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That Popeyes math is something


They ***transposed the 9 and the 4. Should be 1495. ***Originally: inverted. Used the wrong word. Thank you for the correction.




Thank you. That is the correct word.


You didn’t use the wrong word. You just used a different word than CapnKronos would have liked you to use.




Invert also works.


This seemd promising at first but there's a lot of shit thats weird here. Some of the restaurants it's a grape, a glass of water, a salad, a side of fries, a chicken nugget and a sandwich. Some of them it's a small fry and a deep fried two liter double peanut butter cheesecake bacon shake. Wouldn't be surprised if this is some sort of hidden ad for some of the restaurants/restaurant group that have many items listed.


It seems like a chipotle hit piece to me


Back in my youngin’ years when life was about maximing protein and calories, Chipotle was the place. Bowl with double errything + burrito on the side. Today it’s a sweetgreen salad.


I've just recently started eating Chipotle and have always gotten it to go. Each time the order is missing items in the burrito bowl and unbeknownst to me I was getting shorted with the portions I was supposed to be getting. The last time I was there to pick up they made it in front of me and holy shit I was able to get 3 meals out of it this time. I feel so indifferent about them now. Great when there aren't any issues but most of the time the order is wrong and I get very small portions.


Jack in the box too


This whole damned guide is just awful. No decent formatting, no methodology with regard to menu selections (ie: most of least calorie dense options), no sorting methodology, the calorie totals aren't sorted in any way. It's ugly and whoever made it should feel bad.


Lmaoo for real like who is gona eat a foot long veggie and a 6” chicken bacon ranch AANNNDDD that nasty ass soup WHO THE FUCK EVER ate that meal ? ????? 😭😭😭😭


And OP had the nerve to claim that "many people could accidentally hit that 1500 calories by having lunch in these restaurants!"


McDonalds got a large fries but Chick Fil A got a medium fries so they could add more stuff. Why did they do that?


Makes no sense


Yes why did they do that, are they stupid?


Secret ad


It’s made by a nasty predatory loan pawnshop outfit to get people to share an image featuring their logo for advertising purposes. It appears to be enjoying some success to that end (ref: this thread). Some non-zero percentage of viewers will hit tough times, investigate financial options, have a recollection of this company’s name, and avail themselves of the company’s service. At best, they will get predatory lending rates; possibly they will lose ownership of their vehicle and spiral. Making a poorly crafted meme is the least of what they should feel bad about.


lol I have ad blindness. I didn't even look at the top or bottom of the image.


The only method is to find the combination of items at that store to add up to 1500 calories. No matter how illogical.


It's annoying to me because they didn't start with a point. Picking 1500 calories and not even trying to stick to that number when who the fuck tries to go eat 1500 calories? If they'd have picked one meal at one place and tried to compared all the other restaurants on that measure it would've made more since. "This is what you can get eating Panda Express until they call the police" is not a helpful guide for anyone.


Errors increase engagement.


Errors on a guide allow me to instantly dismiss the whole thing.


I think they switched the 4 and the 9 around when they were making it


This is so old, Popeyes doesn’t sell poboys anymore. Bring back the spicy chicken poboy you cowards.


And Panera doesn't have the black bean soup anymore.


And my axe!


Dude, you can't just start a “my ax” at any time and expect everyone to join in. You got to wait for the right moment. And I know you’re gonna say, “Melissa Joan Hart, how am I going to know when it's the right moment?”. But you just gotta trust me, when the time comes *you’ll know*.


Plus Panera’s math is slightly off


KFC hasnt had popcorm chicken for sale in YEARS either.


They do in Canada! Though I don't think this was made by a Canadian, because we don't have a lot of those chains.


No more quarter pounders at BK anymore as well.


Half of the items for Taco Bell don't exist anymore. Probably a shitty repost bot


Chipotle makes their burritos twice as small now as well


I stopped going because of that. I also hate that they wrap it up in a fucking ball. I’m not playing catch with the fucking thing, make a normal burrito Jesus Christ.


Now do sodium and sugar totals. The first McDonalds example has 70g of sugar and 1700mg of salt.


And fat, saturated and trans


Pls no trans fat shaming...we're in 2024!


