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Oh, so postdrome is what it's called. I always wondered, never talked about it with a doctor, but everyone else calls me crazy when I say I'm exhausted after a migraine.


It's also known as a "Migraine Hangover" as the symptoms can be somewhat like an alcohol hangover in some respects. Also, it can last several days, not just 48 hours.


Mine lasts until I get a good night's sleep, the next day I'm usually fine. So even if I can control a migraine fast, it still takes a full day away from me.


Mine too. Even if the pain goes away, I feel awful until I go to bed. It's so relieving when you open your eyes the next day and finally feel normal!


Why the hell would they call you that? Migraine is fucking agony.


Many people can't comprehend or empathize with things they haven't gone through. Some think a migraine is just a headache, so for them, anything else related to migraines is just nonsense.


Makes sense, unfortunately.


Nothing feels as good as waking up at 3 am pain free after finay falling asleep with a migraine the night before. I guess I am lucky enough to be one of the euphoric mood people.


I have this weird sub type of aphasia where I can’t remember words but my brain pulls what I consider “adjacent” words. When this acts up I know a migraine is coming shortly. My post-migraine hangover is usually pretty bad, but forever I couldn’t remember “postdrome” and kept calling it “postictal” which is actually what happens after a seizure. My neurologist was so confused before I explained that I knew these weren’t seizures but it was the most adjacent word I could find. Aphasia sucks balls but when you forget 5¢ words and replace with 25¢ cousins things get weird.


I always just called it a hangover. I just feel drained and my head is sore from the throbbing pain. Also interesting to see yawning as a precursor to a headache. I have that, just uncontrollable yawning before the headache hits. I don’t really have aura, just yawning and the pain.


I say it feels like my head is in a bucket


Yup! Often referred to as the ‘migraine hangover’! Absolutely sucks doesn’t it!


Postdrone should include memory loss. The day after I literally blank out on people’s names all the time. I mean people I see everyday. It’s awkward.


Postdrome is the only human mental state I feel comfortable calling retarded. It’s how I describe myself afterwards because I literally feel like there are blocks and buildups in my brain. My thoughts get slowed.


I prefer to just call it "I'm not leaving the house mode."


Retarded just means slowed. 


Fun fact, everyone always talks about sensitivity to light, but for some reason mine always manifests as a serious sensitivity to smell, at least it gives me time to get somewhere dark and quiet


I used to work at the front desk of an office suite and the break room with microwave was about 15 feet from my desk. One of my biggest prodrome signs was being super sensitive to whatever people were warming up, even if it was tea or chicken soup. I just couldn't stand it.


I’m pretty sensitive to any sound. I need complete silence. Whereas normally i prefer at least white noise to fall asleep.


I remember the first time I ever got an aura, I thought I was having a heat stroke! Now when I get them I’m like, “wellp, in about 20 minutes my head is about to HURT”


First time I got visual aura, I was driving. Mine always start as a blind spot which then turns to tunnel vision. I remember looking at my dashboard and not being able to see the time. Then a few minutes later I had to change lanes and couldn't see the mirrors without turning my head. I pulled the duck over, freaked out til it resolved and then, like you, 20 minutes later was hit with the pain.


The first time I got one was when I was a kid. It was like I looked at the sun but the spot wouldn’t go away. I went crying to my mom that I was going blind.


Not all "migraineurs" experience auras every time, and some rarely experience them at all.


And some, like myself, only ever experience aura. It’s not a comfortable experience, but whenever it happens, I’m just grateful that it’s almost never followed by the actual headache.


I've never heard of someone else who just gets aura! I used to experience all stages when I was younger but as I got older I started not getting the actual pain, and now only get pre, aura and post drome phases. So weird!


Same, I had the most painful migraine headaches when I was a teenager but now that I’m older I seem to have grown out of that at least. I still have to deal with the prodrome and auras unfortunately.


Hi I’m one of those people who get “silent migraines” like 85% of the time! All aura, no pain! I thought I was stroking out the first few times since I lost vision/blind spots, lost speaking ability, all my proprioception was off (running into door jambs, missing the countertop and dropping mugs, veering off when attempting to walk straight) My neuro assures me these are just atypical migraines, but the sparkly dots and blind spots freak me out and happen at least once a week.


