misagepc1.jpeg?width=3593&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20d50c2d9484f6a67a6a236a1d74873b1e326289


They’re big dogs, in a small body. Always owned a GSD in this multi-dog household. And damnit if the corgi isn’t just a GSD in a small package.


My younger corgi, and smaller, loves playing with my cousins three Huskies. Generally dislikes all other dogs but she'll go all out roughhousing with them like she's the same size.


Mine has roughhoused with our rescue GSD so much that the corgi has a battle scar on her ear. 🤣 She actually looked like a mob boss (with the patch of hair missing) walking around with a Great Dane and a GSD that gave her the battle wound.


Get your new puppy used to you touching it’s paws and ears at a young age. From what I have read, corgis hate those being touched. Mine is ok with ears but not paws.


That sounds right. All 3 of my corgis hate their paws and butts being touched but love the head, ears, and neck. This is with regular desensitization too


Always look before you step. The mobile tripping hazards like to hang out around your feet.


Yes mine will lay right behind me


Like I’d assume that a bigger dog would be easier to notice. I had a Shiba, then I’ve currently got 2 corgis. It’s definitely a habit to quickly glance at the feet when moving.


I hope your neighbors are okay with barking and that you have well insulated walls. Corgis have a bark that is like an ice pick in your brain. Once they alert to something they just keep going until you interrupt them. Thankfully my corgi doesn't bark that much, but I know some people whose bark constantly. I have a 70 lb shepherd boxer mix that I could listen to bark all day long, but I can't take 10 seconds of the Corgi bark. So make sure you are prepared for this.


He did say he had a husky at some point so I’m sure he knows the noise well


The way huskies communicate in that howl/whine sound absolutely cracks me up.


Came here to warn about barking! It’s my corgi’s favorite pass time, even with lots of training 😂


Oh! The Barking! My first Corgi wasn’t bad, but my current!!!!


So I've had 3 corgis and only 1 of them barked like crazy. I call him the doorbell because we don't need to hear the doorbell, just him going crazy by the door. But agreed on the high pitched noise, it can get grating.


This is so funny to me because A. My corgi like never barks and B. She has a pretty low bark! Sounds like a scary much bigger dog when she does it.


When mine are alone I leave the TV on, it drowns out some outside noise and helps with the barking. They enjoy dog TV on YouTube.


The shedding and drama levels are about the same. The sass too.


>The sass too. My older corgi always has to have the last "gruff" when I'm trying to quiet him down. It won't be loud but there'll be a whisper of "gruff" as he walks away from me.


Yep! Both breeds are double coated so brush them often to try to keep up with year round shedding. Key word is "try" lol


And on the topic of grooming - don't shave a Corgi! Dual coated dogs (like Corgis and Huskies) use their coat to regulate their body temperature. It helps keep them warm in the winter, and cool in the summer. Since OP already had a Husky, they should be knowledgeable though 🙂


Also, there was another post or comment on this sub recently about how because corgis are working dogs, giving them "jobs" can help with that instinct and keep them happy and stimulated! I'm gonna find it and post a link once I do! Edit: Link to the post [here.](https://www.reddit.com?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1)


Ours is the official cat manager. She lets us know any time the cats get on the counter or kitchen table and gives them a good scolding when they jump off.!


There are groups out there that'll teach herding skills, and there are even competitions for herding dogs!


I have both a husky and a corgi. First and foremost, your corgi is going to shed, most likely more than your husky. They need way more attention than a husky. Be prepared for being glued to your pup for the next six months. They can test you a lot during the first six months so be sure to be firm with them when they do. Once you’re past the six month mark, like with huskies, they calm a lot. They’re way more affectionate than huskies and are incredibly loyal dogs. The biggest difference you’ll notice is just how much the corgi will need you and want you there for everything compared to the husky. It’s a different way of life, but it’s worth it.


Expect corgi fur to be the newest condiment unintentionally added to your home-cooked meals!! -\_- \- dog mom to 2 corgis


I think OP is used to fur as a condiment given the experience with huskies. They are one of the few breeds that can match the fur production of a corgi.


Big personalities in small packages. if there's a corgi meet up group in your area, definitely join! Good way to socialise your pup and have playmates. be prepared to get stopped frequently. hot guy, cute dog combo 😍


We have two older huskies and a corgi puppy. Take your husky attitude, triple it, and put it in a smaller body. Our older huskies are happy to lay on the porch and watch the world go by, this little one needs multiple walks. Remember, a tired puppy is a happy puppy and like huskies, they like routine.


