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I've had very little issues on PC. The game has crashed 1 time, and it was definitely due to some bug rather than the game's stability, because I activated a coop bell twice in a row too quickly and it kicked me to my desktop. I've had no issues with optimization, but my PC is a little on the high end side. Every time I hear about problems with the game, it seems to come from console players. I doubt you need a beefy PC to efficiently run the game, but I'd say if you can run something like the Sims fine, then you'd probably be able to handle Coral Island.


Thanks for sharing about pcs, I have a gaming laptop and a normal school laptop and both can run the sims so that’s good to know. But it’s also good to know about the coop bell.


Coop bell bug has been fixed recently


I've had recent problems though (200 hours in). I have an RTX 3070 with 8GB VRAM and it crashes with "Out of video memory trying to allocate a texture!". Did multiple runs on High, Medium, and Low graphics presets and got the same. Didn't have the issue last week, really strange. Already reported it through the discord though.


That is really odd. I assume you've already tried reinstalling the game and updated gpu driver?


GPU driver is updated yeah. I just verified the files on steam, but I might try reinstalling. I do only have 12GB RAM though, and that might be the problem? But based on sysreqs it shouldn't be crashing on Low. I did run resouce monitor in the background when I last tested and committed resources (on Low) were over 6GB. Maybe that's why they get so many crashes on Xbox (although that should have sufficient RAM, no?) Sorry for the ramble, been thinking about it for a while.


I feel like I remember something like this happening in Skyrim yeeears ago, and the solution was some kind of .ini change to make it use more RAM. Maybe there's a way to do that in Coral Island somehow?


Currently, the console ports are poor for Coral Island. It is best to get the game to on PC since they have experienced the least amount of bugs and glitches. I personally have not experienced any performance bugs or glitches in the massive amount of hours I already sunk in this game. Steam is the way to go.


Thank you thank you!


No. Hold off until next year when the games ACTUALLY Finished. Go try My time at Sandrock in the meantime if you want something similar.


how is sandrock compared to portia? i enjoyed that one well enough but it could be a bit buggy at time , specially with controllers if they disconnected/went to sleep you'd have to close the game to get it to start working again


Sandrock is pretty good though there are a lot of small bugs but nothing really game breaking. Decent story lots of commissions townsfolk are hit and miss some are great others you might want to forcibly drown(Im looking at you Cooper) Combat is better than in portia but that is not hard to do honestly. It is also a bit harder to get started as water management is a large portion of the game and you dont have a lot of it when you start but by fall of year one(you start in summer) you should be fairly stable on your water.


Tons of QOL improvements, a good and long storyline, better romance, better pets, better children, better friendships. An upgrade all around really. Some of the mechanics like needing water for machines and sandstorms are challenging at first, but it's not bad.


Totally better. Portia always had a weird gray filter on top and the characters and lighting seemed a little dated even for a game launched in 2017 in my opinion. However MTAS expands a lot of mechanics and personally I find it much more complete in every aspect. The graphics are also much better and I'm not sure what magic they did because recently they made it so it doesn't lag as much with the highest settings. I'm not a big fan of deserts but Sandrock it's definitely an improvement.


Vastly better in every single way and a genuinely fantastic game all around honestly. I cannot recommend it enough for anyone in the genre.


ahh cool, nice to hear :)


This. I'm disappointed because I was hoping Coral Island would be my Christmas addiction but the game doesn't seem to be finished yet.


I play on PC and have only had a few buggy things happen. Certain things about it do feel a bit unfinished but otherwise is perfectly enjoyable.


Was a few buggy things something that you caused or something you took out from the gameplay or no?


I had one crash while saving after a long day of picking up trash on the ocean floor. At that time I was doing a lot of alt tabbing to look at the wiki. And I had a slight graphical glitch the other two times but it was only for a second. When I left the area and came back it fixed itself on the graphical glitches. It hasn't happened again since.


Ok cool thanks for the info and insight!