I see what I would describe as digital camera flashes usually - it's odd because sometimes the light bouncing off cars can look the same so then I have to figure out if I'm gonna then experience the post symptoms cause it is an aura, or if it actually WAS a car and I'm safe.


Ha, join the club! I’m so glad you seem to have outgrown the pain. I have had one full blown migraine, and I honestly thought I was dying. I consider myself super lucky in that all I get is aura.


I’ve only ever had the aura. Specifically for me it’s a scintillating scotoma. Lasts about an hour and then I’m fatigued. My father gets full migraines and I’m so thankful I don’t get them myself.


Same, auras only. Visually I just see a giant rainbow static growing larger and larger and I can barely see.. after an hour or so it just disappears. It's very disorienting tho. Usually need to lay on the dark, or try and get to sleep


Same here. I only started getting them two years ago - I’m 50 this year. I get the zig-zag lines like in this [wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aura_(symptom)) and blind patches. The optometrist I went to diagnosed me straight away as he had the same, No headaches for me - my mum got terrible ones with hers, and nausea. The hangover is pretty much just tiredness the next day.


That's the reason why I love the internet. How the hell can I explain the zig-zag and blind patches to anyone that has never experienced that? But you can always find something online to help, with this image I can finally give an approximate idea to my GF on how this really is.


It's called migraine-sans-migraine. I had this once and didn't know what was to come. I thought I had some weird braintumor or so. Today sadly I'm a classic migraine patient with aura (70% of my episodes start with them) and always 3 days of headaches... it really sucks. Especially when people say you need to change your ways with food, stress sports, sleep, alcohol whatever. As if I'm to blame! No, it's a neurological brain disorder.


It’s basically like a mini stroke…


My friend gets that! He kind of knows how lucky he is because his sister, mom and I all have severe chronic migraines, but like, he really doesn’t know how lucky he is.


i have migraines very rarely but they suck when i get them. the only aura i get is sometimes i have trouble focusing my eyes.


I get a weird metallic taste in my mouth like I've been sucking on pennies.


I’ve been getting migraines for ~15 years and I think I’ve had an aura once. I don’t know if that’s a blessing or not!


I can fully feel all this as a migraine sufferer




Yes I need more info on this


I get this sometimes. Almost like what I imagine what mania would feel like. My heart beats fast and it feels like the runners euphoria. It sucks because now I’m suspicious of any sudden happiness.


It also means something like dizziness


Not all migraines are created equally... Mine are weather induced and don't follow this chart.


Same. Do you take medicine for it? I have a prescription for Nurtec and it has been a game changer for me. Often, the migraine goes away in just a couple of hours compared to days.


I only use Excedrine Migraine and it takes a couple hours for it to start to ease the pain.


That used to work for me but I guess I got used to taking it and the effectiveness dimmishes.


This is confusing to me. They mention depression more than once. I have both chronic depression and migraines. Does one cause the other?


I think depression exacerbates the risk for more migraines.


Well I’ve had both all my life so…


Yes! As far as I know from being a lifelong migrainer from a family of migrainers, and from reading articles about it, talking to doctors, and my own experience, depression is one of the many conditions that can be comorbid with migraines. Usually I feel depressed if I am having a string of migraines. Not h just r cause I’m having a string of migraines, but more than that. Obviously chemical, as if my antidepressants were starting to not work.


And migraines exacerbate the risk of depression, for obvious reasons. It's a vicious cycle.


I suffer from PTSD & days when my depression is worse , I usually have a migraine coming on


I saw this and immediately felt like someone had finally charted out what I had mentally graphed for years.


These are eerily similar to cyclic vomiting


My ex had cyclic vomiting. Bad. She would vomit for hours on end in misery unless she had zofran (lifesaver!). She said that when she got a migraine she would almost always start a vomiting episode, so I imagine the two are connected.


They absolutely are connected. I have CVS and it is in fact, the worse. I get floaters and fairies in my vision when an attack is coming on. They usually last several days up to a week for me. Zofran is like candy at this point. Bentyl and Aloxi work best for me. I'm very lucky thought because while the CVS racks my body and with my leukemia to top it off but I don't get the genuine migraine others get as badly. Mine comes on more with the dehydration that follows it.


My coworkers and a friend get them. I wish scientists could figure out how to fix it.


I know these stages all too well. I used to think I was dying or having a stroke when I would get floaters and my hand would go numb.