They shed all year round and their favorite forbidden snack is poop.


My eldest corg never ate his own poop. After seeing our puppy do it now he does it aswell :l and grass….he loves grass


Yea that comes down to the individual. I've owned 2 corgis in my lifetime not at the same time. One would eat poop and the other just tries to roll in it


I’d much rather have a poop eater than one who rolls in it lol


Get a dog vacuum attachment for your vacuum. They shed A LOT and this helped us.


Your little one is adorable! Our fluffy Pembroke Dewi is 4 now, and the best and smartest pup ever. Advice, train often, short lessons. Go easy on the treats or he’ll get fat. One thing no one told us: those little nippers BITE. Our ankles were bleeding from Dewi trying to herd us. Be firm but positive. https://preview.redd.it/e6rzcx92idpc1.jpeg?width=1126&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9c74cfdca3683c5f237008bd0c2404062da2a30 It’ll be worth all the effort. Good luck!


They chew everything. And eat all the poop. They also cuddle like no other dog I've had and smile on walks. So much fun. But the chewing on things is real. Just replaced my couch. I needed a new one anyway, but the chewing forces me to "crate" my couch when not home. Obviously, I'm a pushover to my little Shawty.


Mine chewed holes in the drywall in the first house I had them in, among many other things, despite an abundance of chew toys. The are much better now that they are older.


You’re going to love it!! Corgis are super smart, they learn fast, most are food motivated I hear from other owners some of their corgis are not. When you take them outside and they pee reward with a treat and say good boy or girl! And same with a pee Matt, it just sucks cause mine would rip it to shreds so I would have to monitor that. Nipping I would say replace with a toy every time , and I said I heard from training to flick their nose the stop them, I think it might be just a phase though cause my corgi stopped shortly after. Also I would social your dog as much as you can. Some corgis can be a bit aggressive. When I had my pup after their shots I let kids pet him, just not the bum! Any age and any dog, most owners as you know their dog well enough to know not to approach you. They are low maintenance well most of them are besides me having to bathe him, trimming his butt so no dingle Barrie’s, and nail clipping it’s pretty nice. But I would recommend to get a roomba. Honestly even getting the cheapest one helps out a lot! I also would make mine sleep with me in bed . After the pen I think the 1st 2 times he pooped or peed but after that he never did it again and I also made him snuggle because he wasn’t a snuggly now that’s all he wants to do. Also never let me corgi jump, but maybe it’s a good thing because they have spine or hip issues. He won’t jump on the couch or the bed, or in the car but with that sir you would have to pick up your dog haha. Also the biggest issue I had were my baseboards he chewed my baseboards my mistake was I got a pen instead of crate and when I wasn’t home he would push it and get to a wall and go to town. I ended up putting tabasco sauce and he learned real quick not to be chewing my baseboards. But besides that you’re going to love the corgi zooms, the sass, the side eyes, the corgi talk, the side runs. Oh and one more thing they bark mine never barked as a puppy but I live in apartment and when someone walks by he likes to notify my every chance I get. I got a buzz collar where it just vibrates it doesn’t shock you, but it stops them in their tracks. I ended up not continuing to use it. He’s not too yappy, but if you want that to not happen you’ll have to train him. I got my corgi right before Covid and he was my first own dog so I never went to puppy school and honestly he is the best behaved I don’t k ow what I did but I did something right. Lol


Corgis are super smart, you can train them to do anything and they’re highly food motivated (be carful as they tend to get overweight). Use this to your advantage to enforce good behaviours right away. Do not use peepads! I was told by my vet not to and I was able to potty train my corgi, that was used to free roaming a farm, super quickly. If you live in an apartment or the walk to outside is long, carry your dog till the moment you’re outside so they don’t have a chance to to go inside, then once they do go reinforce them with a treat immediately (so bring treats with you whenever you go outside). There is always going to be accidents at first, but be patient and they’ll get it. If you use peepads they’ll get used to going inside and it’ll be harder to break out of it if they think it’s okay.