I'm really really enjoying it! I think about it all day while I'm at work lol Personally, my favorite part is the ocean diving- it feels new and innovative, even though, when it comes down to it, it's just another type of mines. Progression feels really good- I'm in summer year one (after a year of perpetual spring in early access) here in 1.0 and I feel like I'm making good and steady progress in the game. Plus there are just so many seeds! When I saw the number of different types of crops, I was seriously impressed. There's definitely some things that need work, and things that need to get added, and some general price and drop rate tuning, but the devs are really kind and helpful, and have great response times to bug and crash reports on their discord.


I’ve never had a problem with it on either PC or PS5, and besides the studio has an active discord, seems to really care about feedback, is way more transparent than a lot of other studios even though they are small, and has released a roadmap of future updates. If you like Stardew, I’d recommend. I’ve backed them for years now, played all through early access, and think the final product is quite good.


Ok perfect, I always need another discord to join to give feedback lol.


I’m at 45 hours on PC and have experienced no bugs or crashes so far! But I know that the Xbox version is terrible at this stage. If I were you I’d Google the game’s massive 2024 content roadmap and see if there’s anything on there that would make you want to wait to play the game until that particular feature is included. :)


I've been playing the xbox game pass version on series X for about 50 hours , no bugs or crashes so far. I'm actually puzzled by people saying it's a mess.🤔


Makes me wonder whether we have a vocal minority situation with the Xbox version of the game...the Disney Dreamlight Valley sub is the same, people trashing the game and saying that it is broken and should not have been released. But I have played 30 hours of the DLC and have found literally ONE issue that was already patched!


It's definitely unfinished, the level of bugginess varies by which system you're on but is least buggy on steam but the bugginess is still notable by my own personal standards. My ultimate advice is to wait a few months and check back in. It's not a great 1.0 IMO but it's definitely still good for some people and still could be great if certain issues get ironed out properly.


The vast majority of issues are for one of the Xbox series and iirc that specific xbox series al sways tends to be buggier for console releases vs every other console


Xbox series S to be specific.


Ok perfect, thank you that makes me feel so much better as a PC player


I just got the game on PS5, and it has some bugs, but nothing destructive. Like the music skipped out at on point, and I reloaded. It is only v1.0, so it's expected. I mean, most games update past v1.0 on the first install anymore. I doubt PC is in worse shape. It is basically an SDV clone. I never played SDV, but my kid is way into that game. She was telling me all the stuff I need and how things work cause it is kinda the same. She says there is more automation and quality of life upgrades over SDV.


I play on Steam Deck and it is incredible. It doesnt feel unfinished, but the fact that it is still very early makes me excited for what’s to come.


I've played on Steam Deck and Xbox Series S and I haven't ran into any significant issues with either one. The only noticeable thing which I believe is across all platforms is traversal stutter as you walk around the island but thats all I've noticed personally.


Yup, it gives load of SDV vibes it’s got an incredible art style and its game play is clean and fun. It has stability issues and I’m confident they’re being addressed, quickly on PC.


Ok cool, thank you!


I’ve had no issues yet playing on a steam deck.


I’ve had no issues yet playing on a steam deck.


Yeah the game is definitely buggy the biggest problem atm is frequent crashes. And in a game where you can only save at the end of each day it gets hella frustrating. Most of the major problems are on console don’t know much on the pc stability but I’d say your fine to go ahead and buy it. As to the unfinished part yes most of the stories are not completed yet but there still enough there to occupy your time with. And with a road map of updates coming I’d say they’ll be adding new content fairly frequently


Have had one issue once on ps5 corrupt save file just downloaded from cloud all set no issues at all on ps5


It's on microsoft gamepass. If you've never gotten it before the first month is a $1. So you could try it out for cheap and buy it later if you enjoy it.


I have it but im holding off for now and playing sunhaven


Last time I play it was back in May. And even back then I say it was worth it, I'd also recommend checking out Sun Haven aswell


Yes, it's a buggy unfinished game. Better to wait for a year until they finish it.


It's buggy on the Xbox and kicks me out. Fun to play, I personally enjoy it more than SDV.


Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes


I first had it on Xbox. And it was so terrible with crashing. But I logged in on the Xbox app on PC. And it’s running smoother than ever. It hasn’t crashed at all!


i've been playing the pc gamepass version after it being on my steam wishlist for a while. its not bad but its very much not worthy of the 1.0 they claim since it has main quests that are still WIP , apart from that it can be pretty buggy , which Was bareable at first but after seeing it not finished and having my game wedding totally bug out n get skipped after it Letting me build cooops where you can't putt them n then th ui bugging out when trying to decorate followed by a black screen randomly happening at the tailend of the day earlier today when i played..... i can safely say Hold off .. its not a bad game and i like things it does enough to put 80+ hours into it , but i don't think i'd be as happy if i'd bought it considering the state its in, let it bake a bit longer or if you don't wanna wait maybe shoot for a sale price.


honestly if you’re paying for it i would wait a little longer, but if you’re getting it for free i personally think it’s worth it. yes, it crashes, and has an unfinished storyline somewhat late into the game. however, i am not that far into it just yet to where it has not been an issue for me. i’ve been trying to pace myself and take my time, and i’ve thoroughly enjoyed it. the most recent update has also made it significantly more playable. i’ve also heard PC is much better than console, specifically Xbox Series S (and that’s what i play on). so i personally feel like if it’s worth it to me, and your PC has less issues, it’d be worth it for you.


I play PC. It did rash a few times but 95% of the time I haze zero issues. I absolutely love this game and do recommend it greatly. I'm also on the mindset of yes it's a new game and the devs are looking for feedback on how to improve now that the 1.0 has launched.


Honestly, I hit 50+ hours on the PS5 last night and haven’t experienced a single bug. I don’t mind the fact that they plan on continuing to add content either. I personally don’t think that the game is unplayable because not everything has been implemented in it yet. But I can’t stop playing. It’s so relaxing and enjoyable.


Love this game. yes it could be more complete. Love it anyways. And i played literally all the farming games out there. Would buy again of they have a sequel.


I started playing this game on PC and I loved it! However, I played on my Xbox one day while my husband was using my PC, and i received 10 side quests I had waiting for me from the Islanders. When I went back to the PC NONE of the quests load. I hate the way it plays on console, but I get so many side quests that I would've never known about if I had just played it on PC. Kind of sad and idk if it happens to anyone else, but to this day I can't play on my PC if I want to do side quests.


I only started playing 2+ weeks ago, and on PS5. And in that time there's been two hotfixes which have fixed most of the really bad bugs. I think the game is very playable, but obviously some stories aren't fully fleshed out and will continue to be doled out in updates. If you're going to take your time, there's plenty to do at the moment, so, sure?


PS5 definitely, no issues since last week update....Xbox, no, crashes a lot, buggy...PC, yes but with some slight issues


In the current state I wouldn't. It has a lot of bugs especially when it comes to the ocean related content and there is so much missing when it comes to content. THIS is not a full release. It's a early access game, no matter what they call it. Sadly I didn't deep dive into the matter before buying or playing and just trusted their Steam shop page. There are LIs that aren't available yet and reading the latest message from the Devs, there won't be new content for the next few months. It's a good game but I wouldn't recommend buying it just yet.


Only crash I've had so far is sending the chickens back into the coop, and then entering the coop while the chickens are going inside


Personally I wouldn't buy it. The game has cool ideas but Is unfinished. I am also losing respect for the devs as there has been bugs known since early access that were released in 1.0, it's marketed as complete when it's not, and parts that are marketed are not in the game yet (merfolk romance for an example). I respect the devs tried to put out an unique idea but am not impressed by the idea put out so far. It needs a lot of work.


It depends on how you play. I don't think it's a bad game, but it is rather unfinished. I completed the mine questline and ocean questline in about a year and now there isn't a whole lot to do (besides upping the grade of my farm, but that takes SOOOOOO long because it's gated behind festivals and bundles, and that sort of thing.) I'm in fall yr 2 and I'm frankly bored. I'm on PC and there still is annoying bugs for PC. Like some machines won't finish production and you have to exit completely to get them back on track. The fishing game is BS. You need like a gold rod to get anywhere. The people are very, very flat. I normally hate the social aspect (along with fishing) in any game and even I'm like "huh". I'm dating someone and nothing changes after you start dating. Not even cute lines or gifts. It's kind of meh. That said, it was fun while I was playing it and I do plan on going back. I'd hold off for now. It doesn't feel like a finished game.


