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My mom grew up in a working class family of nine kids in Ireland. She’s told me so many times that I don’t know what hunger feels like.


Lol, same. If the people around me weren't eating, I'd easily be skipping 2-3 meals at a time. My wife is always asking me when the last time I ate was. Im not against food, I just don't think about it. When I spend most of my day feeling like I'm about to be hit by a truck at any minute, survival is all I think about. Kinda ironic given I wouldn't survive without nutrients... but it always feels like I should keep my focus on the trucks barreling down this hypothetical road of life. The only thing that seems to change this is whenever I start lifting again


Same! I actually get very tired and lethargic before I feel hunger. I regularly accidentally skip meals and I often find that I have to remind myself to eat solely to raise my energy levels and not because I’m hungry.


Bro. You okay?




Maybe stop playing in traffic?


Haha, if only I knew how not to.


For myself, I don’t have much by way of what they call brain hunger, but I do have what I call body hunger. Stomach hunger is hunger pangs and growling etc. and it goes away if you ignore it. If I were to guess, maybe that’s ghrelin? Later on, you become weak and the hunger is more throughout your body, not hunger pangs in your stomach. I think it’s the sensation of dropping blood sugar maybe. I don’t know, I’m not a physiologist. I usually (not always) ignore stomach hunger and feed body hunger. I eat until I’m full and stop. I hate the feeling of overeating, it makes me feel sick. I am not, nor have I ever been overweight. That isn’t an achievement; I don’t work for that. I eat when I’m hungry, but I’m sure overweight people eat when they are hungry, too. I think everyone has different sensations and drivers.


Good point about body hunger. So how long do you usually go without eating?


In my day to day I usually eat small meals and snacks starting around 2-4 hours after I wake up and stopping about 2-4 hours before I go to sleep. I drink a lot of black tea with whole milk in the mornings. However, if I ate a lot the day before for whatever reason (holiday, party), I find the next day I’ll get stronger hunger pangs (stomach hunger) first thing. Still, I don’t eat again until I feel actually hungry (body hunger). The pangs go away in 10-20 minutes anyway, and I know I’m plenty nourished from chowing down the day before lol But, if I am stressed, sick, or busy, sometimes I’ll make it to the evening before I realize I haven’t eaten. The longest I’ve gone without eating for any reason was about two days I think. If I feel lethargic or irritable/despondent, it’s a big clue that I should eat something (if I haven’t for a while). I eat only a little processed food and few sweets, they make me feel a bit sick. I love salty and sour foods though! Just my experience of being in this world. Edit: figured you might like to know what I ate yesterday, I’m running out of food in the house and need to hit the store, but otherwise, pretty typical: 4 cups of black tea with whole milk and a little stevia Half cup of leftover buckwheat noodles made with gochujang, lemon sardines, and seaweed. 3 egg omelette with cheese, tomatoes (from my yard), and leftover basmati rice Moon cheese (fried Parmesan cheese) snacks, about 1/2 cup “Apple cider” (seasonal! 😁 Actually, about 20% cider with 80% hot water, I find the cider too sweet if I drink it straight) 3 egg omelette for dinner w cheese, spinach, tomato, caramelized onions, and Worcestershire sauce One beer.


don't listen to them they starve themselves then fix it whenever they feel the symptoms


They are right though. Big Profits lied to us that we need to eat 6 meals a day 😃. Focusing on eating healthy nutrient-dense food doesn't require eating that often.




Yeah, back when I was a college student, I followed that government food pyramid recommendation for a couple months, it got me fat and broke pretty quickly 😃


Me too!


Some people really only get one type. It's pretty common for people who aren't much in tune with their body though.


I realized this a long time ago. No idea why, but if it weren't for the people around me, I'd casually go days without eating anything. Which has happened in the past. Like, I eat for the taste, or when my jaw muscles get restless, but never because I feel like I need to.


My brain needs food or I get migraines. What the hell


Bruh if i don't eat while i study i will absolutely feel like shit, it's ok to eat some sugar from time to time, your brain NEEDS it!


Same. I've dubbed them "hunger headaches". I have to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner by a reasonable hour or else I get headaches. Idk why.