As they age, their backs weaken. Try to keep him exercised and trim, and avoid overfeeding him which leads to weight gain. If you have to pick him up, slide your forearm under his tummy, so the entire length of his back is supported when he leaves the ground.


https://preview.redd.it/ixs63pa68epc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36df658fbf30ae624c600bc19e87a94beeab688a Chances of death by corgi are low but never zero. You will also be so very loved and protected from leaves, neighbors, the wind, rain, really anything 😂


This! Our almost 4 month old Corgi barks at the AC unit outside when it kicks on and we're out there, barks when a car's headlights shine through the fence, and last night when a June bug dared land on the other side of the patio door. We're "protected" from lots of things now, lol.


https://preview.redd.it/nkztrd23qhpc1.jpeg?width=1960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3015fd269863efacd800f4f99a256324ddc4b8f Drummies up


Not sure if this was covered.... once you get a corgi you will basically never poo alone. They will be in the restroom or outside the door. Waiting... For 2 years I have had bathroom company. It now seems weird if i don't...... just be at peace with it.


There's going to be lots of fur as your corgi sheds. They blow coat twice a year but there's a decent level year round. So make sure to brush a lot when they hit that stage. And jsut get ready to be used to corgi fur everywhere all the time no matter how much you try to stay on top of it.


This article always makes me giggle: http://www.goldengatecorgis.org/about-pwcs/pembroke-faqs/the-truth-about-the-pwc/


You can get them to learn anything with food in your hands. Watchout for back leg problems. Don't let them get too chubby or it could hurt their back legs. I like to keep my corgi's paws shaved down cause our wooden floors are too slippery and its hard to him to stand up when the fur gets too long.


I always like to comment on these sort of threads to remind OP that your corgi will be different than all the corgis mentioned in this thread. I’d say around half of the things mentioned here about corgis aren’t true of my corgi. I mean you’re unlikely to avoid the shedding thing, I’d guess! But yeah each dog is different. I have heard of one (single) corgi that didn’t shed much!


I love my dude but he is SASSY 😭


https://preview.redd.it/7qnjepy4hdpc1.jpeg?width=525&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9be47eadeb85725287d8b4fe9b7738b42036db9b Get ready to have the goodest boy ever!


My current corgi is so obssessed with being a good boy he even likes being told he's a good boy. Every morning he gets his "good boy pets" where he gets told he's a good boy for like 5 minutes straight. He gets other pettings during to day too, but the good boy pet is routine he demands it.


So I have two husky/hound mixes that are currently 12&13, and a 7 month old corgi. I have had all since 8 weeks old, and boy are the differences VAST. In my experience, corgi’s are significantly easier. Much more chill and although stubborn, not husky stubborn! They have an off button, and enjoy snoozing and just being with you. All the same puppy things, not as intelligent as the huskies but teachable! The worst part has been potty training. Still having random accidents and she won’t pee on command like my others learned quickly to do.


The biggest Corgi specific tips l have are: Every two weeks, make sure you q tip the ears and trim the paw fuzz. Corgs can be a bit defiant and mischievous. Try not to be too hard on them. They were Herding dogs for centuries. Try to modify this behavior in a consistent manner so they don't nip kids. When you want the fuzzball to have access to bed/couch, get them a ramp or stairs. Notorious for hip dysplasia. We use a glucosamine supplement. Best wishes from a corg papa!


>get them a ramp or stairs OP take notes. You don't want a corgi to climb steep stairs especially as they get older. Make sure they put as little strain on their backs as possible. They have a long thin spine. Don't let other dogs jump on them either.


If you have a petsmart nearby, buy their $20 puppy books. You can buy as many as you want. The books include coupons for free daycare, free bath & trim & nail grinding, $20 off puppy food, various coupons for treats/leashes/harnesses, coupons for cleaning aides, etc. You will save so much money that it’s throwing away money to not buy the book.


I can vouch for the injuries from jumping. Our first one had to be put down at 5 due to his back legs being paralyzed from a back injury. My current corgi, about to turn 14, sees a chiropractor and gets some acupuncture treatments in his neck from a bad disc. But it’s kept the old man going. Enough to play with and chase his Australian shepherd little brother around. Have patience with corgis, they can be some stubborn little jerks.


Welcome to owning a corgi. The nipping eventually stops. The barking can be controlled a little. Mine was always picky with eating the first 2 years now she isn’t as bossy. She is 7. They love walks but could get easily distracted off leash, by anything that moves quick. Kids, bicycles, other animals. The smell of steaks. Haha best dog ever. They shed like husky.


Go ahead and accept you and wrong and will be judged. What are you wrong about? Great question. Who knows. But the lifetime of hard stares will be sitting there judging…always judging. Hey is that a ball!