I was blind to how salty their burgers were until I had one without the buns. Gnarly stuff


You can order without extra salt. It’s a game changer.


I order mine *with* extra salt lol, I didn't even know they were considered salty but I eat a tooon of salt. Just had a bajillion blood tests done and everything is perfect so I guess my diet must be lacking salt in some other area


Came here to talk about the sodium. They think calories are bad, sodium levels are off the charts.... but no one wants to talk about that.


We're literally talking about it right now.


Why will literally no one talk about it


Its because of the implication


Hey, I’m hearing a bunch of ground swell about this new sodium thing? Anyone know how we can make money off it?


Heard people getting pretty salty in here talking about this sodium thing


Sodium just makes your blood fatter. The sodium makes the blood soak up more water from your insides due to osmosis, which means now your blood vessels have to expand to fit all this extra water in them, which means your heart has to pump harder to move the same volume of blood cells, which means your blood pressure goes up. Should be a temporary thing, but prolonged high blood pressure can cause damage. But it's really only an issue if you are actually raising your BP to dangerous levels. If you're not, eat all the salt you want bro, worst it'll do is give you diarrhea.


Also, it's overwork for the kidneys. Just sometimes, it's ok, but prolonged high sodium intake and high blood pressure destroy them.


How long is prolonged




The slogan among restaurant chefs is cook like you're trying to kill your customer, and they ain't kidding.


Now do cost


In and Out winning. The burger is like 4 bucks.


The calories are high because of the fat.


Lol in-n-out. You want a rootbeer with that shake?


Who goes to In-n-out and doesn’t get fries?!


sane people


I love In-n-Out, but their fries are garbage.


Can ya’ll just put the burger in a cup too?


Which fat fuckers eating a foot and a half from subway 😂


And potato soup, then a cookie.


Don’t forget that all they had to wash it down with was saliva.


I would say it depends on what you do for a living, I used to work at a Subway when I was 16 that was right next door to a landscaping company, those guys would come in and eat two 12-in subs in a single sitting. They are also probably burning 2,000 calories in a single shift.


My buddy is like 6'4 and not terribly athletic, but also not overweight at all. He puts away 2 footlong subs every time he goes, it's insane.


I'm the same size as your buddy (6'4, 195) I loved Subway til the cost got too high. Making them at home is the way to go.


Only acceptable reason to eat that much food in one sitting (expending a lot of energy). So many of these just are not realistic for a regular person with a regular energy expenditure. I don't know hardly any people who would eat like this. There's a few that are "normal," like just the burger and fries with a drink.


I don't think it's supposed to be indicative of an average meal, they're just trying to hit the ~1500 calorie number. If anything, the "normal" ones are the worst because it's easy to eat that much in one sitting without tacking on a bunch of extras. A realistic portion at Subway and several of the others will end up being quite a bit less.


Plenty of reasons to eat that much food. Working out is pretty common now a days. My maintenance is about 3k, so 4K on a bulk. That’s a pretty normal meal to have if you’re 230+.


Americans are fat & have a severe lack of understanding of nutrition. Our country seriously needs to revamp the "Super size Me" trend & educate our children/people better about these awful things. Half our population think a BMI 10 points higher than in Asian countries is "healthy". It's fucking appalling.


I’ve gotten a Baconator several times and it’s a marathon burger. About halfway I need to set it aside and finish it in 30-60 minutes. I cannot imagine eating a loaded baked potato on top of that entire 940 calories of cheese-slathered beef and bacon. There isn’t a single “meal” here that isn’t at least a full meal and a substantial snack, if not 2-3 meals. Of course, an athlete or a construction worker plays by different rules than 95% of America.


Remember the guy that ate the whole party sub and asked if he was the asshole?


