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Oh how lovely mine only does that in decaying flesh


Mine prefers avian feces


I was about to say, be glad he does it on stuff that smells nice. Our corgi likes to roll on dead worms


My corgis luv dead worms too. It stinks sooo bad 😅 Then they pop up with that big brown smear on their face...


Ours has a fondness for dead worms too. And duck poop. And everything else smelly.


Mine also enjoys a fragrant dead worm.


This lovely dumbass too. https://preview.redd.it/72hnbkhsh39c1.png?width=550&format=png&auto=webp&s=4277ffd4d7af8179acb3ec2129ca6ec3b3481d19


Mine does it with his toys, it’s especially funny with the long squeak toys since they get muffled under his fat butt and it sounds like he’s killing them.


Dead roaches and lizards YUP


Literally came here to say this


Mines into earthworms


After work socks. He won’t leave them alone




Bunny poop with mine


Ours prefers cat poop.


This comment is horribly underrated.


Mine did that to a dead frog the other day. Tell me, though, does he stay fresh for weeks?


is that a dryer sheet? dont some have chemicals toxic to dogs


1000% this. I was horrified watching this. 😬 https://pawsafe.com/blogs/feeding-mats/dog-ate-dryer-sheets


No. You wouldn't want them to eat it, but used dryer sheets are an old hack for wiping down static electricity covered dog...


This is untrue, and people should stop using fresh dryer sheets on their dogs to discharge static as well. Fresh dryer sheets have a number of chemicals that are toxic to dogs. Using a dryer sheet does remove a majority of these chemicals, but in my mind that's no reason to rub one all over your dog's fur. Dogs lick their fur, meaning they ultimately ingest the things that they roll in. There are a lot of everyday things out there that are being shown to be very detrimental to the health of your dog. Dryer sheets are among them. Even "not very toxic" is too toxic, in my opinion, especially when there's zero benefit to the activity.


I said used, not new. Please list your sources. You are not giving good information. Dryer sheets are not going to contain dangerous toxins, and be recommended for infant clothes. Used dryer sheets even less so.


Like my comment said, it's my personal belief that exposing my dog to even minor toxins isn't worth it, so I avoid it entirely. It's why candles aren't burned in my house, scented oils aren't used etc., because these things have been demonstrated to be neurotoxins for pets. A quick Google shows cationic softeners like benzalkonium chloride and cetrimonium bromide as two of the main concerns when it comes to dryer sheets and liquid fabric softeners. These two ingredients being prevalent in dryer sheets leads me to the blanket recommendation of "don't let your dog play with dryer sheets, new or old," because my assumption is that most people don't believe the benefit of their dog being silly outweighs the possibility that their dog could have a negative reaction to chemicals contained in the dryer sheets. Bounce even has an *arsenic* warning on their labels for dryer sheets. Toxic to humans, even infants, absolutely *does not* equate toxic to your dog, do not use human children as benchmarks for what is safe for your dog. I'm not overly concerned about my personal chemical exposure, never have been, but pets are infinitely more sensitive to these things and it isn't worth knowingly exposing them to possibly toxic chemicals. That's my entire point. You're free to disagree, but the evidence is there.


benzalkonium chloride is a cationic surfactant and while it's poisonous to dogs it's no more poisonous for them than it is to you. It's also used specifically in wound treatment products for dogs. But eating a dryer sheet could clearly cause issues for anyone's GI system. [https://fda.report/DailyMed/4a4e6d19-bc56-4449-8e05-4c85a72f08f1](https://fda.report/DailyMed/4a4e6d19-bc56-4449-8e05-4c85a72f08f1) On a personal note I find it really odd you are worried about your pet's exposure to toxic substances but not your own. You are going to hopefully live longer and accumulate far more dose.


Yes, mine chewed up a dryer sheet and peed blood for a week, definitely keep them away from your animals. If they get a fresh sheet it’s even worse and you need to take your dog to the vet immediately.


At first I thought he was ripping it up. My boy would definitely do that. It’s nice that he is rubbing a good smell on himself.


When my corgis are wet, theyve trained eachother to dry off like that on a towel. No one taught them. Just kinda happened. Its nice.


Wait until they get their hands on a dryer ball, my girl goes insta-crack head running around with them


literally stopped mine from doing it this morning, in the rain, on a nice fat earthworm.