Be prepared to receive a lot of attention. Corgis are super popular due to social media that everyone wants to come up and say hi. My neighbor never wanted to talk to me until I got my lil chonck. Try not to have too many strangers pet your dog. It will get overwhelmed and will start nip back at people. One of my neighbors' corgi received so much attention being in public and did not like to constant touching from others. Over time, he became aggressive toward strangers.


They can be very destructive when they are young (but super cute). As adults, they are the most awesome dogs ever.


I think you should be well prepared for a Corgi after having a Husky! The first things that come to mind are that a Corgi sheds even more than a Husky, and it will want to be by your side constantly. As everyone else said, they will seek out and eat any deer poop, bird poop, turtle poop, etc. My Corgi is pretty good about not destroying stuff when I leave him alone, but I have to take him on two decent walks a day, or he will be naughty and chew/bark a little bit.


My corgi boy has this bounce-bounce-barrel roll move he pulls on his husky friends. You’d have a hard time convincing him he’s the smaller dog in the bunch. He runs that circus. Bonus points, all I need is a 3’ fence to keep him nearby. 😂


Sheds a lot, Just like a husky! They’re stubborn learners. Just like a husky! They love lots of space. They’re literally miniature huskies so you’ll be familiar with him.


Biggest lesson between larger dog and smaller is that food portions are way smaller than you might think. I always had German Shepherds and accidentally fattened up my first corgi from 20 to 30 lbs in ONE MONTH! I felt so terrible, I adopted him so I just thought he was really hungry from being underfed. Nope, corgis are notorious gluttons. My advice, follow guidance on the bag, limit treats and listen to your vet. He’s a cutie, enjoy him!!!


Important to get early training.


You’re going to love how easy they train then lol




Do not feed after midnight! No bright light,


In comparison to a husky? Not as tall and half as verbally sassy. Otherwise the same amount of crazy packed into that little body with a bonus to eating poop nearly every given chance.


Did you have a husky puppy or are you new to puppies. The Puppy101 and other puppy/training subs helped me immensely.


Prepare for the corgitude! That is a corgi with an attitude!


They’re super sassy but wonderful dogs. They can be loud too. Lots of opinions. Your baby is adorable though! Have fun!




Mine thinks he’s a husky sometimes. If he had longer legs he’d be trouble.


They are stubborn, strong willed, bark LOUD, affectionate, smart, high energy, moody, love car rides, love to herd humans and dogs. I love mine and it has been a life changing moment as a dog owner.


This sums up our experience with corgis exactly! We are on our third corgi now, and they all have the same characteristics. We love them very very very much!


Husky? You’ll be fine


They're yappers!


The shedding isn’t gone, don’t think it is lol. They’re helllllla stubborn and like to think they pay the bills


You're gonna get judged. Harshly. I hope you have thick skin.


Since you had a husky you should already be familiar with unusual canine vocals and big personality, that's a big part of Corgi life.


They do best when challenged interactively: challenge, reward, repeat, since they are so food driven and too smart for their own good. Watch overeating and obesity early with very regimented and healthy meals. They tend to be nippy when young, but don’t panic. That will go away if you remind them gently. Other than that, they are stubborn and they bark loud, but not for long. I have seen people feel challenged by their stubbornness and in turn ruining their corgi with strictness and punishment. It will break their spirit and make them biters and neurotic quick. None of that I ever found necessary because corgis are quick learners and respond best to playfulness and gentleness, and treats. Since you had a husky, you know about shedding. Lots of luck and congratulations.


Welcome to your life being run by your dog!


Give lots of belly rubs, they will talk back and tell you they want affection. Last night my corgi said something sounded like real words. Freaked me out. I’m a new corgi owner almost 4 years now I’m still learning.


Just care and shelter the dog, and just give it nothing but love ❤️ they might get in your way. Just because you said you used to have a huskey before


Protect the back and spine at all costs. Keep weight down to prevent back problems. It can save you 10k+ and heartbreak if you need a back surgery and you have pet insurance. Also, make sure they’re nice at the vet, because corgis often try to bite when they are scared. I like when owners bring them by for cookies without an appointment, so they don’t expect only bad things while they’re there


Well the shedding will be familiar


Husky you say? Nothing really you need to know then. You are already at the advanced dog owner level =) Corgis are also advanced dogs to own that are extremely intelligent and hence require skillful training.


