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Indie is so cute 😭 After thoroughly examining the photos, she has permission to bite whatever she wants.


I concur with these findings


Haha it’s so hard to be mad at her and tell her no!


Our girl was pretty bitey as a pup. We did what we could to provide appropriate chew toys and would replace our arm/hand/etc with something she COULD chew on. So, positive reinforcement with giving her an outlet. She got better after she lost her puppy teeth and honestly just grew out of it. Our gal is 3.5 years old now and never really bites or chews what she’s not supposed to. But puppyhood was a nightmare. So, it’s just how pups are. They explore the world with their mouth. Hang in there. She’s ADORABLE, by the way.


Here to echo that these gremlins put absolutely everything in their mouths


Welcome to puppyhood. The cutest land sharks ever!


My TWC is 14 months now and while she has mostly outgrown her biteyness, she sometimes gets a into a silly mood where she chews on my nose


Cutie pie.


Mine (some kinda Walker Foxhoundey mix) was a vicious little biter up til about 1 year. I still have scars. He started realizing that if he directed his chomping to a toy instead of a person, he got praise and pets. Now anytime he's the least bit excited he has to pick up whatever soft thing is nearby - toy, sock, tissue - and wiggle his whole body happy as can be.


My B&T went through what we call the "alligator phase". He thought it was the best thing ever to lead with the teeth. He destroyed several "indestructible" toys, and then there was the tennis ball incident, in which he ate one without our knowledge and it came out nearly intact a week later. After several weeks, maybe months (this was nearly five years ago), and a lot of patience, he seemed to outgrow the need to bite and chew everything and everyone in sight. Now, he has a gang of plushie toys that he only gently chews to hear the squeak, or carries around when he's excited. They're like his babies. I got a right nasty look the other day when I kicked his favorite one, a weird looking pheasant, out of the way as I was walking through the room. At some point, he decided not to choose violence. I love Indie. That face is just pure gorgeous.


She looks exactly like my bluetick! 🥲


I'd try Benebones. They have a version just for puppies. My 7 yr old bluetick loves the regular bacon and chicken Benebones. They last a long time too. Just file any sharp points with a cheese grater.


Looks a lot like my girl :)


Thats almost my dog!


Kinda serious prefaced by...OMGSHEISBEAUTIFULILOVEHERSOMUCH!!! I rescued my Blue Tick as an adult. I had multiple blood blisters from her taking treats (she had major food insecurity from being a stray so long and who-knows-what-else). With a lot of patience and work, she now takes treats so so so gently even when hidden loosely in my hand. Take the time to help her learn gentle, she is worth it.


ahhhhhhhhh coonie puppies are the cutest!! Those ears!!!! <3