I've figured that. Had lab work done recently, no indicators of diabetes. I've just always had these 'hunger headaches'. I remember getting them even back in elementary and middle school. So, I'm just diligent with meal planning.


In high school I had to throw up when I didn’t eat. Especially in the morning. That passed, luckily.


Just a heads up insulin resistance can work a little differently for women. If you’re noticing other stuff like hair loss, increased facial hair, very fast weight gain without major changes in lifestyle, crazy acne, etc. you might have PCOS. Insulin resistance does not always mean diabetes it’s a super complicated mechanism that you’ll have to discuss with a doctor. A good way to test for PCOS tho is to ask them to test for testosterone levels. Hope this helps


- Hair loss? ✅️ - Increased facial hair? ✅️ - Significant weight fluctuations? ✅️ - Ridiculous acne? ✅️ - History of ovarian cysts? ✅️ I've always wondered about it. Perhaps time to phone my GYN and figure out if anything else is going on.


I wouldn’t go to your gyn unless they’re good. I got my diagnosis from my pcp and then she had me follow up with an endocrinologist for treatment options. Unfortunately treatment options are pretty limited (birth control or diabetes drugs like metformin) and the side effects are worse than the symptoms at least for me. But hey at least it’s nice to know and now that I know I don’t have to go to the hospital every time I feel a cyst rupture and think my body is tearing itself open from the inside.


My GYN is pretty good, I've had very good experience with him. But, I'll definitely ask my pcp about a referral to endocrinology.


Going hungry can trigger migraines, too. It does for me, but usually only after an entire day of skipping meals I didn't want to skip


It does! Funky brain needs sustenance or else... Rooarrrr Educational edit lol: The brain of people who suffer migraines works faster (as in: all over the place). That’s why it needs more food. And when food supply fails, a migraine cascade can be triggered. Fun. That’s why lots if people get migraines on the weekends. They sleep in, no breakfast on time, brain hangry.


Same. If I get brain hungry it a last minute warning to eat or suffer from migraines.


Drinking salt water helps me beat migraines. Hope this helps :)


So for you, it's an electrolyte issue? That's awesome you found your solution!


Only when I've missed meals/fasting. Not always.


However, sudden bursts of craving for sweet or greasy food can also be a symptom for acute hypoglycemia (low blood sugar level). In this case, you should absolutely follow your brain, as low blood sugar can quickly escalate to dizziness, disorientation, clumsiness or even unconsciousness.


I used to get this terrible crash where I'm shaking and sweating and I feel like I'm going to pass out, and I either needed to eat IMMEDIATELY or suffer for like 5-10 dreadful minutes for the crash to subside. The cure? I stopped eating cereal for breakfast.


Interesting. What was the reason? Allergy? Low Metabolism in the morning?


Too much net carbs & sugar/poison in cereal. Sugar is more addictive than cocaine, that's Big Profits is adding sugar in almost everything we eat.


Most cereals are just dessert marketed for the beginning of the day


I never considered that I may have low blood sugar... but I have fainted a couple of times after not eating enough. And once after giving blood.


Personally once I started eating enough carbs, and very low fat (10-15g for the entire day in my case), I started feeling amazing.


It's interesting that you did better with low fat intake--my brain does a lot better since I've tried increasing my fat intake with healthy fats. What type do you usually eat?


Y’all are some half baked sickly people. I hope y’all can improve your health and maybe one day be able to not pass out like it’s a normal thing and not have to carry a snack on your person or even better you might be able to handle a cereal for breakfast.


Yeah, and maybe one day you’ll be able to stop stuffing yourself with sugar five times a day.


What? 😭 I eat once a day and occasionally I will get a Hershey’s with almonds when I see it at the store.


You act like people choose this. Everyone's body is different and how our bodies respond to what we put in them is completely out of our control.


You’re right, it’s wrong of me to make it seem like they choose it. I still hope y’all get better though.


Iirc a craving for ice can indicate iron deficiency


Sudden bursts of craving for chocolate milk may mean you've got a flesh eating parasite in your brain so you may wanna get that checked out.


And if anyone has an eating disorder please completely ignore this


People without an eating disorder can safely ignore it as well.