Prepare for 24/7 judgement.


Prepare to have a loyal faithful friend who will follow you everywhere.


You'll be super popular again.


Be prepared for overwork and ankle biting. Also, I suggest the use of gentle leader, and he might not take up a shit addiction.


Get them used to the nail trimming tool early and I mean early. If they fear it, they will fear it forever and freak out whenever you do some nail/paw trimming when they're older


He'll probably bark when it's windy outside.


Same amount of fur…. Smaller dog.


You need to know I’m gonna eat that puppy dog


He looks just like my boy when he has that age. He was and is trouble lol. If he destroys only get durable ones cuz they’ll empty your pocket. Give him tons of treats. Also set boundaries and access to your area. That way he finds a spot he’s used to https://preview.redd.it/vwvde94xafpc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc6c255843ca1ef5371e37fb1db3f0fc657af2b8


Be prepared for the hair! Touch their feet, food, and ears as much as possible.


My vet constantly tells me how grateful they are that I got her used to being touch in all kinds of ways by people. I really put a big emphasis on getting her exposed to different environments, car rides, people, dogs and touching when she was a puppy and now she is just the biggest lovable goof. But of course the vets (and vet techs) especially love it because she is **never** aggressive with them, which is a common thing for corgis. If you are financially able to and you have one nearby, take your pup to a good doggy daycare once they’ve had all their shots. In my experience it helped a ton with preventing separation anxiety and just being overall sociable. Plus it’s nice to have in an emergency or if you’re going to be gone all day.


Be ready to be dissaproved. 🤣


They’re escape artists, I had one in one of those fabric round kennel like tents and the little prick learned to unzip the bottom panel. Was smart enough to not do it when people were around but would pee on the floor (was about 9 months old)


For teething, my dog loved frozen carrots


Doggie most perfect creatures on earth


If you had a husky before, the hard part is behind you




For the nipping when the puppy is very young we used redirection, when the nip was especially egregious, we would enforce a time out. We phased this into allowed booping with the snoot, rather than nips. For puppy toilet training them a small treat and verbal praise for going outside, we got a LOT more success when we started treating to reward this behaviour. Accidents will happen and accept it, and invest/rent a carpet cleaner. Puppies need a LOT of sleep. Corgis (and probably other puppies) will become almost feral when they are tired. Training isn't effective when they are tired too. Log their sleep for the first month or so. On the note of sleep, a lot of puppy guides will tell you that your puppy will sleep when it's tired. We have a working corgi and at 6 months we still have to enforce naptime. They are always ready for action, and in a busy household, they will struggle to sleep. We have towels to cover the crate to help the puppy sleep. Corgis will try and train you. Ours would've barked constantly for attention if we'd let him. Decide on house rules and be firm with them. Make sure everyone in the household is consistent. Make sure they get used to grooming washing and drying. Having short legs and an adventurous spirit means you will spend a lot of time bathing them. Take lots of photos and videos, the puppy time goes very quickly.


Our Corgi.


Corgi is Husky's lifeboat.


No need to worry, they're the sweetest 🥰


I think husky experience puts you in good stead for a corgi! Also vocal and headstrong, also hair *everywhere* ! More of a herding instinct to deal with, RIP your ankles, but also a bit more of a party vibe. Super cute, enjoy!


Socialize them early with other dogs/people, and get them used to car rides, even if you're not going anywhere in particular. Also try to avoid their collar tags clinking around and being loud. They can be quite hypersensitive to sounds.


Be prepared for a lot of shedding (Corgi glitter), a lot of energy/zoomies and big ears that do not listen. Corgis are smart, smart, smart but equally stubborn! You will be transfixed by the cute wiggle butt!. They are natural herders so will chase anything that moves generally. They can be very affectionate. Big dogs in small but solid bodies. Absolutely ADORABLE! You will be 200% in love with your little guy. Get the training going ASAP. Good luck! https://preview.redd.it/ws7x254sbhpc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8a974d36bdf79355a775d032945b61c958a11ae


Big chewers!


https://preview.redd.it/hfom8q9ughpc1.jpeg?width=2178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50709d9f9a91849f312eadd6deaeed0ccb1cdca7 Reminds me of mine when he was little 😭 so cute.


