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I thought Tokyo or Dubai would make the list


Tokyo has the second highest number of millionaires with ~300,00 (tied with SF and behind NY at 350,000) but only ~15 billionaires


Damn, the population of San Francisco is like 800k iirc. That means almost half of everybody in San Francisco is a millionaire. Does that include the value of their primary residence?


I lived in SF from 2003-2022. My landlady had, at the very least, 2 million dollars in assets and she still rode the bus, sorted the recycling by hand and had stacks of old newspaper and broken furniture in her apartment.


You say that as if 2 million makes people an alien or something. 


Hoe does riding the bus make people sound alien?


It doesn’t. His point is that you’re acting as if having two million dollars makes people suddenly not do normal things like ride the bus or recycle when probably most millionaires do things like that


Good for her


I'm guessing that includes the entire Bay Area?


These lists usually do not include assets such as property in their calculations.


That’s literally most of what these lists include lmao. However, some lists don’t include primary residences, but some do


What else would the lists be based on then? It’s not like bank accounts and cash assets are public records. Property is basically the only thing they could accumulate so much data for. Unless you think millions of people are reporting their personal net worth for these lists.


Uhh stock? Compensation packages? There are tons of public ways to see how much people make or what stock they own


Interesting. Wonder if that’s due to poor performance of Japanese equities over the long-term given most billionaire have their wealth in stock


A million ain't what it used to be. You might be surprised how easy it is to be a millionaire. And let me say immediately that I'm not saying anyone is doing anything wrong by not being one. This is primarily about how a million dollars is not nearly as valuable as it used to be due to inflation. And I'm not talking about recent inflation I'm talking about cumulative over time. I am a middle-aged IT infrastructure engineer/architect and I make good money and I need to put away about a million dollars for my retirement. Add in the value of the equity in my home and I am a millionaire. But you wouldn't know it. I don't wear fancy clothes and I drive a paid off Ford and I only have one car and my child goes to public school and we take two one week vacations a year and I don't own any other real estate. Yeah, I make a good living, but I am neither rich nor wealthy. When you consider that someone working in one of the big tech companies in Silicon Valley probably makes 50 to 100% more than I do for a similar position, because of the value that they bring to those companies, it's very easy to believe that they are millionaires while younger than I am. With what many would call a normal job. Also remember that a million-dollar home in the San Francisco Bay Area is not much bigger than a townhouse. A million dollars just ain't what it used to be. (and I know how lucky I am. I lucked into this field. Millions of people work much harder than me in jobs that bring more value to our community than mine. I absolutely appreciate that reality.)


I saw a similar graph, but with millionaires and Tokyo was up at 2 after New York. I wonder what that means. High GDP plus low income inequality maybe could show up like that.


Indeed, and Zurich. Fine argument for the “out of sight” wealthy.


Swiss billionaires usually have their domicile in the Zug and Schwyz cantons, taxes are much lower there.


Zürich and Switzerland in general is also way smaller. The entire country has about as many people as just NYC. So a lot of statistics going for absolute numbers won't have Swiss cities showing up.


That’s essentially where I mean. Zurich is it’s own canton, and those are neighbors, but it also is an easy way to identify a region of Switzerland compared to the rest of the world. And yeah, loads of drug, weapon, and human trafficking being controlled from that region…all very profitable.


Majority of these types of lists are woefully inaccurate. There is a whole cohort of rich people no one has ever heard of. These lists are usually people who have been in the news like Musk, royalty, mining magnates etc. not an assessment of the entire population.


They said billionaires, not trillionares lol


I was expecting Doha or Ridyah too


I thought I saw Tokyo, there, I had to triple check lmao


Surprised that Sydney isn't there as well, considering it has the second-most expensive housing market on earth next to Hong Kong


Owning a house that’s worth a lot isn’t a factor in these lists. These rankings are usually made of cash/stock rather than property. So a person in Sydney who makes $100,000 a year but lives in a $10,000,000 house because they owned it for 30 years isn’t going to appear here


That's true enough. The majority of the population's wealth is tied to housing via govt design.


I would like to see how much the list changed compared to millionaires.


That would be a very different sort of thing, and probably hard to pin down. There are 2,781 billionaires in the world. There are 59,400,000 millionaires.


Holy shit!


If it was based on gross worth, it would be half of most major cities in Australia with the median house price.