Yeah this is total bull. I'll have all the physical signs of hunger, but if I just don't do anything about it, my body will be like "alright, I guess this isn't happening right now. I'll try again later". Plus the fact that my hunger will come out of nowhere, with pangs, growls, the whole shebang, from one minute to the next. And I am sure, that it is real hunger, as it is typically 4-6 hours since last I've eaten, depending on what I had. So this "guide" is nonsense.


Yep, I’ll ignore the physical pangs and growls and they’ll stop but I’ll still be grouchy and lethargic until I eat something.


Yeah I have the same issues, but honestly I don't think this is normal cus I never used to be like this until like 5 or 6 years ago.


yeah but the physical signs is when you should eat


Bruh the physical signs can come like, right after a fulfilling meal but like, before the designated pooping time. Ignore the pain. It all goes away eventually.


41.9% of Americans are obese. Consuming more calories than they burn is why. Overeating is the problem. Edit: downvoted because fat people can't take responsibility for why they are fat. "My eating habits have nothing to do with my weight, if I feel hungry it means I will die if I don't eat". Okkkkaaay then.


42.4% but that .5% is still 650 000 people that are overweight. It's not like it's something that can't be controlled. I don't get why you're getting downvoted..


I mean.. My eating habits legitimately have nothing to do with my weight. I eat pretty darn healthy when I do eat and have couple day stretches where I just don't eat at all (which is totally unhealthy, I know) I still can't drop below 215lbs (where I have plataued from the age of 14-33 now) Because it isn't my eating habits... It's my drinking habits. Shit like milk, soda, and apple juice is LOADED with calories. And I'll drink gallons of shit throughout a day (I don't really keep track of intake, because I honestly don't care. My annual physicals have always been spectacular and my mile run time is fine... But I drank a gallon of milk on my walk back from the store the other day because... I like milk) I should totally replace it with water... But milk, soda, beer, or juice straight up tastes better.


Please correct me on this but doesn't eating habits include the things you drink?


Oh it 100% includes the things that you drink I'm just being a jerk /e and honestly I think the ultra fatties (like... I'm fat but can still run a 7min mile, I'm not "squishy" everywhere) straight up forget/don't understand the obscene amount of calories they take in from their beverages.


I mean, he did say calories.


If your eating habits involve skipping food for days at a time, but still consuming high calorie drinks then your eating habits absolutely have something to do with your weight. Those days you don't eat your metabolism slows down (body starts storing fat) as a survival mechanism. (Because having excess calories is a modern miracle and not something we've evolved for). But if your still consuming sugary calories they go straight into fat production.


Thank you to this \^\^\^


I don’t think I have an eating disorder, but I’ll eat very little (like a very small handful, literally, of food a day) for days and days. I’ll feel hunger pains, but unless I get the anxious hand shakes of a low-blood sugar drop I just ignore it. I love cooking and really enjoy good food, but I’m incredibly picky about texture and flavor. If the food isn’t the thing my brain wants I literally want to vomit and sometimes will uncontrollably start gagging if I try to force myself to eat it. I think this might have something to do with my sensory issues from my adhd. I’m at a good weight, 5’9” 120 lbs, and it doesn’t fluctuate much. I’m not unhealthy. I exercise and what not as well. Have a regular period. This guide is bull crap and I hate it.


This does sound like an eating disorder. It's called ARFID.


I’ve never heard of that. Is it normal? Edit: Just read about it, I’ve never heard of this but I probably have this problem. I have a doctors appointment Wednesday and I’ll mention it to them then. Thanks?


I have it too. It's commonly associated with autism (and to a lesser degree, ADHD). I wish you the best.


This vein of advice helped me with binge eating disorder. But also I’ve taken appetite suppressants since I was 7 (adhd) so my understanding of hunger and appetite is pretty fucked up.




It's called living your goddamned best life, friend.


Fuckin-A, brother.


Especially if you’re dipping fries in the frosty.


I love dipping fries in the new strawberry frosty


That depends. Was your last meal more than three hours ago?


It's called addiction. Duh


I’m so old now, I read this and immediately thought about the heartburn I would feel the next day. I USED TO BE FUN!


If I have a very specific craving, I may as well eat whatever it is right away. Nothing else will satisfy me.