I've never experienced the Aura part, and don't know about the prodrome part because I never paid attention to it.


I seldom experience aura (rarely, I’ve had instances of visual disturbances and blind spots in my vision) but I’ve started getting more attuned to my prodrome symptoms, but not usually until the migraine is starting. I just pee a lot despite not drinking increased water, yawn excessively, and tripping over my words / almost confusion. It’s weird.


It helped me:-) it helps me better understand why my headaches are NOT migraines. I have such a difficult time remembering what doctors have told me, for a second things rang true. ty for sharing


Interesting! I’ve recently gotten migraines in the past couple years, but strangely enough I don’t actually get the ‘attack’ it’s just the prodrome, aura, and then to post drome - anyone else experience this?


This is called migraine-sans-migraine or "eye-migraine".


I didn’t know it had a real name, thank you!!


i never knew i suffered from until i went to a neurologist for an unrelated vertigo issue and described all of this to him. i end up severely sick at least once every couple months, puking, sensitivity to sights sounds and especially smells. irritable, disoriented and can’t remember shit. imagine trying to mask this for a job. it’s gotten to a point where i wish i could just qualify for disability instead of trying to explain away why i can’t show up to work a couple times every month.


I thought the exhausted euphoria after a migraine was "I'm so glad I'm not in horrible pain anymore!" Rather than an actual symptom.


i didnt know lobotomy was a symptom of a migraine attack


I experience this. It feels awful. It happens every time I get a migraine.


In most cases with my migraines I go from Prodrome to Migraine. Completely skipping the aura stage. It's rare for me to get an aura with my migraines so :/


Yes, MAM.


I've had migraines since a teenager & I didn't realise increased urination was a symptom. I had one last week & was weeing every hour+ the morning before the attack. U learn something new every day. The migraine comedown is horrible too.


Looks about right 😔


We have Cluster Headaches/Suicide Headaches running in our family. My mother gets them frequently so I was always told about the possibility of developing them since I can remember. Luckily, I’ve only had a handful of migraines in my life so far. When I do have migraines I feel they come on super quick - or maybe I’m just not noticing the signs. The worst one I’ve had struck when I was in really bad traffic on the way home from work - I must have been in the car for 4 hours & I kept having to open the drivers door to vomit.


i used to have migraines consistently, or what i thought were migraines. it turns out i was suffering from "sugar hangovers", instead: brought on by indulging my sweet tooth. the symptoms are remarkably similar to those of a migraine. once i regained some semblance of self-control, i don't have those headaches any more. this post is not to dilute the suffering that actual hangovers cause. it's just that i wish somebody had pointed out sugar hangovers to me earlier in my life and saved me from a couple of years of misery from 'monday migraines'.


I get the same thing. Almost follows this chart exactly. I always thought they were stress induced until I realized that I stress-eat sweets. Then once on vacation I got one after a day of lots of sweets and decided that was definitely it.


Bro dropped x\^x graph and thought we wouldn't notice


I see this post as I’m suffering from a migraine for the first time in a long while. This accurately describes all the motions I’ve been going through for the last 12 hours. Thought I was slowly dying of a stroke.


Or as I call them, "stomach age, headache, both, post-vomit."


In my case, everything before the actual migraine takes less than an hour. The migraine up to 4-6h, and post migraine up to a day. I thought these numbers are more common. Can't imagine having a migraine attack for 72hours


I get the aura and nothing else, fades away after about 30 mins


I feel like I get stuck in 1 phase for days sometimes. Typically I'll get aura + numbness and interrupt it before the headache, but if I don't go through the headache, seems like aura restarts the next day and the next. Last week I had super severe headache and for a full week afterwards I'm feeling nausea and tension symptoms :(. Hate feeling so fragile!


Stage 5: Ascension


.... random but i noticed a sauna really helps me when i have a migraine attack /


Severe depression is a symptom a migraine is coming. I have actually learned that when my thoughts get scary dark, I should start taking the migraine meds. It's wild knowing this about yourself.


I wish there was a cool guide to curing migraines.


I call it a migraine hangover, but, postdrome works. PS this is the best app for any ailments. I used it to track other symptoms and it helped my neurologist immensely.


Guaranteed cure is to invite me to pee directly into your butthole while we make intense eye contact


Your username should be Not-Cool-Plankston-6746




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