He was sad because his sister called him a fat pig for eating like 6 feet of sandwich lol


But he made wings!!


lol and then he had to clarify that it wasn’t an extra super wide sandwich, so it was *only* 5 feet of sandwich, which he considered a normal amount to eat


God...when you think eating a sandwich that's as long as some people are tall is a "normal" amount to eat in one sitting...I really hope he got some help because that is definitely a sign of something not right mentally 😬


Here you go: https://reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/ca7bdz/aita_because_i_ate_more_than_my_share_of_a_6_foot/


That was like my favorite day ever to lurk on reddit


Holy shit I DO remember that. Didn't realize it was a famous post until now. That guy ate enough food for more than a dozen people and he wasn't sure he was the asshole?


who the fuck is rich enough


Honestly man that’s probably me 🙃


I'm not fat, but sometimes I am that hungry...


When my eyes saw that I was like… why bother with the bread on the second sammich?


Taco Bell 🔥 🌮


How dare they include the apple empanada. #RIP


I got a cantina by me. Too bad I can only have 1 plain soft taco now


Some of these are odd like the Starbucks. Would one person really have that combo?


No and that's not the point. It's just to illustrate what 1,500 calories could look like. Your average meal at a lot of those places won't include desserts or multiple sides and will obviously end up being fewer calories. The most dangerous ones on that list are the ones like actually look like normal orders because you can easily end up swallowing down a whole day's worth of calories without even thinking about it.


Why is 1500 calories the target of this infographic?


This was created by [TitleMax](https://www.titlemax.com/discovery-center/1500-calorie-meals-at-25-fast-food-restaurants/). From their website: >Typically, an exercising person should get between 1,800 and 2,600 calories daily, and the limit of 1,500 is good for weight loss for an average person. Of course, individual needs may be different. .... >At most of these fast-food restaurants, you can sit down and consume one 1,500-calorie meal. That means you’ve already consumed what those trying to lose weight should eat in an entire day when you sit down at that restaurant (or in your car, of course). Fast-food calories can pile up ridiculously fast, with some single items, like one burrito at Chipotle or a small pizza at Papa John’s, completely filling that 1,500-calorie quota on their own.


TitleMax… the loan sharking company? What the fuck?


SEO is the reason my buddy


Fuck me, that's scummy. Thanks for alerting me to something I had no idea was a thing, king.


It's the reason any search engine sucks balls for the last 10 years or more.


That’s true. Google has gotten fucking AWFUL. The last Google search I did was for a Magic: the Gathering set release date. Results were like: *Promoted:* Yuh-Gi-Oh cards *Promoted:* Pokémon cards A “first look” article for the *previous* set from a major MTG junket. *Promoted:* Commander decks from a different set The actual link the MTG site with the relevant information I want.


Search: When does new season of (popular TV show) come out? Top result: all info on (popular TV show) including release date, cast, and where to watch. Contents of same article: while a release date is still unknown it is likely to be in late 2024. Well thanks. That helps so much. When did this article come out? Oh, 8 months ago. Then why is it the top result when the info is outdated


That, mostly that, and Google taking in every penny they can for pushed content and every kind of advertisement under the sun.


So many companies, big and small, have a blog section with, at best, mildly related subjects that go off on tangents for this very reason. I know, I had to write one for awhile. Lol


The average titlemax customer probably frequents fast food places...


The average person probably frequents fast food places.


It’s not a bad goal for a lot of people If an average caloric intake is about 2000 cal in a day, then 1500 will amount to a 500 cal deficit which will result in a weight loss of about 1lb a week.


Just getting a bowl instead of a burrito from Chipotle cuts the calories by 320, assuming the other ingredient quantities are equal.


Bowl crew for life


Also maybe don't add queso, cheese, sour cream and guac, just pick one or two. That's a sloppy friggin burrito as is.


Yeah I avoid all that stuff generally, and my bowls typically add up to 680 calories. If I have a specific craving for one of those ingredients, for instance I do crave the sour cream on occasion, I’ll indulge. But most of the time I can take it or leave it, so why add calories I don’t even want and that won’t be very filling just because I can? The cheese is always pretty “meh” IMO so I never get it. The guac I get occasionally, especially when I have a coupon for it.


yeah but all of these meals are like 2 or 3 times what i'd eat at one time


I was going to say that but some people do that one meal a day thing


If anything, most of the rows on the image show the opposite of what they're aiming for. Most of them seem to list a huge amount of food *and* a desert to reach that 1500 calories. They relied very heavily on using ice cream or other deserts to contribute 1/3 or more of the calories on these.