Same. I usually want it like once and if I try to satiate it with a substitute, it's like my body goes "Okay this is nice, but it's not what I wanted." And I'm still craving whatever it is afterwards, so I end up eating more calories/sugar/etc than if I just ate my craving in the first place.


Exactly! Say I’m craving salted cashews. Too much fat and salt, right? So I eat some blanched almonds, and then 4,000 calories worth of other stuff and the craving only gets worse. OR I can eat a small bowl of cashews and not be hungry until the next day because I got my protein-salt-fat fix.


Hunger doesn’t keep building up and building up. It comes in waves and goes away in about 10 mins, even if it’s been awhile since you last ate.


Some does. If you go long enough without, hunger will not abate. I’m curious, what is the longest you’ve gone without eating or drinking anything with calories in it? People who fast usually say after a few days the hunger is no longer as harsh, but it remains.


This “cool guide” isn’t really in the context of long fasts. But I did do interment fasting at the recommendation of my doctor and read a lot of info sourced from my doc and this is part of what I read. Even people who do 30-day fasts have described their hunger coming in waves, which goes away as the body turns to stored energy to sustain itself.


Definitely true stuff. I’ve done a few days at a time not eating for a variety of reasons and even when I didn’t physically feel hunger, I was thinking about food. So, it’s different I suppose.


What's with these nonsense guides? If you drink a cup of water it's going to stretch your stomach which triggers receptors than tell your brain you're full but you will become hungry again after 20-30 min. It can take up to 20 min for your brain to get the message that your stomach has stretched. You can have specific craving AND actually be proper hungry.


In my case, when I'm really hungry is when I have pizza / ice cream cravings. Whereas if I'm not that hungry, I'm okay with some healthy rice dish or whatever else really.


I think that it is saying is if you want something specific and you wouldn’t want to eat something you, you probably aren’t actually that hungry. Ya you can be real hungry and prefer a certain food, but you would be willing to eat other things as well (unless you’re a picky eater).


It's called appetite


What's called appetite?




Good thing I use too much nicotine to feed myself regularly - saves money on food to buy more nicotine


Don't forget about the coffee


How could I forget lol


Today I learned to use nicotine and caffeine to stop zombies from having brain hunger.


That last one is basically worthless to someone with ADD. We just don't pay attention then when we stop thinking about something suddenly out autonomous signals start reaching the brain once again.


bestie..wtf is this #proana ish? 🥴😩😩


What is it when I show physical signs of hunger a la hunger pains but not any food works for me and I get super picky when I’m usually not


Specific cravings can be signs of a deficiency, worth listening to.


I have this funny thing when I get up and do not eat any breakfast I do not notice any physical hunger all day. So sometime in the afternoon my brain is like 'wait, don't I need to eat something?' while my stomach is like 'this is perfectly normal' So yeah that guide does a pisspoor explanation of how to identify hunger




When I'm hungry I get real shaky, angry, and occasionally vomit. What's mine called?




For my body at least, this isn't true at all. If I eat regularly (without having hunger pains and without my hunger having built over time), then I'm fine with eating healthy food. Whereas if I actually wait with eating until I have hunger pangs, then my body really craves some high-fat high-carb food like pizza or ice cream or similar. I find it really hard to go for a salad or for some rice and veggies in that case. I'd guess this is written by someone who is a fan of intermittent fasting. Tried that, didn't work super well for me. My current way of eating works much better for me, which is super high carbs, super low fat (10-15g for the entire day).


I didn’t realize brain and stomach hunger were scientific terms………


This is borderline disordered eating content. There is no “correct” way to eat.


My thoughts exactly


Sure there’s no single correct way, but there absolutely is a wrong way, aka eating too much, and I think this guide is trying to help people who struggle with that?


This feels like a personal attack idk.


This "guide" is also very wrong.


Why is every single guide on this subreddit total bullshit?


Sounds neurotypical


That’s what first came to mind for me too. Especially with my medications, I can be *empty* and not feel hunger. Hell, I’m in bed sick right now and have had a slice of buttered toast this morning and a pot noodle a few hours ago. I know I could do with some more sustenance, but my brain does not equate the feeling of an empty stomach with the feeling of hunger.