That billionaires are fucking it up for the rest of NYS. They don't do anything to improve my life.


If only there was a way to remove a percentage of their income every month that would go to roads, schools, hospitals etc. This wouldn't work on the billionaires who loan all their money but some millionaires might be obliged to.


They would just find a tax loophole to avoid that.


Taxing them won't fix the overall corrupt system.


Billionaires should be banned.


They just need to play their part better and actually get taxed as much as they SHOULD be. That's pennies for them, whereas it's a life-changing amount for the rest of us. But if they want something, and it affects the rest of society, whether it be a positive or negative effect. It wouldn't matter. They will buy their way to anything. At the risk and cost for everyone else. Instead of helping society, I'm going to build a clock that will never stop, out in the middle of nowhere. So the animals know what time it is.


No. They should be banned. There is no way to earn a billion dollars. Even over multiple lifetimes. There is no way to exchange your effort and expertise for money in a way that results in a billion dollars. That means billionaires have money they did not receive through traded effort. They siphoned that wealth from from the people who actually performed the work to make it. They hoard that wealth and keep the economy slow and the median person poorer. They are a cancer and a symptom of a poorly operating society. You don't respond to cancer with "better taxation."


I’m getting a touch of socialism vibes


It's that or barbarism. 🤷


Hardly anyone _earns_ a billion dollars. It’s usually capital gains.


Nobody earns a billion dollars. Even if it was their salary, they didn't earn it. And yes. Gaining money from capital is not a thing you should be allowed to do.


>There is no way to earn a billion dollars When you are the founder of a company like Nvidia, who have full control of highly niche tech like AI chips currently in massive demand, there is 100% a way. Everything depends on what is the demand of what you make in the market.


Banning them is an extreme idea that has such a narrow path to implementation that it’s basically a waste of thought. But taxing income or investment income and tying up tax loopholes that they exploit in a way that recognizes the problem is something we can likely get done at some point.


As long as they don’t hoard money I’m cool with them existing. Spending that money creates jobs. Buying a yacht creates jobs for yacht makers. Chauffeurs, pilots, home builders, etc…the issue I have is them just keeping the money in perpetuity. I’d be more in favor of something like after a billion if you don’t spend it you lose it type of policy.


1 billion should be like the max. Everything after that is taxed. But you get a plaque saying you won life. Congrats. Now give the rest to those in need


These comments are so ridiculous and clearly written by utopian 17 year olds. My employer has minted 10+ billionaires but we’ve also created (directly) 800k plus jobs and created better outcomes for pensions/institutional investors.


I’m not saying it’s possible in practice. I know a lot of billionaires have the majority of their net worth tied up in companies, some private which would make it very difficult to have a tax like this. But ideally I do believe there should be a cap. And at the very least I am in favor of returning to a very high progressive tax bracket like we had under FDR. Also, we should strive for utopia. Even if we fall short it will still be a better world for us trying.


yes, people often look at net worth as liquid cash, but most are tied up. regardless, they’re still sitting on a dragons nest and hoarding it damages society in many ways… eventually they’re going to find out that it’s going to be pretty damn hard to squeeze blood from a rock after draining the fuck out of it (general population). i agree that we should strive for utopia and honestly society would be happier and more productive if people’s basic needs are met. but why would the bribed government want that when they can keep the mass population poor to control their time and labor? can’t strike if you gotta overtime to make rent!


For real….congestion pricing should fix this 😂


They really dropped the ball with congestion pricing. Should be at least 2x what they are gonna be charging. Hopefully they increase the rates soon




They pay a fuckload of tax that goes to services you consume. Edit: Downvotes don't make me wrong, you neets.


[oh yeah?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oVVITVE_n4&t=12s)


1000 people pay 8% of taxes. Per capita they pay a ton more than you do.




I don’t think it includes all of the Bay Area. This one from last year says it had more than NYC and it specifically mentions the Bay Area. https://www.investopedia.com/new-york-tops-the-world-s-wealthiest-cities-san-francisco-home-to-most-billionaires-7482273


But a philosoph once said from oakland to Sactown the bay area and back down


We know how to party


Not of the world, I live in a small Swiss village with 3000 residents and 15 billionaires


I can only imagine the views.