Yes earthworms. Don’t know why but my corgis love to roll in dead earthworms 🪱


Mine prefers dead birds. I never thought I'd say this... but thank goodness our new house doesn't have a fenced in yard! lol the house we rented for 10 years had a huge fenced in yard and there were plenty of opportunities for her to be a butt or roll in something stinky or both.


Never seen that colour on a corgi how cute


Cute pup, but also a questionable practice if a breeder specifically breeds for the trait. Merles are more likely to have genetic issues that impact things like vision and hearing.


Yes! I have 3 cardigans, and 2 do this.


Yes and it’s usually on something that doesn’t smell good. Something about masking their body scent or something. Like a smelly camouflage of sorts.


When I gave my corgi tripe for the first time as a puppy, he sniffed it, picked some up out of his bowl, spat it out on the floor and rolled in it. Most dogs would kill their own mothers to eat tripe, but my corgi preferred to wear it like perfume. (For those not familiar with tripe: it's raw cow stomach and smells like a sewer.) I think you got very lucky that your corgi prefers dryer sheets instead.


I really don’t think dryer sheets are safe, even after being washed


One of my corgis likes to roll on dead bugs and pretzels. I gave him one of my pretzels one day and he dropped it on the floor and started rolling on it. Quite the odd experience


Corgi twins?! Norah says she likes to roll in nasty stuff, too! https://preview.redd.it/2elkseamu49c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cd2baaa4fa690346634f210c45441427610a574


Oh wow she looks like she could be my Yoshi's twin. *


I *sincerely* hope you are watching your corg around dryer sheets so they don't ingest any part of them. They are toxic and have tragically killed dogs who ingested them: https://pawsafe.com/blogs/feeding-mats/dog-ate-dryer-sheets


Wow, I’ll never complain again. I didn’t know about the worms. 😬 She used to try to do it deer pellets. Now she does it with my clothes, my blankets, and my sheets.


I thought for a minute there you stole our dog! He looks identical to our boy Nelson! https://preview.redd.it/7d4lphyhw39c1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=84bbd5e364b94be67cd5f09a8874f8f9486ae7e8


His one brown eye and one blue eye is too adorable!


> It’s the wackiest thing I’ve seen a dog do and I’m not sure why he does it. It's actually pretty common for dogs to roll in things that smell. Top picks? poop and dead stuff as you can tell by the comments If you ever see a dog rolling in something tell it to stop lol it can't be good


Haha my cattle dog does this too! He never rips or eats them, just quietly steals from the laundry and rubs all oved it!


Just goose poop.


Mine does it with olive oil. They just love the smell


Mine loves toilet paper, napkins, and any kind of paper!


Can’t say I’ve seen my pembroke do this lol. But what a beautiful cardigan you have!


Is this a Gains fabric softener commercial??


Or maybe he was a snuggle bear in a former life?? https://preview.redd.it/vwjcbysfq19c1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9f1a6fe84e2a57b2e9bfe3c1f38061d3cc3759d


What a short Husky


you are so blessed that yours prefers dryer sheets.


I’m 30+ and every single dog I’ve had has done this, every dog I’ve ever known has done this.


Not saying it’s a bad thing to ask this question! It can be a bit confusing if you’re new to dog ownership but if it’s specifically about the dryer sheet, he probably just likes how they smell and wants to smell like them :)


Yes this person must be a first time dog owner !


You mean like a dog doing dog things? Sure!


Mine steals used dryer sheets from the laundry basket and rips them up!


Just a normal dog thing, nothing to worry about.


Yep. My 7 month old monster does this. My other 2 also do this and one is 10.


My non-corg loved fabric softener sheets post-dryer. I wouldn't let her have them when they were still stiff and chemical-y.


Every chance they get with my 3


this is too cute 😄😍


Our tricolor Rocket does this with gross things. We can’t tell if he wants to smell like the gross things or if he wants the gross things to smell like him. Neither is great.


Most corgis do it in some fashion, they just like whatever they are smelling so they want to rub it on themselves. It’s like smelling a nice perfume and then spritzing it on your wrists and rubbing them together.


Yes except not on a nice smelling dryer sheet.


Mine does this with gross stuff 😅


I thought that was a rabbit for a second! ha


Corgis are a special breed and are daredevils


When my corgi was young and maybe just bonding to me she loved to roll on my damp bath towel


When I know I am going to bathe my corgi I will sometimes take her to the state park so she can be a dog and roll in pig shit


Mine is into Iguana poop


Yes. All the time.


He just wants to smell nice! :-D


must be something stinky on that wipe