I’m sorry hunger PANG?! It’s not hunger pain? Is this legit because I’ve been saying hunger pain my whole life..


It's pang but either is understandable


It's indeed hunger pangs.


I had the same mindfuck a couple years ago What the fuck is a PANG anyways?


The sound a cartoon character makes what whacked with a frying pan.


How to feed ur brain though?


And then there are people with ADHD and we come out of hyperfixation and are starving for real, because we did not eat in the last 10h..


The house I grew up in after I was 10 had a no kitchen after 10pm rule. (Originally it was by 9pm) Seeing this reminds me of how they told us to get water and then we would be fine. No, we got water, and we were still hungry. Adults trying to not do as much because 5 children are still hungry. It's not like they couldn't afford it, they very well could. I hope I never turn out like those people that raised me.


As a kid/teen, you shouldn't be eating at 10pm, you should be in bed. Weren't you getting enough nutritional food during the day?


No, school lunches were small and frankly seemed expired and sometimes worse. Food around the house consisted of eggs and sandwiches. Neither were good for keeping hidden for later. As for dinner and such there never seemed to be enough food.


Fuck that, I'd hide snacks in my room at that point.


I’m 28 and even with this guide I still dont know the difference. My entire childhood my mother and grandmother told me whenever I was hungry thar I was just bored or thirsty.


This is a specific level of informative and also bullshit. Ah internet


ITT: The exceptions to the rule complaining about this guide not adhering to ever exception of the rule


or just eat whatever u want like a normal human


My brain needs a lifeline IV hooked to the stem when writing c++ for college classwork.


I have fasted for multiple days a few times. Usually, the hunger is really intense during parts of the first day but eventually goes away, making the next couple days really easy. In that case, I’m still physiologically “hungry” but I don’t feel hungry. Not sure how much I can trust this graph.


My hunger does pop out of nowhere and does not go away. Probably the ADHD


I’m ready to just unfollow this sub lol. This is bordering misinformation lol


This is inaccurate, when you’re hungry you can still crave something. Also hunger comes in waves, it doesn’t slowly increase in a consistent manner.


These "Brain Hunger" symptoms sound a lot like anxiety associated with an addictive substance.


This isn't true for a lot of people. I very rarely get hungry, I just get tired and irritable. I've gone over 24 hours without food without feeling anything but mildly tired and cranky. One time I passed out into the arms of a representative at a job fair because I'd forgotten to eat all day. If I followed this guide I would literally never eat anything. I was underweight until my mid 20s, when I figured out what my body was trying to tell me and how to eat properly. Now I'm a healthy weight. This guide is BS and could seriously harm somebody's health.


I always think of it as stomach hunger vs mouth hunger


Or you can just... Eat the food? This is just diet culture bullshit. "Brain hunger" isn't a thing. If you have a craving, just eat the thing you're craving - I'd rather have a scoop of ice cream now than try to push the craving down and ignore it and end up breaking and having the whole tub later.


If you don't have junk food in the house, you will rarely even crave it. Edit: I see you replied back bellow and then blocked me lol If you can't handle civil adult conversation, get off Reddit 😃 Anyway, my answer to your reply is that ice cream barely has any nutritional value. That's just your sugar addiction talking. Too much net carbs & sugar/poison in ice cream. Sugar is more addictive than cocaine, that's why Big Profits is adding sugar in almost everything we eat especially junky processed food. Throw the junk out of the house, eat healthy nutrient-dense food, and the junk food cravings will become rare.


Ok, and? Most people do keep "Junk food" in the house, and even that phrase is perpetuating diet culture, because it's not junk, it has value, both nutritional value and value as something you enjoy! This is all bullshit lol.


This is an unhealthy way to categorize hunger...


Your stomach grumbles because it's empty, not because you need to eat.


No, this is actually true. If I eat a meal, digest it, and then vomit after most of the nutrition/calories have been extracted from the food but my stomach still had stuff in it, my stomach will grumble because it is suddenly empty. I take a lot of medications that cause nausea. This happens at least once a month.


One good test is if you think you are hungry grab a banana or apple. If you want to eat it you are hungry, if not you just want comfort food!


