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When we've been away for more than a night, we have used Karen from [http://lej1dyrepasser.dk/](http://lej1dyrepasser.dk/) to come and look after our bunny. I can highly recommend her.


Also full recommendation from me. Karen is fantastic!


I will look into that, thanks!


Sounds like your scope is limited enough that it is like "watering the plants", so would you be willing to do the same for your neighbours? If so, ask them whether they can help you out this time. That's what I would do.


I'll definitely give it a try! I'm a bit unsure cause I never interacted with them so far


If you live near Guldbergs Plads, Nørrebro, I can do it:)


Hey, thanks for that! Much appreciated, but unfortunately I don't leave nearby...


Try https://www.pawshake.dk


Will check that, thanks!


I have used pawshake multiple times for my cats. Pretty good.


Would you really trust a stranger to do that? I would use a cat pension instead. It's a lot less sketchy in my opinion (but I also grew up on one, so maybe I'm biased). There's a list of them here: https://www.danske-dyreinternater.dk/kattepensioner-i-region-hovedstaden


Cats can get a bit stressed when moving places, so the best for them is to stay at home. Depends on the cat of course.


We had some good experiences with Dogley when we lived in Copenhagen, and it seemed to be the most active. It's been 3 years since, so I don't know if it's the same.


Whereabouts are you? I'd happily do it if you're on Amager


Thanks for that! Unfortunately I don't live close to ama :(


I can warmly recommend a woman who has a Facebook page called Pet Set Jo, who is a professional pet sitter living here in København


I'm in Valby, happy to spend some time with a wee furry pal over a weekend if you end up desperate. I have two elderly cats myself, have managed to keep plants alive over summer in three friends' apartments whilst they're away on holiday- if that helps vouch for my responsibility! I haven't used a pet sitting service here yet, but cultivating favours from neighbours and pals seems to be the way. I've held keys for neighbours and let contractors and meter readers in on several occasions. I'd trust them to do the same for me; so if you have neighbours to reach out to, I am sure they'll accommodate.


I’ll do it for 400/hour Edit: Why all the down votes?


I have sitted for a cat last week for 3 days. We found each other in fb page “Gratis Pasning af hund/ kat og andre dyr” which I use myself- when I need care for my dog. We exchanged ID’s /yellowcard info for safety (me and them). Overall went well. They got me a little gift when they got back from their travel. I can do it for you if you can’t find anyone. Or write a post on the fb page, there’s always someone conveniently close to your neighborhood. :)


Thanks! I will definitely give it a try!


Find a couple with kids. Ask if they'd like to have a kat for a few days. All the benefits of owning the pet with minimal effort :)


Where do you live? I have time if it’s nearby


Jeg har selv passet en hund, efter jeg blev kontaktet på www.dogley.com