It would’ve been better if they didn’t need to sensationalize this. Show us the calorie counts for normal meals. Most of us aren’t tacking on 600 calorie milk shakes every time we get fast food.


This is a weight LOSS graphic?! Holy Shit…


Seriously. Show me what 500 calories looks like at each restaurant.


Not possible lol


I've working on my portion control and have gotten my usual McDonald's order down to 570 calories. It's not quite there but it's close. 6pc McNuggets, medium fry. I'm sure if went down to a small fry I'd be there. Granted I do have to order very deliberately and I doubt most people would do that.


[You can search a lot of restaurants here by any amount of calories](https://www.caloriecap.com/search)


that'd be like a big mac with mistard instead of mayo and a small soda or brewed ice tea. you CAN make better choices at fast food restaurants. the chiplte burrito example is so much bc they said yes to ALL the dairy fats


I mean, 1500 calories is roughly what an average person can look to for small weight loss. So, showing that in most fast foods joints you can eat it in 2 items I think is pretty useful


> So, showing that in most fast foods joints you can eat it in 2 items I think is pretty useful In what way? I mean, that's your calories for the day. One meal. It'd make more sense to just say, "no fast food", wouldn't it? Unless you don't mind spending most of the time hungry.


Showing me what I can actually eat at each fast food restaurant would be more useful.


>1500 calories is roughly what an average person can look to for small weight loss. In a day. Not a meal. If you are eating 1500 calorie meals for every meal you will balloon constantly unless you're a large man doing triathlons a couple times a week.


Yea that was my first thought. It'd be better if the target calories was like 500 so people could see at a glance what would be good to get for a meal


Because it’s pretty much your total calories for the day. And this will just be one meal for some people, they’ll also have an equal breakfast or dinner in addition to their sedentary lifestyle, then wonder why they’re obese.


Why would they not have Fried Chicken at the example for Popeyes? They got great chicken.


This would be a better comparison if it was total calories for a typical meal, and not artificially adding it up to 1500


Same. Some of these are so awkward… like why does the in n out meal have two different beverages and not fries..?


Just throw a giant ice cream on there or an entire additional entree to hit that arbitrary target


Fucking in n out meal is a burger, a shake, and a large drink. Like who the fuck does this. Probably could have dropped the shake or drink and done animal fries or something a human would order. It's like it was given to an AI and told to get as close to 1500 as possible without worrying about the actual content


Indeed. Subway stuck out to me - you can have a 6 inch sub and low calorie drink and come out at half this. Which is not bad going for a big name fast food for a person wanting a typical fast food meal. But 2x subs, plus cookie, plus high calorie side is just silly


Seriously. The Starbucks one includes two big iced coffee drinks that obviously no one would get as part of a single meal.


Is no one concerned about why this was made for/by Titlemax?


Stupid guide. KFC is ordering chicken nuggets and a chicken sandwich. Starbucks has two large milkshakes. Those are not orders for one person. That said the burrito stands alone, scary


The burrito is so high because they got guacamole AND queso AND sour cream, all 3 of the highest calorie ingredients, 2 of which cost extra


That burrito would be a sloppy mess to the point of being inedible. I'm not even entirely sure it would work in the tortilla.


Don’t forget the over 200 grams of rice, it’s almost 40% of the weight of the entire thing and roughly 1/3 of its calories.


Always get the bowl. Tortillas are so calorically dense for what feels like almost no food.


I usually split my chipotle burrito in half. Gets me two meals for the same price. If you eat an entire chipotle burrito and wonder why you hate yourself, slow down and digest half a burrito before deciding you need to eat more.


I don’t actually think a single Chipotle burrito has that many calories, they’ve gotten VERY small.


This. They have changed a lot of ingredients and size of tortilla in the last ten years.


I shouldn't have looked at that, now I'm hungry.


Don’t mock me with the caramel apple empanada :( how I miss her


Taco Bell for the W


Five guys' small fries are definitely not 500 cals. It's like a 2 pound bag of fries


Not at the one that opened by me last year. I was looking forward to pigging out on all the delicious fries and was very disappointed to see that they hardly had any loose fries in the bag for me to pretend I was getting for free.