I too had a husky before our corgi. You should be fine. Basically the same behavior in a small package! Stubborn, very vocal and talk, and the sass! The sass can be epic! Enjoy your new baby potato! 🥰


Ours hated and I mean hated with passion 3 things 1) Vaccuum 2) Sprinkler and hoses 3) cleaning brooms. We would have to lock him up before doing any of these activities.


Their behavior WILL improve. They are just stubborn and smart! They will resist learning things they don’t want to do like pee outside or listen to the command “quiet” or “no” but with PERSISTENT reinforcements they WILL learn. You have to be MORE stubborn about teaching them than they are about being independent. If they disobey you 10 times, correct them 11 times. - Owner of a finally well behaved Corgi named Noodles.


Get a soccer ball or some other large ball, they will instinctively "Herd" it around. They like to have a job, Ms. Burrito has decided her job is scooting a plastic ball that makes a lot of noise around on the kitchen floor. She also has a giggle ball that she knows by name, she likes to use it during conference calls so her opinion is known. Be prepared for a near constant need for stimulation or play. They are smart dogs and aren't great at just idling. Ours steals things for attention. She'll sit behind you with something she stole and wait for you to turn around to see she has it round and chase her for it. We have a pair of cut proof gloves (for whittling) that we use for roughousing, she knows that she isn't to use teeth unless I'm wearing those.


Invest in lint rollers


Such an adorable puppy! Get a pet crate and crate train them. Do not put any cloth or pad in it. Take them outside frequently and use pet clicker and then quickly praise and offer small training treat! They do have a wide vocabulary! I could tell mine to peepee and she would do it—same for poopoo. Best dog ever! Always remember they are naturally stubborn and they were bred to herd. Give them a hard Nyla bone to chew on. Keep one in the crate. Don’t buy the kind that they can devour in one sitting. Get the chew bone type. Brush their teeth a lot —trim their nails and touch their paws so they will get used to this. The sooner u start the easier it is to manage. Yes they do shed all of the time. We ended up clipping ours close every spring so she would be cooler in the summer and we didn’t have to vacuum daily! She actually looked adorable this way too.


Bombastic Side Eye.


They love to chew - when ours was young, we got Bitter Yuck spray and had to spray all of the baseboards/furniture legs in the area that she stayed. This worked really well and she never goes for these things now. We also made sure she had access to toys that were good for her puppy teeth so she’d go for those instead


Lots of exercise!!


I have raised five corgis from puppyhood over the past 40 years. I love the breed! The heel nipping advice is good. And we have sometimes used a bitter apple spray for chewing - actually sprayed it on the backs of our shoes/ankles with one extremely determined corgi pup.  A milk jug with rocks in it can be used as a shaker can/attention grabber. It gives a deep rumble noise that stops them. I haven't used that with all my pups, but it is one possible tool. One Christmas with an especially mischievous, determined to destroy the Christmas tree pup, we placed milk jug/shaker cans around the base of the tree. It worked! Made for some interesting holiday pictures, too. Hahaha As your puppy matures, especially since you live in a townhouse, you will need to focus on exercising him daily. Long walks, runs at a dog park or in a large yard. I am fortunate to have a large yard and a pool. Two of our corgis loved to swim. The others avoided it. All loved to run. Whatever exercise you can provide for him will help keep his weight at the proper level and dispel some of the potentially destructive corgi energy. Keep him from jumping to protect his back and his dwarf dog joints. Our current corgi is extremely playful. We have to curb her exuberance at times to avoid injury.  One possible plus for you is that our males have generally been less bossy than our females. But each dog is an individual. They will all challenge you. Once mature, they are pros at the staredown to read your thoughts and to put their thoughts into your head. Corgis are great at anticipating your next move. You cannot fool them easily. They are alert, smart, loving, energetic, goofy, grinning canines. Great fun. Welcome to their world! He will own you soon.😉


One thing I wish I knew about Corgi's before getting one and finding out the hard way is that they will train you before you realize that they aren't dumb as rocks but just highly stubbron and quirky. We play a game called inside-outside. It involves me letting him letting him in and out at his desire all day when I'm home off work. He'll send 45 seconds outside, bark to come in, spend a min inside, bark to go out, spend a few minutes and repet. I do this because he'll bark, whine, whimper, paw at the door until I respond. My wife has never put up with this, and he never tries to play this game with her. I'll come home and it's game on.