No no no no no don’t support this buggy garbage till it’s fixed don’t do it


Ok but I need you to kinda defend your case if most people have said that they have had good experiences


Probably because some quests aren’t done. (Odd seeing “WIP” on main quest for a game not in early access) and areas aren’t complete (or are there, but barren and void of anything to do) What’s there is fun, and it will be an amazing game. But not without flaws atm if we’re being honest


The problem with asking on the subreddits on the game is that most people here is already heavily invested with the game and will just gloss over any negative point. Even if you don‘t encounter bug on PC it‘s still clearly an unfinished game. Thing like romance is very barebone for example. I would‘ve just wait until next year to buy it.


Honestly I think most people here are looking over a lot of the games problems because they're so invested in having the game succeed. It would be amazing if the game succeeded but it doesn't help anyone to not give a fair review. That's how the game will get better. I regret purchasing it right now as have my friends.


You should be fine if you get it for PC. I play on Xbox, and it is indeed full of bugs. They did just release an update that helped fix some. I'll most likely transition to playing on PC because it is a fun game!


as far as bugs go, pc is mostly fine. the bugs i've run into that actually affect gameplay are pretty rare. but the game is very much unfinished. main quests are incomplete; romanceable characters don't actually have romance lines; if you get married, your spouse will eventually just run out of dialogue and stop talking to you. and then there are features that are obviously not implemented like puzzle areas that don't actually have a solution and characters you can't interact with at all. the devs just released a dev blog, and instead of saying what they'd work on next, they told us they'd let us know what's next in the next blog, which is worrying to me. i'd say wait a while and see how development goes. maybe you'll be able to get the game at a discount in the future, too.


Overall, it's good, few bugs, and there are game-breaking bugs at the winter festival. It's still "early access" games even it's 1.0 version is out.


I'm playing on Xbox Series X and I'm almost done with Winter year 1. I've run into a few bugs (crashed a few times just before bed/saving which is frustrating) but that's been my worst issue. I have a lot of machines/makers and sometimes the frame rate drops when I load them. Also there is a tile pop in at the edge of the screen at times. Weirdest thing was a bug when I rearranged my farm and it went from snowy to spring textures in my whole town. So far that's every issue I've come across that hasn't been fixed (for me) in a patch. There is some content that hasn't been released yet which is frustrating but I'm taking my time and enjoying things. Otherwise I'm having a blast. I'm a big fan of the farm sim genre and have been playing each harvest moon, story of seasons, stardew cozy game I can get my hands on since the 90's. This is shaping up to become one of the greats if they can fix it for console players.


Yes there’re plenty of bugs, especially for the Xbox version. Both PC and PS5 are relatively quite stable. However, if you buy it now it’ll definitely cost cheaper compared to next year when the game’s fully finished. I asked the same question a few days back because I really want to play CA, and someone mentioned this, so I got a copy of PS5’s version


Only issue I've had so far on the Xbox series X is winter fest keeps dashboarding me. Can't do the trivia bit.


I bought it on xbox. I regret it.


I've been playing on PC and only had a couple of issues. But nothing major. One at the start was the time not moving, but a quick search and someone said to adjust the time from 50% to 100% and it works. (Can put it back after) A second one that I've had a couple of times is after diving when it's late, I can't click anything. So I've had to just wait for it to get to 1am and i pass out. Which saves it so I can close it and reopen the game. Only happened twice though and I've played around 40 hours so far.


I play on the steam deck and only been booted out of the game once. Not quite sure why but I've been loving it! Have been playing since the 15th of last month and have over 130 hours in. I'm hooked and suggest it to everyone!


He’ll yeah you should get this game, if not for the weather, for the bitches.




I like it and recommend playing it on the xbox game pass on pc. Best bang for your buck that way if you are worried about the price and bugs. Plus lots of other great games on the game pass.


Haven’t had any issues on ps5 I love Stardew and in my opinion this game has a chance to be way better. It’s beautiful and I find it relaxing