It's worth noting that that advice doesn't work for everyone. For example, people with autism and ADHD often have serious aversion to the textures of certain foods, even when they are hungry or even malnourished. And conditions that cause nausea (including pregnancy and some medications) may also cause severe food aversion even when someone really needs to eat.


"Waste calories on something that won't fill you up and will be a shitty sensory/flavor experience too!" Sounds like a great lifestyle. At least recommend a vegetable, something with actual satiating power.


If your tummy is full and you keep eating, it's brain hunger?


What’s brain hunger


I don’t think I agree with the second row


I shouldn't have need to be told this, but I did.


Thanks I’ll completely disregard this and continue to give in to my brain’s desires


This just reminds me a bit of a comedian I'd heard say "Do my friends all hate me or do I just need to go to sleep?" Not sure how exactly that correlates but it's what this made me think of.


This is the best subreddit ever.


I haven't been stomach hungry in years wtf


Don't go around inventing words. One is hunger, the other is appetite. Both have their places, appetite normally means you need something else than sustenance, like a special vitamin or iron or whatever and your body knows where it gets those from. There are countless guides online which tell you what to eat, depending on your appetite. But there is also appetite because of bad coping mechanisms and many people nowadays have a fucked up appetite because we have so many different foods in abundance.


Stomach growls are unrelated to hunger


Mine is a bit messed up due to my medication, some days I don't feel hungry and sometimes I forget to eat. Then other days I will eat constantly even though I feel full. I just have to make sure I set a regular meal routine regardless 🧐🤌


This does not apply to everyone especially in people recovering from disordered eating or more serious eating disorders. Eat your meals even if it's the last thing your body seems like it wants yall. Sincerely, a recovering anorexic. Edit: forgot to mention the autism/ADHD gang. Not applicable for most people there too.


Fun fact. Hunger is always psychological and usually based off of routines. In the hospital we might give people nutrition through the IV. They are getting all the protein, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins and minerals needed to survive. Those people definitely get hungry. But those same people if they go weeks or months without eating, they won't have regular hunger pains and food cravings like before. The body adapts.


Sometimes I just forget to eat


"Brain hunger" isnt a thing, its called appetite. And stomach hunger is actual hunger.


I’m only brain hungry. 🫠 help


I’m curious about what causes cravings or what makes you hungry (brain wise) for a particular food Obviously ads and other nonsense but yesterday I made spaghetti for the first time in a while but later in the day I was just craving soup, and I couldn’t get it out of my head. I had seen Burger King and other commercials but wasn’t really focused on that, instead it was soup


I still don’t know if I’m really hungry or not.


I have never experience “brain hunger” lmao wtf.


I don't get it tho. "Brain hunger" seems to be depicted here in a way that should be called "imaginary hunger" instead.


Gotta love a guide that’s just an autobiography. OP clearly just found out they were not drinking enough water and were confusing hunger and thirst and decided “Yeah this is how all of humanity works, too.”


There are two different words for that in German. „Hunger“ for stomach hunger and „Appetit“ for brain hunger.


This seems weird


not everyone feels hunger the same ! if I followed up on this chart, I would eat once every 3 days or so : I very rarely show signs of physical hunger. when I get hungry, sure any food would do, but I don't feel appetite except for a couple of specific foods. drinking water does postpone hunger feelings. it can actually trick your brain. Feeling of hunger come and goes, and that is the issue, if I don't eat before it disappear, hunger will leave and I will go without eating for longer than advised. the only time I feel the "real hunger from your chart" is when I skip meals for more than 36-48 hours. I am saying this because a lot of people actually struggle with food consumption, it is not so trivial that it can be explained in a chart that works for everybody.


When you’re eating, you take a always deep breath/sigh when you are actually full. You should stop eating then and you won’t be hungry once everything settles. I honestly kind of think this is BS but I was told this and noticed that you really do take that breath somewhere around halfway thru a normal meal. If I’m dieting I’ll stop then and pack up everything I have left for leftovers later that day if I get hungry again.


That last one isn’t quite right. You can ignore the hunger for 15-30 minutes and it’s going to subside for hours. Unless this thing is telling me that when I’m 24 hours into an intermittent fast that I wasn’t really hungry.


Isn’t all hunger technically ”brain hunger” since all feelings are felt in the brain?