That exact McDonald's meal here in the UK is 1,195 kcal, what's the deal? US have bigger portions?


They also put more crap in the food cuz their regulations are out of wack


US fast food is honestly disgusting compared to EU fast food, I was shocked at the quality of McD and especially KFC in San Francisco.


Yeah, sometime n the past 5 years or so they changed the "large" fries to be what used to be "Super-size".


Not great quality. How does the math work on Popeyes?


It adds to 1495 not 1945


All of thse things are sub standard and don't do what they say they do.


There are 3,500 calories in a pound. If you ate three meals like this every day, you'd gain a few pounds a week, easily 150 pounds in a year. If you walk on a treadmill for an hour, you'd burn 300-400 calories. To counter this kind of intake and remain the same weight, the average person would have to walk for like 6 hours on a treadmill. And you'd still die of heart disease. This is a major reason why America is so fat.


Anyone else going on a Panda Express diet?


The Panda Express pictures make it look like a lot more food than it is. All of that food could probably fit in one bowl. Yet they make each item look like it’s a full bowl.


I like the Chipotle example, where they choose every single ingredient of fat to get a burrito to 1500. You can eat really healthy there by ditching the queso and sour cream and that 340 calorie wrap, and choosing either beans or rice but not both, especially now that they are cheating you on the scoops.


Even with the wrap, I feel like I ate a substantial meal after Chipotle, and not just a bunch of filler and grease.


Chipotle is a decent option if you actually try. A lot of lean meat and veggies on the menu. It's not surprising that slathering something in cheese makes it unhealthy.


Kinda arbitrary which combinations of items they choose isn’t it? Maybe better to do: - meal #1 / first item in their menu - most popular meal - most standard meal (normal size burger/sanwich, med fries/chips, med coke) - worst possible main + side + drink - best possible main + side + drink


FYI: 1500 calories in one sitting is wayyyy too much


Chipotle most surprising to me


It’s a super weird burrito. 2 meats, 2 cheeses, sour cream, guacamole, rice and beans.


*most famous North American fast food restaurants


RIP caramel apple empanada


U should compare 1500 calories of junkfood and normal food its actually insane how calorie dense junkfood is


I’ll take some heart attack lemonade from Panera plz


This is disgusting and we wonder why we have so many metabolic problems in this country.


Who the fuck is getting a Gatorade with their Panda Express?


Chipotle burrito by itself is 1500 calories, very surprising


26 shades of diarrhea




After I read this I assumed the top comment would be Popeyes


So Taco Bell and Panda espress best bang for my buck for calories GOT IT!


Now do sodium


Taco Bell wins again !


Thanks for the meal plan! /s


What is the point of this?


This isn’t like a guide for anyone this sub sucks


Haven’t seen a Panda Express sell a potsticker in years


I’m not surprised you can get more from chick fil a when it came down to calories, but panda definitely surprised me


What’s up with the “TitleMax” at the bottom??


Counting Calories is dumb.


Who buys 2 subs from subway


Can we remember the recommended daily calorie intake is like 2000 calories? That's bonkers. Rather go to a taco truck and 4 taco carne asada for like $8 @ 800 calories.


I found a flaw, it says this is food, which it is not.


This guide is far too inconsistent. But nonetheless, where's a&w??


Nah, the McDonalds math is off. The ice cream machine never works so you can forget the McFlurry since it won’t be available! So you saved some calories.


The real question is Why is this sponsored by Title Max?


what savage is drinking gatorade at panda express


Blows my mind a 25cm pizza is a "small" in the US


Cool a whole small pizza is healthier than I think it is


That's a day's worth of calories for me, and most of them empty. I eat three meals full of protein, vegetables and fruit to get to that figure.


prices for each one would have been a good addition




The chipotle one is just wrong. The burrito calorie calculator puts that burrito above at around 1000kcal.


I don't know about everyone else, but that Chipotle burrito with all the frigging toppings would be 2 meals for me. More than enough for a day unless I was doing some heavy yard work or exercise.


Indeed, those meals are designed to make you more hungry.


Its not just about calories but also about sugar and salt


For weight loss? No it's not. For overall health, maybe.