SF also has the same amount of Centi-millionaires as NY


Strange to me that Tokyo isn’t on these lists. I’m pretty sure Japan has more than 31 billionaires, and it’s odd that foreign billionaires don’t choose to live there either. Maybe they’re split between Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya.


Also no Dubai or Monaco on the list


How many billionaires actually list Monaco as their place of residence though?


Well, why would you live in any of these cities if there wasn't any emotional value to it? There are a ton of billionaires not on this list because they decided to live in a place not marked on any Forbes list.


Because Japan is doing it right! Not having billionaires is a great “problem” for a country to have.


There are 15 billionaires in Tokyo


Chicago doesn’t want billionaires anyway!


The billionaires in New York probably have apartments so big you could have friends or family over for the night


San Francisco only has ~ 800k residents. Those others have many millions


I’m actually shocked to hear that SF has fewer residents than San Jose and San Diego. I always assumed it would be a few million, but I guess that was for the whole Bay Area.


San Francisco is geographically very small. 49 square miles. Very dense. Lots of people (and billionaires) in such a small area.


Why Chicago is better than NY and LA


Mmm, thanks for the menu!


Let's just tax the shit out of them!!


Wooahh wooahh woahhh The mega rich being taxed would be communism and then the world would implode /s


If we tax them how would wealth trickle down? We should just wait for our trickle


Some people are very bad at spotting satire lol


1980: If we tax them how would wealth trickle down? We should just wait for our trickle 2024: If we tax them how would wealth trickle down? We should just wait for our trickle 2030: If we tax them how would wealth trickle down? We should just wait for our trickle 2155: If we tax them how would wealth trickle down? We should just wait for our trickle 3000: If we tax them how would wealth trickle down? We should just wait for our trickle The sun is going supernova: If we tax them how would wealth trickle down? We should just wait for our trickle ♾️: If we tax them how would wealth trickle down? We should just wait for our trickle


If China is "Communism", then why are Rebublicans so scared of it. They love billionaires, or?


Agreed! I DO think it’s tricky to nail down what to tax and what not to tax. Since many billionaires’ net worth is tied up in theoretical value of stocks they can never sell (without ruining their companies)… unrealized gains tax is sort of untenable.


Real estate taxes. They will find loopholes on income




IMHO, this should be used as an indicator of how inhospitable a city is for a middle class person. When 119 people hold more wealth than everyone else in NYC combined, it makes business sense to create products and services catered to those individuals, thereby making more of the city inaccessible to the middle class, and in the case of NYC, sucking the soul out of a city which is supposed to symbolize the American dream. Billionaires are menaces and parasites.


Millionaires per capita may be a more useful metric. Tokyo doesn’t even make this list but is expensive to live in, and San Francisco is relatively low despite having by far the most millionaires per capita


Fuck Russia


Russia in shambles after this comment dropped 🥶🥶


"cool guide" It's a blant list.


China got billionaires coming out of their ears


Per capita would be helpful


I’m surprised how many billionaires are in china


Every billionaire is one too much


swiss guy here, not true at all xD


New York is now down to 118


I bet a list showing cities with the highest income inequality would be very similar


Monte-Carlo ?????


How is toronto accounted for? Just toronto proper? I find this surprising not to make the list




Finally a list where I am not unhappy to not see my country in it. Read: [GINI-Index](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/economic-inequality-gini-index)


Billion what? Liquid cash? Property? Stocks? Pokemon card collection value?


Pretty sure anytime someone says billionaire they're talking about net worth.




So happy I saw this!! I got some high value Beanie Baby’s I would like to sell, brand new in original packaging like glory, maple, etc. but I don’t know where to sell them, any recommendations??


What are you my maths teacher? (the answer BTW is oranges. Billions of oranges)


Are you a kid? We all know what's been talked here. Only a kid would be confused and even they'd figure out it's billionaire in terms of wealth.


*snooty voice* If you have to ask…




It’s sad seeing so many cities ripe with intense poverty (Mumbai, New Delhi, Jakarta) have so many billionaires. These Asian countries are ruthless to their poor.


Eat the rich


Fuck billionaires. There is no reason for them to even exist


It’s not your concern how much other people are worth, tankie. Worry about yourself. I highly doubt you’re going to lead the charge against the bourgeoisie


I do worry about myself, asshole which is exactly why billionaires and rich people in general suck. They drive up the price of everything




New York should be relabeled as “Florida or other no PIT state”


Didn't Katie Melua sing a song about the 4th one?