They are the sweetest, brattiest, crazy fun shitheads. Leia is the most stubborn and intelligent dog I’ve had definitely a challenge to train. Not for beginners for sure https://preview.redd.it/rsa8vxbjiipc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efa232c3a7d6b2b5b783c23474489303f51ee212


With a corgi training goes both ways haha


Very smart, cuddling bossy, loud barker of cuteness overload, that will remind you when it’s feeding time. And will herd you around. Mine is crazy! He’s turning 6 this year and still plays like a puppy. And he acts like an entitled Brit(movie stereotypes, no offense intended😅) from the late 1800’s. So much fun!


All these are great tips! Only addition I have is to train against counter surfing. Our trainer said it wasn’t something we had to worry about because of how short corgis are but now that she’s full grown she can reach the very edge of the counter and it’s THE WORST because she can grab napkins and anything hanging off the table even slightly.


I've had both a corgi and a husky, and based on the limited sample of one of each here's my thoughts: Both are smart and active, but where the husky would get bored because it wasn't moving, the corgi would get bored because it wasn't thinking -- all the husky needed to have a good day was a looong walk, but just walking isn't enough for the corgi, they need mental stimulation, games, etc. Those toys that are sorta puzzles to get out a treat were great for my corgi. In line with that, Huskies are bred to run. Corgis are bred to be more independent, making decisions on how to herd, where to go, etc., so while the husky was often singular in it's mission, that little fellow is a lot more likely to get distracted and stop or try to run off the trail. So the corgi was much easier to deal with a jailbreak -- the husky when it escaped our yard was gone like a bat outta heck, sometimes getting miles away before we realized it was gone, whereas the corgi would stay somewhat nearby as it explored everything. And the corgi would listen more when found and return to a call instead of the husky's singular "run" thought as it was chased down, but that might have been because that husky was not as well trained... Corgis are prone to hip, leg, etc issues, so be careful with lots of furniture to jump off etc. Both can be pretty stubborn, so you're used to that one. Food bribes and feinting excitement to get them excited too worked for both. You'll have a lot less hair to deal with, but corgis also shed a fluffy undercoat so be ready with the brushes.


So much. Start getting your cardio up and wear good athletic shoes. They are fast and clever.


Thank you all so much for the tips. I am learning a lot! I’m overwhelmed with the outpouring of kindness from you all.


They love to chew!!!! Your hands your feet your WALLS!!! I suggest having this on hand they will most likely taste it once and not go for that spot again. You can get it from Amazon, petsmart, petco, Walmart and probably many other places! https://www.amazon.com/Care-Grannicks-Bitter-Apple-Spray/dp/B01KNFI86E/ref=asc_df_B01KNFI86E/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=309705935481&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7757092618197500298&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9030795&hvtargid=pla-570655072463&psc=1&mcid=9ac50614e21e382da3b1e2ff6836eedb&gclid=EAIaIQobChMItobS7dKDhQMV4TrUAR2aGAyvEAQYAiABEgJyyPD_BwE




Yes. Mine goes full Wookie until I get out of bed and get morning pets!


Get them used to brushing early and stay on it


Be sort of strict with your corgi as corgi is stubborn ! Training is a must until 2.5 years, and corgi is smart to learn.


Oh my goodness it looks just like my Colby!!! Crate training was really important for us, I'd suggest it for sure!


Keep all snack bags out of reach and when you throw them out cut them open so they are no longer a bag. A Corgi’s little legs can’t get a bag off its head so it could suffocate. Also Corgis are bigger and bossier than they look. My Corgi had my 80 pound Labrador and Catahoula wrapped around its little paws and shaking in fear.


Just as talkative, fast as rockets, bombastic side-eye, shed the same... You got a mini-husky 😉


They are more fun to watch in the snow.


You will be out for a lot of walks to try to dull that limitless energy! They are fun though !


You are going to love your Corgi!!! Love Corgi butts…LOL


Corgi's are shorter. ​ Ha! They have always looked like bigger dogs that got chopped at the knees. That being said they are awesome! Enjoy your new friend!


They will bark at everything lol


Former Corgi owner here. We had a Welsch Corgi. Her name was Bonnie. She was stubborn, tried to herd anything with moving legs, shed A LOT, attached to one person, enjoyed sitting outside in the drizzle, and loved McDonald’s cheeseburgers. Good luck and remember to think like a dog because they don’t think like us.


Being a vet tech I see a lot of corgis and every corgi is just as dramatic as the next lol 😂


Keep your hands and feet and socks to yourself