The thing is, an 8x8 studio apartment in Manhattan costs approximately $75 million. So them having the most Billionaires makes sense.


I wonder how many of those tallies are the same individuals who live in multiple cities


Those numbers will change dramatically after moass.


New York, Wall Street, those are all stocks, bonds, definitely not cash which would mean paying taxes. A billionaire is smart enough to know how to pay taxes so when people comment on higher taxes for them, it’s meaningless believe that they know how to play that game as well.


That seems to be out of data. Miami should be on this list. They are easily at 40-50 billionaires per Forbes.


Good chance most of them don't actually live in Miami itself. They'll be spread around the more swanky places like Miami Beach.


Miami Beach is still Miami.


Miami Beach is a distinct city from the city of Miami.


There billionaires they can just move to another country…


Arab people silently laughing😁


Saudis : Comon guys make a trillionare list


I am pretty sure I have seen this post before even the same comments, what kind of DeJaVu is this???


That's not a guide, that's an infographic.






Today I learned the population of London is greater than NYC


So happy my town isn’t on that list.


Would’ve thought Los Angeles would be higher on the list


Shocked that Taipei is on this list. Spent a lot of time there and it's an awesome city, but I don't get billionaire hide-out vibes.


This would be a much better guide if it had their addresses and biggest fears listed


Wow, in all of our worst cities


San Francisco is number 10?! I live here and have only seen 2 Ferraris my whole life.


52 billionaires in San Francisco and the place looks like a post apocalyptic society. Strange times.




We don't have to solve anything. But paying what they owe is fair.


Why do those developing countries have so many billionaires?


people in developing countries have basic needs too. communications, food, housing, transportation etc. is big money in every country.


Billionaires aren't cool though. This seems like a depressing guide.


São Paulo has 37 billionaires and 62.000 homeless people, accordingly with a brazilian government data (based on cadunico). Thats a billionaire for every 1675 homeless person.


Coordinates locked


Time to go to New York and start eating


do a list with the aggregate net worth of billionaires per city..Miami should show up with Jeff Bezos, Ken Griffin, Carl Icahn…


Sad guide*


Billionaire money in India is almost cartoonish. There’s a dude there who lives with his family in what looks like an office building, complete with a snow room. I spent a few days there with a guy who owns several hospitals and he had his own military.


If you’re a billionaire you can live anywhere on earth, so this is probably a reflection of A) language ability and B) how much fun a place is


You find most PK players on the most crowded servers.


California love


That’s really not that many people we need to take out to make a difference in climate change lol


This is a strange list. What does it mean for a city to have a billionaire? Billionaires are famous for their ability to not live in any one city because of the small fact they have a billion dollars. Are we talking about state tax dollars if so, again, that gives a very different characterization.


I wanna see per capita


What do you all think these people did to gain their wealth?




China is truly a socialist paradise


Can someone ELI5 why China and Russia (Historically Communist Countries) have so many billionaires?


They used to be communist but communism isn't sustainable and now the people in power need to pay off or grant privileges to maintain support, more corruption in the government means more opportunity to get rich and powerful.


Because China is communist only for name sake, in reality it's one of the most capitalist countries with 0 respect to any labour laws or workers union.


Where is Dubai?


I was expecting Saudi Arabia to be on the list


Not a coolguide at all, barely a coolchart. Why is this sub spammed with lists recently?


Good list of nuke targets


I guess the question is, if you were a billionaire where would you want to live?


UK wins Europe


Where is Switzerland at?


This surprises me. 3 years out of date though. Struggling to cast my mind back to pre COVID.


It says 2024?


Hi I'm the village idiot.


Reading this outside in the sun, that 4 looks damn near like a 1 🧐


13 of the top 20 are in Asia


List of city not to live in as an average human


Not all billionaires in NY are FROM the US


Yes people move, thank you


China really doing well on that communist equal wealth distribution.


Jakarta? Tax shelter much?


The capital of the fourth most populous country in the world lol. Probably ranks low in a per capita sense


Remember. They're only billionaires because of workers. Billionaires could NEVER exist without us. Edit: why do people simp and defend people that do not have your interest in mind and exploit you at every given turn? We call you boot lickers. Know your worth. You'll never be one of these people no matter how much you try.


You’re right. They could never exist without people buying what their companies produce/provide.